Avatar of RBYDark


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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

Ekra listened to the blacksmith intently, the crowds dying to a buzz that barely lingered in her ears. If nothing else, the man sounded confident that he knew what he was talking about. Granted, that wasn't uncommon among merchants - Ekra had seen many bluffs on the trails through the Lost Woods, people hoping to intimidate or cajole the local skull kids into leaving them and their items alone. Rarely worked, of course, but this guy wasn't bluffing at least. He seemed to mean every word he said. As a bonus, he treated her as an actual customer: no question about her size or possible age, took her sleight of hand in good humor, and didn't talk down to her. Already she liked him and hoped four rupees were sufficient to pay.

The terms were a bit confusing for someone who only had ever seen carving and other woodworking methods, but she nodded all the same as he gave his explanation. She supposed forging was like whittling. The blade looked as smooth as creations by particularly talented Deku scrubs, at least. Mining... well, metal came from underground and, at his mention of harvesting, she imagined seed pods dropping down metal when cracked. Though she knew it was impossible, she smiled at the idea that metal came from seeds that never sprouted. And then... well, did he mean melted? That was a term she knew; she'd seen frozen blocks defrosted by heat and fire, so she had an idea of what it meant. The metal was made liquid by heat. Her gaze shifted from the blade she held to her fingers. Even if skull kids weren't actual plant beings, they were no less prone to warping and blistering under fire.

There was a moment where the crowd came back into focus - people shuffling aside, making way for someone else who Ekra had no knowledge about and currently no interest in - and faded just as quickly as the blacksmith told her about the knife itself. She'd never actually thrown a knife before. People had thrown daggers and swords in the past, with varying degrees of success (the worst being one who had missed so badly that the offending skull kid literally dropped out of his tree with laughter). The idea that a knife could be specifically made for throwing was new. On the other hand, she'd never tried throwing anything beyond Deku nuts, and the throwing knife she held was considerably larger. She leaned in closer, watching the movements through her mask as best as she could. She tried to mimic them, but she couldn't seem to quite get the wrist right. Probably due to inexperience. As neat as the knives were, if nothing happened at the festival, maybe it'd be best to drop them back off with the blacksmith before she went back home.

Then, the blacksmith did something unexpected: he offered her the knives for free. Her eyes widened and her beak dropped. Merchants giving away things... was not totally unheard of, but certainly rare enough even for common things like seeds and darts. Full weaponry, that was probably a whole different ballpark. She gingerly reached for the three other knives. And all she had to was promise to use them for good? ...like, not throw them at plain ol' wandering travelers? That part was easy, it wasn't much of a trick if the target was dead or badly hurt. She knew metal weapons could do that far more easily than Deku seeds could.

"I promise, mister!" Her voice came out slightly squeaky in her excitement, her hand still visible on the counter. Forging - it was something she'd have to consider, given her nature... which, actually, if he looked down at her hand right now, would be plain to see. Right. Skull kid in a town. She collected the throwing knives, face suddenly looking to the ground. "Thanks a ton, mister." The squeak was gone as she bagged the knives and fumbled for her wallet. Even if they were meant as a gift, well, it still seemed rude to not give anything at all. It was how merchants worked, she'd been told.
Excellent you two. I'll toss up another Ekra post tonight as well.
The crowd slowly dispersed over time. Even that man who had denied Ekra the opportunity to more closely examine the throwing daggers had left, his bag burdened by a plain dagger (and a Deku nut. Ekra had seen its donation to the man to be a worthy cause, as long as he did not accidentally set the bag down). She began pondering others things to do at the festival - perhaps try some food. She'd never tasted meat before and, though it didn't smell appetizing, what harm would it do to lift some for a try?

It was the creak of the stall that caught her attention and made her realize that she was alone at the stall with the blacksmith. So she could get some questions in after all. Behind the mask, she smiled, and stepped up to the front of the stall. The throwing knives were to her left, out of reach - and yet suddenly there were only three available and she was holding one up, looking along its edge as if she were peering through a telescope. "Yeah, how do you make these? Do you whittle them?" It was the only method she had any familiarity with, even if she'd never done it herself; Deku seeds lacked the keen edge to carve shapes. It had never occurred to her to ask her visitors, but here was a man who could apparently mass-produce metal objects of all shapes and they seemed to be the same metals. Her wooden fingers were careful to avoid the edges; even if she didn't know how he made them, she knew from experience that weapons like these were sharp and they hurt. "Where do you get the metal from?" It wasn't like there were any metal-fruit trees in the Lost Woods. Of course, the world was a big place, so it didn't strike Ekra as impossible. "Is it like dart-shooting?" That was for more personal reasons - if she really was called here on some important mission, it could be wise to have something else as a backup to protect herself. Deku sticks were most useful if lit, she wasn't about to risk damaging her lantern, and her Deku nuts and seeds were of limited supply.
No problem c:

Hello, I have returned, I have posted, and I hope it's to satisfaction.
She knew she'd been looking forward to seeing the world. Just on the way here, she'd seen the wide open fields and the winding Zora river. She had barely met anyone on the way, not until she approached the town and struck up a conversation with one other festival-goer. It had been pleasant enough – a Kokori who ended up hanging behind to await a friend who was running late with hand-carved figurines to sell.

