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The phone was indeed picked up and what he heard were a few grumbles and yawns before he heard someone tiredly say, "Uh, Adrianne speaking." It probably did not occur to Jason, but it was still relatively early in the morning and probably a day off.

In the background, Jason heard a very familiar voice that sleepily said "Who is it?"

"It's Jason. That older boy from Hoenn. Go back to sleep hon." He would hear rustling, as if Adrianne was beginning to sit up. "What's up? How can I help you?" Asked Adrianne, who definitely was not expecting a full-on report.

"Oh, nice job on that. Poachers are always an issue, but good for you for stepping up. I'm sure the authorities are looking into leads. I'm sure it won't amount to much, but if it leads to something I'll get involved." There was only so much that she could actually do. She was only one person so unless there was something solid, she needed to focus on matters too big to be ignored, such as this latest, slightly disturbing news.

Adriane made a confused, unintelligible sound before she said,"Increased activity? That's odd... I should have received a report if that were the case. It could just be the scientists from the village, but I'll contact the Starbor Village gym leader to see if she knows anything. If you're going to venture in there, be careful. It's volatile and some areas are covered with a miasma, so you won't get very far without a gas mask. Luckily, there's always someone by the entrance that sells some."

There as a slight pause after he asked the next question, but she soon responded tiredly, "Someone falling from the sky? Was the person who told you drinking?" It was hard to tell whether or not she was actually telling the truth or not and probably did not leave him with enough time to actually ask again since she went over to his next point.

"Oh, um, Night Touch is as old as the region itself, but honestly, I have not a clue what the hell causes it. If you want to find out more, you'd probably be better off going to New Valhane or King's Cross depending on what you're looking for." She said before she yawned very loudly.

"You know, you don't have to report to me about everything. I mean, I appreciate it, but unless it's something so important that I have to know you do not need to call me... But, uh, actually do call me back about the Marsh if you find anything out. That is actually concerning if it isn't just scientists... Though don't do anything to hurt yourself. If I find anything out, I'll let you know. Talk later."

And she hung up.

Well, that was that. Jason would walk down the rocky path that was Route 4 into the shadows of the colossal trees that made up the forest. The path begins to smooth out and the smell of fresh water was replaced with a fresh, woodsy sort of smell.

Starbor Woods

Before you lay a forest of impossibly large trees. Even when you craned your neck to look all the way up, you would soon realize that you cannot see the end of them. Where the sky should be was a thick canopy of leaves with beams of light piercing through that would act as the light source for the woods and that is not even acknowledging the sheer width of these trees. While varying in width, on average they looked like they could be buildings. It would take a few minutes to walk around even the thinnest of the trees. The roots were massive as well, some protruding the ground in towering arcs with large patches of moss growing on them.

You do see some trainers and others walk through, but you specifically were finding a lot of Bug-Catchers and Bug-Maniacs around and that is not without reason. There were small bug-type Pokemon crawling about the trees. On the ground were a variety of small grass-type Pokemon as well going about their own business as well. Not only that, but there were a number of people in harnesses climbing up the trees It would make anyone wonder what was up above in the trees.

There was, surprisingly, a road going through the forest and another dirt path that offered a safe path through the woods though whether or not you follow it is entirely up to you. While it may be a bit dangerous to get off the beaten path, perhaps there are things that people miss?

What could be seen right now were a couple of caterpillar-like creatures skittering around the ground and along the massive columns of trees.

Pokedex Entry #664-Scatterbug, the Scatterdust Pokemon. When under attack from bird Pokémon, it spews a poisonous black powder that causes paralysis on contact. The powder that covers its body regulates its temperature, so it can live in any region or climate.

Pokedex Entry #265-Wurple, the Worm Pokemon. Using the spikes on its rear end, Wurmple peels the bark off trees and feeds on the sap that oozes out. This Pokémon's feet are tipped with suction pads that allow it to cling to glass without slipping. Pearl. It spits a white silk thread that turns sticky when coming into contact with air. The silk is used to immobilize foes.

Scurrying around the ground were these grumpy looking mushroom Pokemon, watching those passing by curiously.

Pokedex Entry #285-Shroomish, the Mushroom Pokemon. Shroomish live in damp soil in the dark depths of forests. They are often found keeping still under fallen leaves. This Pokémon feeds on compost that is made up of fallen, rotted leaves. If Shroomish senses danger, it shakes its body and scatters spores from the top of its head. This Pokémon's spores are so toxic, they make trees and weeds wilt.

In Jason's case, he saw a very familiar Stetson hat moving about the place.

Connected Areas:

Route 4
Corrupted Marsh
Starbor City


Now that Freya had gone outside, the Nurse Joy had gotten a handle of the situation and was able to disperse the crowd as interest seemed fade from this show of teen drama though there were a few curious spectators that followed Tristan out.

Well, at least he had the balls to face a challenge presented to him. He would find Freya in what looked like an area that was conveniently designated as an area to battle. It was a really just a section of concrete where cars can't drive over that had white outlines designating the boundaries of the space as well as a spot to indicate where the trainers were supposed to stand. This was probably there for moments like these when there were trainers raring to go for a battle or settling some dispute.

Compared to the park, this seemed to be far more direct and simpler in terms of terrain. Hopefully that will make things easier for Tristan, hopefully.

