Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

Ah, that sounds pretty neat :D
Hm, Bio, think Maria would take up Morgan's request to calm Conrad? For something to post.
Jester, I think.
Look, I don't think anyone here cares about your sex life or lack thereof. Did you get Tob's last post?
To make it clear, Karyl was the girl in the hoodie who entered.

As the cardshuffler had predicted, more students filed in, each apparently as confused as the rest of them. She waved at those who seemed to want attention, and in between wrote answers to questions she expected - she didn't know what was going on, no she couldn't speak, she would need at least a minute to write so please be patient, she was looking forward to meeting everyone, she did not want a boyfriend, and she took requests. Someone asked about food - a young man. She shrugged in reply. The cardshuffler had pocketed his deck, apparently taking a headcount - and then it seemed all hell broke loose. A boy with sunglasses screaming about dying. A girl in a nun habit fearfully mentioning lost memories. A boy with red glasses shaking in terror. And to top it off, a girl in a pullover hoodie and shorts stomping in and demanding to know what the hell was going on. She raised her hands to her ears. Too loud. Far too much cacophony. A rasping sound began to rise from her throat. She wanted to go home, she wanted everything calm again-

There was a sudden crackle overpowering everyone's voices, as if a small firecracker had gone off, and the cardshuffler was waving smoke from his fingertips. He crossed his arms.

"Okay, first off-" He indicated to the sunglasses boy. "-was anyone sent here as a counselor? I think we need one." She raised an eyebrow at him. Out of everyone so far, she hadn't expected him to try to restore order. "Second, no one seems to know what's going on, so right now it's pointless to get worried." He paused. "Though I wonder why we were sealed on this floor..." Octavia jotted down an answer and waved her bow to get his attention.

'Termite infestation?'

His eye glanced over the words on the paper, and he then chuckled, a bit high-pitched.

"Then I hope we also have an exterminator among us." She smiled; she much preferred this version, the one who she met in the halls. Felt more stabilizing.
Karyl delle Campane

Karyl wasn't going to lie, she was in an awful mood, and every little movement betrayed it. The way the strings on her pullover hoodie were pulled tight, the way she stalked through the halls trying to find the entryway mentioned in her pamphlet, the way said pamphlet was balled up in her fist. She was certain by now that she had wandered these halls for at least ten minutes with no success so far. How big was this place anyways?

After a turn, she could see something - someone? - lying on the floor. Well then. This wouldn't do. She pushed the crumpled paper into a pocket on her shorts, stood up straighter, and put on a smile. If the person was a threat, they wouldn't see anything coming. If they weren't, she could possibly get them to help her. Smoothing out the front of her hoodie and loosening the strings, she approached the person. Looked like a guy, no one she knew, and he seemed to lack any inclination to get off the floor. He seemed to be conscious, judging by his breathing.

"Are you alright there?" Hm. Maybe a bit too overdone on the concern.


Morgan Oakley

Morgan wasn't surprised when m saw others had arrived first. After all, their little trip - heh - had that incident m doubted these others had. M shrugged - they didn't want to talk, m wasn't going to waste their time - and leaned against a pillar, taking a deck of playing cards from m's pocket and shuffling. The only trick m had at the moment, aside from the eyepatch. The girl who'd accompanied m waved and then sat in the middle of the floor, opening her violin case and taking out folded music sheets and a black pen. Huh. Maybe she couldn't talk? Well, not with a voice. She could speak in music maybe. It sounded perhaps cliched, but m liked it. People preferred the cliches anyways as long as they were done well - why m kept the card deck.

Very shortly, the doors opened again - m slowed the shuffling upon noticing the white apron. Well. Then again, the girl m had accompanied had that purple dress and m had the suit so what did m know. The mute girl waved her bow in greeting, and Morgan decided it'd be rude to not respond.

"Welcome to Orion Academy...I suppose." Morgan shrugged, managing to avoid disrupting the flow of shuffling. "I take it you had a pamphlet too?" M nodded m's head down to the pamphlet still in the shirt pocket. he mute girl also raised her pamphlet, though hers had large print letters - English, thankfully.

'Hi. I'm Octavia. Woke up in a classroom alone. Was invited as a violinist. Where are the teachers?' Morgan nodded in acknowledgement. Probably easier for her to get this all down in one message. M considered answering when m noticed the door open ever so slightly and a girl slip in, headed towards a darkened corner.

"Well, Octavia, I don't know. I get the feeling, however, there will be more of us, so pardon me for holding off on introductions."
Maria the punisher vs. Karyl the control freak

Clearly, Morgan will be an accidental murderer. M was just trying to perfect his vanishing act! Not her fault Conrad never reappeared.
What lethal accident I didn't mention a lethal accident I'm not acting suspicious you're acting suspicious WHAT'S A PIG?
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