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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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Oh same. Which is your character again?
I'm not sure that's how it works
Sounds y'all better work quickly

Consider me interested too!
Alright man, I understand. Thanks anyway.
Hi, I'm not sure if you remember me, but I was from that pokemon rp we were in before it died awhile back. I was wondering if there is still room to join?
Zev and Enma

He was going to die. Zev just stood there as he watched those mercury spears melted in the ball of fire that hurtled its way towards him, searing everything that was caught in its path. There was no way to escape it; the fire's range was simply to great and it was moving too fast. The only thing he could do was just stand there and accept the fact that this was completely out of his hands, embracing his body for absolute immolation in a matter of seconds as the heat of the flames grew closer.

Then he heard the sound of the air being sucked in and... the heat grew weaker? Zev opened his eyes and saw that Jack had intercepted the flames and devoured it all. Never before was he as glad to have his guildmaster with him at this exact moment. When he told the duo to go off to help the others so he could fight this scaly abomination he certainly wasn't going to argue with him. "Yes sir, good luck!" Zev ran off and really, he what he wanted to do was just absolutely fuck off and head back to the ship though he knew he could not do that; he wouldn't live it down and he doubted that any of his guild mates would certainly hold it over his head.

"Dammit Hunter, use your head!" He yelled out at the jade slayer and by his will, he summoned multiple of his familiars, their inky black form sunk into the ground and then reappeared underneath the dragon and grabbed onto the dragon to force it to stay on the ground for as long as they possibly could so that Hunter could get a clean hit.

Meanwhile, Enma was pissed. He was going to die and it would have been him being completely powerless to some overgrown fire lizard? No, oh hell no. There was no way that he was going to take it lying down, not a chance in hell...But he knew that in this situation he would probably hold him back and he should assist someone else and then another leathery scaled dragon got in his way and it seemed to be quite immune to poison and that other slayer, the poison kid, had to fight it. "Hey ugly! Eat this!" Enma yelled out as he swung his club, generating a roaring concentrated force of vibrations that, while would not cut through its scales, would serve to act as more like a bomb on impact and hopefully the vibrations would cause more internal damage than external. Chances are it would probably piss it off even more.


@Tenrou Island Crew

There are roles that some people did not even need to be put in nor would they even expect; Enma in this case was being held as some sort of security blanket all the way towards the island by a hysterical Ash who was quite literally sobbing into him with every slight rock the boat made. And may the gods help them even if the tiniest droplet of water fell got in the boat. God damn if they were on that boat any longer the poor guy would be getting a serious case of tinnitus. To top it all off he was dealing with his own seasickness so every time the boat rocked he was trying to hold it in or else he would keep on vomiting over the side of the boat, which in turn would bring Ash closer to the water and cause her screaming to worsen. It was not a fun time.

Meanwhile, Zev was sitting in the same boat as them and just sat there watching silently. "Frenzy Plant, huh? More like Flimsy Plant", is what he would say though he was sure that the two of them would toss him off the boat and he was a smart man so he held his tongue. He wasn't bothered by this at all; he was used to being on the water when he was growing up so it was quite interesting to see...whatever the hell this is.

When everyone had made it to land, Enma joined his Frenzy Plant companion and fell down on all fours and kissed the ground. Never before had he missed sweet, sweet solid, stable land. Zev just stood there and watched the two of them kiss the land like it was a long lost lover and simply just shook his head. He would have to settle for being embarrassed for the both of them.

Then the sudden roars tore through the island and the land mass began to shake violently though Enma and Zev felt this obscene magical pressure hanging in the air. It was as if there were boulders stacked on their backs and they just kept on coming. Just what in the hell did they sign up for? Whatever it was, it somehow involved dragons! Shouldn't they have been extinct? Enma was always one to welcome a challenge and to set his mettle and strength against the strongest, but even he knew that he was far out of his depth. In Zev's case, he would have turned back and gone back on the ship if it were an option. He did not sign up to fight dragons of all things. He had Fiona to look after, he had to come back alive.

At least they had the sense to form groups and plans and egos were thrown about though it looked like that one of them, this Ferrin fellow, had finally just lost it and began to talk to himself. Well, in a worst case scenario they can at least use him as bait for the dragons at least...which was probably now that ruby red dragon had just appeared though it was held back by the Time Lord though that really did not last long. Fighting really was the only option that they all had or else they were going to be some extra crispy mages.

"God dammit!" Zev cursed at their situation. If they ever get out of here alive, they have to warn Fiore that dragons are inhabiting the island. This was a cataclysmic disaster just waiting to happen.

He glanced over to Enma and from the information he could gather from talking to him before this little shit show of a trip, he was physically strong and had the magic to amplify that already. This gave him an idea. "Hey muscle head. Use these." Zev had begun to generate spears of solid mercury and received a nod knowing where this was going.

"Let's hope this works!" He grabbed one of the mercury spears and infused them with his Tremor Magic, making them vibrate at higher speeds until it was emitting an actual noise and then infused it with his Warrior's Magic, the red glow coated it and gave it far more immense durability. With a great throw, he tossed the spear towards the dragon's face. Even if the scales protected it from the brunt of the attack, the vibrations should at least have some sort of effect if it hits.
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