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Yes, yes it did add to his embarrassment.

Anyway, Basil was allowed to join in this group of kids/low leveled trainer's test of mettle. "May the best trainer win."


Well, it was totally in character for Tristan to ignore the literal wealth of information available at his fingertips, but that was totally on the narrator for forgetting that Tristan did not like studying or for that matter, anything that required hard work. Well, he did study for what it's worth, but there was something that he completely misunderstood, but that was up for him to realize it later.

With feelings of frustration, Tristan left the library and again made his way through the manor. He would follow the instructions left by the receptionist to what would essentially be the backyard of the manor, which meant all he had to do was go through the front and then around the manor or through the dining area where visitors and employees dined. Dealer's choice really. Either way, he would eventually after plenty of walking find where the festivities were being prepared. He would find himself standing on a patio paved with stone that then stretched out into the rest of the garden where the Gracidea Flower was said to be. One could just sit down and enjoy the view with a cup of tea and maybe some pastries.

Except it was absolutely bloody bedlam. People were rushing around frantically to set up the party. Tables were being placed, lights were strung about, a dance floor was in progress of being put together, and that was just the tip of the iceberg. One could only imagine seating arrangements for the guests, the menu, and the entertainment that had to be put together. Frankly speaking, the employees looked like they were just a step away from being whipped. The one responsible for it was plain to see or to be more accurate, heard.

"No, you dull edge of a Slowpoke I told you to hang the lights higher up! Are you trying to blind our guests? And you! Yes, I mean you, you Rhyhorn brained idiot! The tables must be arranged as so! Do you want them to be sandwiched together? And where in the hell is my cup of tea?!"

Tristan would have followed the onslaught of abuse and eventually found the source: a man in his early 40s dressed in a gray three-piece suit with an equally gray tie, black shoes, and maybe not surprising, but a white carnation on his breast pocket. His black hair was slicked back neatly and had sharp green eyes that commanded authority and at the moment, exasperation. He would have no idea who this man was, but the same could not be said about the man that stood next to him. In fact, Tristan specifically would have recognized him because at one point he could've been considered a Kalosian celebrity due to his status.

Coincidentally enough, they were standing by the flower patch of Gracidea Flowers. What does Tristan do?

@Sanguine Rose

The remaining three Tinkatink shouted at Faye's Pokemon and of course only they would understand what they were saying.

"We have no choice! We must improve our weapons! We must defend ourselves!"

"We cannot rest with that thing's darkness in our home!"

"Prepare yourselves!"

Tensions were high and it looked like things were about to go down, except the Tinkatink hesitated for a moment. They looked like they were peering behind Faye and just a moment later she would hear a familiar voice.

"Pawmi, Thundershock!" A bolt of electricity flew past Faye and collided with one of the Tinkatink. It skidded back and twitched from the electricity coursing through its body, but soon recovered and took a fierce stance.

If Faye turned to look behind her, she would see that it was Rosa that stood there. She looked a bit yesterday though. Rosa dropped her rancher attire and was dressed a bit sportier with one of those varsity baseball jackets with a stripe that went down along the sleeves, light blue jeans, red flattops, and her hair was now pulled back into a ponytail. Next to her was some orange marmot chinchilla thing.

#921 Pawmi, the Mouse Pokemon. It has underdeveloped electric sacs on its cheeks. These sacs can produce electricity only if Pawmi rubs them furiously with the pads on its forepaws.

"Questions later. We've got a fight." said Rosa one of the Tinkatink jumped forward swinging its club down at her Pawmi.

For Faye, it turned into a two on two. One of the Tinkatink dashed forward and lunged towards Faye's Rowlet with its club, which acted as its catalyst for Metal Claw. The other Tinkatink kept back and summoned a gust of Fairy Wind, which sent a pink magical gust of wind at Sage.

How does Faye react?


"No, no I must insist. You are entertaining the selfish notions of an old man, so you must be compensated for your efforts. I will not take no for an answer," the elderly man said quite sternly. He absolutely was adamant about giving Stella the payment that he promised her, but there was something odd about it. For some reason there was an anxiety about it, but she could not put a finger on it. Maybe it was because he was old and didn't have much time left or maybe it was something else. Either way, she was not getting out of getting a reward.

