Avatar of RBYDark


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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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I actually do give a birth year (1893) for Amanda, so I'd need an exact year for this setting. Depending on when in the 1920s it is, she could be anywhere from 27 to 37.
Amanda follows Seumas up the ladder, hoping that what she found would be enough to get them all away intact. She has never desired a shrapnel amputation. The private he mentioned - was that who had fallen in? She tried to remember her face because they've all fought together for so long - but like the name of the man before her, she can see it but cannot describe it. Well, she'll see it again in a bit.

The fog is thicker than it seemed from the bottom of the trench, as she cannot see anything, she realizes. There's fighting still going on, of course, but it all seems distant and far away somehow.

It makes perfect sense to Amanda that their commander had such a nice gun hidden away - and loaded to boot. It seems so nice - almost a waste in her hands. She's not the best shot. She's not quite as sure about the man in the trench beside her. Ask him perhaps?

It's then she notices the grenade.

Of course she grabs it. Again, not the best throw, but can it really be so difficult throwing it up and out of the trench? Not far, just enough to blast away anyone getting too close. They're in this pit for a reason after all. Grenade gripped in one hand, she holds out the other to her fellow soldier, Seumas.

"Are you any good with a handgun?" For some reason, she can't actually say his name. Of course she knows it. Just not on her tongue at the moment.
Why else would I be disappointed failing my first roll? I need every point I can get.
<Snipped quote by RBYDark>

You got a one!
That's a critical success.
And it was on Luck!
Someone's about to get Lucky!

@nerminator Roll a spot hidden if you want to attempt to see through the fog to the Trench ahead.

Still disappointed I failed my sanity check but this is pretty amazing so far.
Amanda takes the revolver - there's no point in taking the wallet, as she doesn't have anywhere to put it. The watch is nice but again, pointless to take. She checks the revolver to see if it's loaded with any bullets.

She then notices the person who had fallen in appears to be gone. Admittedly, she had been preoccupied with her searching, but has no idea where they went to or even if they had been an ally.

Amanda Smith seemed to be in a daze from the scene before her, before the third person dropping in grabbed her attention. Yes, right, they needed to escape. Needed to retreat, leaving the corpse of their captain behind. Private Seumas was out of ammo - what about their commanding officer? It would be wrong to disturb a corpse though, and staring at it for too long seemed like a bad idea. But oh, these were desperate times. Just - focus on the torso, it was muddy but intact after all.

Holy crap, I missed more than I expected to. Give me like, 30 minutes to catch up.
Well Veil needs to finish theirs but looking forward to it!
Sorry, just checking in?
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