"Huh, you actually came. I figured you'd turn tail.", said Freya, glaring at him with that same intensity. This was something that people passing by caught on to. There were some people stopping to watch the potential spectacle. Some murmured, some actually recognized the lass and were either laughing at whoever the poor schmuck was going to fight her or nervousness and pity for her opponent. It seemed like she already had quite the reputation already, which is odd considering that she only became a trainer recently.

"Two Pokemon is fine. Whoever runs out of Pokemon first loses. Now, let's see if you fight as well as you run your mouth."

Prodigy Freya Kapoc would like to battle!

Freya grabbed a Pokeball that was attached to the strap of her bag and tossed it out. What came out from that flash of white light was a Pokemon that Tristan had seen earlier today.

Pokédex Entry #058 – Growlithe, the Puppy Pokémon. It has a brave and trustworthy nature. It fearlessly stands up to bigger and stronger foes. Extremely loyal, it will fearlessly bark at any opponent to protect its own Trainer from harm.

"Now send out your Pokemon." She ordered Tristan with that usual disdain.

Sadly, whatever Pokemon Tristan tosses out onto the battlefield will immediately have their attack stat decreased by Intimidate. The Growlithe bore its fangs and growled at Tristan viciously.

"To be honest kid, we have no idea. Some say it's an omen, some same it's a curse. It happens when people are asleep. They see visions of something in their sleep, but the one constant is that they all see the moon in their dream. The effects actually vary; some people don't experience anything afterwards, but then there are people who see strange things after their dreams and then there are those like Bary. Whatever Bary saw in that dream of his shattered his psyche. Hey Bary, lift your right hand up and show us the back."

The crazed old man lifted up his wrinkled left hand instead. It was skinny and veins were pushing against the skin as if they were trying to break free.

"No, I said your right hand you dim git."

This time, Bary lifted up his right hand and on the back of his hand was a black crescent shape. "That's the sign of the Night Touched. Everyone that wakes up from being Night Touched all have that mark. Sorry, but that's all that I've got to tell you and to be frank, you won't get anything useful from Bary. Now, let's get you that rod."

Bo walked around from his counter and went to the stands of fishing rods where he glanced around until he found a Good Rod, which he brought back to the counter and laid it out. Judging by the way it looks, it was a pretty sturdy, yet flexible rod that looked like it could definitely fish up some tough Pokemon. Not the strongest, but definitely better than those literal wooden sticks that were the Old Rods. For simplicity's sake, Jason was able to pay for it with his Trainer Card and was now down 5000P.

If he chose to leave the store, he would have heard Bary yell out, "The gators are a lie!"

What does he do now?


And Steph was right on the money! "Oh, um, yes that is correct. It's fine, he's difficult around most people." Freya said quite a bit awkwardly though perhaps a bit relieved that someone knows of their relation. Well, that was until Tristan kept talking and that river of crap flowed out of his mouth with as much ease as breathing. She simply could not believe that someone could possibly be this arrogant with nothing to show for it. That grin of his physically made her ill, like actually make her stomach tighten as if she was going to wretch. She eyed Steph to see how she was handling being directly insulted by this fool and for the most part she seemed calm, too calm. That's when she noticed the girl's body language and it was like...

Wait... Steph wasn't... Shit!

With a speed and strength that betrayed her figure, Freya hooked her arms under Steph's and pulled back the girl before she would do something to be charged with assault and battery. Try as Steph might, Freya was thankfully able to keep the wriggling girl out and then did a 180 degree turn and tossed her back. Freya was panting heavily having to hold back that wild Bronco of a woman. Her neat, wavy black hair was now frazzled though she ran her fingers through her hair and pushed it back.

Freya had a completely different feel about her, something that Steph should have picked up on immediately. This was not the same, warm, kind girl that patched up her wounds. Her eyes were sharper, far colder now and wore a scowl that would have looked far too familiar to anyone that had just seen it this morning. It was as if a switch was just flipped.

"Cool it. There's no need dirtying your hands with shit." She said with a cool, yet somehow equally vicious tone. Yup, Kapoc and Freya were definitely siblings.

She turned to Tristan with that same, icy expression that expressed every variety from the rainbow of disdain towards the rich prick.

"You know what? You're awfully presumptuous, you tiny, arrogant, insignificant, single cell troglodyte. She walked over him and now her figure was far more intimidating as her shadow now loomed over him. "Do you just run your mouth and expect no consequences for the shit you say? Get a fucking grip."

There was now a decent crowd of people watching this, some worried about what was going to happen next and then some that were taping this disaster on their phones. The Nurse Joy had actually witnessed Steph trying to assault Tristan but was too afraid to step in until now.

"We cannot permit violence in the Pokemon center. I have to ask you three to-"

"Shut it." The Nurse Joy actually yelped from fear. The intensity that came from Freya was suffocating. "We are going to settle this like trainers. Get up." Ordered Freya as she stepped back.

"Grab your Pokemon and square up. I'm not letting you off that easily." She turned back and began to walk out of the Pokemon Center but turned back to look at Tristan. "Don't you dare run away." With that, she walked out of the Center and waited for him.

What do Tristan and Steph do?

Oh, dear god this guy was a blowhard. She maintained that smile though if it was anymore forced her facial muscles would be the hardest working muscles on her body. "Uh, actually Steph told me that you were there with her that you got your starter today." While it was to clarify what she meant, it was to also knock him down a peg. There was confidence, but this prick had no respect for the champion or anyone within the league. He was only about himself and that's it. She did not like him at all, and Tristan was giving her less and less reason to.

