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"If they inquire, we simply withhold the details. What's the worst that can happen? Are they going to challenge us?" Ebthor casually brandished his claws, a wicked smile playing on his lips. "Let them try," he added, punctuating his words with an equally wicked laugh.

Ah...of course this musclehead would say this, Aelyeth thought. It was just as well, if someone actually tried to dig deeper, Aelyeth would just fall to one of their cover stories, but for the time being, simply saying they were friends should do.

Hopefully, should that happen, she'll pull off the act more convincingly than her attempts to butter up the Royal Respite's proprietor. She's usually more subtle than that, Aelyeth supposed she was a tad too excited at the prospect. Oh well, she supposed you can't win them all.

As they were making their way to Noble Haven, Aelyeth noticed that the warbeast—who had departed the Royal Respite at around the same time—was walking in the same general direction, albeit several paces ahead of Aelyeth and Ebthor as befitting as his heritage of a warbeast. When Ebthor and herself were hired, they were informed that they would be working in a group. And presumable, it was not unlikely that other members of the group would also be set up in Royal Respite. So perhaps this warbeast is...

"Do you think perhaps that warbeast is also one of the hires?" she asked Ebthor as the two continue making their way to the mansion.

Posted. Also, should we make a discord group or something for ease of communication? You know for ruling and such

Aelyeth was rather enjoying her breakfast in the Royal Respite. She would most definitely miss their cooking after today.

Being in Fiuginia was a novel experience for Aelyeth. She had lived most of her whole life inside the confines of the Mausoleum of the Exalted, and afterwards, she traversed the wilderness of the Dominion of Acoscosia—a feat that she shamefully admitted she would not be able to do without Ebthor, considering her cloistered upbringing—before making their way to the Union of Axue via chartering boat from the Dominion of Guinispo so they may lay low.

Dominion of Acoscosia, Dominion of Guinispo, and Union of Axue were all frontlines nations, there were conflicts of course—there was most definitely conflict in Union of Axue, some of which Ebthor had participated in as a sellsword—but the demon horde was the reality of every day life there, and for the most part took precedent. Comparatively, the Dominion of Fiuginia was one of the outer layers nations, and the stark difference, as Aelyeth immediately noticed was that they had the luxury to focus on disputes that seemed somewhat petty and arbitrary, as evidenced by their escalating tension with Caranepicia and Sihian tribes. In the frontlines nation, tension escalation such as this was rare as they were all too busy contending with the demons. As history has proven, people do unite on a common enemy, these outer layer nations, on the other hand, did not feel the reality of the demonic horde as tangibly as frontline nations and thus had the luxury to bicker with each other for paltry reasons.

Still, it was not all bad. Aelyeth did enjoy the...lighter ambience, for lack of a better word. With the demonic horde not being as much of an issue here, Aelyeth did find the mundanity of life here...rather quaintly charming, despite the rising tension with its neighbour. Yes, despite everything, Aelyeth did rather enjoy her time here. Though it would be hard not to when their employer had them stay in the finest inn in Fiuginia. Looking at the living wood that made up its structure, Aelyeth could not help but imagine what unknown parts of history had happened in an inn such as this. How many backroom meetings before treaty signing had taken place here, she wondered. How many clandestine meetings under the guise of vacationing? Perhaps even a secret tryst or seduction that takes place here before some noble house started feuding? Indeed, throughout her stay here, Aelyeth could scarcely hold back asking the proprietor of rumours and interesting tidbits they had experienced or heard in this very hall. None of what she found out can be substantiated of course, but they were still interesting. The proprietor had been happy to oblige an important guest, besides, Aelyeth could be rather charming if she wanted to.

Alas, the respite had ended and their newest employer had finally asked them to meet in his place of residence. Apparently, they would be working in a group. Aelyeth primary concern was, of course, to make sure Ebthor did not draw unwanted attention considering his...unique circumstances.

As Aelyeth finished her breakfast, she and Ebthor headed out of the inn, finally starting to make their way to the manor. She then turned to her companion.

