Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

@RBYDarkSpeaking of medication (of which I have vaste knowledge and experience with...yay...pills and needles, litterarly), where's Fish? Still waiting for that lazy fuck good fella to post.

I can post and push the plot forward if people'd prefer that? Forcing the group to settle a temporary truce while they scope out the little town mentioned in Dr. Atkins' journals?

Told Ob, but he's kinda in the same spot as me. Work just kicks ass.
@ONL Nope c: ....Daoloth grants knowledge and is a lot more pleasant to deal with.
@Sigurd Cut me some slack I'm sad and broke all the time and while money won't buy me happiness, it will buy me medication that'll bring me close enough ;p
All three are part-time: tutoring on weekdays at community college, tutoring online at night, and retail on weekends. ;p
@Sigurd I'm on all three currently ;p
In my defense, since this rp started, I:

-got a job
-lost that job
-got a new job
-went back to school
-got a second job
-applied for a PA program
-got a THIRD job

So, just really tired is all.
The shrieks of agony and the burning light did nothing to faze the demonic child, silently watching, mask unchanging in the face of the tortures his ‘playmates’ were enduring. As the light faded, however, and heat and smoke wafted from the forms lying on the ground, he laughed and clapped his hands together. Baalmon, Meicrackmon, Flaremon, and Astamon. They were all back!

"Welcome back, guys! Who's up for Round Two?" It was as if the humans had never even been there. "Glad you're all here to play today." It was time to brush off that earlier hiccup and go back to their earlier playtime. "And I think I know just how to keep things going. Who's up for tag?" He teleported back to the edge of the clearing - Piximon visibly flinched at his arrival, even if he wasn't facing her. "It'll be something different! Won't that be great? You know, in the human world, sometimes they play it with a few extras. I've even seen them use metal pipes." He spread his arms wide. "I think I've got something a little more interesting - but you guys saw this coming, didn't you?"

Piximon blinked, looking from the four once-humans to the little demon, and then back to the humans before shaking her head and scooping up her brother's still-limp form. It was tempting to yell after them - they had tried to warn them, he had tried to leave them far behind from all this - but that wasn't going to work and it didn't matter anymore. Marineangemon's attempts to spare them had failed, and all she could do was try to spare him from the little demon he cared so much about.

Then there was a crack, and she paled. No... had he really gotten that far since they left? She turned to see the child raise both arms - and the massive tree cracked once more. Her jaw dropped, and she hugged her brother close to her before pushing off of the ground. There was nothing she could do for them. Not if he had truly destroyed the Server Tree.


It was like a glitching video playing in their minds -





-endlessly looping, unable to quite move on to the next part. The voices roses above their pain, echoing in their skulls as if trying to push out their own thoughts and fill their heads instead with the repeated words.

Then there was the cracking noise. The voices stilled.

The child had both hands lifted above his head and, behind him, the massive tree rose several yards off the ground. Bark and root broke, exposing wires and cables under the surface, the remains hanging uselessly in place. Piximon was flying out of the way as fast as her gossamer wings would allow with her brother's weight dragging her down. The tree loomed above the five of them.

"Well, guys-" The child's grin was practically audible. "Just try to stop this if you can!" He flung his hands forward and warped away as the tree toppled down in their direction. Too wide to run to the side, too much pain and noise to focus on a plan-

And then everything stopped.

Piximon's wings had come to a complete stop in midair and yet she did not fall. The child's colors had stopped as a smear to the side of the tree. The tree's leaves still bent back from the force of falling but did not move.

Footsteps came from their right - uneven, a hollow thunk followed by a metallic clank, thunk-clank, thunk-clank - and a dead bush rustled before a pair of hands parted the bare branches. Staring at them was a figure in a red hood, wire stitched along the hood's seam to a hole for the mouth - also stitched shut by wire. The green eyes were wide, the mouth dropping open as far as the seams allowed it. Both hands were gloved in red; the left hand held a mallet taller than the being was, held as if it were a walking stick instead of a potential weapon. Beyond the red cloth, the being was garbed in grey with nothing else particularly distinguishing about its humanoid appearance.

"Oh my stars." It - no, she - also sounded like a young child as she stared at the four. "I - I know there's a lot going on right now and I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but you four - please, this way." She pointed behind her with the mallet, lurching forward and catching herself on the shrub. "I can't keep this up for much longer, and that tree's going to hurt if it lands on you."
Well, listeners, Clara made it back safely. A round of applause for her, coming back alright. So far, we haven't received any calls of injuries or car accidents. I'm also glad to report there has been no news of riots. Way to go, Kingsport! Staying calm in the face of absurdity and adversity is a powerful trait to have. That said... while I agree with Meridian County police to stay indoors until we have more information, it seems so... odd, seeing our beloved city look so empty from the drone's camera. There are gatherings of cars, of course - it looks like some people are currently taking refuge in Kingsport's library, Pottsmouth's Coffeehouse, even a 7-11. I do hope they're all safe.


Officer Barnabe had the night shift for patrolling Kingsport. It was tough dealing with the superpowered criminals who seemed insistent that Kingsport was theirs to command through right of power; a little worse dealing with the inflated and wounded egos that were bound to show up afterwards. He'd been putting up with it for almost twenty years. At least this most recent generation seemed a little more toned down. Of course, maybe this would change all that.

