Avatar of RBYDark


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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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<Snipped quote by RBYDark>

:( This I can understand. Especially with as many people as we have.
Would you like me to post pone things a bit? I only worry that this will cause more delay with posts from people.

I - let's just see if anyone posts tonight. If they do, just wait until Sunday? Please? If they don't, you can post tomorrow instead.
@MissCapnCrunch I'm not, I'm not blaming you. Slice-of-lifes are VERY hard to GM and keep moving forward. I just seem to keep getting caught in interactions where I then can't finish everything I wanted to do.
Admittedly, seems like a lot of the students are scared of being picked or disinterested. Which is a shame since Selene still has candy to hand out.
I'm feeling fine. I'd just feel weird having Selene take a second guess is all.
@TheFreeman Oh, sorry to hear. Hope things improve for you soon!
..... @MissCapnCrunch Arrowsmith DOES have Child Protective Services, right?
In Masked 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Sammy had bent to grab another piece of gravel to launch down when he heard the faint screaming below. He froze. Oh no. Had he attracted them instead? He hadn't meant to, this just seemed like the fastest way to get Pyro and Witch's attention. They always came around when he was playing jokes on people. This seemed like the the most attraction-getting prank he could pull short of walking into a convenience store and announcing himself loudly as a supervillain archenemy of the two.

He was pretty sure he wasn't, by the way. But he was also pretty sure he'd be believed anyways.

But if he hadn't attracted those two, then this was going to end badly. Mostly for him. He glanced at the pebble, now coated in slime, and then swallowed the lump that had appeared in his throat. He then glanced over.

He stared. Ok, that was... a bit unusual, he wasn't going to lie. He'd never seen that guy before. He'd never seen anyone like that guy before, except maybe on old Saturday cartoons. He didn't look like one of them, though. That was good. Less good was that it still wasn't Witch or Pyro, and now if this guy ran, they might not show up here! ....hey, wait a sec, that was very bad! He glowered down at the newcomer, fear temporarily forgotten, and cupped his hands around his mouth. The poison stained his skin; he was pretty sure it also affected him once upon a time, but now it took a pretty good amount on skin not attached to his hands or arms to even give him the numbing sensation. He took a deep breath and shouted down:

"Hey! You're not Pyro!"

This high up, he wasn't sure if the guy could even hear him. Still, he pulled his hands away and made a dismissive wave. "You can go! Not needed here!"
@carla6677 Took a guess. Actually not sure if Selene guessed right or not.
Selene Cross

Location: Homeroom
Interactions: @carla6677 - Amelia

The morning after the carnival had gone much more smoothly. She had gotten up on time, showered as planned, and this time had enough time to properly put on makeup before getting dressed. She certainly looked better today, she decided as she slid on her sunglasses. It was hard to say for sure if her classmates would notice, but it certainly added a spring to her step as she went downstairs for breakfast. Nikki grumpily stirred his cereal as Selene grabbed the bad of caramels, kissed her parents goodbye, and then headed off to the high school. It had been a bit of a mild surprise, finding the schedule in the mailbox upon reaching home, but it was not unexpected. The carnival could not last forever, after all, and one day was fine by her. She had gotten to go home with a stuffed tiger in the end and a plate of funnel cake (which she had also bought for Amelia, unsure of if the girl ever had any before). It had been a fine way to end the summer holidays and ease the new students into the school year.

Though homeroom was pushing it a tad, Selene thought as she stared at the box of markers Mrs. Wayne had left on the table up front. She shrugged, picking a deep purple marker and wrote her name on the paper with a heart added into the curve of the 'S'. If they were doing this, may as well go all the way. She wasn't much of an artist, despite having signed up for the Art class, so that would be as creative as she got. The nice thing was, though, few people were really artistic. Sure, Nikki used to be but not so much anymore. This would do, she was sure. Selene, now, didn't know much about Mrs. Wayne, but she hadn't heard the name spoken back in 8th grade when the students were all gossiping about what high school would be like. Was she new?

And this would be homeroom for the next four years. Well, time to get busy. She obeyed as Mrs. Wayne instructed the class to crumple up their papers and then try to reflatten them. It wasn't possible, though, just a reminder of the power of words. Selene knew how badly words could hurt. She still felt the sting years later. Hopefully, high school would pass by much more peacefully than elementary school had.

And yet another activity - sharing lies and truths. Selene paid rapt attention, giving a quick wave to the first two up - of course, the two she had already met but didn't exactly know personally. So Nathaniel had lived in Japan thanks to his dad, and Wynona played guitar. Interesting. Amelia was up next - and boy, what bombshells she dropped. Selene filed away the facts for later consideration, and possible planning of a brief talk with Amelia - just her sympathies, if Amelia needed anything from here she was glad to oblige - instead to try to figure out the lie. The bit about her father explained some of her behavior yesterday. So, flute or working?

Selene raised her hand. "Um, sorry if I'm wrong - but you're the same age as the rest of us. You haven't been working for seven years...have you?" She tried to keep her voice soft. After all, there was a chance she was wrong, and certainly sounding accusing then would be quite mean of her.

Selene tried to avoid 'mean'.
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