Freya was visibly uncomfortable with Tristan and honestly, she was not wrong to be. Tristan was essentially objectifying her the moment that he met her, but rather than risk of making this somehow more awkward than this already was, she just smiled albeit very stiffly. "Um, yes I am one of the trainers that Adriane picked. My name is Freya, and my friend is very much capable of introducing herself." Freya was not exactly appreciative that Tristan had straight up ignored her and yes, she understood that Steph's accent was as understandable as a can of alphabet soup, but he could at least make the effort to try and understand the Bogan girl.

Steph was especially pissed off for being ignored, but honestly, she was handling it a lot better than anticipated. However, was it necessary to keep insulting the professor?

"Can we please not call the professor a 'quack?'" Was it just them or was she starting to sound annoyed? She maintained that smile, but there was a certain forcefulness in the way she said it.

Bo arched his brow at Jason's request. Not exactly what people come here for, but it was not exactly an issue. "Rumors? I take it that you ain't from around here then.", said Bo. "Well, for starters these big slash marks have been appearing all over the trees in the forest. I don't know what it is, but it's got all them bug-catchers and bug-maniacs all worked up for some reason. You'd be better off asking them. I've also vaguely heard that there has been some increased activity in the Corrupted Marsh, but considering how dangerous that shithole is, I can't confirm it myself or even find out what's happening. Not like I'd go willingly." For someone like Jason who has never heard of the Corrupted Marsh, he probably got the idea that it was not exactly the most-safe place within the region so far.

"If you're interested in myth, however, then I've got a bit more for you. You've seen those trees, right?" He asked, referring the towering colossus that were the trees that made up Starbor Forest. To relate it to real world trees, they made Sequoias look like toothpicks by comparison. " You've probably never heard of this since you're not from here, but apparently Starbor Forest is home to what some folks call a 'Forest Deity.'" "Long ago in ancient times, there was a calamitous fire that razed forests and villages into simply ash. In the aftermath, when everything was already lost both people and Pokemon prayed for a miracle, anything to save 'em. Their prayers were answered by what we call The Forest Deity, who raised the forest that we see today from the ground and taught man how to live alongside with its creation, hence the village."

"There is apparently a shrine dedicated to the Deity, but the truth is that no one has ever seen it. Personally, until proven other it is just a myth. Now how about I help you find a-"

"You want a rumor?!" Jason heard this very loud, high-pitched voice from behind him. It sounded almost exactly like a creaky floorboard. To whom this strange voice belonged to, well, if Jason looked behind him, he would see this bone thin, hunched over man with one normal sized eye and then one bulging eye. He only had small tuffs of hair on the sides of his head and a long, mangey grey beard that curled upwards. He was dressed in oversized blue overalls with a stained white-T underneath and black boots. This man was balancing himself with a cane.

Bo sighed with great exasperation and palmed his face, sliding it down which pulled the skin down a bit."Oh for the love of... No one wants to hear your crackpot stories, Bary!"

Poor Bo was simply ignored by this lunatic.

"I saw it, I saw it I did! The sky cracked and a person fell out of it! That Adriane girl was on the scene! I'm tellin' ya the truth! I'm not crazy!"

Yes, he was.

"Don't listen to him kid. He hasn't been in his right mind ever since he's been Night Touched forty-years-ago."

@Sanguine Rose
Deciding to head to Route 1, Faye would head north of the city. She would see the city life of people and Pokemon going about their day, loud and ever bustling, but the closer she was to the city limits the activity lessened. The buildings also started to become smaller, and the air became cleaner over time. It was not long until reached the end of the city and stepped on a dirt path.

Faye had now arrived on...
Route 1

(Ignore the mountains. This was the only picture that came close to my mental image.)

Those heading to Route 1 would be welcomed by the site of rolling green hills with wildflowers beginning their spring bloom strewn about, painting the route with vibrant, untamed color that ran along the entire route. The road itself was like any road; there was a paved path for cars, but for those walking around they would only have a dirt path to walk on though it was well maintained. It was a popular route for beginning trainers due to the lack of challenge that the terrain offered and the close proximity to Florasong Town compared to Route 4's challenges and length.

Aside from hills of greenery and flowers, there were a sizable number of farms on this route each with their own specialty. Some grew wheat, some grew berries, some grew vegetables, and so on. A large portion of the region's food is grown here on this route. Of course, this was common knowledge to anyone living in Evig would know that the only thing not produced here is meat, which is actually produced in places such as Nexus due to the region having advanced cultured meat to the point that it is now the mainstream.

There were also ranches in the area where it can be safely assumed that had Pokemon on them and plenty of Breeders who offered their expertise. One could get Moomoo Milk in some of them. There was even a Day Care Center where a nice elderly couple who were very much experienced Pokemon Breeders.

The route was decently well-trafficked with trainers and others coming down from Florasong or from Grand Glory. There were many trainers in the tall grass searching for Pokemon or on the edge of a forest that strangely wasn't marked on the map. What could be in it?

There were kids playing in the grass, well, actually it looked like they were holding a little tournament of some sort.

