The phone was indeed picked up and what he heard were a few grumbles and yawns before he heard someone tiredly say, "Uh, Adrianne speaking." It probably did not occur to Jason, but it was still relatively early in the morning and probably a day off.
In the background, Jason heard a very familiar voice that sleepily said "Who is it?"
"It's Jason. That older boy from Hoenn. Go back to sleep hon." He would hear rustling, as if Adrianne was beginning to sit up. "What's up? How can I help you?" Asked Adrianne, who definitely was not expecting a full-on report.
"Oh, nice job on that. Poachers are always an issue, but good for you for stepping up. I'm sure the authorities are looking into leads. I'm sure it won't amount to much, but if it leads to something I'll get involved." There was only so much that she could actually do. She was only one person so unless there was something solid, she needed to focus on matters too big to be ignored, such as this latest, slightly disturbing news.
Adriane made a confused, unintelligible sound before she said,"Increased activity? That's odd... I should have received a report if that were the case. It could just be the scientists from the village, but I'll contact the Starbor Village gym leader to see if she knows anything. If you're going to venture in there, be careful. It's volatile and some areas are covered with a miasma, so you won't get very far without a gas mask. Luckily, there's always someone by the entrance that sells some."
There as a slight pause after he asked the next question, but she soon responded tiredly, "Someone falling from the sky? Was the person who told you drinking?" It was hard to tell whether or not she was actually telling the truth or not and probably did not leave him with enough time to actually ask again since she went over to his next point.
"Oh, um, Night Touch is as old as the region itself, but honestly, I have not a clue what the hell causes it. If you want to find out more, you'd probably be better off going to New Valhane or King's Cross depending on what you're looking for." She said before she yawned very loudly.
"You know, you don't have to report to me about everything. I mean, I appreciate it, but unless it's something so important that I have to know you do not need to call me... But, uh, actually do call me back about the Marsh if you find anything out. That is actually concerning if it isn't just scientists... Though don't do anything to hurt yourself. If I find anything out, I'll let you know. Talk later."
And she hung up.
Well, that was that. Jason would walk down the rocky path that was Route 4 into the shadows of the colossal trees that made up the forest. The path begins to smooth out and the smell of fresh water was replaced with a fresh, woodsy sort of smell.

Before you lay a forest of impossibly large trees. Even when you craned your neck to look all the way up, you would soon realize that you cannot see the end of them. Where the sky should be was a thick canopy of leaves with beams of light piercing through that would act as the light source for the woods and that is not even acknowledging the sheer width of these trees. While varying in width, on average they looked like they could be buildings. It would take a few minutes to walk around even the thinnest of the trees. The roots were massive as well, some protruding the ground in towering arcs with large patches of moss growing on them.
You do see some trainers and others walk through, but you specifically were finding a lot of Bug-Catchers and Bug-Maniacs around and that is not without reason. There were small bug-type Pokemon crawling about the trees. On the ground were a variety of small grass-type Pokemon as well going about their own business as well. Not only that, but there were a number of people in harnesses climbing up the trees It would make anyone wonder what was up above in the trees.
There was, surprisingly, a road going through the forest and another dirt path that offered a safe path through the woods though whether or not you follow it is entirely up to you. While it may be a bit dangerous to get off the beaten path, perhaps there are things that people miss?
What could be seen right now were a couple of caterpillar-like creatures skittering around the ground and along the massive columns of trees.

Scurrying around the ground were these grumpy looking mushroom Pokemon, watching those passing by curiously.

