Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

Oh, hi dude, I remember this.
Miu knew she had always been fortunate to some degree. Her parents had given her some minor funds, for instance, saying it was in case she needed supplies. As another example, stores in both Lumiose City and Santalune City sold pokemon repel sprays. As such, her journey through Paterre Way, Ouvert Way, and Santalune Forest left her unbothered by any pokemon. Humans, not so much, but no one did anything more serious than bump into her. Certainly unpleasant but by no means harmful. No, her biggest problem was getting lost in the forest. She would've been glad to have had purchased so many repel sprays if it wasn't for the feeling she was wasting them all. She hadn't seen another person coming from any direction, solidifying the fact that she had, in fact, managed to lose the main path and could very possibly end up late or worse, despite the fact she had set out so early.What would even happen then? Would Professor Apple just give the position to some dumb kid in Aquacorde? Like Miu was going to lose out to a nobody!

It was only after managing to follow the sun, via select glimpses through the tree canopy, that she managed to find a sign. Something else found her: a Pansear, dropping onto her face with a screech.

It was a good thing she was alone, as later she could deny the ear-splitting shriek had been hers.

She ran until she finally found the forest's edge and then smoothed her dress and hair. Everything was fine. She sprayed her last repel and continued down Avance Trail. This path went as smoothly as the trip prior to the forest had gone, and quickly only the bridge was left to cross before she reached Aquacorde City. Small town. Even smaller than Santalune had been. Yuck. She surveyed it disdainfully before beginning her search for Professor Apple.

It took a few minutes before Miu located the terrace. There was someone else waiting at the table beside the professor. She smoothed the wrinkles from her dress one last time. If nothing else, she was going to look good. She took the steps up two at a time and approached the table. "You must be Professor Apple. I, Miu Kita, answered your letter." She glanced again at the others. The other person, in retrospect, was probably a lab assistant. How utterly lame. She sneered at the Unown floating by his head. Even Magikarp was better than Unown.
I'm still here if it is.
Ah, lag.

Me though you knew that.
Well, it depends. Sometimes, one of them is recruiting for a mission and what they're offering is pretty worth it, and they seem able to provide what they offer as well. Sometimes, it can just sounds particularly interesting and manages to appeal to all the characters, either because the person giving the task knows them well enough to manipulate them so or by pure luck.

And sometimes it's just a bit of 'well this sounded like a good idea when I was tipsy/drunk but now we're miles away from town and if I turn back now I'll look stupid'.
I never got people mad at me for making a jerk character. What I HAVE had happen, however, was that the jerk character was, despite still actively contributing to the arc villain's demise, utterly demonized and the rper never missed a chance to have their character inform other characters about the fact that my jerk was actually a Bad Guy. There was no way to fix it without metagaming, unfortunately, so after a few months I just went with it and made her into a villain.

Granted, this guy also did meet my intended (somewhat useless - think Frankenstein's monster, if he kept losing limbs) villain and upgraded her status to the local monster hunters, changing it from 'ehhhh kinda small scale just stay out of the way' to 'GLOBAL THREAT KILL IT WITH FIRE' after exploiting her to get an upgrade. He also used different characters for these encounters. So make of that what you will.
Whoo, looks good c: Here's hoping some others can get posts out quickly.
In Is RPGuild dying? 10 yrs ago Forum: News
Also gonna fall on the side of 'guild is not dying'. I first joined in 2008 or so, and some may recall a 4-day crash in '09, I believe. It may have been '08 but the point is, a lot of people didn't come back from that. Considering the actual fall wiped the guild out for a month, knocked the guild out from Google a bit, and we're still getting oldcomers coming back once in a while, I'd say this is pretty decent. A lot of people were lost, to be certain, but the Guild itself seems to continue to exhibit reliable activity in the main rp categories. I'm not sure if it's more than before the fall - since, keep in mind, some people had to restart rps and were also testing the guild's capacities and trying to reunite with old buddies at the beginning which may have inflated the average post count. It's hard to be certain if the guild's still doing well or is merely stable but failing without that data to consult.

That said, I sympathize with those who miss the BBcode. It was used frequently with reckless abandon, but it could also serve as a useful medium-painting tool. Sentences could be hidden, as opposed to merely struck out. The GM could depict the speech of a gigantic monster in a different, sharper font and even colored for increased contrast. Others with faint whispers could switch to smaller text (admittedly, I had a character who constantly sounded as though he was speaking through a muffler, and used smaller text to depict that he'd be hard to hear at times, without needing to constantly retype that his voice was so quiet, so you can accuse me of bias). Different font could indicate some quality about a voice that was simply off without rehashing the same adjectives or abusing a thesaurus, while using the default font could indicate a voice expected from another person. I've seen several books and rps using such effects for impressive results and won't fault anyone wishing to emulate them (a few literary examples: House of Leaves, The Neverending Story, 1984, Harry Potter). I won't be leaving the guild over the loss, but it's understandable why some may miss it.

I also can't help but wish Mahz would allow others to help. I understand why he would be reluctant, but it seems the issue that comes up most regarding the guild's survival is that complaints aren't answered fast enough and Mahz, who has to hold a job among other responsibilities of his own, can only dedicate so much time to his work and to debugging a site he effectively wrote from scratch. Pretty sure the members here are a patient bunch, but they (myself included) need both a responsive admin able to fix bugs and for Mahz to not suffer a mental collapse over the guild. Allowing for help either in the form of a reliable secondary debugger or donations could be workable solutions.
Ah, sockpuppetry. My old nemesis. Well, looked at what I suspect the rp in question is and, granted, it's not unusual if they are two separate people. I have a friend on the guild who frequently recruits me via skype and he forgets to tell other people he did so. So the situation isn't implausible.

That all said, I can't find the Terms and Conditions to prove whether or not it's even allowed on the site but, if you suspect it to be the case, best to drop out before you invest a lot of effort. If it is the case, you dodge a bullet (since no one EVER makes a sockpuppet with good intentions) and leave the rp to collapse over the fact it's essentially a one-person story. If it turns out not to be the case, well, sounds like you're not going to have the best time anyhow if they make you suspect sockpuppetry is going on. Sad but true.
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