Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
1 like


I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

I'm curious, but I guess I have a few questions I'd want answered.

1) Guys ok?
2) So what exactly would the mahou shoujo be fighting? I understand if you can't be detailed, but I guess I want to know if the enemies are human or monsters, are they visible to the average human, that sort of thing.
3) What overall tone are you shooting for? Traditional such as Cardcaptor Sakura? Darker like Puella Magi Madoka Magica? Action? Slice-of-life?
@ONL Vodka and why not both? I got my knowledge firsthand!
@ONL Here I am!
@ONL Yeah, of course!
Before long, Adelaide was back in her home. She changed out of her dirty, smoke-smelling clothes and into a grey sweatshirt and ripped jeans. She also put her hair up in a ponytail, just in case anyone came by, asking about the attack.

"FM, we didn't have to leave. I was almost close to winning that fight!" She growled at the radio. Or wherever FM was. Man, that guy is confusing.

All due respect, Adelaide, you said you needed help, and your strategy of threatening the civilians wasn't working out. I don't have much in the way of a physical form, and I'm still reaching out to other potential allies - none that could've made it to Pottsmouth Coffeehouse in time. It sounded like he preferred the home radio. If you can help me recruit, maybe next time I can call backup?

Adelaide sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Well, we should've probably thought about backup beforehand. I don't really know anyone who'd be interested in being allies with us." She sat down on the couch, Sammy jumping up to cuddle with her.
She pat his head, trying to think of someone.

Well, I think we might have a friend soon. Just keep thinking and, remember, I'm only a station away. We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen! And with that, Adelaide's radio went silent.


Harper stood in her kitchen, singing while trying to tidy up. Her windows were tightly shut as to prevent any passerby from hearing her voice and falling under its thrall, the midnight blue curtains firmly drawn. She sung along to the radio, having changed it from WKWZ to halt her slowly increasing paranoia about the happenings.

She wanted to help, damnit! But her power wasn't of much use. Just fucking shit up, which she wasn't too interested in doing.

"I'm a wandress, I'm a one night stand, don't belong to no city don't belong to no man, I'm the violence in the pouring rain, I'm a hurricane! Oh oh, I'm ahurricane, oh oh oh, oh oh oh, I'm a hurricane." She sung, her voice lovely and gravelly, slow and slurred. God did she love Halsey.

As the song wound down, the station host spoke up. And that was Halsey's Hurricane! And a wonderful performance from our dear Harper! Well done! Except that wasn't the station host's voice. Wonderful voice, don't you agree? I think she could be doing something so much better with it, though, instead of keeping it to herself. Let's give her a chance, what do you say, Harper?

Harper yelped, falling backwards onto her ass. She shook brown hair from her eyes, visibly startled and a bit incensed. "Radio host person, I dunno why you're speaking through that mic, but you're insane! I can't talk in front of people, I haven't done it since I was like. 14, I can't. It'll be disastrous. Also, why are you talking? Radio hosts can't. Like. Hear me. This is weird. NO ONE'S supposed to be able to hear me."

It most certainly is! Though maybe the 'how' isn't as important as the 'why'. Something about the voice shifted - as if the speaker now leaned against Harper's kitchen counter instead of sitting at some radio station building far away. Isn't it just a little unfair? Not being allowed to talk? You certainly didn't decide you had the power to charm people oh so effectively. You've tried and tried to get it under control, but now all you can do is keep silent and let people speak up over you. It's not like you wanted that.

But, you know, strange things have been happening today. Maybe they'll end tomorrow. Maybe they'll never end. This may very well be the rest of your life - or maybe, together, we can change that.

"N-no! I don't want to. I mean, I want to talk, sure, but that's besides the point! It's unfair, but it's what's the best. I love singing. UGH, what do you want?! Get to the point."

Me? I just want to help. And I think, with everything going on, this is the perfect opportunity for you to fix that little problem of yours. Get some practice, learn how to control it - so we might do a little damage on the way, but it's not like you're inherently lethal. Any damage can be fixed. And you can help the city in the meantime. Wouldn't that just be great?

