Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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Dude, you don't exactly see V-mon being able to access UlforceV-dramon, you feel me? That's a LOT of options to easily abuse so that Charlotte can be in any fight without disadvantage. Pretty sure you only need two Knight forms, max. And probably not the one with the attack labeled 'Invincible Sword', given the dressing-down you gave Xander for having a move titled 'God Mode'. Just to be fair.
Honestly, as someone who's run a bunch of rps and done sheet-checking, this is less annoying than the people who don't ask. Anyways, guessing at some point we should stop posting here and actually post in the OOC. Edit: HOLY CRAP SEVEN DIFFERENT MEGAS?
Haruko only got to read the listing after a portion of the class dispersed - so did a few others, including a shorter boy who, for some reason, was wearing a turtleneck even though it wasn't exactly cold out. Weird. So she was in 2-C. Did she know any of the names? Didn't feel like it. At least then that meant meeting new people and maybe new friends. Alright, best to start meeting the people she'd share class with for the year. She abandoned the board, seeing no one else looking at the 2-C listing, and went at a quick trot to her classroom. Soon, she noticed, a boy ahead seemed to be heading in the same direction she was going. She forced herself to pick up some speed to catch up to him - not that he was especially fast, just that he had gotten such a headstart on her. When she was a couple of feet behind him, slightly to the side, she spoke up. The halls were noisy, sure, but, at this distance, she was confident he could hear her. "Hi there. You're also headed to 2-C, right?"
Well, looking over the sheets, gotta say it would be plausible. Kunemon ignoring anything Agumon does and acting like he's stronger. The Mega level - they'd spend more time fighting each other than their target, probably, and I will be totally looking forward to that.
Well, Tob needs to do a sheet or two anyhow, so with any luck, there will be adequate time for you.
.....the freaking what now? And ok, fair. I guess level any godmodding/invincibility with the same response you'd give if I had Magnamon endlessly dodge attacks or if Digizel did the same with Omnimon. (Since the attack seems to be more dropping a wall on enemies)
### Human Name: Tarana Moto Age: 16 Gender: Female Designation: Child 11 File Photo: [Linked due to size again](http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/302/1/b/tamara_by_leviathandemon-d5je8xk.png) Dossier: Tarana tends to seem largely indifferent and distant – not in the sense that she's spacey, though. When she's not covering her ears with her headphones, she's attentive and rarely, if ever, rambles or goes on tangents. Her issue seems to be a more general inability or lack of desire to relate to others. She's quite fond of her music, though not much else. She gets easily annoyed, though not angered, and tends to keep her fighting from a distance if she can. The irony of her close-ranged partner has not escaped her. If nothing else, though, she is efficient and quick to look for the fastest and most reliable way to do things. Regarding her past, not much can be noted about Tarana - she grew up as the oldest of three siblings, both parents are still alive, and she grew up in Japan all her life, with only a few trips out of the country. Her friends have been few and far between, mostly overseas with little contact after they part ways. Tarana just can't seem to ever muster the effort to maintain friendships. Other: (Notes, voice actors/actresses/seiyuu, associated tropes, etc) Seat: 10 Control Method: Marabumon is one of the weaker Knights, meant to fight in a team rather than alone. His style is meant to fend off weaker targets and isolate the main enemy for one of the stronger Knights to destroy. ### Baby Name: Nyokimon Gender: Male Attribute: Data Appearance: ![http://wikimon.net/images/5/51/Nyokimon_battle_dtb.png](http://wikimon.net/images/5/51/Nyokimon_battle_dtb.png "enter image title here") Technique: - Seed Cracker: Tries to spit out seeds in order to surprise the enemy long enough for to escape. Personality: Jumpy and a bit of a crybaby, Nyokimon hates being left alone and will, in fact, sob until he's picked up and held close. ### In-Training Name: Yokomon Gender: Male Attribute: Data Appearance: ![http://wikimon.net/images/2/26/Pyocomon_toei.jpg](http://wikimon.net/images/2/26/Pyocomon_toei.jpg "enter image title here") Technique: - Bubble Blow: Shoots small bubbles at his foe Personality: See Nyokimon. ### Rookie Name: Kunemon Gender: Male Attribute: Data Appearance: ![http://dma.wtw-x.net/DMA/DigimonStands/Toei/Zeroxm7/DProject/KunemonData.png](http://dma.wtw-x.net/DMA/DigimonStands/Toei/Zeroxm7/DProject/KunemonData.png "enter image title here") Technique: - Electro Thread: Spits out an electrically-charged thread of silk from his hard beak, which can knock out people who gets entangled in it with an intense electric shock. - Poison Ride: Stabs foe with poisonous stinger on tail. Personality: Digivolution did Kunemon wonders – he's significantly more self-confident, though perhaps to an excessive degree. He spends a fair amount of time bragging about his accomplishments in battle, even if others did more and needs to be reminded to give others credit. In a fight, he's more concerned about his own skin (and his digidestined's, mostly due to needing her to digivolve) than his teammates', and can thus come across as a coward. He can be easily tricked into acting as a distraction, at least, so he has that going for him. He's also kept his jumpiness from his lower stages, though rarely cries anymore. ### Champion Name: Flymon Gender: Male Attribute: Virus Appearance: ![http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc176/Digimon_Fan_962/Virus%20Types/1e80b9f5.jpg~original](http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc176/Digimon_Fan_962/Virus%20Types/1e80b9f5.jpg~original "enter image title here") Technique: - Brown Stingers: Fires the stinger on his tail. It is said that Digimon who are stung are completely paralyzed, then have their body turn violet and die, and that firing the stinger isn't a problem for Flymon, because it will grow back indefinitely. - Poison Powder: Releases a poisonous dust from his wings that depower digimon affected by it. Personality: See Kunemon. ### Ultimate Name: Dinobeemon Gender: Male Attribute: Virus Appearance: ![http://wikimon.net/images/0/0a/Dinobeemon_fortune.png](http://wikimon.net/images/0/0a/Dinobeemon_fortune.png "enter image title here") The skin is yellow instead of blue. Technique: - Hell Masquerade: Performs the "Dance of Hell" in which his nimble movements leave behind afterimages while he chops up the opponent. - Irritant Buzz: Emits a harsh sound that can stun or hurt his foe. Personality: See Kunemon. ### Mega 1 Name: Grankuwagumon Gender: Male Attribute: Virus Appearance: ![http://wikimon.net/images/1/15/GranKuwagamon_collectors.png](http://wikimon.net/images/1/15/GranKuwagamon_collectors.png "enter image title here") Technique: - Dimension Scissors: Completely slices through his surroundings using his horns. - Catastrophe: Rains lightning bolts from his wings to cover an area his size. Personality: Grankuwagumon is pretty much all of Kunemon's worst traits unmitigated by any of his positive ones - he has no regard for his teammates or even his human partner, recklessly raining destruction down on a target without thinking of who else may be there. Naturally, of course, he is a braggart and tries to claim credit for things he didn't do. ### Mega II/Royal Knight Name: Marabumon Gender: Male Attribute: Data Appearance: [The larger form's armor decorations are in shades of blue and red, with the 'skin' being yellow. The black parts are actually translucent, though tinted black, and the swords' blades are dark brown in color. The eyes are red. The smaller form is blue on top (where shaded) and yellow on the bottom, with the eyes, the eyeball iris, and the cloth on the head being red. The smaller form is about the size of Botamon, while the armor is the size of Sleipmon.](http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/362/a/b/insect_rk___marabumon_by_leviathandemon-d5heuwp.png) Technique: - Army March: Armor opens up to unleash hundreds of the inner form onto the foe to tear it apart with their jaws. Pushing the attack for too long will force Marabumon to dedigivolve all the way down to Nyokimon. - Terminate Sands: Raises a sandstorm through their swords to blind their foe and increase their speed. - Khopesh Leaves: Capable of throwing their blade to pin a foe down through a limb, armor piece, or cloak. Regardless of whether they miss or not, they can regenerate a new blade. Personality: Upon digivolution, there seems to be an instinctive realization that Marabumon cannot fight only for themselves any longer. They are much more willing to listen to others for strategy and direction, though will function on their own without help. Fights may be difficult, but they will no longer flee from them as long as they feel the fight will have some benefit and they are not making a senseless sacrifice. They can be somewhat intimidating due to the fact that their voice is the result of all of the many inner Marabumon speaking in unison. Other:
Jeez, Tob, calm down. 'Tekken Seisai' is literally the shortest attack name present, and it's not as if dubbing hasn't given the same attack multiple names. Xander's said from the start he wanted a light theme for his Knight, and I kinda snagged Magnamon.
Welcome to 'Dealing with Ants 101'.
Tarana and Kunemon are done, I think.
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