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9 yrs ago
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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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What in the actual hell happened? He turned his eye away from Cecil and the next thing he knew, she was coming back from a direction with a large amount of commotion with a Sneasel in tow. Wasn't she with that pink baby Pokemon? All that he could gather from her frantic pointing and excited jumping was that she went on some sort of adventure with Aster and that pink Pokemon and this Sneasel helped them out in one way or another. It's not like he could really understand what she was saying; she isn't some dog barking at people to tell them that little Timmy fell down the well and needs help.

It still did not explain why the Sneasel was there in front of him, but it looked like she managed to convince it to join Basil's team. And this is how he gained a Sneasel on his team. "Well, that happened." Seriously, he got his starter, an egg, and another Pokemon in less than a day... The problem was that he did not catch his first Pokemon yet.

Well, I'm gonna head off. It's time that I actually make my first move as a real trainer. Basil turned to Cyril with a kind, yet sheepish smile. "I think I'll have to decline your offer for now. I want to see if I can strike out on my own or not. I hope to see you all again one day." With goodbyes said, he left the park and made his way through the city. There were many sights and sounds, but he would have to return another day; he could not put off making his real start on his journey.

He took a deep breath at the edge of the city limits. "Well, here goes nothing." He made his first step towards Route 1.

So there he was, laying on the ground, bleeding without even one of his guild mates acknowledging his presence. "Guess I'll die."

Then shit happened; an unfathomable presence had suddenly appeared without any warning. Zenith raised his head up to see what in the fresh hell it was and dear god he had only seen this man once before: the wizard saint Ajax There. This man was a living terror, a monster above all monsters and he was talking to Fenixtear's two S-Class mages. He could hear his heart pounding against his chest as he broke out into a cold sweat. The first instinct he felt before anything else was to run, to run as far as he could from this overwhelmingly strong entity.

God dammit, if he was just a little bit closer to hear the conversation! Zenith sighed and looked up at the sky. God dammit, he was completely useless after using Enkidu; the rebound felt like his body was trying to tear itself apart and he had absolutely no more Ethernano after his final attack that only split the dragon's head open just enough to help with the finishing blow. Speaking of which, was that thing even a real dragon? He's never killed a dragon before, but he was certain enough that when most things die they don't turn into blue sparkles of magic that float up to the sky.

Well, they'll just have to talk about it later. He could not exactly talk to others if he was laying on the ground like."Can I get a little help here? I'm not exactly the biggest fan of bleeding out." He called out to whoever in his guild would listen or able bodied to help heal his lacerations.

Wait, all of that damage and it was still kicking?! It was sending those damn spikes were all coming straight toward Zenith and he was desperately trying to avoid being turned into a pin cushion, ducking and weaving through each thing though not without getting deep lacerations all over him. Enkidu took way too much out of him and his body was paying for the price; it was screaming out in pain from the rebound of that form, not moving the way that Zenith wanted it to.

And then it all stopped. The beast suddenly collapsed and as that happened the assault of spikes halted. Wait, was it over? Zenith glanced around and saw Grasidia walk out from what he could guess was the jaw of the dragon. He returned her nod, assuming that it meant that this battle was over, they had slain the monster. It was quite curious that it was beginning to dissipate into Ethernano, which either meant that that's what happens when they die, or the more likely answer, there was something terribly off about that dragon.

Zenith hopped off the beast, not bothering to watch it drift off into the sky, to walk to the makeshift fortress. Along the way he noticed the Rune Knights coming out and he recognized quite a few of their faces though he was not sure if they recognized him. He had more important matters anyway.

"Hey, how's Felix?" He asked as he approached his guild members, looking down at the stupid, stupid boy that threw himself at a dragon.

There was no point in being healed at this moment; everyone else needed way more than he did. All that Zenith required was a sit down, a drink, and some god damn peace and quiet. Well, his rebound shocked through his entire body, as if every muscle was cursing at him. He fell flat on his back and looked up at the sky. "I need a drink."

This had to be a bad joke; the dragon was regenerating from the damage that it had taken and it's appearance keeps mutating into something more and more horrifying. Hell, he was lucky that he was in the air since the worst thing that he to deal with is the sudden burst of wind trying to force him down, but he was able to manipulate the course of the wind so that the impact was lessened though he was still pushed back. He could only look at horror at the flaming destruction beneath him though he did not have time to worry about his allies since the dragon was now targeting just him; it created more fierce winds and again Zenith was manipulating the course of the winds around him and was sent flying backwards, skidding on his feet across the roof of a building. It was going to take more than that to keep him down before he took flight again high into the air.

Everyone was doing their best, even when they were at their utmost limits and were still fighting. He needed to respond to them in kind and pull his damn weight like Lavina and Holly. His thoughts were at a sudden stand still when he saw Felix fly right past him and landed a powerful strike against the dragon, but the damn kid was still in the air. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion; he knew what was about to happen and how horrible it was going to be, but he couldn't take his eyes away from it. "No!" The dragon rocketed the boy down the earth with its tail.

Fire was coming straight towards Zenith, but Marduk came in with the save with a portal that redirected the attack back at the dragon.

