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She took a deep breath and heaved a heavy sigh. The last thing that she wanted was to be comforted by some random kid.

"It's fine, if you're gonna become champion then you must understand Evig's legacy, the good and the bad. Still, I can't help, but to be concerned that a future champion is so naïve," she said. This boy really wasn't the brightest of the bunch, but then again if the only threat to his region was a group of well meaning, but idiotic eco terrorists then it made some semblance of sense.

She continued, trying her best to explain how dictators and sociopaths would commit the most unspeakable horrors to someone sheltered from it. "Why did they do it? They did it for the same reason as any malignant despot would; to break the spirits of the Evigian people. Everything they did, every act of cruelty, every bit of destruction was to whittle down any bit of resistance."

Jason watched as her jaw clenched as disgust visibly was expressed along every wrinkle on her face. Her Houndstone nudged its snout against her in an attempt to comfort her. "Do you know what their greatest evil is though? They destroyed the heart and soul of Evig; it's people. They brought so many to the edge of despair that they just let it happen or worse, they joined Cipher to survive. We were cannibalizing each other like savages until we were forced to a breaking point; fight or die like bootlicking dogs, but we had no leader. Well, until that poor girl took up that mantle."

For whatever stories that Jason's parents told him about their time in Evig, it was different for him to meet someone actually effected by it and acknowledge the actual damage. For as strong as Adrianne, Kapoc, and all the other trainers were, no one truly did acknowledge the scars.

@Sanguine Rose

"It's those bloody pink things and this moron let it happen!" The grandfather shouted in frustration at Faye and then gave the rotund man the worst case of stink she had ever seen. If looks could kill, it would have been first degree murder. So much for diffused tension though the other man did not deny any of it. In fact, he looked quite sheepish as he rubbed the back of his bald head.

The other man said in his embarrassment, "Well, he's not wrong. There's been a pack of these pink Pokemon that appeared recently from the forest. They kept trying to take parts from the engine for some reason, but I was always there to chase them away. I, uh, took a quick snooze during my break and when I woke up the engine was gone."

The old man scoffed at him and said quite belligerently, "A quick nap he says. An Exploud could scream in your ear and you'd still be dead to the world."

Deciding it was best to ignore the abuse, the rotund farmer kept his focus on Faye. "Last time I scared them off, they ran off north from here. They don't typically leave the forest so I'd look somewhere they could take shelter."

We're really doing this? We're really doing this. Okay, fine we're doing this.

The receptionist smiled at him, unknowing for what he was to about to do and said, "Here is your pass for the tour. " She handed him a slip of paper with oil painted flowers on it and text that said day pass along with other information that he did not need to concern himself with.

Tristan, despite being presented with a map on a silver platter and even told to take one, somehow forgot to pick it up even though it was next to the bloody pamphlet as if he was acting out spite for spending 500 P. He walked towards the tour group, making sure he stayed far in the back as to not wrinkle his overpriced clothes and fuss his hair which was probably filled with equally overpriced product.

The tour guide, a young woman wearing the standard uniform which was a white blouse with a black vest, pants, and shoes, led the group. She had a bright and ecstatic expression perpetually and spoke just was peppy as she looked. They stopped by a series of paintings and photographs of landscapes, some of the garden, some were the towns earlier days, and some were wastelands. They were surrounding the portrait of Aria Eberg.

The tour guide said with that same peppy energy, "Aria Ege, or Aria Eberg as we know today was the Duchess of Gotha, or how we know it as part of Jade Coast City before the counties merged together. She was married to Duke Archibald Eberg, cousin to King Johann Hadrada the Fifth. Before her marriage, she was the daughter of a Viscount of no renown, but her and Archibald met through sheer chance. Apparently it was quite the love story,"

As she spoke though, one could tell that there was a sadness that belied her energetic, positive persona. Her tone shifted as she spoke to something a bit more poignant as she continued, "However, Duke Eberg died young due to Consumption, otherwise known today as Tuberculosis. She too was beginning to show signs of it herself. Aria knew her death was coming and left to find a place to die in peace away from the socialites and the pressures of royalty. She founded Florasong in 1894 and it looked far different than it did today. It was once a wasteland; the soil was not fit to grow a single bud."

She motioned to the painting and sepia and black and white photos of a wasteland, barren pale soil for as far as the eye could see. If one were to tell one that this was Florasong before Aria's arrival they would not be faulted for their disbelief. There were some in the crowd that looked confused.