Still, he was relieved that Stella was helping him. He smiled sadly at her and said, "It's okay. I couldn't face her anyway. Please, pick some blue hyacinths. As I said, her grave can be found in Mellow Grove along Route 2. Thank you again for doing this."

Whenever Stella would leave the manor, she would pick the blue hyacinths just as the old man requested. However, she received some strange looks from people who saw her.

Stella received Blue Hyacinth Bouquet

Does Stella go immediately to do the request or does she have any other plans?

Connected Areas
Route 1. A hilly route filled with many ranches and farmland.
Lake Charity. A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.
Route 2. West of Florasong.


Mud Slap luckily smothered the light of Confuse Ray and with not a moment wasted followed up with Shadow Punch. Murus threw punch after punch against the dwindling mass of sparks. At this rate, only just a few blows were needed to finally put it down. It countered again by smashing its own flaming fist against Murus' shadowy punches, but it could not react quickly enough for the other punch.

Murus' fist rammed into its abdomen and the creature bent forward in pain only to take an upper cut straight to the head. It stumbled back in a dazed confusion, unaware of the next punch that went straight towards its face again to deal the finishing blow!













Did he really think that it would be that easy?

The Echo caught one of the shadowy fists with a flickering ember for a hand and held it in place. Murus could not budge its arm out of its grasp. The clay golem felt its hand being bent backwards from a strange newfound strength from its opponent.

Its flaming body erupted and flamed rushed and licked from it like violet lashes of whips. The Echo's form was no longer recognizable for it was just a mass of humanoid flame, an incarnation of absolute destruction. From what Jason could tell, it recovered half of the damage that it received and that its fire type-attacks were certainly enhanced if its raging form was any indication. Even from where he was standing Jason would begin to feel the heat creeping along his skin.

With its free hand it lifted its hand up with its palm facing towards Murus. The palm glowed with a fiery rage and the construct used Ember though this time whatever it shot out was much bigger than before, much more powerful. Murus, who had been chipped away at from Fire Spin would certainly not be able to withstand the attack.

What does Jason do? 


Titus the Magikarp was transferred to the PC.

So, Basil found some information and it was useful though some of it was definitely concerning. How in the world was a lake expanding? It was possible that the eternal rain of Route 3 contributed, but it was up for debate if even the consistent rain would have been enough for the expansion though on the map there were rivers that branched off from the lake. They should've acted as a natural drainage system to carry away the excess water, but they had done nothing to stop the flooding. It was another mystery worth investigating, but it was not why he was going to Lakewatch, originally at least.

The original intent was to find himself a dragon-type, but there was not a snowball's chance in Mt. Chimney that he would be able to capture one by normal means. Lesley and her band of hunters would've run him out of town before he could even catch one though that was to be expected. He had a plan, but by his own admission he needed to maybe just be a little stronger. Luckily, however, he was going to the place described as a 'town of Pokemon Trainers.'

Basil had a lot to think over while he waited to reach his destination. As the ferry got closer though he began to notice that the buildings were not on land, but in the middle of the water.

"What in the world?" He said to himself as the architectural nightmare came closer into view.

Eventually, the ferry came to a halt and Basil just stood in complete awe. Well, mainly he was in awe at the complete absurdity of it, but then again, he came from a place where people thought it was a good to build a city on floating rocks so he could not talk. Still, there was a sense of wonder that was a bit different than Worldedge, a different kind of energy. It wasn't pristine like the upper levels of Worldedge. Lakewatch was a bit rougher, unrefined, and yet was all the more beautiful for it.

Now, the first order of Basil's business? He needed to head to a Pokemon Center. He needed to heal Cecil after their fight with Pamina, his newly acquired Pinsir. He looked down at one of the free gondolas and with a great leap he landed on one and the momentum carried it forward. The only thing was that he did not stick the landing. His arms flailed about as he tried to find his balance only to fall on his back. The only thing that hurt was just his pride.

Eventually he would find a Pokemon Center to heal Cecil and after that he sat on a gondola debating on his next course of action until he decided that he needed some training. Since this was basically a hub for trainers, Basil figured that he could paddle around the town and look for any areas that had an abundance of trainers battling each other because that's what they do. While there were probably many trainers that were way out of his league, there were surely some that had to be around his level as well.

Franz turned to look back at Tristan with a confused expression and said, "Uh, thanks for the advice, but these aren't my clothes. The library just handed me a uniform because I had no work clothes. Thanks again though"

Franz once again went off to do work, leaving Tristan with a proverbial egg on his face for once again giving unsolicited fashion advice when it was not needed or wanted. At least there was no one else to see it happen at least.