Along the grass there were very familiar puppy Pokemon going about their day, mainly just lying in the now midday sun or playing amongst themselves. There were also these creatures with zigzagging markings all over their body scavenging for food.

Pokédex Entry #835 – Yamper, the Puppy Pokémon. This Pokémon is very popular as a herding dog in the Galar region. As it runs, it generates electricity from the base of its tail. It only assists people with their work because it wants treats. As it runs, it crackles with electricity.

Pokédex Entry #263 – Zigzagoon, the Tiny Raccoon Pokémon. It marks its territory by rubbing its bristly fur on trees. This variety of Zigzagoon is friendlier and calmer than the kind native to Galar. If you've lost something, this Pokémon can likely find it.

However, slithering in the grass were these purple, poisonous snakes with yellow rattles at the end of their tails hunting the near endless supply of Zigzagoons.

Pokédex Entry #023 – Ekans, the Snake Pokémon. By dislocating its jaw, it can swallow prey larger than itself. After a meal, it curls up and rests. The eggs of bird Pokémon are its favorite food. It swallows eggs whole, so sometimes an egg gets stuck, and Ekans faints.

Connected Areas:

Grand Glory City
Florasong City
Unmarked Woods


Well, at least its looked like she broke the code on how to understand this girl.

Quack...? Oh, she meant Kapoc. Freya smiled awkwardly and said a bit stiffly, "Oh, he's not that bad, really. He's just uh... very honest." That was a nice way of putting it. This sounded like this was not the first time she had to make excuses for him, but her expression lightened up when she saw the adorable though strangely unhappy Dusk. Seemed like they were having a bit of trouble getting along, but she was sure those two would patch it up somehow.

"Oh wow, he's a shiny Litwick. What a handsome little boy, yes you are." Freya cooed to the Litwick, giving the cutie a chin scratch and a pat on the head. Surely, he couldn't be too upset with that.

Freya then realized that she was being rude; she should be congratulating Steph for such a major accomplishment! Out of all the applicants, she was picked so that could not go unsaid. "Oh, um, congratulations on getting accepted too! I was picked too though I've been getting things in order and prepare. Well, maybe overprepare as my brother keeps telling me. He's probably right." She said with a slightly embarrassed laugh. Most trainers would have left the moment they received their starter, but she was a bit overly cautious.

For some reason, she felt like Steph had a different feeling about her just now. It was like she had her focus on something, like a predator focusing in on its prey. "He's a new trainer too? What are the odds that he would appear in the same Pokemon Center?"

Too low, but life finds a way.

Of course, Freya would follow Steph to go meet this new trainer and possibly befriend him.

Meanwhile, a little time back with Tristan.

Tristan did, in fact, not do a very good job with keeping his annoyance from slipping into his tone. The Nurse Joy kept on smiling as she received his Pokemon"Of course, we'll bring your Pokemon to you as soon as you're done. Have a nice day...Little prick." The Nurse Joy said and thankfully, Tristan did not catch what she said under her breath.

While Tristan was sitting there, deciding to actually study what should be common knowledge for most people as to become a better trainer. It was actually admirable that he decided to learn about Pokemon, but that was cut short when a force of nature decided it was time to introduce herself to him. He would be assaulted verbally by strange tongues that would drive a normal person to madness and the cause for this was by this red-headed young woman that he should have recognized at Kapoc's lab if he was paying attention to literally anything.

There was also this black-haired, red-eyed beauty standing in front of him who stood at the insane height of 6'5. "Um, hello there. It's nice to meet you. Steph said that you're a new trainer too. Were you one of the ones that Adriane picked too?"

Menace, the instant Stella mentioned that it was Kapoc that gave her the Tyrunt she felt absolute menace radiating from Astrid beneath her calm, now eerily smiling expression. Even the Blipbug was shivering in the bush. "I see..." Of course it was Kapoc. Why wouldn't it be him? He was the only person in the world that would be reckless enough to give a burgeoning, inexperienced trainer one of the most vicious, ill-tempered Pokemon to have walked the face of the Earth. Of all the stupid, asinine... what in the world went through his head to give Stella that?!

"I think I am going to have a little chat with him later." She said, still with that smile.

Meanwhile, Kapoc felt a cold shiver run up his spine. Death was approaching.

Back to Stella!

"Well, now that you understand I will leave you to it then. If you have any questions, drop by the school. It is always open to trainers new and old." With that, Astrid made her leave to attend to... other business.

Now that the wrath of Astrid was now far enough away, the Blipbug crawled out of the bush and approached Stella, well, approached her, but maintained a bit of distance. The bug-type was curious about her now that its fear has been abated for now. She seemed like a nice enough girl who was eager to learn from her mistakes and that Tyrunt wasn't all that bad. It was still scary as hell, but it did not have any ill-will. It was like a puppy...a very scaly puppy. With a trainer like that, how would things turn out? How curious.

"Blip!" It chirped out. It seemed like it wanted to go with Stella though perhaps not with a battle. Just one attack would tear through the Blipbug's ever meager defense and Kaede has attack stats for days. Seriously, just tapping it with a finger would probably knock it out cold.

What does Stella do?

@Sanguine Rose

And Basil may have just broken Faye. Anyone walking by could tell that this girl's brain had just blue screened, and she was slowly recalibrating herself to bring herself back to reality though that look of disbelief was still there on her face. Was he like that when he first met an Elite Four member? No, he probably looked like an anxious Slowbro.