Harper bit her lip, thinking. She leaned against the counter. "Helping, you say?"

Indeed! For you, just being able to talk freely. That'd be nice, I'm sure. The city, well, I don't know if you heard, but if this ends up lasting too long, well, people can't work like this. But they still need food and water. Perhaps you can help... liberate supplies for your fellow citizens.

"So, I'd be helping, right?" There was a tinge of desperation in her voice, a hint of how badly she wanted this.

Of course! You know how companies can be - even in the face of imminent death, all that matters is profit. And you can't let them get away with that. I'm currently working with another like you, but her methods are rather destructive. Yours, even without proper control, aren't. The voice's tone softened, as if to push the sincerity of the request on Harper.

"I'm..." Harper hesitated again, considering it. One part of her told her to go with it, while another said it was a trick. A trap. Ultimately, she went for the former. "Okay. If I'll be helping. Only if I'll be helping. I can't hurt anyone, or it's over."

Excellent! I look forward to working with you! And the slightly smarmy gameshow-host tone had returned.

"I'd shake hands, but you're on the radio."

Fair enough. My other associate's equally bothered by my lack of form. I'm working on it. As if admitting to lacking a body merited the overly-casual tone used.

"...Sure. I bet not having a body must be annoying."

I've learned to live with it. Obviously. How are those dishes going by the way?

"Okay. My family came over last night and I made soup. Soup is hard. And I made a ton of veggies. And bread."

Mhm. Sounds delicious. Save- well, I suppose I should let you get back to those. I'll let you know shortly what your first job will be helping the city?

"Okay. Throw it at me."

Oh, will do. In the meantime, if you'd like to talk with your other associate, I think I can have that arranged. Never fear, your voice will not affect her. It was easy to imagine the being giving a mock salute.


Adelaide came out of the kitchen with two bowls of ramen. "Man, if only Sparky hadn't been around. Or that other guy, this would've taken so much less time and energy." She sat back down, waiting for FM to return. "Huh... maybe I should make the fire walls stronger next time." She thought out loud.

And we are back, listeners! FM popped back into Adelaide's life a bit more loudly than necessary. I believe we may have backup - but I suggest painting yourself as well-meaning. She's rather... sensitive about doing wrong.

She jumped, cursing under her breath. Thanks, FM, for making her almost made her drop her precious food. "Ahh... what's her power? Or does she not have one?" Adelaide asked after taking another bite of ramen.

Of course she has one. But until it's properly under control, how about you two just talk over the radio about it, hm?

"Hm.. alright. What's her name?" She asked.

Harper. Now, like I said, try to be good. She'll be an excellent ally if you are.

Adelaide rolled her eyes. "I know how to be nice, or at least act like it." She muttered.

Harper jumped onto her countertop, radio in hand, tapping her fingers against the counter nervously. She hadn't talked to anyone real in... years! Forever, it seemed.

Adelaide coughed, before starting. "Well, hello there, Harper! My name's Adelaide. FM told me you'd most likely be an ally to us, if I'm correct?

"He also told me you have a power. Mind telling me what it is?"

Harper didn't jump this time when Adelaide came onto the radio. "... Hi?" She barely managed to get the squeak out. "Um... voice-based mind control. Yeah. Yours?"

Adelaide now knew why she'd be a vital part of their team. "Mine is fire. Well, I can create it, control it, etcetera. Your power is so cool! I wish I had that kind of ability."

"No. No you don't, trust me. I want to do good, but I can't! My power is just... inherently bad." Harper tightened her hands into fists. "Your power is way cooler."

"But think of it. If you just find all the... villains, I guess, you could stop them from doing what they're doing with just a word. With mine, I sadly have to resort to violence, most of the time."

"But I don't want to have to control someone, that's unethical."

"Hm.. well, would you rather have that person hurt or kill more people? Look at how many civilians you could save with your power! The only thing unethical would to just not help with the ongoing crisis."

"I. I guess," Harper muttered.

"So, what has FM told you about our plans?" She asked, curious.

"Not much. Just that I'd be helping people. That's true, right?"

