Avatar of RBYDark


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1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

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@VKAllen Is everything ok? You didn't show up in the Discord server.
If you want. Sorry, not dead, just schoolwork/prepping for other rps where I am GM.
The trees hardly posed any obstacle for the two small digimon. The two pink ‘blobs’, as certain humans had taken to calling them, zipped around the trunks and under branches with ease, their small forms making it easy to avoid harm without needing to slow down. Piximon went over the possibilities in her head. He had broken the Server Tree at last. He had hurt Clockmon. He had hurt himself. No matter how she viewed it, it was worth going back to check, and it wasn’t like the humans - the digidestined - had anything left to offer. Piximon left her train of thought, content with that idea, before she heard it.

The yelling.

The swearing.

The crushing of dead leaves and grass underfoot.

Piximon made the mistake of looking back at the commotion and swore, violently, before calling ahead, "I think they're following!" What were they supposed to do about this? Why were these humans so dead set on chasing them? They hadn't even known what a digimon was - no way they were angry over the digivice! Whatever these items had been before, it didn't even matter, so no point getting mad. They were digivices now.

"I'm not sure we have time to lose them!" Marineangemon called back. "Speed up!" He began flapping his wings, already leaving Piximon behind in the dust. Piximon adjusted the digivices in her hands.

"Bro, wait!" Her wings beat faster - buzzing loudly, a sound that might make a Kuwagamon feel inferior. Even if the humans were following, she couldn't hear them over the buzzing of her own wings, trying to deafen her. Even with the way her wings beat, almost invisible to the normal eye, Marineangemon was still trailing far ahead of her. She just had to push a little harder before Marineangemon left her behind. It would be impossible to get lost - all she'd have to was fly above the tree line, head for the largest tree in the forest, and they would always be able to meet there sooner or later - but she did not want to go alone. She did not want Marineangemon to arrive alone. Nothing good had boded from that terrible cracking noise and going alone was... worrying.

Piximon was not scared. She refused to let herself be scared by him of all digimon.

She called out to Marineangemon again, but the air in her lungs deserted her. She could hardly breathe, her wings straining to try to catch up and every muscle in her body pulled taut from the effort. It wasn't bad that Marineangemon had digivolved, but by Yggdrasil, it made him hard to keep up with! If he could just stop for a moment so they could go together - why was he so worried anyways? Why not bother trying to lose the humans? They both knew what could happen. Oh, but she knew: he worried over that digimon. She tried to swallow some air to refill her rapidly-draining reserves. The trees were beginning to thin ahead. Marineangemon had about reached the tree line, and Piximon then maybe could catch up-

Piximon could not hear over the sound of her wings. The sharp wet sound of skin - texture data - being pierced had to be imaginary, as was the distant gurgling sound. Her brother, still so far ahead, could not possibly be heard over her wings. It had all happened so fast too, before she could bring herself to a painful halt. He had left the forest line, and then the jagged violet crystalline shard shot down through his chest. He dropped to the ground unceremoniously, the shard still protruding from the heart on his chest as greenish foam oozed from the edges of the wound. There was no noise now. Piximon, starved for air, held her breath before she dropped to the forest floor, wings still. Try to attract as little attention as possible, and maybe he'd get bored. Then she could go to Marineangemon, heal him with no fuss, and together they would find out-


Piximon screamed at the voice behind her, dropping the digivices. Before she could take off, a violet shard fired and pierced her right wing. She spiraled to the ground with a heavy thump, dirt pressing into her eyes. An invisible grip locked around her body, pinning her wings and arms, and turned her around. She stared into the unblinking eye of the white shell mask, hiding the face of her assailant.

Her friend. Necrowisemon.

