Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

I'm part of a fantasy school rp forum where teachers are the old gods and students will be the ones to inherit their domains. Baby gods, if you will. Demigods and personifications of mythical creatures also attend, though some humans slip in. This has led to some laughably bad moments, of course. There was the goddess of sunshine who was determined to be a rival to the most popular character in the rp (goddess of darkness)(and yes, OOC, she's really popular). The goddess of fear who's so off that only I and the GM will rp with her on a regular basis. The merfolk personification whose personality is half about mermaids and not about the character.

On a less mean note, the octopoid demigod's first experience with cupcakes was well received. There was also the time the aforementioned goddess of darkness tried sneaking a llama onto campus to annoy Zeus.
I feel like I should do a 'back in my day' joke, since I first joined the guild in high school and have since graduated college.

But yeah, how the time flies. Pretty amazing to see this still going.
Glad to hear.
Sounds neat, dude.
Interested in a pokemon rp. Do the trainers have to be newbies or would it be fine if they were in the middle of their journey?
I hate to be that person, but - they didn't go anywhere. Fact is, the vast majority of rpers A) get excited and then lose interest in a matter of days when things go more slowly than they wanted, B) only had a character idea and once it's down on paper, they lose the desire to rp, C) contact a bunch of different people only to realize they've picked up way too many rps and something has to go, or D) it was just a craving and it passed. These people can still get dedicated to a particular rp, just that for a lot of other rps, they can't do it. I've only met a small handful of people who remained dedicated to their rps despite any or all of the above occurring.

You're probably just bitter right now, but I can't blame you. I'm feeling a bit bitter myself because my most recent interest check took off, only for everyone to vanish EXCEPT the guy who didn't know if he could do it. It's disappointing, and all I can suggest is trying again maybe in a few weeks if the three aren't enough.
Yeah. I need to workon a reply elsewhere, and just waiting on Manatee.
I'm gonna paprika you both up and toss you off a building if you don't cut it out.
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