Someone from the crowd asked, "So why did she come here if this was a no man's zone?"

"We can't say for certain why she did it, but judging by records, we believe it was she wanted to give her life to something. She planted a seed and with a gratitude for life, Aria turned a wasteland into home and it all started with a single flower," responded

There was something else in the portrait that did not standout before, but Aria held a bouquet of Gracidea Flowers. Tristan would actually recognize them as they were quite popular with fashion designers, most commonly used as corsages or adorned dresses and other attires.

She continued, "People came in and she used her resources to not just build a town, but our schools, our opera house, the museum, the lab, everything. Aria was beloved by others and she loved them in return. She died at the age of 30 in the year 1900 and her grave is buried in Mellow Grove if you wish to pay respects for her charity and gratitude towards life."

Her attitude then did a complete 180 and she went from poignant to energetic at the flick of a switch. "Alright everyone, please stick close together! You can't enter the labs if you get separated!"

With that, the group tour moved forward. What does Tristan do?


"Because there was nothing right about what they did," responded Helga coldly. She stopped walking and turned to look at him and for a moment he could see the burden she carried; the burden of witnessing atrocity after atrocity and the weight that it carried. In a word, she looked exhausted.

His guide sighed and said, "Only a handful would know. I don't know how they did it and if we are going to be honest, if I did I don't think I'd ever sleep again."

It was fair to assume that the process of creating Shadow Pokemon was not common knowledge and that is for the best. There were many other groups with less scruples about the treatment of Pokemon to gain power quickly and for the sake of public mental health it was best that it was never released. Jason could already see the impact of Shadow Pokemon right in front of him.

Helga continued with a sense of urgency as if to get it off her chest, "Have you ever seen something that had no concept of good or evil? A creature that had no emotion, no desires, and no sense of self? A soulless killing machine that does not differentiate from Pokemon or trainer? That is what a Shadow Pokemon is; a mindless tool for violence with great, yet awful power. That is what they were to Cipher; tools to dominate and spread destruction. God, what they did to Valhane City and Sieggolt City..."

@Sanguine Rose

The two men turned to look at the random girl who just appeared waving at them and returned a confused wave though unsure why they were even returned it. Funnily enough, their surprise at their unexpected visitor diffused the angry bickering though the tension still hung in the air.

The grandfather, the one that Faye was looking for earlier, motioned her to walk over to the truck. He said, "Kid take a look at this."

Walking over, she would soon see that the truck wasn't a missing piece of the engine, there was a completely empty space of where the engine was supposed to be. Every single part of the engine was just gone, down to the very bolt and screw.

"They took the whole damn engine," said the portly man, his face screamed that he was bemoaning at the financial wound that this would inflict his wallet.

Smart move Jason. One look at those biceps would put the fear in god in anyone. Only the brave and the stupid would dare lie to someone that looked like they ate nails without milk for breakfast every morning and let's be honest, he really had no reason to. It would just end poorly for him. At this point she seemed more like a mythological creature than an actual person who can just send someone straight to the pearly gates of Arceus' domain.

"Huh, is that so. Well, knowing that kid if you can't tough it out here then you're gonna struggle against whatever league she concocted," She said as they walked and she did not even try to sound demeaning. It sounded more like a warning and whether or not he heeded it was up to him.

She continued, "Although, I can't fault you with the Scyther. They're much more violent than they were years ago. I did what I could, but I couldn't stop them from decimating their numbers. Not with those absurd Shadow Pokemon." Bitterness could be heard in her tone and perhaps some regret. After all, she could not protect her own home from invaders.

How does Jason respond?

The receptionist gave him a friendly, yet businessman-like smile. She was not paid enough to people who think they were so good looking that a flashy smile was enough for payment when smiling and being polite towards service industry workers was just the bare minimum.

"Well, the person who decorated the manor would be Aria Eberg herself. If you are not here for the tour, please be sure to grab a map. It is quite easy to get lost if you don't know your way around. The entrance fee for young adults is 500P. All proceeds go to the preservation of the park and manor," she said with her best customer service voice.

