Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

Points of FYI for Players:

  • First post will be in the Digital World, with your digivices being taken. Digivices are formed from some electronic item that was on your person when you arrived.
  • Sovereign partners start as Rookie-leveled. They have all their memories.
  • You can also play 'feral' digimon - digimon not partnered up to the humans. They'll be Rookies or Champions, most likely, and cannot digivolve unless the digivices are returned (Sovereign partners will not need a digivice, though will need time obviously to reach Mega once more).
  • Humans, feral digimon, and Sovereigns can also collect items - they can be equipped to a digimon's form to provide a new type of attack, a new weapon, armor, etc. (think something like Tamers' card scanners)
  • Regardless of whatever your digimon situation ends up being, beating a Tyrant will require some strategy, especially for the first two.
  • I intend to play any encountered Knights, though I am open to characterization suggestions. Don't expect a lot of direct help - their hands are full enough just trying to keep things stable.
For centuries, the Digital World has known nothing but peace. There have been small incidents in the past, handled by humans known as 'digidestined' while the Sovereigns kept peace in their territory and Yggdrasil kept the land alive. Even then, there was no problem so great that the digimon could not call upon a Sovereign or the Royal Knights to keep them safe. Lives were rarely, if ever, actually in danger of being lost, and no damage done could not be fixed with time and energy. Truly, the Digital World was one of prosperity and well-being.

This was all before the Sovereigns vanished, replaced by unusually powerful Megas known only as the Tyrants. They disrupted the land, destroying the balance of their new territories according to their own selfish whims. With the Sovereigns nowhere to be found and unable to answer the calls of the ailing digimon, Yggdrasil sent out what Royal Knights it could to help.

Once they all left, the demonic Necrowisemon attacked the Server Tree, intent on making Yggdrasil's power his own. Worse yet, he had Sovereign cores - he had been the one responsible for making the Sovereigns vanish, a monumental task achieved solely to distract the Royal Knights from his true target. It was only the quick actions of Qilinmon, taking Yggdrasil far away from the Server Tree, that robbed Necrowisemon of his victory. Doing so, however, forced Yggdrasil to sever its connection to the Server Tree and allow the Tyrants to execute their full wrath on the lands they now claimed as their own. The Royal Knights could no longer contact each other or the Server Tree.

Yggdrasil and the Sovereigns are missing.

The Royal Knights are separated.

Necrowisemon has the Server Tree.

Welcome to the Digital World.

Your mission, as digidestined: destroy the Tyrants, free the Sovereigns as your rightful partners, and stop Necrowisemon from destroying the Digital World.

Rules are as follows:
  • Don't godmod. You can try powerplaying but good luck - the Tyrants will be scaled if needed.
  • Please remember that excessive gore, porn, and swearing can get you reported to the site mods.
  • If there's any confusion, please ask in the thread or over PMs - no one's a mindreader.
  • If you can't post for a while, let me know.
  • Due to your GM being in several rps, IC posting may be slow. OOC posting will be semi-constant. More than anything, joining this rp will require patience.
  • Rules may change as the rp goes on but everyone will be notified.

Players/Sovereign claims:

Character sheets:

Begin: Chapter 1

In the sleepy coastal town of Sandpoint, evil is brewing. An attack by crazed goblins during the annual Swallowtail Festival quickly turns into something more ominous as the shadows of a dark past come back to haunt the town—and perhaps all of Varisia. Can the heroes stop the awakening of a legendary runelord and keep him from reclaiming his lost kingdom of greed?


Rules for Character Creation:

  • Starting at level 1
  • 20 point-buy for stats
  • First level is full HP from hit dice; subsequent levels will require rolling
  • Leadership feat banned
  • Player's Guide to Rise of the Runelords setting
  • Please post sheets on Mythweaver and link to here
  • Your DM is new to the system, so please keep that in mind if something gets abruptly banned
@RBYDarkI apologise for the absence. I had quite a few problems recently. I will post during the weekend or maybe on Friday.

r u ok?
@Vocalia Not gonna lie, just flat-out giving up on him now. I'd say after Raggie work tomorrow, get Ob to post here and help everyone progress?
....ok who the hell am I going to harass for posting? Ob? Psych?
Enjoying Sun and Moon yet?
@ONL@Sigurd Alright, just figured might be good since office break-in time. I'll send a PM... probably after my class?
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