Avatar of RBYDark


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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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Still in my subs but been assuming this is dead.
The door barely swung open as the female gnome waddled in, weighed down by the backpack that seemed to threaten to topple her over at any second. She didn't seem to have a lot to say, though her expression remained cheerful as she plopped down her bag and pulled herself onto a barstool, right next to a wizard who had a bat familiar visible. Whether or not the wizard was trying to eavesdrop didn't matter; the gnome piped up right then, in a rather cheery voice: "Hi there! Your familiar's so cute!" Boy, didn't that get the wizard's attention real fast! The older wizard looked over her traveler's clothing and scowled before sliding off his stool. The gnome reached for him, continuing to speak. "Hey, hang on, I just wanted to pet him! Or her! Or whatever they want to be!" She wasn't quick enough, though, and instead fell on top of her backpack with a faint crushing sound. "Uh-oh." Now forgetting the wizard and his adorable pet, the gnome slid off her backpack and opened it up. Sand, glass shards, powders, and the like decorated her items now - though she was to note not everything had broken. Still had some supplies. But jeez, what a start to freelancing.
From the top of a broken pillar, gleaming yellow eyes watched the approaching human. Pretty sure it was human anyhow. Well, well, well, what were they doing here, hm? Walking around her ruins like that? Probably another wannabe 'professor'. Those people were so boring. The 'raiders' were a bit more interesting, but also a lot louder and meaner. Rarely did anyone come out here that she thought was actually fun. Not that it ever stopped Ekra. She giggled, jumping over to a stone rooftop filled with holes and dodging past them. A little further up was a trick she had set up a while ago, one that had used up a fair amount of rope and time. She knew it'd work though. She watched the human, crouched on her perch as the human slowly began walking along the decaying pathway, pausing to write something - Ekra would have to grab it, she was fond of flipping through those; sometimes they even had pictures - before continuing on. Her smile grew into a grin as the human got closer. Right when the human was where she needed to be, Ekra yanked on the rope nearby. Ahead, suspended from an overhanging tree, a spiky log dislodged and immediately swung downwards. Fast enough to catch attention, certainly fast enough to be seen, aimed right at the human's midsection- And then, not a foot away, crumble into harmless wooden chips and sawdust. Ekra's raucous laughter tore through the quiet ruins.
Oh. Sorry to hear that.
Hm, Gisk, mind if Izzy has reason to be thrown off-balance?
Well, did a Google check to compare the two, and it seems urban fantasy tends to take place in a city and can include not-modern eras. Though it can also be in the modern day, just taking place in a city. So they seem to share a fair bit of overlap.
Ah, don't worry, I only discovered it recently (and so may be using it wrong). In short, it's a fantasy-based story (e.g. magic, vampires, elves) occurring in a time period past the Medieval era. Examples include Coraline, the Anita Blake series, and Harry Potter.
I have a couple of fantasy-based plots I wouldn't mind seeing done. Could be either the typical medieval-esque setting or modern day for one, though the other idea must be modern-day since the presence of electronics plays a large part. The first idea, I guess to sum up in a sentence, is a world where monsters and demons do roam the streets, and some fight back by summoning their own demons - and, most recently, someone may have summoned something worse (can be traditional or urban fantasy). The second idea is in a city where a string of mysterious murders is taking place: victims are typically night shift workers in security, found in locked rooms with odd burns that almost seem like they were killed by lightning bolts. Can provide more details if either seem interesting.
I have a couple of ideas, though first what are your thoughts on modern urban fantasy?
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