His night shift became a double shift as the news rolled in and, rather than bring out even more people, Chief Pierce thought it safer to just keep everyone on duty, and stay by the station unless someone called for help. The fewer people on the streets, the less damage could be done until this event could be understood. Hopefully, even the supervillains might realize going out could endanger them as well.

And what was Officer Barnabe doing out in such worrying conditions?

Smoking a cigarette.

Goddammit, he needed his nicotine. Besides, as he reasoned with Chief Pierce, the radio host Gaulton had put the plea out for the superheroes to help. Might as well make sure they knew the station was in fact open.
@tobiax Hey, uh, you familiar with the trope Epiphanic Prison?
Alive at least, yes c:
Good morning, Kingsport! It is currently 4 AM and welcome to WKXZ News Radio, your local station for all the things happening in this amazing city of ours! Our top story for this morning: last night around 10 PM, an apartment on West Gay Street caught on fire. Firefighters arrived on the scene after a neighbor reported a sound like an explosion to find the top half of the six-story building burning up. One fatality has been reported so far, and eight people are in the hospital for related injuries. There is no news as to what caused the fire or the explosion-like sound. Anyone with possible information is encouraged to call the police station. Personally, I'm trying to remember off the top of my head if any of our local supervillains are known arsonists. But that may just be me.

The weather for today is predicted to be a wonderful seventy degrees Fahrenheit, partly cloudy with winds under five miles per hour and no chance of precipitation. Humidity will be only 37%. Listeners, if you want to see the sunrise, it's predicted to begin at 4:37 AM this morning, so grab your coffee and cameras and get ready for a wonderful start to a wonderful day!

Onto the traffic: Highway 40 is currently clear. We- Hm. We seem to be experiencing some technical difficulties with the drone, we'll get back to you on that, but your commute should go smoothly. No accidents have been reported yet and with the weather the way it's been, there are no hazards to warn about.

Onto the other stories for the day!


Good morning Kingsport! It is currently 4:30 AM and welcome to WKXZ News Radio, your local station for all the things happening in this amazing city of ours! The sun should be rising soon - on our sponsor break, I decided to take my own advice and prepare my camera for the sunrise. I think our friend Matt in Weather may have made a few wrong predictions - the sky seems to be blanketed in clouds this morning. I couldn't even see the stars! So that's your weather update, first of all. Secondly, I apologize, but it seems the traffic drone is still out of order. I sent Clara out to report on the roads herself, so don't worry, we'll have information to you all in good time! Everything you need to know to have a wonderful morning!


Listeners, I believe Matt has made another mistake. The sunrise seems to be a bit late this morning. Our apologies from everyone here at WKXZ News Radio, particularly those looking forward to a beautiful sunrise. We are trying to correct this error. In the meantime, on with our coverage that will affect your morning commute!


I... Good morning, Kingsport. It is now 5 AM - I think - and and welcome to WKXZ News Radio, your local station. In especially local news, we are examining the clocks in our station. The sunrise seems unusually late, as verified by our callers, but it's possible we've ignored Daylight Savings Time or something similar.

Clara has been reporting in - roads are mostly clear. We have our outbound traffic as usual, heading off for that forty-minute commute - we wish you luck from here at WKXZ News! Inbound traffic seems to be moving slowly, though there are no accidents. Probably some rookie drivers. More on this as it progresses.


Listeners, the sunrise is over an hour late now. We can't find anything wrong with the clocks. I went outside - the sky is still black, with no stars visible. Matt is calling the National Weather Center in the event we are experiencing strange meteorological phenomena. However, I also received a call from Clara - she's now inbound to Kingsport. She doesn't know what happened, and, frankly, neither do I. Each of her reports indicated she was headed straight out of the city. She says she's going to try to turn around and exit the city.

I- excuse me, we just received a call. One moment.


...Listeners. We have an exclusive story from Mother Mercy General Hospital. According to the employee who called me - after they'd calmed down enough to tell me the story - all of the comatose patients have awoken. There was no warning, just, suddenly, everyone's awake. Of course, families are being contacted and many of them are apparently well enough now to return home. It's as if nothing ever happened to them.

Afterwards, Clara called - she managed to turn around and kept me on the line as she drove outward - only to return into the city. She told me what she was doing, and I don't think she's trying to trick me. Listeners... she sounds scared. I'm going to call Meridian County Police, try to get some help here. I think something terrible may be happening. If any of our local superheroes are awake, I will also plead for you to help find out what's happening.




Listeners. The Meridian County Police answered when I called, and promised to send out a car to get a sense of the situation. That seemed reasonable to me, since no one's getting hurt yet, as far as I've heard. Just a lot of callers confused and scared since, well, the sun appears to be missing and so far we have a looot of late employees unable to leave Kingsport to go to their place of work. It's very bizarre to say the least. But anyways.

The Meridian County Police sent their car.

Their car came back.

Listeners... they can't find us. It's as if Kingsport has been plucked off the face of the earth. They've sent out three more cars, to no avail. They're working on escalating to state and even federal assistance. In the meantime they, and I, advise you all to stay indoors unless necessary to go out and call the station if there are any more updates to report. Again, if any superheroes are listening to us at... 7:45 AM, please, help us.

What is going on here?
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