She definitely had more confidence than himself to raise an egg than he did when he first started. Well, that Eevee certainly did at least. What a confident little lad. "I'm glad that I am leaving it in very good hands then." With that, he handed the glass case with the egg in it to her.

Faye obtained an Egg!

Eggs count as items in this game, so they are stored in the bag instead of your team.

When asked about the egg, he could only shrug in response. "Honestly, I'm not sure. As embarrassing it is to admit, I don't really have much knowledge on identifying Pokemon by their egg patterns though perhaps a breeder would be able to tell you. Route 1 has a Daycare. I am willing to bet that they can tell you." He did say earlier that he caught Vex on Route 1, so he most likely saw it himself.

His phone began to buzz and pulled it out to see that he received some quite irked text messages to which Basil laughed nervously as he stuffed it in his pocket. "Well, I promised I'd meet a friend though it looks like I'm going to be a bit late. They'll probably bite my head off." Yup, he certainly wasn't going to get out of it, but he gave the girl a bright smile. He was happy to at least know that one of his future challengers was a good person. "It was nice meeting you Faye. I'll see you around!" Basil ran off with Vex running by his heel.

By the way, a few minutes later and Fate's Pokedex would make a notification chime. It was Basil who tagged her in the photo she posted. He responded with a compliment about how great the photo came out and that it was lovely to meet her. Basil also had a separate thing telling his followers if they want to see good photography from a traveling trainer, follow her.

She gained 100k followers... in five minutes.

What will she do now?


So, after getting a new partner, Jason decided that it was time to head back to his campsite and sleep the night away in his cozy tent.

Morning would later come, and he could do whatever his morning routine is.

To save us time, we time skip to Jason having done what he needed to get done to continue on with his journey. The first order of business was to buy a new fishing rod and luckily, the store was open.

As soon as Jason entered the store, he was greeted by rows and rows of fishing rods of various qualities. Some looked like they cost an arm of the leg and some literally looked like a stick with a string. Walking through the store, he would see various jars containing bait from different brands. It would make anyone wonder what the difference between any of the stuff was.

At the counter was a very heavyset man with burly arms and a large gut that spilled over his pants. He had a big salt and peppered beard that was well maintained and wore a fishing cap over his head. Despite him being an absolute goliath of a man, he looked to be quite friendly.

"Bahahaha! Welcome to ol' Bo's Fishing Mart! Now how can I help you?"

Old Rod: 500P
Good Rod: 5000P
Super Rod: 7500P
Bait: 250
Good Bait: 750
Superb Bait: 1000


Astrid could only sign and shake her head. "He probably did. I am not surprised that it is curious about its environment; it's a fossil Pokemon. The only occurrence we've heard of Fossil Pokemon roaming the wild are in Galar, but that was due to the release and escapes of specimens. They aren't supposed to exist in this time, so your Tyrunt is exploring and adapting to an environment that it completely foreign to it, Pokemon included."

"That also means that other Pokemon aren't used to their presence either though... " She glanced to the bush that the Blipbug was placed into to find that it was poking its out from the leaves to watch Stella and Kaebe. It was either curious too or was keeping an eye on the Tyrunt to make sure it doesn't snap it up in its jaws again.

The teacher turned her focus back to Stella and her dino-dragon friend. She had a look of concern about her. "I have to ask, not to be rude, but you look like a very new trainer? Who gave you the Tyrunt?"


The girl just looked at Steph with that bright smile, but inside her head she was trying to figure out what in the fresh hell she just said.

Okay, based on her tone Steph seemed very happy to have someone help her so the girl didn't do anything wrong or unneeded. She actually may have said thanks. She then seemed to have said something else and then asked a question.

Thighnks aguyn mite, Oy'm Steph whaht's yoah nuyme?

The girl spent a hot second phonetically trying to unscramble this Bogan Eldritch speak and what she got was, Thanks again mate, I'm Steph what's your name?

"It's lovely to meet you Steph, I'm Freya. I'm a Pokemon Trainer, well, a new one." She said as Nurse Joy returned handing Steph her Pokemon as well as Freya's own "Have you been one for long?"


Tristan, despite there being many Pokemon Centers in this ungodly big city, somehow ended up in the same one as Steph and Freya. The Nurse Joy took his Pokemon and now he had to wait.

Do they notice each other? If they do, what happens next?

The police thanked Jason for what he had done and for his efforts, they healed his Pokemon and was rewarded a small sum of money. Jason did not have to help the Totodile out, but because he did, he was rewarded for it.

Jason earned 1000P!

It appears the dice haved favored Jason yet again.

Now back to the Totodile. The poor blight felt completely at unease knowing that someone came after it and escaped. Who knows where it would've taken it and what would've happened! And this guy was tough and moving from place to place meant less chances to be poached. He also seemed like a good enough guy.

"Toto!" It agreed to accompany Jason on its journey.

It rolled once... it rolled twice...it rolled thrice!

What does Jason do now?


What the fuck did this girl say?

Nurse Joy looked at the fledgling trainer with a smile, but behind that she was as perplexed as anyone would give the situation though perhaps that was a good thing considering what Steph just did to Dusk and Dennis. "I-I see... Please take a seat. We will heal your Pokemon shortly."

