Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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Sent the PM
Jenny couldn't help but giggle at Mr. Santiago's introduction. Not quite as cool or smooth as he probably thought it was, but it was funny. She considered explaining to him that, well, even if she was considered 'legal' on Puerto Libre, it wasn't her thing. It wasn't from a lack of effort - she'd tried dating a couple of times, and while none of the relationships had ended poorly, she didn't seem to feel the same excitement others felt to the ideas of couples and sex. So probably not the best person to romance, bar jokingly. The consideration hadn't lasted long, though. The world changed.

By the time the feeling faded - well, no. That wasn't right. She still had a headache to remember it by, as well as the confusion and horror that left her fatigued body even further drained trying to figure out what the hell had just happened. Her senses couldn't quite focus though she caught the basic gist of the explanation given. Why did Mr. Santiago have to use so many words right now? Princess was technically royalty, that would've sufficed. ...well, that wasn't really fair. It seemed like no one else had heard those strange words (nor did she have any intention of asking. She did not want rumors of her mental health spreading before she even started classes.), so how would they know how it had felt to hear them? The whole event was certain to haunt her dreams. For that very reason, she decided to try digging a bit deeper, get even more energy up to chat. The distraction, if nothing else, would do good.

"Well, even if not, there's a lot to do around here. So I hear, at least." She began raising fingers as she listed off activities. "There's the cinema, the library - the beach, obviously, and all the stores nearby. I'm not so sure about the souvenir shops, but I heard there's a boat rental for parasailing and waterskiing, and even a kite shop, if you're into that kind of thing. Not really good myself, but then again, never really had a good chance to try." And - right, good question. She rested her hands back on her legs. "Oh, yeah, rooms. Is there pairing up,or do we get our own?"

The blood pounded against her skull a little harder.
Haruko's talking to EVERYONE, like it or not.
Also, quite happy to see the vast majority of us are still here. Can't wait to start!
Nah, you understood me rightly; that's why I said you shouldn't worry over it. The lack of attention to dwarves is really a player thing more than anything - they could work on the dwarf individually and create interesting characterization and plot hooks, but it requires a bit more work.

Again, though, it's just my theory, based on years of dealing with other aspects of the fantasy genre and extrapolating from there*.

*a free-for-all fantasy rp where attractive angsty vampires showed up a lot along with other characters fitting the same mold.
Whoohoo! Also dude, not sure if you ever looked at my villain sheet so here.
Well, I won't meta-game but I will warn you: V-mon is quite aggressive and blatant double-cross will eventually lead to an Extreme Jihad to the face of the human.
I think from a general standpoint, dwarves aren't played as frequently because there's not an obvious subplot/characterization hook built into the species. They are not conventionally attractive due to their smaller size and the jokes about even the females being bearded - for those hoping to pursue a romantic subplot, it can be difficult to find a partner - nor are they particularly oppressed - an orc character, for instance, can bemoan the slaughter of their race, or an elf mourn for the forest.

From a 3.5e D&D standpoint, I just like the charisma-based classes and dwarves get a -2 penalty in that stat, so I don't play dwarves at this point. Otherwise, mechanically speaking, they seem quite good and can't speak for others. I guess maybe classes like orcs seem more intimidating and powerful.

That said, you really can't please everyone, unfortunately, so you probably shouldn't worry about it too much. Maybe consider subplot hooks related to the race? I'm just guessing though.
Ok, Christmas excitement dying down; now comes the cleanup. Will try to reply tomorrow.
I'm guessing from this thread alone. It's awfully kind of you dude, thanks.
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