"Found you, Piximon!" He giggled, the horned angular mask remaining as impassive as ever. Its white color was marred by small pockmarks made by the shell-like material, and by the various purple lines and dots painted on its surface; its eye, with its yellow sclera and red pupil, stared into her soul. It stood as a stark contrast to the colorful clothing he wore, the yellow felt wings that stretched out behind him from the cloth that covered his shoulders and hooded his head; the leaf-green ragged scarf and fingerless gloves; the orchid tunic that poked out under the belt at his waist and flowed when he flew; the dark green capris that barely covered his knees; the orange cloth boots held in place by violet straps; and the black, black skin that connected all the color together. The digicores encircling his head like a gory halo orbited much more rapidly than normal, and Piximon noticed the holes in his clothing and limbs sealing shut. So it was a fight? With what? With a flick of his wrist, the three digivices lifted off the ground as if suspended by invisible strings. "What're you doing hiding out here anyways, huh? I thought you hated hide and seek!" The meter-tall digimon was gliding back to the clearing, taking Piximon with him. Piximon was starting to feel woozy, the grip far too tight for her to try to breathe, Marineangemon remaining still on the approaching ground below, the smell of something in the air like blood and smoke and charred flesh.

Then he brought her outside the tree line, to the clearing surrounding the largest tree in the Central Processing Forest.

And Piximon understood.

The largest tree in the forest, the Server Tree, bore obvious signs of battle, its bark riddled with vicious claw marks, bullet holes, crystal shards, and scorch marks. Near the base of the tree, a massive impact had caused the trunk to splinter. Impaled on one of those massive splinters was a humanoid digimon, his outline fuzzing and red blood staining the purple pinstripe suit he wore. While he bore a mask, unlike Necrowisemon, Piximon knew the digimon's species well enough to know Astamon's mask was simply a part of his face. Perhaps Necrowisemon hadn’t known, as it looked like his face had been split in uneven halves from someone trying to yank off the ‘mask’. Astamon's gun laid between the gnarled roots of the Server Tree, broken in two beneath where he now hung. The grass around the roots was burnt to ash and laying in that ash was a cloaked digimon, its long arms severed and charred. Baalmon, Piximon dimly realized, was missing the blue hat usually covering his blond hair. Tattered pieces of his amulets laid scattered about, an inadequate defense against a powerful unholy foe. On the edge of the new ash-field was a lion-like digimon, laying face down and claws digging into the dirt. Piximon took a moment to realize what had happened - what Necrowisemon had done - to him; the blond mane he had covered the damage, soaked in his own blood as it was, but Piximon could see blood and edges of data strands oozing out from under Flaremon. Eviscerated. Right behind him was a narrower, more lynx-like digimon, and Piximon could tell right away, her spine had been snapped in two. It wasn't even like Meicrackmon was a fragile digimon and yet, with her shallow panting and desperate attempts to right her body even with her long claws ripped off, she looked almost vulnerable.

Piximon had a feeling she knew what the cracking sound was now.

"I can't believe you guys just came back now, though. You missed all the fun with my new playmates!" He lifted Marineangemon off the ground, leaving the digivice behind. Piximon struggled - her brother so close, and yet out of her reach. The other four digimon were forgotten. Not like she could save them, not now that they'd been designated 'playmates'. The fact they seemed to still be breathing was miracle enough. "It was fun playing some more, but it might've been more fun with you guys here. Maybe you could've helped? I'm not sure these guys are up for a second game themselves." He giggled again, ignoring Piximon's attempts to pull herself free to reach her unresponsive brother. "Where did you guys go? Clockmon didn't seem to know." He waited a moment, looking between the two fairy digimon.

"Why did you leave me?" With a roar, he flung his hand down, and the telekinetic force followed suit. Piximon crashed into the ground, tearing up grass with her landing. Marineangemon tumbled tail over head, the shard in his chest twisting and the foam splattering under him. The grass hissed at the contact and began to wither. The three digivices scattered across the ground, unyielding to the force pushed upon them. It was then Necrowisemon finally seemed to notice their presence.

