Avatar of RBYDark


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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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Woot woot!
@Revenant Writer Eh, just this scene (to 20 seconds in) will do if the synopsis is none too encouraging so you're not sitting through an experience you won't enjoy. Mostly, the joke being that West's humor comes from a pure lack of tact and manners instead of trying to be funny or snarky. Crossing the line twice, if you will.

Alright, sounds fair to me. Possible the black market add-ons are able to interface with larger energy sources (i.e. ship engines) which makes them ideal for especially powerful pirates and robbers wishing to strand their victims?

And, uh, was planning a male navigator. ...actually, kinda copying him over from a rp that failed three posting rounds in (thus the question about the electric weapons), will of course be tweaked once plot details are agreed upon. Suppose I ought to bring him over soon, though.
Professor Jeremiah Dupree

Physical state: Healthy
Mental state: Sane (?)

For Professor Dupree, the spring semester was meant to be an exciting one. It was impossible to miss the pattern of the increasing cases of insanity over the winter - he had followed the newspapers meticulously, at first dismissing the case as mere lunacy until three more were committed over the course of a month. Jeremiah dug into his aged piles of newspapers and peeled apart the yellowing and dampening pages - it was not his imagination. He flipped back to the first case of the winter and clipped the mention. The articles, six in all, were pinned to a plain wall in his home alongside the other articles describing the peculiarities of Arkham that seemed to go missed. There was never any point to discussing them anymore, he'd found, not when he tried inquiring the professor of psychology as to what his field had to say about Arkham. The man had accused him of being addled himself! What did he know and understand of people, when his field reduced the vastness of human history and culture down to the most debased impulses! The man had the audacity to pass such teachings along to the students. Professor Dupree limited his contact with the man after that.

The presence of the pattern was not diminished by one man's closed mind, and Professor Dupree did his best to obtain what public records he could of the freshly committed men and women. When the sanitarium offered to open its gates for educational purposes, Professor Dupree was nothing short of ecstatic. Here he was, puzzling out how this most recent piece fit into the bigger mystery of Arkham - of the world - that others seemed to deny - and he might have the chance to personally speak to these people. He almost threw up. He did throw up. He determined it was from excitement. His first class of the semester had a buzz to it as he did confirm, yes, he would be arranging for a trip to the sanitarium for students who did particularly well in his classes. It was shameful to admit it was a ploy largely for his own benefit, but many of the students seemed curious and genuinely fascinated at meeting the mentally disturbed.

The weather was cold, and Professor Dupree, a briefcase full of handwritten analyses on the influences of Anglo-Saxon culture on its empire, had been returning to his office to begin the process of grading. That had been the plan, and nothing would disturb his good mood, not until he began reading, he had promised himself.

His route had taken him past the campus' tallest building, a monument dedicated to human knowledge.

It was impossible to miss the crowd near the base of the building, or the ranting voice whose words were lost to the distance.

It was impossible to avoid flinching when the body collided with the sidewalk.

Professor Dupree stood, stunned, staring at the small puffs of air that escaped the body even as the splattered brain tumbled from its shattered skull. It was a scream that returned him to his senses - just barely. Yes. There were students among this crowd, weren't there? Even if he had not been able to tell who the man was, nor was able to identify his deformed features now, this was not a spectacle for the students to see. He rushed forward, pushing his way through the horrified onlookers. His thick winter coat added some to his bulk, but he could now keep the gruesome sight entirely from the crowd.

"The doctor! Someone call for the doctor!" The words left his mouth as he set his briefcase to the side of the smashed skull, the puddling and steaming blood soaking into the leather. When he had fully regained his senses and the situation was resolved, and he found that the blood would not come out, he would discard the item. For now, though, his mind was focused on other matters.
@Kaiachi Oh, awesome, welcome aboard!

