Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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It was strange that the girl had gotten hit by her own rock. She didn't seem to be taking it well, leaving the rock on the ground where it had fallen and keeping her face covered. Ekra picked the rock back up, figuring she might want it back once everything stopped hurting. The next words...

"The Hell're you? Ack, wait, no! Don't answer. You'll do that thing again." Ekra tilted her head, already a fresh multitude of questions running through her mind.

"What thing? I wasn't doing anything that weird. Didn't think so, anyways." She reached into her bag and pulled out a puppet. Well, partially: the top half was visible, the lower half remaining in the bag. "Did you see anything?" The puppet seemed to shake its head without any help from Ekra. "Yeah, me neither." And back the puppet slid into the bag, its presence no longer needed. "But anyways, I can tell you, but you gotta keep it a secret. Some adults don't really like it when I'm around. He does-" She gestured to the blacksmith. "-though he's also really nice." By the time they'd reached the circle, she realized she recognized one of them - the so-called 'entertainer' who was already grousing at someone else. Her train of thought briefly derailed. "Aw, him? He's mean and probably a liar." She sniffed. "And smells." Then....well, apparently he thought bats and moths were the same thing. And...wait. She looked around. Ok, she swore she heard an 's' on the end so the girl and....well, she was the only other particularly short one here. She looked to the girl. "Well, still getting your answer, just a sec." She pulled the hood down and jumped onto the nearest gravestone to give herself a bit more height before unmasking. Granted, it certainly was strange to see a skull kid outside of the Lost Woods, and even fewer skull kids frowned, but any intimidation was lost by the simple fact of her size.

"Mister, I was probably a walking corpse even before you were born so stop being a- a- a meanie know-it-all!" Not a very effective insult, especially with her rather, well, girly voice. Slightly more disturbing was the casual tone for her next words. "Ok, so-" She faced Angus, pointing to Maryev "-if he's not the thing we're here to kill-" She then turned to Veitaru, pointing at Cain. "-and he's not the thing we're here to kill-" Now, she threw her hands skyward. "-then why are we all gathered here at the Festival? Where's the thing we're gonna have to kill if it's not here?"
XD Yeah, but they're formed from Kokori lost in the Lost Woods apparently. So trying to figure out if Ekra would refer to herself as undead or not.

EDIT: Or I post anyways and hope the GM doesn't mind
....you know, I want to work out a reply, but first I feel the need to ask: do skull kids technically count as walking corpses?
I'm more concerned that the response to Williams' death is 'xD' o_O;;;;; Like dude, that's messed up.
Totally worth the reply though.

XD A real ghost in the machine. Luckily, said machine provides most of what we need to go on until he gets Internet back.
Perhaps not, but Ekra's talking to her anyways.
Well, at least the knife was back, and the blacksmith believed her. But wantonly aggressive? Never. Ekra barely even knew the meaning of the first word, but she sure didn't see how it was aggressive going after something that she wasn't even sure wasn't going to attack. That just seemed normal to her, pin them down and then figure out what was going on. His next words were... significantly more interesting. She tilted her head. "A friend? Is he a shadow too? Are you both from Hyrule then? Who's 'everyone'?" Barely a pause between questions for even air, and even those questions were fleeting when the person about her size arrived and addressed the shadowy figure.

"Hiya! You know him? Are you the friend he mentioned?" She quickly closed the gap between them, mask still obscuring her face. "Who are you? Probably not the fairy, but you have to be someone, right?" Skin was a bit dark for a Kokori and maybe for a Hylian too? But she looked like a Hylian otherwise!
Duskull waved to Phil. Once Bailey caught up, he'd catch her up as best as he was able to. The whole story...well, it'd be very amusing to act out. Shortly after Jess posed her question, Bailey caught up. Probably a good thing, Duskull decided, as his curiosity over the Pidgey's fate had been winning out. He just wanted to know how it (Duskull was fairly sure it had been male, actually) would fare against the ill-tempered trainer and her lazy Poliwag.

Bailey bent over, resting her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. Miu was nowhere in sight, Jess looked amused, Charlie looked confused, there was an unconscious Caterpie... She stared at her Duskull. "Did I miss something?" Duskull cackled in reply as he flew around her in a wide circle. The chance he'd been waiting for, honestly.

"Skull!" Indicating to the Caterpie. Hitting a crumpled fist into an open palm. A loose 'v' made by his left hand. Flapping his arms like wings before pointing to the Caterpie again. Off to the side, making an angry growl and glaring. Back to the original spot, miming flying. Pursuit. And then Duskull awaited for Bailey's reaction. She stared quietly for several minutes before finally asking, "So, um, she chased what?" Well. At least some of it got through.
Ekra stepped back as the shadow man materialized. Now what was that? She didn't think there were actual beings that lived in shadows. The closest she knew of were the Stalfos, who didn't literally live in the shadows like this thing did. Then the shadow man pocketed the throwing knife.

"Hey!" Being bumped around like she wasn't there, she could tolerate. Being menaced, not pleasant but she'd tolerate it. Taking her present? Now that was just low. And since when was he a friend? She never had many, but friends didn't steal from friends. Thankfully, the blacksmith noticed. Before Ekra could tell, the shadow spoke of destiny and the whispers. She wanted to know how he knew - he sure didn't sound like the whisperer, so maybe he worked for the voice - or opposed the voice. Both? But there was a more pressing matter first. She looked up to the blacksmith and pointed to the shadowy figure.

"He was going after you, and he took the throwing knife." Technically, that was what happened in this cemetery.
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