Avatar of RBYDark


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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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Most Recent Posts

I apologize, things got hectic on my end. @Revenant Writer, @Nevix, we still good to go?
Jeremiah Dupree

Physical State: A bit breathless, but healthy otherwise
Mental state: Sane, but suspicious

Ah, that was what the officer had wanted: university permission. Professor Dupree almost fancied for a moment he'd be giving a quick statement, offer control of the scene, and that would be the end of his involvement in the affair. It wouldn't happen, he knew. But he fancied it.

"You certainly have my permission on behalf of Miskatonic University to erect a perimeter. It's been difficult keeping the curious at bay long enough for you to get here, much less for actual investigation of the scene." Was it a good thing or not that August had not mentioned the disappearing watchers yet?

So, questions... in private? Was that standard procedure? Professor Dupree couldn't be certain, but something about it made him wish he'd found some excuse to leave with Dr. Steiner. Still not a fan of the police. Being alone felt worse. It was almost a relief that August chose to intervene. Almost was the key word: he was sure of it now, that the two shared something that Dupree would want no part of, were he anyone else. As a scientist, he'd of course prod when it was convenient and unlikely to cause him harm. That time was not now, not with both of them speaking with razors, lest the blades be spit at him. He tried not to be foolish. Didn't always succeed.

"Yes, that sounds agreeable to me as well. I believe Dr. Atkins worked in that building over there." He gestured to the stone monument, hardly far from the scene. Certainly time enough that Lexington could make his inquiries. He led the way, the blood drying on his briefcase and flecking off in pieces as he bumped his leg against it. Bits clung to the fabric of his pants, still damp on the inner side. The two men, each investigating their own mysteries, were at his side. Lexington had begun his questioning, and Professor Dupree did his best to recall the scattered information about the man.

"His name was Howard Atkins. He was a professor, yes, though I knew more of him than I knew him. While we both studied ancient culture, his work focused on... the unpopular religions, shall we say? I prefer to study the larger civilizations that formed the one of present day, as well as those that diverged so I may discover why." He was getting off-topic. "Dr. Steiner was the one who was able to identify him once he... reached the ground. They were friends. He may be able to tell you more about the man, when you visit his office. As for myself, however, I had not heard of any news of professors to be fired - it's difficult to do so once the semester has started, after all. If there was some personal tragedy or affliction torturing his mind before today, it never made newspapers, nor did anyone on the staff discuss it casually." That much was true. His odd subject matter aside, it wasn't as if he'd been mocked for having a suffragette wife or offered condolences for a lost sibling. Professor Dupree, for his part, was a conscientious reader of the newspaper. That was occasionally a subject of jokes.

Then Lexington asked a very odd question.

"...Or more puzzling, even to me; how is it that he made it up on top of the monument? To my knowledge, the only way to get up there is to climb up using a ladder from the upper parts of the tower, but when I saw it just a few moments ago, the snow lying there had not been disturbed, and no ladders on the outside either."

Professor Dupree was ready to wave off the question with the very simple point that the man had not been thrown or set down, and simply rolled over to his demise. Professor Dupree knew what he had seen and heard - the man had, by all appearances, chosen to jump off of his own accord. Yet...

"I...cannot say for sure. August, did you see a ladder? I was rather distracted. What I do know for sure was that the man was conscious and alert, if not deranged, while he was on top of that tower, and he was making no effort to safely climb down its side." It... was a suicide. He was sure. But that was rather odd, wasn't it?

They finally reached the office with the man's name, copied onto a plaque to the side. The frosted glass made it impossible to see within. Professor Dupree grabbed the handle, turned it, and pushed.

The door did not open. Instead, he heard a light thudding sound.

He tried again. The door refused to yield.

He pushes again, though he knew he was hardly the one to turn to when something jammed or stuck. Physical strength was something he lacked. He finally turned back towards August and Lexington.

"The door is unlocked, but I'm having a devil of a time opening it. Could one of you two try?"
@T Risket Indeed, awesome. Sadly or not, got a D&D session to DM tomorrow morning/afternoon, so earliest I can post is evening, GMT -4:00 timezone. Just my heads-up.
@BurningCold Honestly, in my experience, as long as you're willing to pop by the OOC once in a while with news you're still alive, the rp does survive. So do appreciate you popping by.
<Snipped quote by Sigurd>

Oh fuck...I uh....Totally noticed that....*Is not half the sleuth August is supposed to be*
But in all seriousness, awesome post man. Gotta wonder whats in the book.

Also wanted to ask if you guys (@RBYDark or @ONL) planned on posting next? No rush or anything on it-really just wonderin who's goin next.

Ah, I figured I'd let Barry decide first so was waiting for @ONL.
As I said. I'm pretty bollocks now, need a little time to ease back into it. But it's something and some ends have been tied.