In Jason's case, he saw a very familiar Stetson hat moving about the place.
Connected Areas:
Route 4
Corrupted Marsh
Starbor City
Now that Freya had gone outside, the Nurse Joy had gotten a handle of the situation and was able to disperse the crowd as interest seemed fade from this show of teen drama though there were a few curious spectators that followed Tristan out.
Well, at least he had the balls to face a challenge presented to him. He would find Freya in what looked like an area that was conveniently designated as an area to battle. It was a really just a section of concrete where cars can't drive over that had white outlines designating the boundaries of the space as well as a spot to indicate where the trainers were supposed to stand. This was probably there for moments like these when there were trainers raring to go for a battle or settling some dispute.
Compared to the park, this seemed to be far more direct and simpler in terms of terrain. Hopefully that will make things easier for Tristan, hopefully.
"Huh, you actually came. I figured you'd turn tail.", said Freya, glaring at him with that same intensity. This was something that people passing by caught on to. There were some people stopping to watch the potential spectacle. Some murmured, some actually recognized the lass and were either laughing at whoever the poor schmuck was going to fight her or nervousness and pity for her opponent. It seemed like she already had quite the reputation already, which is odd considering that she only became a trainer recently.
"Two Pokemon is fine. Whoever runs out of Pokemon first loses. Now, let's see if you fight as well as you run your mouth."
Freya grabbed a Pokeball that was attached to the strap of her bag and tossed it out. What came out from that flash of white light was a Pokemon that Tristan had seen earlier today.

"Now send out your Pokemon." She ordered Tristan with that usual disdain.
Sadly, whatever Pokemon Tristan tosses out onto the battlefield will immediately have their attack stat decreased by Intimidate. The Growlithe bore its fangs and growled at Tristan viciously.
The phone was indeed picked up and what he heard were a few grumbles and yawns before he heard someone tiredly say, "Uh, Adrianne speaking." It probably did not occur to Jason, but it was still relatively early in the morning and probably a day off.
In the background, Jason heard a very familiar voice that sleepily said "Who is it?"
"It's Jason. That older boy from Hoenn. Go back to sleep hon." He would hear rustling, as if Adrianne was beginning to sit up. "What's up? How can I help you?" Asked Adrianne, who definitely was not expecting a full-on report.
"Oh, nice job on that. Poachers are always an issue, but good for you for stepping up. I'm sure the authorities are looking into leads. I'm sure it won't amount to much, but if it leads to something I'll get involved." There was only so much that she could actually do. She was only one person so unless there was something solid, she needed to focus on matters too big to be ignored, such as this latest, slightly disturbing news.
Adriane made a confused, unintelligible sound before she said,"Increased activity? That's odd... I should have received a report if that were the case. It could just be the scientists from the village, but I'll contact the Starbor Village gym leader to see if she knows anything. If you're going to venture in there, be careful. It's volatile and some areas are covered with a miasma, so you won't get very far without a gas mask. Luckily, there's always someone by the entrance that sells some."
There as a slight pause after he asked the next question, but she soon responded tiredly, "Someone falling from the sky? Was the person who told you drinking?" It was hard to tell whether or not she was actually telling the truth or not and probably did not leave him with enough time to actually ask again since she went over to his next point.
"Oh, um, Night Touch is as old as the region itself, but honestly, I have not a clue what the hell causes it. If you want to find out more, you'd probably be better off going to New Valhane or King's Cross depending on what you're looking for." She said before she yawned very loudly.
"You know, you don't have to report to me about everything. I mean, I appreciate it, but unless it's something so important that I have to know you do not need to call me... But, uh, actually do call me back about the Marsh if you find anything out. That is actually concerning if it isn't just scientists... Though don't do anything to hurt yourself. If I find anything out, I'll let you know. Talk later."
And she hung up.
Well, that was that. Jason would walk down the rocky path that was Route 4 into the shadows of the colossal trees that made up the forest. The path begins to smooth out and the smell of fresh water was replaced with a fresh, woodsy sort of smell.
Starbor Woods