"So, let's make sure we get our story straight once more. This Simon guy had wanted to hire you, but obviously, due to our circumstances, I have to be your 'plus 1' so to speak. So our cover story this time is...?"

Their usual cover story was just that they were a pair of close friends who were travelling together. However, if people did dig deeper, they usually had a 'second layer' ready as a 'false secret' that would explain why they were cautious and wanted to lay low so that when people found out they hopefully wouldn't dig deeper. This second secret had ranged from Ebthor being a former knight who had broken an oath and deserted to Aelyeth being the daughter of a noble who had not approved of her relationship with the 'filthy commoner' before the two ended up eloping.

Aelyeth then quirked one of her eyebrows, waiting for Ebthor's answer.

Ian noticed Enzo's somewhat discomfort when he suggested the two of them investigate outside. It was not as if Ian did not get his sentiment. Certainly, there were risks involved. He himself had thought that, considering that whoever was responsible had possibly taken down Ludwig. Still, there really weren't many choices in the matter. Whether they liked it or not, all of them were very much tied with Edwina and Ludwig, and so it really was in their best interest to at least try finding out what had happened so they would not be caught off guard in the worst-case scenario.

Had this been Steele or Elizabeth, Ian might have entertained having some words to address their concern, but Enzo was the sort to keep to himself, furthermore he had always been the more professional sort, so it would probably be more conducive to let him be and take the 'wait and see' approach for now.

The group arrived in Sheol with little fanfare. As Elizabeth started heading inside, Ian turned to Alex, who was sitting in the driver's seat.

"Do not turn off the engine. Be ready to make a quick getaway just in case," Ian said to his ghoul. Alex nodded, before giving Ian a two-finger salute "Got it, boss. Good luck with...well, whatever your business is," he then turned to Enzo, "You too 'course."

Ian gave him a nod before turning to Enzo, "Well, then, any suggestion? You are the one with access to more...esoteric arts, do you have anything useful that might identify any supernatural activity around here? Kindred or otherwise."

I think I prefer to have her retain her fourth skill but with lowered effectiveness. Assuming that the monk taught her the art of forming a dismantling imbuement. So now, my offer to compromise will be as follows: The dispelling strike will not immediately undo magical constructs on a single hit but may require several slashes to completely tear down a reasonably complex magical object.

Additionally, this skill will also grant her an additional out-of-combat channeling spell that she can use to thoroughly dismantle magical enchantment.

What do you think?

Sure. I'm down for that. Thanks!
I have some things to tell you however about her fourth skill. Dispelling magic is hard. For example, a decent magical barrier has a lot of magical codes implanted by its caster and, in order to undo it, one must either studiously decode the magic and imbue her weapon with the counter-code, or brute force it using stronger magic.

She could have that skill with no problem if she is a prodigy or has been studying magic for decades, which I think is kinda impossible given her age.

I am currently thinking about a way to compensate this by introducing the artifact system. Along the journey, players may loot weapons or trinkets with effects that can grant similar effects to her fourth skill. That will also give the player a sense of progress and make every finished arc feel more rewarding.

The character is based on Pathfinder's Magus, so I think I'll just switch that ability with another one. Probably the spell that elongates the weapon up to 6 meters as a whip-like weapon. But it's up to you.
All right. I think I know what I want to create, a recent RP I was interested in was cancelled, so I think I'll use the character here instead.

Feel free to tell me what needs changing.
Hey. Looks interesting, what sort of spells/abilities are we talking about? Can you give some examples as a reference?
Hey, looks interesting. I've got some questions, if you don't mind.

I'm interested when you say the politic about raising a new noble house up. But when you say more politics than smut how much smut if any are you talking about? Not that there's anything wrong with it, but I'm just not interested in writing smut. That's not to say I'm against the characters having 'Fade to black' sexual relations, I'm just not interested in writing the sex part.

Also what are the general tone you're expecting? Gritty game of thrones-y, more anime-ish, or something else?
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