"Hey, what's this?" The telekinetic force reached out and plucked the three digivices from the ground. Piximon ceased her attention to him, first taking in a much-needed breath of air before stumbling over to Marineangemon. The impact had forced the wound wider. She grimaced and grabbed the poisonous crystal, wincing as she yanked it out. Red and green mixed together as they oozed from the wound. Her magic was not made for healing, but she contorted it, trying to force it to harmlessly expel the poison from her brother's body, force it to seal the wound shut.

Praise to Yggdrasil, he still breathed.

Necrowisemon examined the three digivices, at first with disinterest. They spun lazily in the air - once their backs faced Necrowisemon, his whole frame tensed.

"No way..." He studied the three devices. "But it's missing-" His gaze tore away from the digivices, searching around the clearing from his position in the air. He then spied the one Marineangemon dropped and, with a whoop, he pulled it up with the other three. Turning it around revealed the same constellation pattern etched in - rather, the same kind. All four varied, but it was clear by Necrowisemon's laughter that something about the four together appealed to him.

"Well, glad to have you back. Thanks, guys!" He plucked the digivices out of the air and hugged them to his chest, otherwise ignoring the still-unconscious Marineangemon and still-panicking Piximon on the ground below.
@gohKamikaze Decided against sending?
“Who are you calling dumbass?”
"What? We're here to find some kind of soul mate? What stupid dating program is this? I'll choose my own dates thanks!"
“The hell kind of explanation do you call that?! We’re not fine. Where are we? How are we supposed to get home from here? What the fuck are ‘partners’ even meant to be?”
“Hey! That stuff doesn’t belong to you! A-and, what do you mean you have other things to do, you thieves?”
"Y-yeah! What are you two? Some kind of digital world Robin Hood but with no honour?!"
"Sabkon! -er I mean wait! Can you at least tell us where we are?"
"If you won't give it back, what can we do to get it back?"

Yup. Flipping out was had. Much flipping out. Piximon groaned and gestured at the humans, even as she looked at MarineAngemon - see how far trying to be nice had gotten them? Not far at all. Zero distance, in fact. And they weren't leaving to go on their adventure already, far away from them. MarineAngemon sighed, though Piximon had a feeling the sigh was at least partially aimed at her. He did look down at the item held in his hands, clearly pondering, and then back at the panicking humans.

"You hope he doesn't want them. That's how you'll get them back."

Piximon froze at MarineAngemon's words. Honestly, she assumed they'd be perfect, no way he'd turn them down. Why wouldn't he want them? And if he didn't, then what? Before Piximon could ask about that awful possibility, MarineAngemon kept going. His focus was entirely on the frightened and angry humans before him.

"It's like my sister said - you are in the digital world. I know it's not part of -" MarineAngemon paused and made a face like he'd bitten into a lemon. "-what you might call the real world, so you cannot just 'go' home. Not to say you never can. Most legends suggest humans are called over to do some epic quest, complete it, and then sent home safely. No legend has ever ended with a human's death. Not really anyways." He shrugged, still keeping his grip on the digivice. "We're not the ones who called you here, so we have no idea what that quest might be, who you should be talking to, or how long you'll be here. We only found you here, unconscious but unharmed. Unfortunately, this is all the help we can honestly give." MarineAngemon pointed in the direction past the humans. "I suggest heading in that direction? There are a few villages closer to the border of the Central Processing Forest. It seems like the best direction to go for sanctuary and any chance of finding your digimon partner. Most digimon will take one look at you and be falling over their feet to join you, so I don't think you'll have anything to worry about-"

It was then that a resounding crack echoed through the forest, from the direction the two small digimon seemed to guard. Their eyes widened as they both looked back toward the sound, and then at each other. Some silent conversation occurred in the moment they stared at each other. Piximon threw her hands up, the digivices clattering to the bottom of her heart-shaped bubble as she did. She dove down to pick them up. MarineAngemon resumed speaking, the gentle tone of his voice replaced by a tremble.