However, as Ekra tilted her head back to look at the walls of the Kakariko Village, where the supposed Hero of Time festival was being held, she began wondering if it was too late to feign ignorance and slip back to the Lost Woods. She could see all the adults – her first thought was her shortage of Deku nuts which would make tricking all these people nearly impossible. Then was the realization of the sheer volume of people – probably more people, Hylians and Gorons and others, than there were trees in the forest. The moment she actually passed through the gates, she'd be hemmed in by them all. Singular persons or small groups, she had some idea of what to do. Entire crowds were new. She tugged her cloak a bit tighter around her body, hoping no one would take a closer look at her bark-like fingers. The cloak was long enough to conceal her legs, and the Keaton mask proved capable of allowing her to pass as a Hylian child, but she never had thought to grab gloves and by the time the whispers started, it was too late. Just, as she finally decided, it was too late to leave. She'd just have to suck it up.

The security was expected, but the cloak hid her satchel just as well as the rest of her, and she barely spent a minute at the gates before entering. The festival proved to be just as chaotic on the inside of the city gates – the people missed the small skull kid, pushing her around in their hurry to reach a stall before it sold out, to get food, to reunite with friends and family. One particularly quick Goron knocked her to the ground and left before she registered what happened; and, as always, she picked herself back up and dusted herself off. Ok, she had shown up and nothing was happening, so surely, the earlier doubt told her, it was safe to go back home. Nothing would happen at all. But why bring her in the first place? No, just needed to stick it out and, in the meantime, try to get a taste of things.

It took what felt like forever but soon the skull kid was navigating the crowds with significantly more ease, keeping collisions to a minimum. Some sellers had actually put their wares on top of the counters of their stalls. Those were easy to pick up and question.

“Is this what the Hero of Time looked like?”
“This is a Gah-roo-doh?”
“Why is everyone selling ocarinas?”

Some were polite, albeit condescending, answering her questions as though she were a very young child. Some snatched their merchandise back and either spat rude responses or told her to leave. One shot back with an implied insult as to the reason she needed the mask. None of it was surprising, she supposed. All sorts passed through the Lost Woods. The most shocking thing she saw was a stall collapse itself, vines pulling away before she could reach it, and either a Hylian or a Kokori fleeing. Ekra guessed they had an extremely successful day and had no further wares to sell. Not too far, though, was a blacksmith. The front of his store was bustling with people, and Ekra watched, unsure if she wanted to approach. Mostly, the problem would be getting close enough to ask questions and poke around, and the fact that in such close quarters, any tricks would be easily uncovered.

She made sure the Keaton mask was on straight and the cloak secure before approaching the back of the crowd. Maybe she could pull a different trick. She tugged on the back of one man's shirt, hiding her hand before the man turned around.

“Oh! Are you lost?”

“I'd like to get a look at one of the throwing knives. Could you get one back here, please?”

“You're a little young, aren't you?”

“Kokori. Please?”

“Oh, alright.” He had begun to turn when he stopped. “And how do I know that's true?”

“I'm 96. Please?” This was beginning to get frustrating.
Thanks! I'll....actually not be able to get a post up before Saturday. Found out about two hours ago that I won't have Internet access until then. I'll spend the time catching up on the IC (thank goodness for multiple tabs/laptop batteries).
Hey. Got told you had openings and, well, I'll give it a try. Caught up on the OOC, catching up on the IC.

Name: Ekra

Age: 96 (as a skull kid)

Race: Skull kid

Gender: Female (though indistinguishable until she speaks)

Her colors are the same as any other skull kid’s - woodlike skin, red-orange hat with the golden links, orange beak, the green over the orange shirt, light green pants, brown shoes. She’s roughly 4 feet tall, and tries to keep her appearance concealed under a red cloak and Keaton mask.

Theme Song:

Personality: Curious, talkative, nervous, light-hearted, lonely, forward, deceiving

Backstory: Ekra doesn’t exactly have much memory of her life before she was a skull kid. She suspects she was likely a Kokori, since the children of Hylians and others tend to become stalfos. She’s met other skull kids in the woods, each of varying temperaments, though with one trait in common: general mischief towards wanderers of the Lost Woods. Ekra was never above tricking and bothering these wayfarers, though she was often curious as to what they were doing in the woods - where were they headed, where had they come from, what things had they done and were planning to do? A few of the friendlier ones, she managed to persuade to stick around in the forest and talk to her about their own lives. While such chats were good, most couldn’t stay. Worse were the ones who no longer could find their path; those, Ekra watched become stalfos. She learned quite a bit - the variety of races scattered across Hyrule, the encroaching darkness, the tales of a hero long gone - and collected just as much from

When the whispers started, Ekra wasn’t sure what to make of them. She wasn’t even sure if skull kids could leave the Lost Woods - she’d never tried, nor had she seen any of the others (well, there was that story of one long ago who left and never came back, but they also said he’d always been strange and it was possible he’d wandered off to die). However, with the urgency of the whispers and the date fast approaching, she decided to give it a go. For the first time, she left the Lost Woods to see the world she’d heard so much about, and maybe learn where the whispers were coming from.

