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Name: Hikari Hyuga
Age: 17
Rank: Tokubetsu Jonin
Title: Konoha's Heavenly Enforcer

As one would have expected from the heiress to Konoha's (in their own words) strongest clan, Hikari is a dignified young woman who speaks politely and gently with all the propriety that would not be out of place in the Imperial least on the surface. In private, she is known to be more of a firebrand, quick with witty and cutting remarks. Her way of talking and prideful nature might rub some people the wrong way, but one can always count on Hikari Hyuga to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth once she's in her 'firebrand' mode. Hikari takes great pride in her ability as a shinobi and continuously looks for a way to improve and prove herself. One might wonder why she is so driven when her future as the next head of the Hyuga clan is all but assured and shinobi career-wise, she is considered a prodigy who graduated early, became a Chunin when her peers were just graduating from the academy, becoming Tokubetsu Jonin two years later, and entering the Bingo Book a year after. But that is simply the perfectionist young woman that is Hikari Hyuga.

Born as the third child to the Hyuga Clan head, Hikari's first thought, when she started to learn about the Hyuga clan in full, was... what a waste of potential her clan is. The Hyuga Clan, steeped in their long-honoured tradition has become too rigid and inflexible. It's not as if the clan has not improved since the age of the warring clans, but rather than pursuing new avenues that have opened up since then, the clan is content simply with polishing what they already have.

Compare this, for example, to their (self-proclaimed) rival, the Uchiha Clan. The Uchiha Clan has retained their shurikenjutsu, genjutsu, and fire ninjutsu they have been known for since the clan wars day, but as Konoha is founded they have branched out, taking advantage of the very essence of a Hidden Village, a place where clans and shinobis enter into an alliance to collaborate and live in a shared space. Now, it's not rare to see Uchiha as taijutsu and kenjutsu specialists, using their sharingan to learn the stances and forms with great speed. Or an Uchiha that specializes in wind ninjutsu in addition to their fire ninjutsu, or general ninjutsu specialists using their Sharingan to master various ninjutsu for various situations. Meanwhile, the Hyuga was a brilliant scout and fearsome close combat specialist...and remained a brilliant scout and fearsome close combat specialist and little else.

And there is the matter of the Branch Clan's cursed seal. Hikari understood the necessity of protecting the Byakugan, but even on a purely pragmatic level, branding an entire group of people as 'disposable' and treating them as second-class citizens are simply unsustainable in the long run. The Hyuga is too proud, far too proud to even consider someone might break the curse seal. If they do, the Branch members are sure to rebel and since they are 'disposable', they are the ones that pursue full shinobi careers, doing dangerous missions. They might not have the secret techniques kept from the Main clan members, but their experience is sure to allow them to triumph over the main branch. Indeed, without the curse seal to keep them at bay, there is no way for the Main branch to defeat the Branch member.

Unfortunately, in such a traditional clan as the Hyuga, the most effective and bloodless way to change the clan is only from within. And to do that Hikari needed to be the heiress over her older sister and brother. To that end, Hikari threw herself into learning the Hyuga clan techniques and becoming an excellent shinobi. She had gone from a would-be Branch Member to a promising Main Member in the eyes of the elders. Once she graduated from the academy at 10 and became Chunin at 12, Hikari's father along with the elders named Hikari as the heiress instead. A decision they felt was the right one once Hikari made Tokubetsu Jonin at age 14 as a long-range bow specialist. Of course, once she is the heiress she needs to fulfil the expectation of the elders to continue being the heiress, meaning to play the perfect Hyuga princess. It burned some bridges with some of the Branch members, but in the end, is unavoidable to successfully navigate the clan's politics.

As for her siblings, while her older sister is more neutral, her older brother still covets the position, and thus uses his connection to stifle Hikari's shinobi career once her name appeared on the Bingo Book under the guise of 'ensuring the Hyuga heiress is safe within the village' so he may 'catch up in accomplishment'. A fact that infuriated Hikari to no end, as she was confident that she has the skills to be Jonin, but is now stuck as a Tokubetsu Jonin—an academy instructor, at that—due to lack of higher rank missions experience.

Hikari realizes that an academy instructor is an important position, but surely it's a waste of resources to have her be one? It's also infuriating to deal with cocky kids who disrespect her because she's only a couple of years older than them. Well, at least if nothing else, it allows her to interact with future fellow shinobis and potentially important people. A chance to network, if nothing else. Like that one Uzumaki kid who is very gifted in sealing. She even secretly passed him the design for the Hyuga curse seal in a way that wouldn't implicate her to see what he could make of it. She doesn't know if he has made any progress on it, but it would be interesting if he did.