So, Steph sat down and waited for her Pokemon to come out. She should've probably stopped by a pharmacy, or a general store get something to patch her scrapes up. It's a shame, but Pokemon Centers do not give people treatment unless there is a dire situation because let's face it, they were basically government funded veterinarians.

While she did not seem to notice her own scrapes, stinging as they were, someone else did.

"Excuse me, do you need some help?" Steph was approached by a girl that was around her own age. She had wavy black hair and gentle crimson eyes that sparkled in the light. She wore a white, sleeveless blouse, a lavender skirt that reached slightly past her knees, and black closed toe sandles. This girl was remarkably pretty, but also tall as hell, like God damn she could make a killing back in Unova as a basketball player.

"Let me help. That looks like it hurts a bit." She didn't wait for an answer and honestly, even if Steph did give an answer, the girl wouldn't have been able to understand a word that she said. The girl rummaged through her bag and pulled out a bottle of antibiotic ointment and a pack of bandages that had cute little stylized Panchams on them. "It's going to sting a bit." The girl applied previously said ointment and placed the bandages on her.

"Ta da! All fixed up!" She said with a bright smile.


Tristan threw the Pokeball as hard as his weak, feeble noodly excuse of arms could muster! The Pokeball bonked on the stunned Riolue's head and was absorbed in a stream of white light before it fell on the ground. It started to shake.

It rolled once... it rolled twice...it rolled thrice!

Astrid clapped for Tristan seeing as this was probably his first ever catch. "Good job, but I won't lie, that was definitely one of the shakier first times that I have seen. If I had to grade it, I'd give it a C." She said with a giggle, partly saying this in jest. It was not necessarily fair to say that he did a bad job, but dear lord was he a panicky, clumsy mess. But, you did catch it, so congratulations are in order.

Well, they would've been, but there was a girl and her shiny Tyrunt that was making a poor Blipbug's soul ascend from its body from pure agonizing fear. Tristan probably recognized her from the lab. Maybe. I don't know. He was pretty so self-absorbed he may have not noticed her.

"Oh for the love of... Miss!" And there went Astrid, running towards that girl. It looked like she was a receiving a lecture.

What does he do now?


The poor little Blipbug was scared out of its fucking mind. It was shaking like a leaf in the wind and looked at Stella as if she had Krabby's crawling out of her ears. Blipbug was minding its own business when this big-jawed thing grabbed it with its mouth, was tossed onto the creature's head, and now here it was.

It was far too scared to even run off. Also, what the fuck is a Tyrunt? Stella was forgetting for as smart as a Blipbug it is, it does not have knowledge of Pokemon that should have been extinct and not walking the modern world with flesh and scales around its bones for it was an absolute defiance of the laws of nature. Essentially, the Blipbug was repeatedly asking itself 'what the fuck is that' in its head. It was not like this Bug Pokemon had the ability to go to a library and read a book about ancient Pokemon.

Wait, these things eat meat?

The Blipbug was now sweating bullets and looked like it was going to faint from pure fear. Thankfully, there was someone who saw this disaster and approached the green trainer and her ancient Pokemon.

"Miss, could you please put the Blipbug down?" A woman approached the duo with the understandably concerned expression on her face. She had long, straight brown hair and round glasses that had soft blue eyes behind them. She was dressed in brown slacks, black dress shoes, and a powder blue button up shirt. She had the air of a teacher and definitely had the stern tone of one.

"While you can catch the Pokemon here. I will not permit you to terrorize them." While it would be sort of excusable for a new trainer to not be able to control their new starter, she did not think Stella was one. Why? Because who in the fresh hell would be mad enough to give a new trainer a Tyrunt?

Meanwhile, Kapoc sneezed in his lab.

@Sanguine Rose

An inspiration? Was that how people saw him?

Basil smiled awkwardly, saying "I'd appreciate that."

He watched Faye survey the area for the perfect spot to take the photo, which she did of course. She had Basil and Vex move around and pose the way she told him to and brought his best, handsome smile that he had. Faye wanted a picture of him so badly, he couldn't let her down with a sheepish smile.

She certainly looked happy with how the photo came out, much to his relief. He also received a link to her social media accounts and her website, as well as received a notification sound from his Pokedex, which was very likely her tagging him. Basil would of course look at it later because it was absolutely rude to pull out what is pretty much a phone when someone is speaking to you. Tristan.

When asked about her taking photos of the rest of his team, Basil appeared very physically unsure with that idea and really, it really wasn't a good idea at the moment. "It's probably not a good idea to do it here... Most of them are a bit too big and well, have you ever tried to photograph a Hawlucha? You'd run out of space on your camera before he finishes." Those Luchador Pokemon are known for their vanity and their excessive need for posing, even in battle.

The photos were squared away, but now she had something very much different to ask him.

Advice? Was there really anything that he could tell her that she didn't already know. He rubbed his chin in thought as he pondered on what to tell her. Just about everything about Pokemon Battling and building up a team was really common knowledge. Even a little kid had that much knowledge... Though there was something else.

"I'll tell you the one thing that I wish someone told me when I started; you will face challenges, challenges so great that you may think they are impossible to overcome, but the ones, the ones where you can't see are the ones that define who you are. Not only as a trainer, but the person that you hope to be. Doubt, self-loathing, fear, pride, temptation... What you do in the face of your own hell will show who you really are. You are the master of your fate, no matter who tells you."