Rage, unyielding rage towards the dragon for what it did to Felix and towards himself for failing to protect the boy. Why was he so harsh on this kid? Was it his fault?

He heard what Marduk said and the elder mage did not need to tell him to do that. Zenith dove straight down at the dragon as fast as he could. "War Beast!" His body morphed into of that living siege weapon, an armor scaled bipedal behemoth creature of monstrous strength that weighed more than a few tons and now it was diving straight to the dragon's head at alarming speeds. Zenith elbow dropped down on the dragon's head on impact, sending the beasts head smashing against the ground, but Zenith was not done yet.


A bright light enveloped his body and then faded to reveal a bipedal, silver dear with wolf like eyes, claws, and fang, legs resembling spears, and a long mane. What resembles fur are actually scales with a black swirl pattern, pulsating with a green light. The magical pressure coming from him could have been described as suffocating; all of his power was being pushed to its absolute limit and after this form is used, he was going to feel an intense rebound.

His claws dug into the dragons head to get as tight as a hold on it as possible, his mouth open as magical energy began to gather into a sphere, growing larger and larger as he was putting every single bit of his magic into this one attack. The sphere radiated with a green light in the darkness that Ria has summoned and then it it began to flicker before it condensed into a golf ball sized sphere. "Gilgamesh!"

The titanic beam he released created a light that probably could be seen all over the city. If this dragon somehow survived this attack, then he was absolutely screwed.

All roads lead back to Era; it's where his trial for the false crime was held and where he brought the scandal to the papers. Now it was burning to the ground. It's always something with this bloody city.

He never had seen a creature as large as this before; it had to be two, no, three times the size of his Azure of the Deep and five times as long. The legends surely did not live up to the real thing; the ferocity and pressure it exuded surpassed any story he heard and let's not forget about the unprecedented level of destruction that this monster casually raised by just existing. Those Rune Knights may as well have been lamb to the slaughter as they made a futile effort in trying to defend against the dragon's wrath until Grasidia too the initiative and attacked the dragon with a brutal strike before she was flicked away like a mildly annoying bug. It then turned its attention upon the rest of the guild. Fuck.

Hurricane winds tore through the air and knocked everyone off Grasidia's leaves. At least he was not like his gravity challenged guild mates; dark brown wings with a massive wingspan formed from his back and he was able to glide down to the ground with ease to the rest of his companions. Marduk barked orders to back Grasidia up; she was already binding it down and Holly legit tore the beast a new one. He better not be shown up by them.

"Sky Emperor!" His whole body was warped by a white light and then from it came a lion with unnaturally deep brown fur with the claws and wings of an eagle, and a scaled tail. It was not long before he was in the again air, his wings beating to keep him afloat as the flames of the dragons roar burn the city blocks into ash. He was about to begin his own assault, but there was something wrong, there was something should not be near that dragon: Felix. "Oh for fuck's sake!"

He dove down straight down to the boy as fast as he could and grabbed Felix by the scruff of his jacket with his talons before the boy was swooped into the air. Fuck why the hell is the kid burning up? Felix was burning his hands! "Dammit Felix! You had one job!" They should not have brought him! Felix was too much of a liability.

Once they were far enough, Zenith placed him down on a building and reverted back into his regular form, grabbing him by the collar of the boy's shirt and lifted him off his feet. At this point he was too angry to even care about the heat radiating from his body. "I will say this once and only once. Disobey orders and I will turn you into dragon feed." The older mage dropped him and ran, transforming back into the Storm Emperor as he leaped off the building and back towards the fray.

As he flew closer, he focused his magic into creating clouds of grey above the dragon, rumbling as lightning flashed above it. Bolts of lightning began to rain down from the sky down on the dragon repeatedly.

This was absurd. There was no way that the Forys is seriously telling them to bring Felix to fight a dragon and yet, no one is blinking an eye at it. Hell, he was even be asked why his age was a big deal if he was capable of fighting. Even Holly admitted her doubts of bringing him along, but did not wish to go against their guild master's wishes. And then there was Felix who was trying to sound responsible and smart when he had no possible idea how large of a threat a dragon was.

There were so many things he wanted to tell Felix; that he was not like his father, but just a child with too much confidence in himself. That there is a real chance that he will actually die in this mission if he decides to charge head first into danger, but nothing he could say will reach his ears and no one was going to stop him from coming along, god fucking dammit. Zenith's jaw was clenched though his body relaxed as he sighed as he realized that there was no point in fighting a losing battle anymore if they were so dead set on having the entire guild participate."Fine, if you want to be treated like an adult then I will, but you better be ready to accept the consequences like one too."

He just dropped the subject; there was no more time to debate whether or not the boy would come along. All that Zenith could hope for is that the boy would not do anything stupid and that they could all keep him safe from harm and himself.

"Extra cream and sugar, got it!" Zenith hopped to his feet and went over to the back of the bar to grab the pot of coffee that had been brewing in the back. He poured Marduk his cup around the same time that Forys announced the guild's current mission: slay a dragon. Do you want this for to go instead? He asked nonchalantly, not even looking up to ask. The young man did not even wait for an answer; he poured the coffee into a thermos with cream and sugar and tossed it to the elderly man. It was almost a little weird how calm he was in the face of what Forys had asked of them.