If Tristan did spend the fee and grab the map, he would find that it was quite the expansive space. It was practically one half a museum for the wealth of valuable furniture and artworks that resided in the manor and of course about the woman herself. It had accommodations such as a cafe/restaurant near the back though for Tristan his main focus would be on the research facility on the upper floors. The pamphlet offered a brief description that when summarized to its main points researched 'The anomalous floral fauna growth unique to the garden' and 'the mysteries of the unique Pokemon found in and out of Florasong.'

What does Tristan do?

Begrudgingly, Jason followed Helga through the forest. True to her word, he was being led through this dark, dank forest and surprisingly he was not dying. One could imagine that she knew her way around these woods like the back of her hand to avoid the dangers found lurking in the trees. Either that or everything that lived in this forest knew not to mess with the hellhound of a woman. At this point anything was possible.

It was quiet, not much talking to be had in general and it was probably doubtful that Jason had anything to ask her out of fear of being German Suplexed straight to Arceus or from her rude and unfriendly demeanor. In general, it was very boring. Eventually however Helga broke the silence.

"So, what's your story kid? Last I heard about the league, you either had to be an established trainer to join or had to vetted by the league administration," said the woodswoman. She eyed the Ralts clinging to his side. "You don't look like you've been a trainer long."

What does Jason do?


Well, he probably did see a sign, but it would eventually lead him back to Aria's Park. The manor that he saw and the research center were one and the same. Upon entering through its big red windowed doors Tristan would granted a strange, but wonderful sight.

The foyer of the manor was grand and spacious, filled with lovingly maintained, pristine late Victorian styled furniture to what could be described as Art Nouveau styled furnishings and art. Paintings and prints marked the walls, each of varying styles and subject matter though all tasteful. Even the interior was designed with an Art Nouveau mindset; organic shapes could be found on the tiled floors with intricate colored patterns that were abstract and yet reminded one of nature. There was a grand stairway and the metal guard rails looked looked like artist depictions of swirling wind and leaves. Of course, there were also all manner of flowers decorating in whatever fine pottery and vases that were available. It was almost like a looking glass into the past and life of Aria Eberg.

By the entrance of the foyer there was a impressively large oil portrait painting of a beautiful, yet pale woman in her late twenties with fiery red hair done up in a bun and equally red eyes. Her lips were curled up in a gentle smile with a kind gaze as if to say that everything was alright. Underneath it was a plaque that held the name Aria Eberg.

Tristan was not alone in the foyer. There were any number of people there, many in white lab coats discussing there own matters. There was also a front desk where a young woman was sitting.

"Excuse me, sir?" She called out to get his attention. Once she did so, she asked with a friendly customer service smile, "Welcome to the Aria Eberg Estate and Research Center. Are you here for the tour?"

Helga still had that smirk on her face, knowing that she had him dead to rights. "Smart decision. Now, come on kid. We've got a shrine to find."

The titan of a woman stood up and whistled for her Houndstone to happily follow her with a happy 'borf' while she headed towards the door. Jason would probably be compelled to follow her considering that she was his only lead.

Before they walked out of the cabin, she turned to him and said,"Our deal is that I guide you. Whatever we find or finds us, it is on you to protect yourself."

Jason's safety was the least of her priorities, that much was clear to him. They made a deal, the parameters were clear and well defined, and they were to be respected. If he had any problems with it he could always raise his disapproval though that would be his prerogative though knowing him, he'd probably want to tell the old hag to stow it.

What does Jason do?


The narrator is indeed dying inside, but that is not important. Tristan went to a Pokemart and in total spent 2150 P in Pokeballs and Repels. He did not know it, but he was forced to accept something called Game Balance, where the rich spoiled kid could not use daddy's credit card because money would be a useless concept and the in game economy would crash and burn like King against Freya's Growlithe.

He did also meet a very confused deliveryman of how the recipient would also be there who gave Tristan a package which contained an Ice Stone with a note stating that it's from a benefactor.

Tristan would then go to one of the many outdoor cafes to enjoy a cup of chamomile tea, which is not actually charged by the DM because that would just be a miserable thing to do, and learn about his Pokemon. It is time for Tristan to take that dusty worn out textbook and begin part two of his lessons!

Last time, Tristan learned about base stats, statuses, and abilities! Today he was going to learn about types, type matchups and evolution. The chapter on types broke down concepts such as Same Type Attack Bonus or STAB for short, that Pokemon can have at most two types, and of course the type chart that broke down what resisted what, what was immune to what, what was weak to what, and what was neutral to what. Given all the possible combinations it would not have been surprising for Tristan to get confused given that his knowledge of Pokemon is literally next to nothing.