Again, I'm sorry for my disappearance, no excuses for it. Just shit times as always, trying to adapt to the new environment.

Thanks for putting up with my shit. I'll try make it longer if needs be but there's not a whole lot to do :P She's still alive.

The effort put forth is still appreciated.
Short post is short but hopefully good enough?
Jeremiah Dupree

Physical State: Calming down, alert
Mental State: Sane

“I'd gladly wait here with you. Well, not gladly per say givein the circumstances but...well, Im sure a man of your intellect understands my meaning.” That was certainly an answer that Professor Dupree didn't mind.

"I'd like to think so. In the future, you might want to consider the term 'willingly', if you worry about being misunderstood?" Even the guilt from being able to return to everyday concerns was starting to wash out from his mind like blood from cotton: a permanent stain left behind, but no longer on the surface of the garment.

The police, it seemed, were not far away from the scene. Perhaps one of the spectators to the gruesome scene had called them after all, or perhaps there had been an officer close at hand. Jeremiah supposed it didn't matter, really, except that it did. Today would surely end up on the wall, but now it was a question of how much of today would. The officer's introduction was standard, and Professor Dupree was ready to assume the responsibility for the scene, until the officer recognized August.

Well. Today just kept getting more and more bizarre.

Jeremiah fancied himself many things - an intellectual, a brilliant man, an observant scientist. As Officer Lexington and August exchanged words, he couldn't help but feel that there was something going on between them - not a secret, no, Jeremiah was far too familiar with that sort of language to know what they shared was not particularly secret. It felt more like a private joke, and yet, the words were laced with arsenic to bring any shared laughter, private or public. The moment of guilt Jeremiah spied from August only furthered that notion. He merely shrugged his shoulders in response. The comment was a little disturbingly off the cuff, but it made sense in his mind August was so willing to shrug off the death. He hadn't had the dubious honor of witnessing Dr. Atkin's final moments, he was never a colleague of his (one reason Professor Dupree would hold no ill will to Dr. Steiner for the abrupt departure, as he clearly knew the man better than Professor Dupree had), and he had a niece to redirect his worry towards. Now, if it came up again while searching for his niece, then Jeremiah would allow himself the worry that this man might very well be mentally deranged.

"Regarding who's in charge, I suppose I should ask in what sense. I am a colleague of the victim, and was first on the ...incident scene?" Jeremiah tried to avoid police ever since he was young - the words used for addressing them eluded him. "Your friend August came afterwards, but has done his best to help preserve the scene." Why Officer Lexington needed to know who was 'in charge' also eluded him, but he still needed to say his piece at least.
Sorry, will post tonight or tomorrow - Monday by latest. Weekend of cleaning, folks.
Jeremiah Dupree

So, this was it, Professor Dupree decided as the crowd finally thinned out. There was little he could do about the watchers who simply migrated to the other side of the road, but even they seemed to be thinning out. And he dared not acknowledge those who seemed capable of disappearing in the space of time it took to blink. He did not wish to end up as Dr. Atkins had. Dr. Steiner could proclaim the man's sanity all he wished, but it did not change the fact that he was blood-splattered now. The sick words and sick act still hung in the air heavy, wishing to pull others down to the ground too.
Instead, he would finally pick up his briefcase once more. It dripped blood twice and ceased. He hoped he had not ruined it, as callous as the thought seemed. A man was dead, people saw fit to gape instead of assist, and now he was more concerned over his suitcase than what drove the man to end his life. On the other hand, this would be cleaned up soon, earn an article in the paper, and then people would move on. Such was the nature of the people of Arkham, and it was probably to their benefit. Professor Dupree had done what he could and the papers were irreplaceable; if ruined, he would have to declare the assignment nullified.

He almost wished he just felt worse about moving on to daily concerns so quickly.

Dr. Steiner finally asked the man his identity - not an officer. That was a bit of a shame, but the man had been able to act in the capacity of one, and his assistance in finally dispersing the crowd was invaluable. His story was told, and Professor Dupree considered the name.

"Unfortunately, Mr. August, while you've been quite helpful, I can't say I can return the favor. I've never heard of this young lady you describe." The words tasted bitter in his mouth, but that was from years ago and he could be better than that, Professor Dupree was sure of it. It just took time. Even more time. An absurd amount of time. "I may be able to check the university's registry and see if I can find you her professors and room number." It might not be much better than his initial plan: as her uncle, and a veteran of the great world war (Jeremiah simply could not think of any other wars the man might have been in as of late), he would surely command respect and few would oppose his mission to find his niece. "If that plan suits you better, you are free to wait here with me - I intend to give a statement to the police as to what I witnessed. If not, however, the main office ought to still be open."
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