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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I played. It was enjoyable to a point. However, if you wanted a digimon you didn't start with, prepare to spend cash or wait for events.
[Referencing](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75581/posts/ooc?page=7#post-2341989) [these two posts.](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75581/posts/ooc?page=7#post-2342028)
Heh :p Mostly that, well, considering how many of the issues may revolve around the characters' slightly isolated backgrounds and how the shadow seemed to gain strength from being denied, perhaps that, for the other kids, fighting the shadow may be somewhat difficult but doable - but for the person it represents, it's like trying to fight a Mega with a Rookie (Arkadiamon aside). Pretty much, it'd be VERY difficult to fight it off alone for the person it belongs to.
I realized I had a thought about the potential method we'd go for regarding digivolution, mind if I share here?
**Human CS** Name: Nathan Foxe Gender: Male Age: 17 Nationality: American Appearance: Nathan's about 6 feet tall, with a slightly heavy build, a little bit of scruff on his chin, and light brown skin. His face seems slightly uneven somehow, and his nose is a bit crooked to the left. The two items he wears everywhere are a golden clock pendant (which he must wind frequently or it'll stop keeping time) and a loose purple zip-up hoodie, with black on the edges of the sleeves, the shoulders and the hood, and around the bottom hem. Before he and Gazimon ended up in the Quartz, though, he was also wearing blue jeans, white socks, grey sneakers, black gloves, and a plain blue t-shirt. Traits typically harder to make out are that his eyes are grey, his hair is short and black, and he has a surgical scar on his abdomen. Personality: Though generally cheerful, Nathan tends to hide beneath his hood and gets upset if anyone tries removing it. He prefers keeping people at arm's length both through mannerisms and refusal to talk about himself. He's a bit self-conscious and quick to back down, preferring to instead walk away instead of causing an argument. When stealth fails, he will make a 180 and instead go for the most audacious option possible. He believes that anyone in danger deserves protection, no matter how they've treated him in the past; do not mistake it for an unwillingness to kill, not if it comes down to his or their life. Though not the brightest, he tries making up for it with hard work and enthusiasm. He believes in giving any task his all, no matter how trivial it might be. Brief History: Originally born and raised in Rome, NY, Nathan lived fairly well with his parents and two brothers for the majority of his life. When he received an egg containing a Zurumon, it was treated as a brand-new family member (though Nathan had to share with his brothers). Despite the reputation of virus-types, Nathan and his brothers were quite willing to fight to defend Zurumon (later Pagumon), and they were fine fighting unfairly. As such, few incidents arose. However, an incident in 9th grade resulted in torment unlike that he'd ever known before and eventually left him in the hospital for over a month. His parents afterwards sent him to live with his aunt and uncle in Yonkers to finish his schooling in peace, with the advice that, this time, he keep his head low. Pagumon, having been his digimon, left with him without any hesitation and to the dismay of the rest of the family. Upon arrival, Nathan effectively shut himself off from everyone else, barely passing classes and not talking to anyone. Naturally, his aunt and uncle worried for his sake, with them each trying everything they could think of to get him to smile. What finally seemed to get him back out of it was Pagumon digivolving into Gazimon. He couldn't just keep sinking down and abandon his digimon. What happened next was almost a complete 180 - he pulled his grades up, he got employment as a fry cook at a local diner, he began accompanying his uncle on monthly hunting trips (a thing that left Gazimon uncomfortable so it stayed with his aunt and tended to darn socks and mend clothing for her), though he was never quite so open or fearless as he had been before. When he received an unknown email, he initially freaked and refused to check his inbox for a month. It was only Gazimon's gentle insistence that helped him get past that and carry back on with his life, doing his best to be perfectly fine. Digivice Colour: Violet and blue **Digimon CS** Name: Gazimon Nickname: It does respond to 'Kitten' or 'Buck'. Nathan's aunt had owned rabbits as a child and was happy to have another. Gender: None according to itself. If one wishes to assign gender pronouns, it will tolerate them. Picture: ![enter image description here](http://wikimon.net/images/9/96/Gazimon.gif "enter image title here") Its colors do seem washed out, almost white, in comparison to other Gazimon. Attribute: Virus Type: Beast Specials Attacks: - Electric Stun Blast: Creates a black gas from its mouth that can stun enemies - Pitfall: Uses its claws to dig a pitfall under its enemies Personality: Thoughtful, cordial to a fault, and constantly worried, Gazimon always holds back. It absolutely hates fighting, and every death of a digimon is a great dismay. It's quite aloof from others, and if it initiates a conversation, it can be seen as a sign that something has gone horribly wrong. It is incredibly rare to ever see it smile. Most of its time is spent observing and learning from its surroundings and those in them. If attention is placed on it, it will do his best to shift focus to elsewhere. Its specialties lie mostly on distraction and disarming and it is well aware of this; despite that, it worries it may be seen as a 'cheater' for relying on such techniques. It's fairly soft-spoken, even in the upper levels, as though afraid its voice might frighten people. Evolution line: Zurumon > Pagumon > Gazimon > Fangmon > Extyrannomon > Deathmon
We have nine accepted sheets.
...actually, we might be full up. Lemme go collect CSes to check. 1. [Daigo](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75581/posts/ooc#post-2338981) 2. [Alison](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75581/posts/ooc#post-2339021) 3. [Nonna](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75581/posts/ooc#post-2339055) 4. [Taeyeon](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75581/posts/ooc#post-2339125) 5. [Nathan](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75581/posts/ooc#post-2339458) 6. [Karn](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75581/posts/ooc?page=2#post-2339724) 7. [Henry](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75581/posts/ooc?page=4#post-2340944) 8. [Alika](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75581/posts/ooc?page=5#post-2341171) 9. [Annaliese](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75581/posts/ooc?page=5#post-2341403) Yeah, full up I think
I actually liked Frontier as a whole, just not those certain episodes (I think we know which ones I mean). And for the record I actually do like TK too. To be honest, in the entirety of the anime franchise, I think there's only one or two digidestined I genuinely dislike, but that's neither here nor there. ...but yeah, Tamers is my favorite too. I'll admit it might have had the weakest digital world, but the characters were really fantastic as was the plot.
>A bit 'damaged' by her family's social status, she is slightly above the amusement of the 'peasants', choosing a bit eccentric - and expensive - hobbies. There's something to work off of? And nice of you to ignore everything else. EDIT: Funny you mention that, my point was that judging her based on another character was also not very good. Son of the edit: Screw it, not replying further on the topic of Kari
As someone who's dealt with that scenario, it ain't fighting for affection if you have to be told by someone else that these guys wanna date you. Though considering TK didn't seem interested in dating her either.....yeah, that was all Daisuke wanting a relationship. Or maybe the writers just mocking the shippers. Either way, not really a point against her, no moreso than the fact that TK's partner could fight a Mega without backup at Ultimate. Anyways, Pyro, that does sound like a pretty good way of invoking it. If Fellsing decides to go with that, I'll be quite content.
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