-Age: 25
-Race: Human/Female
-Occupation: Junior Exploration Officer
-Equipment: 1 Standard Issue Exploration ExoSuit, 1 Laser Cutter Tool (for removing “obstructions”), 1 Standard Issue Exploration Toolkit.
-Biography: Colleen is a bright young star come straight from one of the better universities of the human colonies. She majored in psychology and sociology, but also spent a lot of time learning new languages. Her dream and goal was always to one day go to deep space on a starship, exploring new worlds and cultures. She's pretty new on the starship and has thus far only been on a handful of routine missions.
-Personality: Warm, friendly and including are words people tend to use when describing Colleen. She does her best to please people around her and always strives to be loyal and honest. She rarely shares her personal opinions, thoughts or hardships with others, though, which sometimes culminates in a flood of words and tears when she gets drunk on red wine (which she does every once in a while). Colleen is very by-the-book when on a mission, especially when facing unknown elements on an unknown world, but once the uniform's off she likes to relax and doesn't take the rules very seriously.