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When the hell was this here?


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It was quite the curious thing to see. Conventional wisdom would suggest that in order to go downwards, they would have to climb down. 'What comes up must come down' though it seemed that the concept did not exist in the mind of that cracked gremlin stuck up in that tree like a cat. It was bizarre how she was able to just treat the situation like it was just another day, as if it was a normal thing to do to wake up on a mystery island and then climb up a tree to get coconuts like she was grabbing produce from a supermarket. Rather than a comfort, Victor found himself a bit unsettled that she either was detached from the reality of the situation or she just didn't care.

Just like she did not care for her own personal safety. Verity decided to take a page from a George of the Jungle and climb down the tree recklessly. Sure, it got the job done, but he found himself holding his breath hoping that she did not fall because it was already bad enough that they were in this situation, it was another to be in this situation while she had a broken leg. Still, it was quite impressive to see her make her way down the tree. She definitely was tougher and outdoorsy than any of the rich kids that he had met at school.

"Uh, thanks for the food, " said Victor to the rich girl plucking splintered bark from her hands. After all the effort she had gone through, it was only appropriate that he would express his thanks.

She followed up asking them if they were to explore the island and Orlando already beat him to the punch, so the Frenchman just nodded in agreement since there was not much else to add. They needed to find a more consistent source of food and clean water that can sustain their group as well as shelter if they were going to survive long enough to get off the island. At least that's what he should've been thinking about. What was going through his mind was a completely different story.

This situation was an impossibility; one moment they were on a brisk English shore at night and then they woke up on a sunny tropical beach ripped out of the Caribbeans and that was not mentioning what happened in-between getting from point A to point B. It wasn't a dream either; he was painfully lucid. There was a clarity in his thoughts and sensory perceptions. He could feel the individual grains of sand between his toes, the salt licked humid breeze of the beach, crunching of foliage beneath his feet, and the smoothness of the young coconuts that he caught. He could hear the caws of seagulls, waves crashing, and the cacophony of insects crying in the jungle as the backdrop to their conversation. He was far too aware of his surroundings and his awareness of space was just as clear as ever. All of this was real... so where were they?

His train of thought, however, was broken by Daniel who desperately looked at Victor as if he had any sort of plan because yeah, he would most certainly have anything resembling a bloody plan after being transported through what he could only guess was a portal when they hit the water, or maybe they died, and hell was literally other people. It was beginning to feel like the latter. What was he supposed to tell Daniel? That he had no master plan to get off the plan and that his apparent confidence was the only thing keeping him from crumpling into a fetal position.

Well, he never got the chance due to Daniel's attention being whisked away to the rustling of foliage like a nervous squirrel. He dropped the coconuts and picked up the branch that he was holding until the hail of coconuts courtesy of Verity. His grip tightened around it, prepped to strike at whatever wild animal that came his way. Well, it probably wouldn't actually do much damage though it made him feel better, like a toddler with a safety blanket.

Thankfully, depending how one would look at it, it wasn't an animal, but Sophia and the rest of the entourage. Personally, he would've preferred a wild boar over her.

The rest of them did not look like they were in tiptop shape. Maeve looked the worst, her eyes red and puffy from crying after Imogen laid into her. There was a tinge of guilt for not stepping in to try and comfort her. Actually, he really was a bit of a jerk to just walk away from her when she was sobbing. He just wanted to get away from the situation. Whenever there was a chance, Victor knew he should apologize. At least Imogen and her made up if their hand holding was any indication. Then there was that blonde boy who the last time he checked did not have a cheek that was redder than the other.

Everything was normal until Victor noticed that there was one more addition to the group that he did not recognize, a black-haired girl. Was she always there? He thought to himself. Actually, it was a question of how he did not recognize her because this girl was crazy tall by comparison to the rest of the girls. Not wanting to be rude, he only took a quick glance at her though shifted his gaze away as staring is quite impolite. Still, had she been there the entire time? How in the world did he not notice her with her black hair against the pale sand? He noticed Verity and that girl was camouflaged. There was not a chance in hell he was going to ask something like that, however.

Victor grabbed his own coconut and took page from the wild woman's book and smashed it against the tree, splintering and the sweet water trickled out between his fingers. He took a sip and despite being a tad messier than he would've liked, it was refreshing in this humid heat. It was stupid of him to relax though because as soon as he felt like he could take a rest, an eerie silence hung in the air. The cacophony of sounds ceased to be.