The next chapter he read talked about evolution. As the book explained, Pokemon evolution occurred when certain parameters were met and that at most Pokemon can only evolve two times. Most commonly the qualification was to reach a certain level, level being a quantifiable
average level of strength for that species though there were other methods as well. One method that was brought up was stone evolutions, special stones where the energy contained within them reacted to certain Pokemon and caused them to evolve. A list was provided and in it he could see that the Murkrow line required the Dusk Stone.

Another phenomenon was dubbed Friendship Evolution where a Pokemon evolved based on the bond they had towards an individual, not just including trainers. Again another list was provided and on there was the Riolu line and the Sewaddle line though it seemed like its evolution was the one that required it. There were other things such as gender based evolutions and evolutions based on very strange circumstances.

There was an addendum though that talked about a special kind of evolution called Mega Evolution, a temporary form of immense power. There was an example of a Mega Stone, a Lucarionite, and a Key Stone, a rainbow colored stone with a DNA symbol inside it.

So, Tristan was once again armed with knowledge. Now what?

Connected Areas
Route 1. A hilly route filled with many ranches and farmland.
Lake Charity. A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.
Route 2. West of Florasong.


Alright we're just gonna keep this brief. The training session was quite a successful considering that the majority of the time they were just bullying lower leveled Geodude and then just used the rest of the team to beat up the rest of the local fauna.

Dusk is now level 13! Dusk learned Confuse Ray!
Glory is now level 12!
Vi is now level 11!
Dennis is now level 10!
Jack is now level 10!
Lucky is now level 10! Lucky learned Bite!

Our favorite Bogan did try her luck with catching one of the many Geodude's littered about the path. It ate the quad weak attack and it somehow was still standing, sitting? Ignoring the question if Geodude can actually be classified as standing, Steph threw a Pokeball and the rocky thing was absorbed into it.

It rolled once... it rolled twice...it rolled thrice!

Your team is full. Would you like to switch team members?
"Big words for a greenhorn. Let's see if you can back it up," she said with a chuckle. Jason could see that she was somewhat entertained by him though whether or not it was a good thing was up for debate. However, he should have felt slightly a bit at ease as she leaned back in her groaning seat and her oppressive form diminished slightly while she relaxed.

"What I want is a special moss grown on Ekans in Blue Lichen Cave. It's very good for medicine, but those Ekans are pains to find," said Helga, continuing where she was before. "I take you to the shrine and you find me that rare moss, or you're on your own though I'm certain you won't say no."

He knew first hand what it was like to navigate the forest; fog, nasty webs, carnivorous Pokemon and so on were just one of the many inconveniences and threats that dwelled in these woods. Still, he was not forced to take the deal and perhaps he could walk away as to not owe a debt to her. Then there was the deal with the Ekans.

Now, Jason may or may not know what an Ekans is supposed to look like given that they are not native Hoenn though television, books, and the internet probably make these common Pokemon more known. Well, that and having a Pokedex that he could refer to helps. They're long, purple serpents that certainly did not have moss growing on them. If he did not have any idea about how they typically looked then nothing was off, which is the funnier option.
@Zarkun@Sanguine Rose

An hour of absolutely nothing. It was par for the course with the sort of job; long hours of nothing, but countryside scenery, forests, or standing outside some determined spot to protect or to stakeout. One's mind would tend to wander when they are subjected to an outstandingly long amount of boredom and Nolan was not an exception to this rule. Sitting on a horse that probably wanted nothing do with him in complete silence would have had been a prime opportunity to tune out, at least when he was a kid. A trick he picked up was to play a game of sorts, such as counting how many red flowers were growing on the side of the road and the like in-between surveying his surroundings for any possible danger. Sure, it was an activity to keep kids busy on long road trips, but it was either that or mind numbing boredom.

The platoon eventually was beneath the canopy of a forest. All proceeded to go normally until the Corporal whipped out his rifle asking if they heard anything. Nolan halted his worse and watched the rest of the soldiers caught on and held their rifles out in every direction to cover each other's blind spots. His horse had trouble staying in place and Nolan was doing what he could do keep it from bolting off. He could feel it too, the bloodlust and the hunger radiating through the silence from whatever set their sights on the,.