Still, now that enough time has passed since she became an academy instructor that resigning wouldn't be seen as her rejecting her elder brother's kindness, something frowned upon in the clan because they're supposed to present a united front to the village, she'll apply to lead a genin team. This way, she's still 'respecting her brother's wishes' since she's only doing D to C ranks but at the same time returning to active duty. Many genin teams often run missions together even when they've become Chuunin, after all. And at that time, if she tags along on higher-ranking missions, she's just being a good Jonin instructor. And so that's the plan, become a Jonin Instructor, get the genin to be Chuunin in the first try, and then start doing higher-ranking missions again.

Fire and Wind



Standard Shinobi Kit
The standard kit shinobis carry for fieldwork. Contains pouches with kunai and shuriken, basic first aid, some rations, and soldier pills.

Storage Scroll
A standard issue scroll for storing Hikari's bow and arrows. The bows and arrows are made of chakra-conducting metal that allows Hikari to channel her chakra nature into it with great efficacy.

Looks interesting. What are the AU lore of the Hyuuga? Is it just the same as canon?
Nah, I don’t think VTM is quite right for 1x1, thanks though. Do you want me to try inviting some people? No promises, but maybe I can get some people
So is this RP still on, or...?

Ian watched as the television showed the boxer in the red corner scoring a victory against his opponent with a knockout, just as he predicted. There were lots of factors that went into boxing, of course, that a 'prediction' would never be 100% accurate, but as someone who was involved in boxing when it was still in its infancy, Ian had developed a good sense for these things. Of course, he never competed officially, and his 'fights' weren't exactly the highlight of his life, but he enjoyed the sport enough to keep practising it long after his underground fighting ring day, and even to the present day.

He had just put the finishing touches on a speech for some CEO regarding sustainability in business. The client would be holding a gala soon and wanted to tap into the rising climate change awareness to attract some investors by presenting an 'SDG-compliant sustainable Business Model'. It was simple enough, and Ian finished it earlier than he estimated, which was why he ended up watching the tail-end of a boxing match to kill some time until his next appointment.

His next appointment being, an invitation to the Strauss Manor from one of his 'adoptive sire', Edwina Adamson. The pragmatic issue of snubbing his benefactor aside, Ian did feel he was indebted to the two. Having their protection did afford him the freedom to act outside of either the Anarch or the Camarilla...not to mention the utterly ridiculous Sabbat. A freedom that Ian quite appreciated, especially as to how in the modern nights, when many elders had departed for the beckoning, having 10th-generation kindreds as patrons was quite the boon. And so Ian had little complaints about doing the occasional work for the two.

A call from the lobby via the intercom a few minutes later informed Ian that one Alex Boering was here to pick him up. Ales was Ian's ghoul, as the CEO of Ian's startup company, Speechcraft Oratoria, one would think he did not drive his own car, but unlike Ian—whose interest in cars was merely in the realm of pragmatic utility—Alex was a total car enthusiast. Something that was apparent from the customized black Toyota GR Corolla.

The car was something Alex was proud of, though Ian could only nod when he started talking about it. At least, Ian thought, being a car enthusiast came with being a skilled driver, which was why Ian would always have Alex drive for him if he was available. Ian could drive well enough, but nowhere near anyone with actual skill. And one could never be too cautious. If his ghoul's customized car and driving skills gave extra insurance for a kindred, then he would take it.

The drive from Manhattan to the mansion went relatively smoothly. A bit of traffic but nothing too bad. Once he arrived, Alex parked the car, remaining inside on standby while Ian entered the manor.

Quentin, the butler of the manor greeted him.

"Apologies, I'd like to arrive earlier but a bit of traffic from Manhattan," Ian said.

Quentin nodded, as he led him inside.

'Well then,' Ian thought, 'Let's see what this urgent matter Edwina wanted to speak about.'
Oh, are we starting already? What about the other characters?

All right. Here's my sheet.


I will have to refresh my memory on the V20 system. But I think that should be enough, I don't want our characters to be too OP.

That as in 20 or 75?

Yes. I will have to check to see how much we would get at the beginning of the RP. If anything I'll probably give you guys 20 or so experience to spend.

Well, for reference, here's V20.

It's meant to be used for the 'freebie' points here

But 20 experience sounds fine, so long a it scales with the rest of NPC/Characters, I think.
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