Before you lay a forest of impossibly large trees. Even when you craned your neck to look all the way up, you would soon realize that you cannot see the end of them. Where the sky should be was a thick canopy of leaves with beams of light piercing through that would act as the light source for the woods and that is not even acknowledging the sheer width of these trees. While varying in width, on average they looked like they could be buildings. It would take a few minutes to walk around even the thinnest of the trees. The roots were massive as well, some protruding the ground in towering arcs with large patches of moss growing on them.
You do see some trainers and others walk through, but you specifically were finding a lot of Bug-Catchers and Bug-Maniacs around and that is not without reason. There were small bug-type Pokemon crawling about the trees. On the ground were a variety of small grass-type Pokemon as well going about their own business as well. Not only that, but there were a number of people in harnesses climbing up the trees It would make anyone wonder what was up above in the trees.
There was, surprisingly, a road going through the forest and another dirt path that offered a safe path through the woods though whether or not you follow it is entirely up to you. While it may be a bit dangerous to get off the beaten path, perhaps there are things that people miss?
What could be seen right now were a couple of caterpillar-like creatures skittering around the ground and along the massive columns of trees.

Pokedex Entry #664-Scatterbug, the Scatterdust Pokemon. When under attack from bird Pokémon, it spews a poisonous black powder that causes paralysis on contact. The powder that covers its body regulates its temperature, so it can live in any region or climate.

Pokedex Entry #265-Wurple, the Worm Pokemon. Using the spikes on its rear end, Wurmple peels the bark off trees and feeds on the sap that oozes out. This Pokémon's feet are tipped with suction pads that allow it to cling to glass without slipping. Pearl. It spits a white silk thread that turns sticky when coming into contact with air. The silk is used to immobilize foes.
Scurrying around the ground were these grumpy looking mushroom Pokemon, watching those passing by curiously.

Pokedex Entry #285-Shroomish, the Mushroom Pokemon. Shroomish live in damp soil in the dark depths of forests. They are often found keeping still under fallen leaves. This Pokémon feeds on compost that is made up of fallen, rotted leaves. If Shroomish senses danger, it shakes its body and scatters spores from the top of its head. This Pokémon's spores are so toxic, they make trees and weeds wilt.
In Jason's case, he saw a very familiar Stetson hat moving about the place.
Connected Areas:
Route 4
Corrupted Marsh
Starbor City
Now that Freya had gone outside, the Nurse Joy had gotten a handle of the situation and was able to disperse the crowd as interest seemed fade from this show of teen drama though there were a few curious spectators that followed Tristan out.
Well, at least he had the balls to face a challenge presented to him. He would find Freya in what looked like an area that was conveniently designated as an area to battle. It was a really just a section of concrete where cars can't drive over that had white outlines designating the boundaries of the space as well as a spot to indicate where the trainers were supposed to stand. This was probably there for moments like these when there were trainers raring to go for a battle or settling some dispute.
Compared to the park, this seemed to be far more direct and simpler in terms of terrain. Hopefully that will make things easier for Tristan, hopefully.
"Huh, you actually came. I figured you'd turn tail.", said Freya, glaring at him with that same intensity. This was something that people passing by caught on to. There were some people stopping to watch the potential spectacle. Some murmured, some actually recognized the lass and were either laughing at whoever the poor schmuck was going to fight her or nervousness and pity for her opponent. It seemed like she already had quite the reputation already, which is odd considering that she only became a trainer recently.
"Two Pokemon is fine. Whoever runs out of Pokemon first loses. Now, let's see if you fight as well as you run your mouth."
Prodigy Freya Kapoc would like to battle!
Freya grabbed a Pokeball that was attached to the strap of her bag and tossed it out. What came out from that flash of white light was a Pokemon that Tristan had seen earlier today.

Pokédex Entry #058 – Growlithe, the Puppy Pokémon. It has a brave and trustworthy nature. It fearlessly stands up to bigger and stronger foes. Extremely loyal, it will fearlessly bark at any opponent to protect its own Trainer from harm.
"Now send out your Pokemon." She ordered Tristan with that usual disdain.
Sadly, whatever Pokemon Tristan tosses out onto the battlefield will immediately have their attack stat decreased by Intimidate. The Growlithe bore its fangs and growled at Tristan viciously.