1. Flute-playing: while the vast majority of her songs are simple tunes picked up from travelers, she does know the Song of Healing, supposedly from the same person who gave her the Keaton Mask.
2. Ranged attacks: considering her main weapon is using her flute as a dart-shooter, it’s to be expected that she has fairly good aim.
3. Agility: she’s especially skilled with climbing and dodging between people.
4. Tracking: after years in the forest, she can follow just about anyone’s path through the forest. She has much less experience with sand and rocky ground, of course.
5. Sleight of hand: she can’t produce real illusions but making puppets seem alive? Pulling her flute from thin air? These are tricks she can do that are quite convincing unless close up or able to examine them at leisure.
6. Gathering: she’s quite good at picking out non-poisonous plants and berries from otherwise-identical plants.

Goal(s): While her overarching goal is to obtain new companions who won’t leave or be transformed by the forest, she’s also quite eager to learn about what lies outside the Lost Woods.


    [*] One (1) Keaton mask
    [*] One (1) red cloak
    [*] One (1) lantern
    [*] One (1) flute
    [*] Four (4) Deku sticks
    [*] Ten (10) Deku nuts
    [*] Thirty (30) Deku seeds
    [*] One (1) wooden marionette
    [*] One (1) brown satchel

Wallet: 4 rupees and far more cobwebs
Working on Ekra the Skull Kid now.
Miu stared at the Gastly. What was wrong with this pokemon? She knew a few things about good pokemon, and they never actually went after their own trainers (other people, sure, but not their trainers). Then again, the boy seemed fine. Actually even answered Jess. His Gastly vanished shortly thereafter - seemed to disappoint Bailey. Something about the whole thing apparently had her utmost attention. Miu shrugged it off. So maybe Bailey was a Gastly fan. Her suspicions seemed confirmed when a faint smile appeared at the sound of the unknown hissing and snickering. Duskull had turned and apparently could see the fellow Ghost-type. Miu assumed anyways - he was looking at something behind the group, and Miu didn’t feel like turning around in case the Gastly thought she’d make a good target.

Jess and the guy - still no name - were talking about... Moss Rock? It was mentioned in classes once, about Leafeon, but that was about it, and she’d never felt the desire to look into it further. Leafeon wasn’t high on her list of ‘good pokemon’. Well, it didn’t seem to be here at any rate, and she made no effort to suppress a giggle at his expense.

Bailey wasn’t listening at all - she was watching Jess’ Zubat and the boy’s Gastly play together. How did he get it, she wondered - a family companion, maybe? It was a little young but sometimes they laid eggs. She was tempted to ask if he’d join their quest - the more Ghost-types around, the better - but knowing her luck, he had somewhere else he needed to be. It was then that she noticed the rest of the group moving on without her. “Hey!” Not intended to stop them - more a sudden exclamation of surprise. She dashed after them, Zubat zooming past her to land on Jess’ shoulder. She managed to catch up to Miu, who was holding her Poliwag - the poor thing was upside down, though the pokemon seemed to be smiling. Duskull’s eye rolled in its socket as he tilted his head. The Poliwag was strange, that much was clear, though it was hard to tell if Miu noticed or not.

“Um, Miu?” Bailey kept her voice low, afraid Jess and the boy would overhear. “What’s he looking for?” Miu scoffed.

“Seriously? You know, deaf trainers don’t get far.” Bailey was about to point out she wasn’t deaf, but Miu kept going. “He’s running around like an idiot looking for a Moss Rock. Something in the forest - for Leafeon.” Poliwag chirped in agreement. “She didn’t ask you, Mago-” The Poliwag interrupted with a raspberry. So Miu actually nicknamed her partner? Bailey wondered what she could call Duskull before something clicked in her mind. She didn’t know if it was correct, but it wouldn’t hurt to mention, right?

With a muttered ‘excuse me’, she nudged past Miu towards the boy (ignoring the shout of annoyance), pulling out B’s map. “So, Moss Rock’s in a forest?” That sounded better in her head. Duskull however nodded, urging her on. “Well, just that there’s another forest - it’s after Snowbelle City.” She gestured to the city’s location on her map. “Winding Woods? We’ll be going through there too for the professor. So I guess if you can’t find it here, it might be there?”
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