An icy chill ran down his spine as a sense of dread weighed his stomach down like a block of lead. Unsurprisingly, Sophia was ignorant to the deafening silence that now enveloped them and claimed that she saw a spring. If this was like the movies and shows that he grew up watching, it meant clean water. They had a means of survival and yet, the read did not leave.

He placed his hand on his chest, trying to remember that warm sensation when he was sinking in the darkness, the comfort that he felt when his being was slipping away. Hey, disembodied voice. If you weren't an auditory hallucination, I could really use some guidance to get me out of here alive.
@Sanguine Rose

Farm work? It's been a while since he had done anything like that. Then again, getting away from the cacophony would've been preferable. "Well, I can't say that I would dislike that." His eyes trailed about, finding it hard to look her in the eyes when he noticed the stoic swordman acting strange.

Kiba got up and... wait, why did Kiba give him a thumbs up? What did it mean? Why was he trying to get him and Ria alone? What the hell was going on?! He broke out in a cold sweat now though is face remained expressionless. Inside, he was screaming.

He was brought back to Earth though when Ria told him that she could go on a job with him. She was quite insistent that she could help him with the guards and quell any 'misunderstandings' that they would potentially have. Oh, this sweet summer child.

"Um, if we have to meet with the town guard then you should do the talking. We aren't exactly on good terms." The chance that they would start just to sling insults to each other, and it just wouldn't have been productive. Ria misunderstood the situation between him and the guard entirely. It was not a misunderstanding; it was just a purely mutual antagonistic relationship that consists of their passive aggressive to straight out aggressive disdain towards him while knowing that they couldn't do a thing to him as he was a law-abiding immigrant. The same restrictions were also placed on him, so they were stuck in a twisted game of chicken.

Still, he was not sure if their abilities were complimentary to one another, but he saw no reason to refuse otherwise. "But, uh, we can take a look at some jobs."
@Sanguine Rose@samreaper

"Miss, I won't charge you for that. The only thing I want from you two is to be safe. Get along now and remember, stay away from that forest," said the old man knowing full well that their youth would lead them to ignore his advice.

Once they finished their business, they walked and talked away from the Day Care and frankly, it was a miracle that Faye didn't just walk away from the abuse that Tristan hurled at her. Well, she did withhold the danger that the forest posed, so his anger was justified in this case. However, his overwhelming pride superseded his sense of self-preservation and made the declaration that they, though specially he, would solve the secrets of the forest and take whatever spoils they would find without even asking what Faye knows.

He strolled on ahead while Faye decided to watch from a distance to make sure that the rich boy didn't get himself stolen into the forest famous for making people disappear from existence.

Eventually, Tristan would eventually get close enough to actually be of walking distance to the foot of the forest. Mist rolled out in whisps through the branches and trunks of the trees. There was something off; it felt like there was something watching him from inside the forest, judging him. Of course, it was nonsense. A hoax! He said it himself after all, so he'd look quite foolish if he backed away now just because of some silly superstition 'to keep travelers from nosing around too much.'

Of course, Faye was not too far behind as she kept an eye on him. She had the same feeling that something was watching her too, judging her. She could always try to stop him if he tried to enter the forest, but would be able to in time?

What do they do?


Catching the unsuspecting pup by surprise and quickly was able to get it into a ball. Totally not because the GM wants to get the remaining player out of the starting zone.

It rolled once... it rolled twice...it rolled thrice!

Your team is full. Would you like to swap Pokemon?

Now that Steph had done everything that she could possibly and did all that she wanted, it was time for her to fucking leave the city. Knowing her, she'd claim that sleep was for the weak and instead of resting like a normal, sane person she would decide that she would march through the streets of Grand Glory and its emerging nightlife. Eventually after all of her walking, after passing by increasingly smaller, less grand buildings that became sparser the long she went, she would eventually reach a clearing.


"Ah, take your time," said Kauro. He watched the cashier get his order, completely unaware of the absolute unit that was standing behind him. There was no way that an other worldly force would try to take him away in a public space, but then again time stopped, and he was pulled into another world, so that was probably useless. His thoughts were drifting until he heard someone refer to him by name.

