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Well, it worked just not in the way that Basil had expected it to.

Crocus ate the attack like a champ and still did not let go of his opponent being the ever tenacious bud of a grass-type. As it stood it looked like it was going to be a battle to see who would give out first. Basil bit his cheeks in stress as he weighed the risks. His Bulbasaur was proving to be essential with its Leech Seed, but that's all that it really could do in a battle where its type match up was less than ideal so Crocus' viability for the rest of the challenge was questionable. No, the only other on his team that could eat more hits was Roxanne, but she was poisoned so he needed to save her when she really needed her and of course Glory would take it out, but he wanted to a clean switch just in case there was another chance of being poisoned by Twin Needle.

There was only one thing to do at this point. "Don't let it go and use Growl!" Despite the difference between Crocus' and the Beedrill's stats, if they could lower the bug's attack stat low enough it was likely that they would win this battle of attrition via Leech Seed and recoil damage though the recoil would probably decrease from the lowered attack stat, but it was better than eating those hits as they were.


Awesome, it looked like things were going his way again and-

She was switching out again?!

"Like I'll let you get away!" Basil declared. He knew that Crocus would not be able to match the Beedrill's strength even with a de-buff in a head-to-head clash, but what if he leveraged the bug-types own physical abilities against it? He held off his orders and watched tensely for the right moment when to strike as it grew closer and closer until Basil finally shouted,"Crocus, use Vine Whip to grab the Beedrill and use its momentum to do a back throw to the ground!" What Basil had essentially ordered his Bulbasaur to do was a judo throw to the ground. It didn't need to be perfect, it just needed to be forced to stay in the fight while the Leech Seed ate away at it.


"Be on your guard Crocus!"

Disappointing, but expected that Lorette would switch her Pokemon out when it was obvious that it would only end in Basil's favor. So what did the gym leader send out? Why, she sent out the pure manifestation of violence and aggression with a yellow coat of paint and like her previous Pokemon, had lances for hands.

Well, second verse same as the first! "Leech Seed again and follow up with Growl!" Since Crocus had a free action and now that the violent Beedrill was trying to come at him to fiercely jab at the Bulbasaur, it would probably be hard for the bug-type to change course. Of course that Beedrill resist Crocus' grass-type attacks and had the higher attack stat, but it definitely can't do much if its life force was being sucked out of it while dropping its attack stat.


Oh, well, he wasn't expecting a free switch in though he takes those!

For as much overwhelming strength it had, it was useless if it couldn't even reach Crocus, which was odd actually. Couldn't Lorette just order the Escavlier to use its strength to launch itself towards them instead of skipping along at a snail's pace? Eh, better to not question it.

"Crocus, stay out of range and use leech seed!" The strategy was pretty obvious; drain it of its health points instead of trying to break through its impregnable defense with brute force. Even if that armored bug somehow found a way to hit the Bulbasaur, Basil's Pokemon would simply heal off a decent portion of the damage taken.


If the setting allowed for swearing, Basil would have used an expletive language. Roxanne getting poisoned was something that he did not even consider as a possibility so she would have to be switched out or she would have to deal damage faster to the Escavalier faster than the poison could act if to at least wear it down for someone else on his team to take it down. If he did switch then it was possible that Lorette would do the same to give herself the advantage again.

"Darn it." He grumbled to himself, cursing himself for his indecisiveness, but he would soon come to a decision. In the end, it came down to a simple numbers game; the more Pokemon that he had that were still standing even if they were inflicted with a status effect was still better than keeping them in a losing fight. "Roxanne, return!" He called out as the rock-type was absorbed back into her Pokeball.

Basil needed a better plan that just use type-advantages against her. Sending out Cecil would seem like the logical step, but would that actually be the best course of action? Would her weak fire-attacks be enough to beat an Escavilier even if it was quad weak to such attacks? That thing was a bloody tank so it could definitely eat a hit though it was slower than the Darumaka so there was a speed advantage, but overall that thing was superior in just about every way being an evolved Pokemon this early in Basil's career as a trainer. Brute force wasn't going to cut it.

If raw strength wasn't going to be his friend then perhaps it was time for a different approach. "Come on out, Crocus!" Basil threw the Pokeball high into the air and with a flash of white light a Bulbasaur came out.

"Bulba!" It cried out and stared down its opponent.