"I - I wish you humans the best of luck. We need to go. Now." The bubbles then popped - Piximon barely grabbed the last digivice before it could hurtle to the ground - and MarineAngemon took off back to the treeline. Piximon was only seconds behind him.

Looks awesome XD Move over to Characters tab when ready. You too, @Ezekial Wolffe
Nope. Just bugging Ob to post.
So much happened at once - but then, Piximon thought, it always did. It was never just one thing to respond to. First was the light which brought humans which brought the strange-shaped digivices, only unified by that constellation pattern on the back. Now it was all the humans awake - the first one just mumbled something the water, which got MarineAngemon's attention with a wan smile. The second - dead, really? Piximon's wings stopped flapping for a second while she took a moment to absorb how stupid that statement was. Ok, sure, there were tales of digimon slipping into the world where humans came from - Clockmon also had dozens of those - but unless humans were dumb enough to think her one of the undead, then where the Dark Area did that come from?

The third, Piximon didn't quite recognize the language. MarineAngemon frowned, though, and there was a moment where his pink heart pulsed visibly behind the digivice he now held clutched to his stomach. His face then lit up in understanding. Piximon assumed it was just one of his abilities. MarineAngemon seemed to have developed tons since he finally digivolved into a Mega (which, of course, she was proud of but at the same time, him, really?). Maybe related to the whole peace move he had. Who knew but him and the Sovereigns, really.

Though before they could start responding-

"OI! That's my watch!"

Piximon glanced at the items visible in front of her, and the device still clutched to MarineAngemon's chest. Watch?

"Give that back!"

And the human was running at them. Great. On the one hand, he was much bigger than them. On the other, Piximon tried to adjust the three items in her arms to one arm to free her other arm to wield her spear. She never heard of humans flying, and she was hardly an incompetent fighter. She was sure she'd catch up to MarineAngemon soon and digivolve. Until then, she was fine showing off her abilities.

To her side, MarineAngemon sighed.

"Ocean Love." He exhaled sharply, and two heart-shaped pink-tinted bubbles floated out from his mouth. One encased him while the other encased Piximon. She huffed. Fine, if MarineAngemon insisted. No violence yet again. She could really use a target eventually though, one she could do something about.

The last human's charge met the bubble and was deflected aside. Made sense. She doubted a human could break her brother's shields. The stories always said they needed a partner to survive in the digital world against larger, hostile digimon (which was going to be her in 3 seconds if they tried that again), and in turn gave the partner immense power. Though, speaking of, where were those fabled partners? She glanced around the clearing. No, MarineAngemon and herself were the only digimon here. Were she and MarineAngemon meant to help these humans? It wouldn't be the worst thing that ever happened, but her pride still made her gag at the thought. What about the constellations? Perhaps- No. They were gone. As awful as fate could be at times, surely it would draw the line at giving humans dead partners.

"Um, excuse me." MarineAngemon spoke, his heart on his chest visibly pulsing. She glanced at him. "If I may, to answer some of your questions - uh, no, you're not dreaming, and you're not dead."


"Sister!" His attempt at a glower was far from intimidating, but Piximon rolled her eyes. Fine, time to reel it in a bit.

"Bro checked on you, you're fine, no structure tearing, so you can stop complaining now." She once more shifted her spear, back between her arm and body, to resume her grip on the digivices. Maybe return them? Not worth considering. It was better to give them to him. Maybe they'd keep him amused and distracted for a while. "Seesh, you don't see us screaming at you, and you're pretty weird too." Well, time to try this her brother's way. "Blah blah, digital world, blah blah, adventure. Go find your partners already and, I dunno, have a good time or something. That's how the stories usually go." She looked at her brother, who gave a small shrug. Ok, not bad. Not good either, but she tried. And if they were just going to flip out, not like an explanation would really work, right? They'd just tune her out in favor of flipping out even more. "Go on, then." She waved a hand at them. "We've got other stuff to deal with since you're fine and everything." Mostly, getting back and hoping this little detour had been worth it.
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