After saying something like that, there was a brief moment of silence. Basil had a really awkward silence as he realized just how damn cheesy he sounded. Dear god, someone release him from his mortal coil.

"I'm sorry, it's been a long time since I said something that cliche, but it's the truth of the matter. Fate is not set in stone; it is yours to craft and with that comes a crushing responsibility from yourself and the world. However, you aren't alone. For every setback, for every detractor, you will meet those who will stay by your side and support you, even when it feels like the world closes in on you."

It was sort of nostalgic, this situation. There was something funny how history seems to find a way to repeat itself. Perhaps that's why he was compelled to do what he was about to do.

"Hold on a second..." Basil told her as he slid his bag down his shoulder and began to search through it. "Not that, not that...not that. Ah, there it is!" From his oversized, patched up corpse of a bag, he pulled out glass case with what appeared to be an egg in there. It was a strange one; mainly covered in white with grey and yellow streaks.

He stood up and held it out to her. "This was a gift from a friend when I was accepted into the Elite 4. It was generous, but I would feel more comfortable if it explored with a trainer who it can grow along side with. If Adriane picked you, then I have enough confidence to trust you with it."
@Sanguine Rose

There was a bit of a long silence on this girl's end for some reason, as well as a big smile that replaced the polite one that she had previously. For some reason, she looked like she was in a sort of star struck gaze much to his own confusion. It did not really occur to Basil that she would actually know who he was, which was really his own fault, but from her reaction he was starting to piece together that this may had been the case. Wait, now it just seemed like he was flexing his status and accomplishments when he was just trying to be polite and introduce himself.

Her Eevee seemed to have picked up on this and brought her back down to reality.

"Oh, you're from Evig. Speaking from experience, it is an experience to see what very little of what the rest of the region sees. If you're working for Kapoc, then you'll probably be the among the first to see Pokemon back in their natural habitat."

So, her name was Faye. She reminded him of when he first went on his journey; aimless, not very certain what to do, but the world was his to explore. It was all so nostalgic, but he could not get lost in his thoughts as it seemed like she wanted to ask him something. Faye seemed to need to build up some courage for something, well to ask him something.

"Basil is fine, Faye. Believe me, I'm really not that special." He smiled warmly at her. "I would be happy to. If you post your pictures somewhere, do you have an account I could follow? I'd love to see what you find on your journey." There were basically Pokemon equivalents of things like Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, and so on. Considering that she was a photographer, she probably posted them somewhere for people to see and get her name out there.

"Where would you like to take the photo?" asked Basil.


Now here's the thing about Aura. While the Riolu could still sense and detect where King was, it offered no protection for debris getting in its eyes. The fighting-type stopped in its tracks and winced as getting things in one's eyes typically stings like all hell. Then the Murkrow used Astonish and dealt enough damage that the two were about equal in terms in how much more damage they could take.

Riolu was now in catching range. What does Tristan do?


The Confusion had caused the Rufflet to become confused! It flew around aimlessly with swirls in its eyes.

"God dammit fly over to the Ralts and Peck!" The poacher yelled out in frustration though to even more of his annoyance, the Rufflet flew over to the Litleo and began to Peck at it instead of Slayer. It was made worse that the blind Litleo panicked even more and used Ember on the Rufflet. In a manner most stupid, the two Pokemon knocked each other out.

Slayer grew to level 7!
Murus grew to level 6!
Jason earned 500P!

The poacher returned his Pokemon into their balls. Ugh, this job was not worth it! Damn that wretched woman! He turned his glare to Jason. "I'll remember this, kid." Without warning, he grabbed what seemed like a pelt from his pocket and threw it against the ground, releasing a cloud of smoke. When it cleared, he was gone, but that Totodile was still there. It was most likely the case that the Pokemon was extra weight and would've made it harder to get away from the police.

Speaking of the police, they showed up eventually. Whether Jason told them what happened or not was up to him. They luckily were able to help the Totodile out of the net and for some reason, it was very much stuck to Jason's side. Maybe he only noticed now after the whole ordeal, but the Totodile's coloring did not match that with the Pokedex's image. Also, it sparkled.


That Pokeball flew far faster than that Pidove could react. In fact, it was faster than what any normal Pokemon could react to. The Pidove didn't even realize what was flying towards it until its skull was caved in by the Pokeball before it was absorbed into the ball in a beam of white light.

It rolled once... it rolled twice...it rolled thrice!

What does Steph do now?


Well, shit.

The kid was good enough to get his bearings and move quickly onto the offensive.

Yeah, there was the old faithful strat of abusing double team. Unlucky for Jason, the Double Team was unable to fool the Rufflet and the Ralts got hit by a Peck in the face though not before suffering a critical hit by Slayer. The bird cried out in pain, but it still held in there.

"Peck its eyes out!" The poacher yelled out, the Rufflet followed his command and flew at the Ralts with a very angry beak.

As for Murus vs. Litleo...

Now here's the thing. Mudslap is a 20 Power move being used by a Golett, which has a pretty pitiful special attack stat. Was it super effective? Yes, but by damage alone Litleo would have won out if it were not for one very important factor. Mudslap typically gets in the targets' face and blinds them, lowering the accuracy of their attacks and this time was no different.