Typically, Kaoru was someone that would be unphased by surprises. He had consumed so much horror media that it had rendered him immune to jump scares. Given the strange and dangerous circumstances, however, he almost seemed to recoil as he turned around to see who exactly it was that knew him. It was just some guy wearing his school's uniform, so that would explain how he knew who Kauro was. After all, Kauro worked quite hard to get his position within the school's hierarchy.

Holy shit this dude was tall.

Quickly recovering, Kauro flashed a charming smile and said, "It was fine. I don't think we've had the chance to meet before." His attention though was brought back to the cashier who had his order ready.

"Uh, yeah that would be all. Thank you." Kauro had the money ready in hand though his perceptive eyes caught the cashier's strange behavior. It was as if he was looking behind him, despite there being nothing behind him.

Kauro arched his brow in confusion, standing a bit skewed to see whatever the cashier was looking for. All he could see though were just shelves with cigarettes. "Hey, are you okay? You're looking kinda pale there," asked the redhead. Right now, he had no reason to assume that this guy had any involvement with Strange Gospel. For all he knew, the poor guy just faced harassment from management.

It would've been inaccurate to say that Kauro was distracted. Or maybe he was? Kauro's thoughts were a racing, jumbled mess and yet, at the same time completely hyper focused on Strange Gospel. How could he not after everything he saw? There were so many questions that just needed to be answered! His blood was pumping, adrenaline deluged his body as he walked through the sunset-kissed streets of the city. It was a strange sort of joy, something that was manic, yet such a high that it was almost unbearable.

Was it his heartbeat or was it that world's he heard?

Kauro wandered aimlessly focused only on his thoughts until he noticed the sound of a chime and the glow of florescent lights from above. He just stood there for a solid second to realize that he just walked into a market without much thought. His head was completely somewhere else though now it started to anchor itself back down to reality. Would it be weird if he walked into a store only to just walk out without buying anything? Yeah, it probably would be weird.

Just for the sake of not looking out of place, Kauro just perused the aisles. Still, he could hear the heartbeat thump softly in the background.

This was probably the point when the students would disappear. If they made contact with whatever that world was, it must've meant he was going to be pulled back in soon. The reality has been breached and he was marked by whatever entity was in control of Strange Gospel if the repeated beating of the heart was an indication. The question was when he would be claimed.

Would it be so bad though? It's not like he had much reason to stay.

Kauro grabbed a can of coke from the drinks section and walked over to the checkout. The cashier was some black- haired kid around his own age. Strangely enough, he looked familiar, but he was not sure where he would have seen him. Maybe from school? Who knows

"Hi, I'd like to get some chicken," he said pointing at the glass case convivence store fried chicken and other foods.
Victor didn't really know what to expect to be honest. When he suggested vines, he thought she was going to stuff rocks or something to create a makeshift flail or something. Instead, he just watched her tie vines together until she had made... sandals? Whatever she was doing, she was committed to doing it herself since she was not interested in getting them to assist in her endeavor.

He watched her with equal parts confusion and intrigue as she waddled her way towards the tree. Verity was looking upwards with her focus completely honed on her prize, completely forgetting that she wasn't alone. Then she just started climbing. Actually, it was more like hopping. Frankly, it was actually impressive; Victor never would've never actually expected someone with her rather unimpressive physique to actually be able to have the strength and stamina to make her way up a couple of stories. That and he was not really expecting a rich kid from HAGAY to be able to do any of the skills she displayed.

Then the coconuts started to rain down.

Victor was quick to catch what was in his range. It was either that or get his head split in half by an errant coconut. Under other circumstances, this actually would be quite fun, he thought to himself. Really, having an island to themselves to just goof around on was something that a lot of people would have loved to have. It was just a shame that they were stuck on an island in the middle of God knows where and had to fight for their own survival. For his own sake he kept his own thought to himself, especially since everyone was barely keeping themselves together.

Daniel was struggling and try as his might to hide it his trembling voice gave himself away.

"I'm going be honest... I think we're the only humans here," said Victor to Daniel. There was a clear distinction to what he had meant. The people on the raft that he had seen when he fell through the water looked human. Well, the only one he got a good look of was the valet. The eyes of that man were nothing he ever had seen before; a shiver that traveled down his spine when even thinking about that cold golden eye. Something screamed in Victor that the valet was only human in form. Why would there be humans in whatever that place was on a bloody raft with a desk on it and one of them dressed like a hotel valet? Either Victor had seen too many movies, or he witnessed something that typical people weren't meant to see.