Whatever Asterins were, Nolan could infer that they were most likely a pack of predators and that they were very good at remaining undetected. He would have asked, but by the time they would answer one of them would have had their heads ripped off while they were distracted with Nolan's question.

"Our objective has not changed. Keep your hands steady and kill on sight. As soon as you see any opening, make a mad dash out of here," Nolan commanded them as calm and collected as ever though it betrayed the tension he felt as he faced an unfamiliar enemy and having to protect these soldiers.

The young mage pulled his hood back and muttered, "True Sight." Perhaps no one noticed due to keeping watch for their potential ambushers, but Nolan's but his eyes were swallowed by the deepest black anyone had ever seen. It was like looking at an all consuming puddle of ink that did not reflect light though even if they did notice he did not care as his attention was now on the Asterins. No matter how good their stealth, their camouflage, their invisibility, or whatever they use to remain undetected they cannot hide their soul. As long they still possessed one, Nolan could see them.


She just sat there, watching Jason with those cold, emerald eyes of hers analyzing him. Every breath, every involuntary eye movement, and for all he knew she could see every beat of his heart. To Jason, it would feel like she was staring into his soul and saw every hope and dream he had and every teeth bearing fear that gnawed and gnashed at his insides. Helga leaned forward towards him, her arms rested on the creaking table and for a split second and perhaps it was his imagination, but she somehow looked even bigger than before. Her shadow loomed over him in the already dimly lit cabin.

"Promises are like Milotic. They're pretty and alluring, but most of the time they're just Feebas flopping around in the mud," said Helga. For the first time since he had arrived, her expression finally changed and it was a smile. It wasn't a kind one, but it was deriding. It was the kind of smile that held no expectations for anyone and yet took great pleasure in watching people who talk big fall.

She continued with that ever so mocking smile, "So, when people make promises to me I make sure to always get that Milotic. Do you understand what I mean? Now, do you think that you're the kind of kid that keeps their word?"

What does Jason do? It may be too late to run.


Hurray, hurrah, and all that jazz. Tristan successfully caught a new team member for the second time. The amateur trainer did at least improve by recognizing that what happened to Ace was an inflicted status and did not lose his cool like what had happened the day prior. That book was not wasted on him and neither were his efforts, something that he should be proud. Well, it was at least the baseline so praise may be too much for him. It was not like he could hear it anyway.

After nearly choking on his own hubris and spit, Tristan gave his little diva the name Angel and then decided to take the first step as a trainer to do the one thing that he will do repeatedly over his career as a trainer; grind. Of course, Tristan was very cautious about harming the garden so he made sure to keep his training as far away for the flowers though that may prove to be a little difficult.

The garden was home to a plethora of bug and grass type Pokemon, easy prey for Pokemon such as King and Ace. The two of them brought upon a terror as Tristan directed their destruction because that is what happens when you bring a fire type and a flying type with the intention of just beating the shit out of everything instead of catching it. However, the same could not be said for Princess and Angel. Neither of them had the power output for their own unique reasons to deal with grass types whether not having STAB for their moves or just resisted. However, there were some interesting developments.

There were other Pokemon that Tristan had not seen before that dwelled in the park. He did battle with the occasional plucky blue bird that did not know when to quit or when it was out matched. Tristan even stumbled upon a piece of fruit that was not even fruit at all!

Pokedex Entry #276-Tailow, the Tiny Swallow Pokemon. Taillow courageously stands its ground against foes, however strong they may be. This gutsy Pokémon will remain defiant even after a loss. On the other hand, it cries loudly if it becomes hungry.

Pokedex Entry #761-Bounsweet, the Tiny Swallow Pokemon. Because of its sweet, delicious aroma, bird Pokémon are always after it, but it's not intelligent enough to care. Its sweat is sweet, like syrup made from boiled-down fruit. Because of this, Bounsweet was highly valued in the past, when sweeteners were scarce.

While training, he decided to catch some Pokemon. Turns out levels really do make a big difference when catching Pokemon. The Sewaddle just held on after eating an Ember despite being quad weak to fire type attacks and the Combee barely held on as well. For both encounters, Tristan threw a Pokeball and they were absorbed in a beam of red light. The ball fell as it began to shake. Oh, and the Combee was shiny because the fucking GM gave whatever he rolled for first improved shiny odds as a stupid birthday event. No more events!