The Litleo let out a cry as it was blinded by the attack and in a panic, it used Ember and the sparks of flame were shot indiscriminately. They were flying towards the poacher, the Rufflet, Murus, Slayer, and even Jason. Small amounts of damage were dealt to all Pokemon on the field, but nothing severe as they lacked any focus on a single target.

@Sanguine Rose
Huh, so she was one of the kids that Adriane picked. It was almost nostalgic to see a fresh-faced trainer take on the nigh impossible task of becoming the best of the best in their region though if the Champ of all people chose her among the hundreds of thousands of applicants, then maybe she had something special. Or maybe she did what his region's professor did with him and picked her because she liked an underdog story though he doubted it. This girl had confidence; he noticed that she was sizing him up with this line of questioning. It was actually pretty funny.

The man smiled and said, "No, I've been a trainer for a few years now, but I'm relatively new to the Evig Region. I recently just got a job in Nexus, but it won't start for a while so I'm just exploring the region until then. If you're taking the league on, then you'll probably see me around. Oh, my name is Basil Rivens by the way."

"Yip!" The Yamper made sure that it wasn't forgotten, and Basil just chuckled.

"And this is Vex. I caught him recently." said Basil, motioning towards the pup. "Evig is a very odd region. I've heard that you could find every Pokemon in the world here, even Pokemon that have been extinct for hundreds of years in their respective regions. It's a very exciting prospect to find Pokemon that I can't find back home." He mused out loud to himself.

His attention was brought back to the girl once he realized that he got too caught up with the idea of finding Pokemon he's never seen before. "So what's your plan of action? You've got a long journey ahead of you if you want to take on the gym leaders."

Now it wasn't a bad idea to try and confuse the Riolu by making it unsure of where the bird would come from, but here lies the rub. It would have worked on any other Pokemon except Rilou. Why? Because it was the one Pokemon that could sense and detect Aura. All living things have it. It was how the Rilou was able to detect Tristan and find him in the first place. The Riolu was able to see King flying around the tree due the Murkrow's inherent Aura so when it flew from below to strike, the Rilou was ready for it.

It shifted its weight while in the air, turning to bring down a Feint, which in this case came in the form a straight jab at the same exact moment that King used Astonish. It was a trade of blows and by some incredible odds, it was a double crit. King was sent flying down to the ground though it had less than half of its HP while the Riolu skidded upon the ground. It too also had around half HP.

It used Quick Attack, dashing straight towards the Murkrow. How does Tristan react?

And so begins the adventures of Stella and one very bitey boi! They decided to go to the park in the Trainer's School so they would have to wander around the city. There were definitely some stares from people who were looking at the shiny Tyrunt, a literal dinosaur dragon, just casually walking by this adorable girl. The streets were bustling with people going on about their daily lives, the construction of buildings, and various stores and other businesses serving a wide cliental. Besides that, there were also wild Pokemon around the city.

There were two different kinds of bird Pokemon in competition for a sandwich that had fallen on the ground. It proved to be a tense stare down.

Pokedex Entry #016- Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. They are docile Pokémon that avoid fighting, kicking up sand in an enemy’s face or using Whirlwind to avoid battles. They have sharp senses of direction, capable of finding their nest or destination from very large distances. They inhabit tall grass where they search and prey on small bugs.

Pokedex Entry #519-Pidove, the Tiny Pidgeon Pokemon. Where people go, these Pokémon follow. If you're scattering food for them, be careful— several hundred of them can gather at once. It's forgetful and not very bright, but many Trainers love it anyway for its friendliness and sincerity.

Besides the birds, there were also some felines just lazing about that took advantage of the food offerings that humans gave them and otherwise would just be looting.

Pokédex Entry #052 – Meowth, the Scratch Cat Pokémon. During the night Meowth are known to sneak around stealthily in search of prey and shiny objects which it adores with a passion. During the day, Meowth is known to laze around all day. In the dark, its eyes glow.

Then there were scurrying rat Pokemon that seemed to be the prey of the Meowth when they felt like hunting.

Pokédex Entry #019 – Rattata, the Mouse Pokémon. This Pokémon is common but hazardous. Its sharp incisors can easily cut right through hard wood. Its incisors grow continuously throughout its life. If its incisors get too long, this Pokémon becomes unable to eat, and it starves to death.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Dusk got yeeted at Mach fucking three. Have you ever seen those pilots who fly jets and how their faces get all pushed back by the G-Forces they experience? Yeah, now image that with this poor Litwick.

Meanwhile, Evelyn was walking back to her office from the lab and noticed a white and blue blur with sparkles flew by a window followed by a scream. She stopped for a moment in a moment of pure confusion. What was in Kapoc's coffee?

The Pidove, meanwhile, was flying away laughing its head off. It then noticed a strange noise getting close, not paying much mind to it until it got louder. Confused, it turned its head to the direction where that noise was coming from until it saw that unfortunate Litwick flying at it. The Pidove's eyes bulged out of its skull and was unable to react to what could only be described as a weapon that violated whatever the Pokemon equivalent of the Geneva Convention was.

Dusk hit the bird with what could technically be described as the typeless move Struggle and it was a crit! The Litwick received a great amount of recoil damage.

The Pidove was knocked out of the air, still barely hanging as it some fluttered down on the ground and began to cuss up a storm that sounded like a whole bunch of coos. Meanwhile, Dusk was falling down. If it fell from that height, it was going to be even less okay than it was already.

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