That was assuming that they were nearby. He was only running on the assumption that everyone else saw what he saw because for all he knew only he saw it. With all the adrenalin and panic, he did not even think to ask if they had the same experience as him.

Victor dropped that train of thought though when Daniel asked if they could go back. The poor boy looked like he was not about to drop to his knees at a moment.

"We'll drop you off at the beach, but the rest of us will-" Victor cut himself off when he realized something. Why was not Verity back on the ground? Surely if she was able to climb up the tree that she could get down. There's no way she was stuck in the tree like an overzealous cat that climbed too high up.

He looked up the tree to the coconut girl and asked, "Uh, can you get down?"

"Oh no my dear. It's just the selfish request of an old man." He just had a sad smile on his face. The years had worn down the man and one could tell the lonely existence that he had endured. There was no other life in this house besides him, no one else. No one helped him with the home, and no one seemed to care about this old man being alone in this dilapidated manor.

The elderly man took a sip of his tea and said, "Can you go to Mellow Grove and leave some flowers for my wife's grave? I... I can't really do it myself. I don't deserve to face her." Quickly, he followed up saying, "Of course, you will be compensated for your time."

It was definitely a bit of a heavy thing to say to someone he had just met, but there was something desperate about the way he said it.

What does Stella do?


The woman's neck made a very audible crack sound as she swiveled her head back to facing Jason and rushed over to him, getting uncomfortably up close to him. A stream of words running and clashing into each other ran from her mouth like a broken dam though they were undiscernible. Her eyes almost looked more like cartoony swirls of someone that had gone off the deep end.

The librarian that accompanied Jason along was starting to look absolutely sick of this woman's shit and grabbed one of the books laying on the table and smacked her upside the head with it. It wasn't gentle; there was an audible 'THWACK' from the impact. Jacqulyn's head rocked back and forth for a brief second though after a moment of silence, her eyes focused again. She blinked a few times and that manic behavior ceased.

"Ah, um, sorry about that. I believe I lost myself for a moment," she said with clear diction in her speech. Apparently, she needed a hard restart to the back of the head. "As you are aware if you sought me out, I am looking for the shrine of the Forest Deity, the being that gave birth to the forest that we live in today. However, from my research I have concluded that there may be a way to find it. There are possibly other shrines that could lead us to where the Forest Deity's is. The problem is I have only a general idea of where they could be."

She did explain this with great enthusiasm though judging now that she had a sheepish, unsure look on her face it was fair to say that there was a big 'but.'

"I don't have the funding to go do field work or have any skill in battling, so you would have to do this on your own. If you can go out on your own and bring back your findings, I will reward you."

What does Jason do?

@Joshua Tamashii

Luckily for Amelia, it has not noticed her just yet. It just walked around aimlessly; dark trails lingered from its body with every movement it made. For all the negative emotions that she could sense from it, it seemed to be quite placid at the moment. There was something off about this though. Before when she was outside, the sensation she felt earlier was a suffocating, intolerable grasp of her heart and yet, she could tolerate being in the den of malice. She could sense that these things were everywhere, moving about like ants in a colony though nothing was happening.

Off in the distance on the highest plateau was a massive building with an arched roof and various spires protruding from the top. From its windows, there was a faint light with that familiar blue hue that she saw from the ruins on the surface world.

Amelia was free to attempt to leave, but whether or not she would be successful was up in the air. The longer she remained within the ruins, the more likely she would be found by whatever the fresh hell these things were. It was a dangerous situation for anyone to be in, let alone for a little girl that had only just started her journey as a trainer.

(GM Note: You can attempt to escape, but you have a chance to fail now. This is your final chance to turn back.)


Freya just looked at her text and it was written plainly and concisely. Then why was it when she tried to read it, she read it the way that Steph spoke?! The girl sighed heavily and texted back, "That sounds like a plan. It's starting to get late though. Are you going to stay at a Pokemon Center or are you camping out?"

Again, Steph was still on her first day in the first city of the game. The sun was starting to set, and night was going to come up quickly. When she walked to the park, people were mostly going home to either spend time with their families or to prepare for the nightlife that the city had to offer for its residents though nothing that would stand out for someone that just started their career as a trainer. Yup, definitely no more for now. It was as if the city had multiple events meant for multiple different unique individuals to obtain their own rewards and not designed for one fucking person to do them all.