It rolled once... it rolled twice...it rolled thrice!

Aside from the surprise encounters, Tristan's training went as plan.

King is now level 12! King learned Haze!
Ace is now level 11! Ace learned Flame Charge!
Princess is now level 9! Princess learned Metal Claw!
Angel is now level 9!

Tristan, finding himself satisfied at the moment, left Aria's Park to go to the local Pokemon Center to heal his Pokemon. He is greeted by a nurse joy who takes his Pokemon and heals off their wounds and fatigue.

Tristan is free to do as he pleases. He could make use of the services provided by the Move Tutor stationed in every Pokemon Center or he was free to explore.

Connected Areas
Route 1. A hilly route filled with many ranches and farmland.
Lake Charity. A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.
Route 2. West of Florasong.

@Joshua Tamashii@Lunarlord34

Medium Meets Cosmic Horror

After a long deserved rest, the duo wake up to the early spring morning of Route 4. There was still a coolness to the air, but otherwise it is comfortable weather. The time is theirs. What do they do?


Deciding to put his luck in a Pokeball, Tristan threw a Pokeball at the Gossifleur and with a smack against the head it was absorbed in a beam of light.

It rolled once...

The Pokeball cracked wide open and out came the Gossifleur with a victorious cry. Just as it was discussed in the chat, Tristan threw another Pokeball in desperation to catch it rather than risk knocking it out. It against smacked against the living flower's head and it was absorbed into another Pokeball.

It rolled once... it rolled twice...it rolled thrice!

Tristan is still in the park. What does he do?


The taste of the coffee tasted darker than anything he had in his life. It was roasted to the point that if he had seen the beans they would resemble black holes poked into reality. Just pushing it down his throat was a great exercise physically and mentally as he had to remind himself that this was indeed coffee. Hell, he watched her sip that void sludge like it was a morning glass of orange juice.

She sat there with that mug and listened to Jason explain why he was there, her expression unchanging. However, it did change when he complimented her physique.

"Damn right they are." Helga said flexing a bicep with great pride. Veins popped out in vivid detail as muscle striations rippled beneath her skin as if they were about to explode outward.

"Back on topic, let's suppose that hypothetically I know where to find that shrine. Why should I help you? What do I get out of it?" She asked the death defying boy. He was warned that she would be making a big ask for his request. Considering that she was someone that lived in this forest alone, his woes with traversing the forest did not move her so he would have better luck actually making a deal with her.

What does Jason do?

@Sanguine Rose

"Um, okay. Thank you and uh, good luck," said the man before she left to go to the local Pokemart thanks to Sage to buy some Pokeballs. She bought six Pokeballs and with the four in her bag she now had ten. She spent 1200 P. However before she left, a man in a deliveryman's uniform approached her, looking confused as to how she was there at the exact moment. He held a package out to her asking if she was Faye.

It was a package with a note that read, 'May you find this helpful on your journey.

- A Benefactor.'

Opening the package, she would find a smooth turquoise stone with a star in the middle.

Faye received a Dawn Stone!

Deciding that if she didn't go now that she'd forget, Faye backtracked to Route 1.

Again, Faye found herself on the country road. It was late morning, the sun hung high overhead while the early spring breeze blew through her hair. She walked along the dirt path by the road with the occasional car driving on the highway. While she could have made an effort to catch more Pokemon so she could even qualify for the gym challenges, she expectedly did not much to the narrator's dismay and instead went directly to the apricorn farm.

Luckily for Faye she did not have to search hard for it. With the address in hand and the Pokemon world equivalent of Google Maps she would eventually find herself outside a wooden farmgate that read Voltorb Orchards. Clearly someone had a sense of humor when naming their farm.

The gate was open and Faye was free to walk in and it did not take long to see the rows after rows of apricorn trees that almost surrounded the farm. She would continue to walk down the dirt driveway until she would see two figures standing in front of a truck with the hood open. Faye would be able to recognize one of the figures as the grandfather of the store clerk that was given to her, who was now very much red in the face.

"It's gone?! How does that even happen?!" Yelled the grandfather.

The person that he was yelling at, a rather portly man with a shaven head and a severe case of a farmer's tan yelled back, "I don't know what to tell you, but it's gone! Bring your rust bucket because I can't drive your shipment."

What does Faye do?

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