"Of course! Especially right now, people need all the help they can get." Adelaide paused for a moment, before asking, "We should meet up sometime. I don't think FM can, though, since I don't even know if he has a physical body. But, if we're gonna be allies, we should at least know what we look like, right? Whaddya say?"

"... Okay? I guess? W-where?"

If I may- Here, FM finally cut in. I think I know the first place to go to help people. You can go there - get a feel for the place before we do anything, and meet up at the same time.

"Where?" Harper asked.

"Hm.. that's a good idea."

There's this store in West Kingsport - Aaron's Fine Foods, you may have heard of it? FM didn't seem fazed by the location - West Kingsport had been traditionally considered an area of high crime, the kind that superheroes couldn't fix. Many homes had bars on their windows, and anyone on the sidewalks once the sun went down was considered 'suspicious'. If FM knew any of this, he didn't comment on it.

"West Kingsport?" Harper asked.

Oh, just your traditional rich-folk store. If you don't have the money, you don't get the food. It seems a little unfair, especially with how many people can't work now.

"...OK. What'll we be doing there?"

Like I said. Liberating supplies for the rest of us.

Adelaide listened intently. Even she didn't understand why'd they would be going there.

"You're avoiding my question. How do we liberate supplies?"

Well, it depends. You can persuade them - try to do so without your powers, Firebird here can just be for backup in case things go badly. You can try after hours. Or, you just rebrand it 'robbery' and we'll just hand out the food later.

"Aw, backup? Ill do it if I have to, I guess." Adelaide said.

"Sure. Why not?" Harper said.

Glad you understand. There was a hint of a grin in FM's voice. Ladies, I'll do my best to meet you both there. No promises, though!

"Wait! When are we doing this, exactly?"

Checking the place out? Well, it doesn't particularly matter to me. I'll be able to check in regardless.

"I guess now?"

"Well... to be completely honest, I'm exhausted. Could we possibly do this tomorrow instead?" Adelaide asked.

"Well, I'm restless and alone all day!"

Adelaide rolled her eyes, "Here, how about I at least take a nap and then we go. Deal? It'll just be an hour."

This time, the voice's silence was followed by an exasperated sigh. Radio puns? Are we really going down that path? It sounded like he was talking to himself. I suppose I could work with that though... He cleared his throat. Yes, that was probably him. If he'll be FM, you can call me AM. There's no point in denying our relation, at least not until this is all resolved.
There was a lingering silence before the voice spoke again. I suppose that's fair. Though, at this point, I'm not sure I could provide you with anything you don't already know. Obviously, it all began this morning, with the reports. It just sounded so frightening - what if people got scared? If they hurt each other along the way? The voice chuckled, though it sounded flatter and more nervous at once than before. ...my brother, you see, he rather it happened sooner. Get it resolved now, he said, instead of further down the line when everyone's starving. I disapproved, but unfortunately I'm guessing he's responsible for this, if only indirectly.

I don't blame you for not trusting me. But, honestly? I'd rather see you guys succeed. The heroes save the city, inspire the people to carry on until normal life can resume, keep anyone else from falling to villainy. And I'll do whatever I can to make that a reality. Just, only way I can do that is over the radio, though. At least for now.

That was... odd, the barista decided. Where was this guy, and where was his brother? Kingsport was a decent-sized city to be sure, but was this really the first time they'd decided to act?
@T Risket Hey there. The fact that we took four days to answer should explain why.
Who am I? There was a pause from the speaker's voice. Hm, not really sure I have a name. Well, one I could give you all. There was a chuckle over the loudspeaker. I'll have something before you all go, though. But, seriously, is everyone alright?

"Not everyone," the barista announced. Two of the customers, she could now see, had been caught by the entrance when Firebird came in. She just hoped their ends had been quick. She looked to She-Wolf and Sparks. "Thank you. That crazy bitch was gonna kill us all if you hadn't helped."

Indeed, thank you! I only wish I could have been here sooner. I do hope it won't happen again - even more, that it won't be necessary again.

Not scary per se but from a horror franchise.
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