Edit: Annnnnd posted! Hope it's alright.
I just need to sit down and read the IC and then I'll post. If anyone wants in the meantime, can do set-up for their character's introduction.
@Revenant Writer Yo, everyone needs a straight man anyhow, and ever seen ReAnimator? Just play Herbert West. But we'll see what Nevix says.

On another note, plasma cutters/electric blades/laser guns/etc: yay or nay?
I admit, I'm into much darker themes (a past example of a character sheet), but I also know not everyone's comfortable with that. As such, it just feels easier to present the comedic ideas first and see if they appeal.

So if no objection from Nevix, we'll go for the more dramatic and darker end of the spectrum?

Speaking of, I suppose the question of what is smuggled should be considered and what this particular crew smuggles, since could influence the overall plot. Could be drugs if the crew has halfway-decent moral standards, weaponry or humans if not.
I guess secondly - we really should discuss what kinda tone we want to shoot for. For instance, an idea of other life for black comedy - a planet populated by herbivorous grey-skinned bipeds who call themselves zombees. Those who assist them are made into honorary zombees. They also have a disease transmissible between species that can cause a person to fall into a state of death for up to a week.

Humans reacted to this species as well as can be expected.
First things first, copying over previous discussion:

As for ideas, what do you both think about the upper classes having vary advanced tech and living lavishly, while others have it much worse, living harsh lives traveling in junk ships and living on planets throughout the galaxy.

And I'm certainly for the idea - old junked space stations held together by patchwork repairs from fired engineers and protected by discharged soldiers, the rich own their own moons or have them built for a private house.

@Nevix, as for my own ideas, depends on what kinda tone you guys want. For instance, genetic engineering of creatures - we go drama or very dark, rich people can pay for their own special pets to be made. Sometimes, these pets are made only to be hunted: the best of all dangerous animals, thrown together for the sake of sport. Others are distressingly human-looking, and there are even smugglers and pirates who won't associate with their owners in the name of standards. A few still escape and are capable of decimating native populations in a matter of weeks.

On the more light-hearted or comical end, good news, they made Furbies! Bad news, they made Furbies. If you ever hear Furbish on the comms, fly as fast as you can in the exact opposite direction of wherever you were headed. Even the most hardened soldiers and the most vile smugglers and space pirates will pale at the cry of a Furby.

Another idea, a planet founded by American nationalists. They're led by either a stereotypical "yee-haw" cowboy or an R. Lee Emery knock off. The moons are all named after U.S. presidents and are rich enough in resources to be a target for bandits and rebels, giving us such humorous battles as "The Skirmish ar Eisenhower V" or "The Lincoln II massacre."

Personally, I like the sound of a dark galaxy which encompasses them all (ah, maybe not the Furbies? XD ).

In addition, let us decide this- are there other intelligent life forms out there? (I know, spooky...)

I like the idea that, yes, there are some.

But, maybe their numbers and power have been in great decline from years of waring each other, long before humans ever set foot on the galactic scene, which made it much easier in the beginning for the less-advanced humans to survive in this knew world and not just be steamrolled.

With the help of quickly made allies, seer luck and underhanded actions, humans have been adle to scrape themselves out a large spot in space and are somewhat respected (not by all). But in the beginning, there was enslavement and farming (we are tender and juicy) of the humans, though mainly the lower classes- those deemed lesser first by humans. This would lead to raids on human populations, general mistreatment of people, and this is where some of the genetic alteration comes in.

The humans that were taken for work and food have been hybrid and genetically modified so that they are now almost their own beeds, very different from humans. This means that nurmally, people are not on the menu, though that does not mean that if the situation arises, one of the aliens in question will not take the opportunity to have a filling meal.

Seconding these ideas myself, though also suspecting it would've been members of the upper class to initially be caught and made into livestock by the aliens, on account of being able to afford going that deep first. Many of the more powerful humans who escaped that fate have taught resentment down their family lines?

Very true. After that, they could have probably just flown to earth for more. (You know, big family BBQ and all...)

I guess - preference on if you play hero or villain? Also, would you prefer your partner to play hero or villain?
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