Oh bloody hell! The instant he threw Roxanne in she instantly got hit with a crit and sending her in proved to be almost pointless now that Lorette had switched her Butterfree in for an Escavalier, a Pokemon with a steel typing. Should he switch out again? If Basil did then his opponent would just get a free hit in so for now it would be better for his Nosepass to stay in if only to wear that bug down.

Right now her Pokemon had only just entered the fray so it was still open for attacks. This was an opportunity that he could not let slip by.Roxanne, use Rock Throw and then follow up with Harden! He ordered with as much conviction he had despite he was uncertain if this was even the right course of action.

"Pass!" The statue Pokemon would throw rocks of questionable origin at the Escavilier, hopefully it would land and still would give her enough time to use Harden.


"Good job, Glory!" In response to Basil's praise, Glory struck a pose and flexed its wings as it let out another war cry. One down, five more to go! Just one clean hit was enough to take that Accelgor down, but the bug got a hit in before it went down. The attack didn't do much damage to Glory though from what Basil could tell that attack brought down his Hawlucha's special defense. That could potentially pose a problem, but right now they had the lead.

As expected of a gym leader, Lorette wasn't phased at all. In fact, she seemed to be quite enjoying it. There had to be a level of confidence that she had as a trainer that she was assured a victory. She already moved on from the first round to the next with a Butterfree and was preparing to hit Glory with a psychic-type attack! Would Basil keep his Hawlucha in?


"Glory, return!" He stretched his arm out with its Pokeball in hand and absorbed it in a beam of red light and then grabbed another Pokeball from his belt. "Come on, Roxanne!" He tossed it and out came Roxanne the Nosepass.

"Passsssss." She just stood there, motionless as it was most likely going to have to eat a hit.


"Eh, it's more that this is how my team turned out, but yes, I did send the most suited to battle your Pokemon." He responded with a sheepish smile. Was it just him or was Lorette oddly aggressive for someone so young?

And she was first to make the first move! The Accellgor split into five afterimages and charged at a speed that made it impossible to widen the distance. It then was preparing to lob blobs of poison at his Pokemon, but neither he nor Glory could figure out which was the real one and which was a fake.

"Glory, Detect and then follow up with Wing Attack!" So the idea was that Detect would allow the Hawlucha to sense the location of the real attack, which then meant that he would be able to locate the real Accelgor to attack it. Since it was the first use of Detect, it was likely that it would succeed, but it was more of a question if it could sense which was real and which was fake though if it worked, that bug-type was going to eat a lot of damage.


Her letting loose? For some reason, the hairs on his neck were standing up."Oh, um, yeah sure. I thought that would be the normal difficulty." Funnily enough, he never really thought about the really dumb kids that went straight to a gym after getting their starter. Would he have done it if he was ten-years-old? He would like to think he wasn't that stupid as a kid? He would like to think he was a bit more sensible at that age, but even now Lorette was giving him way too much credit; he only challenged her because he was too anxious to disappoint Lorette and Anise.

Three on three would have been the most sensible choice; half of his mons could resist or were neutral so it would have been logical to pick the Pokemon that were most equipped to battle for a higher chance of victory. It made sense and yet, something kept nagging him. He knew what he had to do. "Six on six. I know the gap is wide, but it's time for me to experience it myself." Perhaps that all or nothing mentality was a detriment, but after meeting such powerful trainers and later a legendary Pokemon, he needed to know how far from his goal he truly was.

A fully evolved Pokemon right off the bat? Not to mention that this thing was a speedster capable of out maneuvering most of his team. Not to mention that if she was 'letting lose' then that Accelgor probably would know moves that countered its weaknesses so throwing in Cecil and Roxanne was a no go. Well, there was only one thing he could do; fight speed with speed! "Show them what you've got, Glory!" Basil called out, throwing a Pokeball where his Hawlucha came out flexing its muscles and striking a pose.

So this was what a proper stage for battle was like? How exhilarating! "Haw!" The Pokemon let out a battle cry, a declaration of challenge.


Sure, it was great that it wasn't required that he needed to battle her to get some answers, but he was not out of trouble yet; he could feel the judging eyes of Anise burning into the back of his skull. For some reason he felt like if he didn't challenge the gym leader now then she would lose whatever respect she had for him. "Actually, since I'm already here... Sure, may as well challenge you. If you have time to talk afterwards that." Perhaps it was not a good idea to be peer pressured into challenging a gym, but it was a bit too late to take back his words now.
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