Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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Most Recent Posts

Thanks, dude. You too, assuming you celebrate it.
Duthguy said
too bad summoning you doesn't work irl

You assume I take a human form when I am summoned, I see.
I am summoned by the word 'digimon'. Also by 'Magnukidmon' but that's another story entirely.
Yeah, nothing to apologize for. Apparently it's something to do with the guild cache? Either way, I'd been trying to post for two days.
Ah, that's just Tob. Don't mind it.
Diarmi wiped his mouth against the back of his hand. His throat burned from the sensation of vomiting. He'd never been put into deep freeze, and had to track down a member of another unit to learn what it was like. The difficulty in finding such a person to explain the experience to him now made a lot more sense. Even the person he'd talked to had failed to mention the vomiting, instead focusing on how stiff and sore the experience had left him. Diarmi could now sympathize, every muscle feeling pulled beyond limit with every move he made. Truly, calling the experience 'unpleasant' was like saying the planet they were trying to find was a bit odd.

The discomfort lingered as his brain began to process speech - a cheery good morning, and a complaint about the process. He inhaled, coughed on the bit of mucus that went down in the process, and cleared his throat. Even if he felt uncomfortable, it was better to pull himself together now than later.

"The AI, right? Can't imagine any of us being so cheerful after this." His voice held no bitter edge as he attempted to stretch. It still hurt to move a bit, yes, but that'd get worse, not better, if he didn't try to do something about it. He wasn't quite ready yet to actually stand, though. "Hey there. Don't think we really chatted before I joined everyone in the freezer." That was how it had been referred to by everyone who knew about the process, at least. "You make the trip alright?" As his brain began to focus, he surveyed the room and couldn't help but notice the units that hadn't opened. That seemed a bit odd, though it had been three years. Maybe they'd just need it looked at. He couldn't remember if there was an engineer with them or not - Diarmi was qualified for several tasks on the mission, but machine repair was not one of them, and he wasn't even going to try.
Jenny nodded as Mr. Santiago mentioned the private water taxis. Swimming didn't seem like a terrible idea, though, especially if it was actually possible. Maybe she'd give it a go at some point over the school year. Of course, probably would need a spotter of some sort for her first attempt in case it turned out the area had strong currents, but otherwise it sounded like a really neat idea. Well, Mr. Santiago said if they had any concerns outside of school, he'd help. Maybe this counted. She was about to ask that very question when there was a sudden loud noise - a voice - outside and Mr. Santiago got up. Jenny got up as well, though she didn't leave the cabin, instead hanging around the doorframe. What was going on?

Even with her vantage point, she didn't feel like she had gotten any answers. There were some overheard vague comments and it seemed two people had joined them from the dock, but why they didn't wait for the next boat was anyone's guess. As they began heading back to the cabin, Jenny quickly retook her seat. Seemed wiser to stay out of the doorway. The three entered, and Jenny waved - they seemed preoccupied with their conversation. What followed was...

Well, that explained why they couldn't wait. Jenny herself was no pure-hearted virgin, but the story just felt awkward to listen to.

And then he sat next to her and handed off the alcohol.

"Well.... thanks, hope I can do that." She handed off the alcohol to the person next to her. Drinking, maybe, but not when she was this tired. "Well, we know Mr. Santiago, but who are you two?" The idea of crossing the strait would have to wait. All she caught for certain was that the woman was 'La Princess', an odd title unless she was literal royalty (which even on the island seemed less of a rarity than expected) and that this guy was the counselor's brother. Well, actions and temperaments, she was pretty certain, didn't run in the blood. ...no, this seemed wrong. "I'm Jenny, by the way." Better.
So if the guild will behave today I'll post.

Also hope your solstice went well.
Indeed DX For the record, still here and working on a post. Hopefully up tonight.
Yeah, guild crashes are really kicking my butt. Got two other threads to do and the guild won't stay up for more than five minutes these past 48 hours or so.
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