So, Dennis actually had an easier time with his training due to the Blipbugs that were in abundance though needed rescuing when going against literally anything else. Meanwhile, Vi just struggled to get any sort of win given that its stats were really not that up to snuff and needed to be rescued constantly. It soon became a question of who benefitted from the trainer more.

Dennis is now level 8! Dennis learned Quick Attack!
Evi is now level 8!
Dusk is now level 11!

So, after that rather rough bit training Steph would wander around a bit and find a Growlithe just minding its own business. It was just sniffing the ground and digging at it with its paw.

What is Steph's plan of action?
And just like that, Sophia woke up with not much fanfare. Well, except for just headbutting Daniel, but this just seemed par for course with her remarkable sense of poor timing. What he did not expect was her starting to order them around as if she had any better grasp of the situation than them. As nice as he tried to be, even Victor could not get over his first impression of her and well, let's just say that it wasn't as kind as one would hope. From the first meeting, he saw her as careless and bumbling about with everything that she did. Someone that was quick to give up as soon as her own plans went to pot if their first meeting was any indication.

"I was going to look around anyway, so sure." The last person in the world he wanted to take orders from was from Ms. Youth Leader, but he'd be a hypocrite if he went against her given what he said about working together to get off the island.

Victor was just about to walk away from the group with the other boys to go make sure that Verity didn't get lost in the forest or did something that would injure herself when angry glasses girl unleashed her vitriol towards him. Well, not just him, but towards the Sleeping Cringe who had just woken up. The so-called leader of the group made the classic blunder of telling someone who was clearly in emotional duress. She just went on and on, saying so many things, deriding them with cruelly and yet not offering anything constructive to their situation. Imogen was just bellying up already, giving into her base emotions to just curl up and die when the tough got going.

Maive suddenly broke down sobbing something fierce, which brought back the angry Irishwoman from her fit. Even the situation got to her. He couldn't blame any of them, really. After all, he wasn't much better than them.

There really was not anything he could say in this situation so all he could do was catch up with the rest of the guys who were heading to check on Verity. The heat of the sun and dry sea breeze was soon taken over by the humidity and the shade from the canopy. For this kind of ecosystem to thrive, there had to be an abundant source of water and wildlife to maintain the natural balance.

They eventually did catch up to the gremlin and not even missing a beat, she was telling, not asking, for one of them to give their swim trunks to her. Victor blinked a few times, processing her demand. Yeah, he'd rather not be going around with butt cheeks facing the sun and dick in the breeze. He was going to politely turn her down, but then Orlando decided to offer him up as tribute. The Frenchman's cheeks adopted a slight pink tinge which was pretty obvious given how fair his skin was. Sure, he liked the stage, but this was not the kind of stage that he performed on.

"We're in a jungle, use some vines instead. Now can we stop fooling around and actually get a lay of the land?" He was quick to change the subject for he feared his partially clothed status. He already was turned into her living clothes hanger, but he certainly did not want to become her wardrobe.
There was a myriad of different reactions to their predicament. For some their first reaction was disbelief, for some it was amusement, and for some it was panic. They, save for the cracked gremlin who just fucked off to the trees, were processing what just happened to them. The girl that he had tried to convince to jump in released the floodgates and made her displeasure everyone's problem. The only one that seemed to have a level head in the situation was his fellow art student, Orlando. His classmate was trying to comfort the panicking blonde that was just short from rocking in place with some encouraging words that fell flat harder than when they hit the water.

That blonde kid took a page out of the angry glasses girl's page and just vented his vitriol. Victor stood there and let them him say their piece without interruption until they finished. That being said, his patience was waning from listening to them wallow in their self-pity. They did not have the luxury to just lay around on the sand waiting for someone to save them. It was better than giving up already.

He sighed frustratedly at the sorry sight before him. It wasn't like he had no sympathy for his schoolmates that fell into despair, but someone had to take the reins of the situation. At least that's what told himself. "I get it, I really do. The situation is beyond absurd, and we're all scared, but right now it's sink or swim. No one knows we're here; we don't even know where 'here' even is. The only people that can get us out of this situation is us. We can't afford to lay down and die." Victor did his best to explain to them, but it probably wouldn't work.