Oh he was aware how absolutely insane this mission was, but he was not one to go against the orders of his superiors. The guild was young, scrappy, and hungry to make a name for itself and enter the public light after months of obscurity so he sure as hell was not going to chicken out. He would certainly would not mind the income boost considering that they pound down food like a fat man at a pie eating contest. Not to mention the prospect of taking over a dragon is such a rare opportunity that if they someone make it out alive, he sure is going to come out with a hell of a prize. That is if he is even able to get a chance at all.

Teams were being decided by the more senior members of the guild. It looked like Zenith was not going to get a say at all in who he is paired up with. Wait, was Holly serious about bringing Felix? The kid was too reckless for a mission like this no matter how strong he was; he is going to get himself killed. Hell, he could trust Leon, the weakest and most inexperienced mage of the group, to not run in head first like a complete immature kid with way too much power for his age and protagonist syndrome!

"Wait, Holly!" He rushed through the door after the armored woman. "We can't bring Felix to fight a dragon. No matter how strong he is for his age, he's still just a kid for god's sake!" For someone in the guild that tries to act like the voice of reason, she sure is taking way too big of a risk on bringing him on. Someone in this guild has to be responsible for the child and think of what is good for him, even if it will piss Felix off for the longest time.

"Morning Markduk! Do you need anything? A cup of coffee, tea?" He offered to the most senior mage in the guild, next to Torys. Looks like things were starting to get a bit more lively this morning! Everyone was starting to gather around whether it was because they were beckoned by the smell of breakfast like Leon or it was simply time to start their day. Either way, things were just a bit less gloomy with everyone conversing about. Well, some less conversational than others.

Luke had savagely gulped down the sandwich in two bites, a sandwich that had been broiling in the oven with a hot egg on top of it. What the hell was the guy's mouth made out of, leather? Then there was the fae that Leon summoned that lobbed a piece of the croque madame at the bar shelves and threw an hissy fit in a tongue far beyond Zenith's comprehension. Those damn pixies were the most picky eaters that he had the displeasure to meet; this was not the first time nor will it ever be the last time that those little monsters tossed his food around.

Now there was Gwen who had decided to strip out of habit and he glanced away with a slight blush. Dammit, a month and a half and he still hasn't gotten used to her exhibiting herself for all the guild to see. It wasn't like he's never seen a woman like that before; it's just he's not used to turning around and getting way too much of a view on a daily basis. "Gwen put some clothes on, please."

At least the second twin was a bit more normal; Ria was a sweet girl, a bit of an airhead, but she means well. She is a rather helpful person and probably does the majority of chores around the guild, heck, she helps him with the cooking and cleaning sometimes. "Oh, thanks Ria. That would be-" Zenith winced from the sudden clattering of pots and pans being knocked about from the kitchen. God dammit, not again. "Never mind, Leon is on clean up duty again." He stated with a deadpan expression, the kind that had just generally accepted that he had no control over the situation.

It looked like Felix was at it again. Zenith rolled his eyes at this teens obsession for strength and said, Felix, chill. A soldier is no good they aren't rested and nourished. This was his more discrete way of telling him to shut up, sit down, and eat.

In the kitchen, the smell of butter sizzling could be heard. Of course, there were no customers to cook for; there were hardly any customers in general considering how barren the quest board has been for the last week and so. No, the only ones that he was cooking for were his guild mates, figuring that at least food could at least take their attention way from the fact that if they don't get any requests soon, they are going to belly up. Nothing like a good sandwich to take the edge off; multiple slices of bread with ham and cheese were in the process of toasting in the sizzling butter while a pot had bechamel being kept warm over a low heat. What he was making was a Croque Madame; a toasted grilled cheese with ham, white sauce, and a poached egg served on top.

The sandwiches were almost done toasting so he transferred the sandwiches onto a baking sheet leaking freshly melted cheese onto them. He ladled over the sandwiches with bechamel and topped it with more cheese before he placed them under the broiler to finish browning. A few cracked eggs went in a simmering pot of water and vinegar and killed the heat to let them poach. They would be ready in the next five minutes, but he would be ready to serve by then.

"And done!" Zenith smiled to himself as he admired a rather handsome row of sandwiches. He placed them on a tray and walked out of the kitchen back into the common area to see that Grasidia was back looking rather forlorn and Lavina, being Lavina. Luke was just lazing about, but he couldn't blame him with the lack of excitement going on. "I come bearing gifts!" He said as he placed down the tray, handing each mage a plate.

There was Lavina with her dramatics again. Zenith rolled his eyes playfully as he grabbed his serving and plopped down on a nearby chair."Can't despair over an empty stomach." The ex-knight cut into his sandwich and tucked in. Of course he could take a very accurate stab in the dark on why Grasilda would be upset; it's all been on their mind that they have had no work so it would not be that surprising for their to be some sense of impending doom, but he was not going to put words into her mouth. She was not exactly someone who opens up easily, or really talks much at all, so he wanted to hear what she thought about it.

There was still one thing that was bothering him.

"Has anyone seen the guild master?"

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