The only thing he could do is just stand there, waiting to see if anyone else would volunteer to explore the island. He could only hope that more would join him because this place was not normal. There was something wrong with this beach. Looking at the water for a prolonged amount of time caused a dull throbbing pain in the head and his very soul screamed to not touch it. Just where the hell were they?
It all happened so quickly. Maive stepped in between himself and the unwilling girl before it all went to pot. The girl slipped and out of pure reflex she reached out and grabbed the two, pulling them both into the water. "Mierd!" Shouted the young Frenchman before he collided with the sea's surface. Somehow, he was sinking deeper and deeper than he actually thought he would. Actually, this was impossibly deep for where they were. The light somehow was snuffed away, and he was overtaken by the darkness. Victor tried to swim upward, but no matter how hard he swam he could not break the surface. It was impossible to tell if he was even swimming in the right direction; up and down were unfamiliar concepts in the shadows.

It was cold, a sort of cold dug deeper than just his bones. He could not tell if he was falling down or floating up anymore. Maybe he wasn't? Maybe he was just floating in place in the darkness. Hell, he could not tell if his eyes were open or closed anymore and yet, there was a different nature to the darkness. The concept of himself, his very being seeped out of him like a broken fountain. Memories, wants, hopes, and dreams faded from thought.

"Who am I?" Victor wondered aloud in the darkness with the expected silence as his answer. Instead, what happened was the darkness vanished without warning and he was soaring high with no control of his trajectory. A cold fog gripped him as he flew above an endless expanse of sea. There was something exhilarating about flying, something that most of humanity could only dream of. The wind running through his hair, the rush of the velocity making his blood pump with vigor. Well, it would've been if it were not for the fact that it was this freakish fever dream.

Victor had no way of knowing how long he had been flying. It could've been minutes or even hours, but he found something strange in a day already filled with oddities; a raft with a desk with two people standing there, the waves not shifting the desk or the people with their current. He could not get a good look of their faces through the fog and height, but one of them seemed to be dressed in a blue valet uniform.

"Excuse me, but where am I?!" The young man shouted from above, but with no response. Victor gritted his teeth and shouted, "Hey! Where the hell am-"

Like a sick joke, gravity returned with a vengeance, and he plummeted towards the ocean. The last thing he saw before crashing into the surface was the icy gold eye of the valet. It was as if he was staring into the eye of another worldly being, something that was incomprehensible.

Then he sunk beneath the waves back into the familiar dark depths. Victor was left to his own thoughts though there were none. It was like it was all a dream, it had to be.

That is when he felt something, a warmness that enveloped him like a swathed infant. Victor's balled up grip released, and he reached out forward without even realizing and yet he could not hope to grasp it. He knew what it was though, he knew that it was the presence of something alien to him, yet familiar at the same time. Then, that warmth turned into an inferno, raging and burning within as if it was going to incinerate him from the inside out and as soon as he opened his mouth to scream, he was welcomed with a mouthful of sand.

Victor's eyes shot open, and he pushed himself up from the sandy bank he was on and spat out the contents of his mouth with great desperation. "Ugh, I think I got some between my teeth," he complained as he stood up though just as quickly went silent as he saw that they were not in HAGAY anymore. The cold English sea was replaced with a vibrant, picturesque tropical shore ripped straight from a postcard from Hawaii. Upon inspecting himself, he was still wearing his swim trunks, so it all happened as soon as they fell into the water.

His train of thought was broken by the blood curdling scream of Sophia, who just collapsed with no warning. Like everyone else, he ran over to check on the situation though Casanova in training was already on it.

"Unfortunately so," Victor replied with Daniel with a deep sign.

His heartbeat was raging, threatening to jump out of his throat at any moment and his stomach was in tight knots. If someone was paying attention, they'd notice that his breathing had become heavy and shallow. Anxiety and dread filled him, ready to devour him with no mercy. His fists were balled up tightly until his knuckles were white, his fingers nails dug into his skin threatening to break the surface. Despite the feeling of dread, he was able to maintain his poker face.

Push it down, Victor thought desperately, Push down what's not needed. The show must go on.

Victor took a deep breath and his fists relaxed and unwound themselves. He placed a hand on Maeve's shoulder and said calmly, "It's not your fault. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

He stepped away from the group, looking at the ground for something until he picked up a relatively big stick and did a test swing. It seemed quite suitable for smacking something around if there was an angry boar or something outlandish like a polar bear on a tropical island. Actually, he may just get mauled though it made him feel better.

His attention returned to the group of stranded students. "I'm going to look around for a way back. Anyone that wants to search with me is welcome to."
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