Tristan would bury himself in that book to learn about Gracidea Flowers. It was surprisingly mundane. There was no special way to handle them nor was there any special use of the petal. It was a flower that originates in the Sinnoh region that it preferred warm weather and high humidity with the optimal temperature ranging from 69-90 degrees Fahrenheit, that it enjoyed sandy soil, and needed only partial sunlight.

However, what would interest Tristan was what they were used for. Bouquets were typically given out in important events where people would express gratitude. It was just that though. There was nothing about them that stated that they would be magical.


Ah yes, the ancient art of pocket sand. That was actually alone to just change the tide of battle as the goofy looking fish got specks of sand in its eyes. Every time it tried to hit Glory it would just whiff by the bug only to be pelted by even more sand and Struggle Bugs whenever an opening presented itself. The battle did not last much longer. The opponent's Pokemon was laid out flat on the dock before it was absorbed in its Pokeball.

"So much for getting more cash to get a new fishing rod," he said as his defeat quote like so many NPCs typically did.

Steph won the battle! Steph eared 556 P!

Now that the battle ended, she was free to look around and see a quite familiarly tall companion speaking to her much smaller, demure companion.

What does she do?

@Joshua Tamashii

There were a few odd looks with some of the fisherman, but other than that no one paid any mind to her.
"You're quite eloquent and thoughtful for your age. Don't be afraid to speak your mind. No one is going to berate you and if they do then they can answer to me," said Freya gently. There was no judgment, only the willingness to listen.

"I can't argue that you're particularly wrong. Some people are quick to battle over trifling matters. There are trainers that push their Pokemon too far and we both know that humans will exploit them to no end with great cruelty. We humans can and should do better. That is our responsibilities." Even her as a trainer admitted as much. She could not really deny it as she watched Steph fight that random fisherman over some dumb quarrel that they would forget in the same day.

Her gaze shifted back to Amelia and stood back up, giving her back a much-needed stretch after kneeling down at the girl's eyelevel for so long.

"However, your argument implies that Pokemon are creatures that unwaveringly follow to every command as if we removed their free will. Pokemon, even ones with the least intelligence, are sentient, self-aware creatures with great power and a will of their own. Just because they are in Pokeballs does not mean that they have to follow our command. They could easily ignore their trainer or even attack them. I'd imagine that if they really hated that their situation, the potential generational trauma would spur them to bring the near extinction of humans, but that hasn't happened. In most cases, they are willingly participants."

There were definitely some other implications that were left out of that argument, but that's for another time. She returned her gaze on the fight in front of them.

"It brings up the questions of why Pokemon battle alongside humans. Why did it happen? Is it really the natural order of things or was there an agreement? It's a conundrum that's plagued scholars for centuries. To be honest though, I don't particularly care what the answer is. It doesn't change my goals or my relationship with my Pokemon. We'll seek strength and with that strength, freedom." There was determination in her, that much was plain to see. Freya spoke with conviction, as if she already knew what her path was supposed to be.


Basil smiled at her and said, "That works with me. Have a safe trip back."

So after exchanging numbers and goodbyes Basil went to the docks to buy a fishing rod and get a ticket for the ferry when a random fisherman gave him an Old Rod. It certainly wasn't the best quality, but free was free so it was not like he could complain.

Thank you, sir? Random fisherman did not need his thanks. He simply did what he did and went back to fishing. Truely a hero.

Well, considering that he had just received an Old Rod, he gave it one cast out into the lake and without much effort reeled in the depressingly weak Magikarp. It stared at him with a vacant expression though it was hard to tell if it had no thoughts or if it was staring into his soul. Never before had Basil seen such a pathetically weak Pokemon and yet, he felt an odd kinship with the fish. He tapped it with a Pokeball and let it be absorbed into the ball.

Eventually, Basil would buy a ticket for the ferry for Lakewatch Town. After a while being on the ferry, he would ask any passengers about their destination. Nothing to fancy, he just asked about the town itself beyond general information. After that he would just sit around and play some random tunes on his mandolin just to kill the time until they arrived.


"Sorry, I guess it slipped my mind," he apologized when she asked of his plans. Basil had been so absorbed with his next step in his own journey that he forgot to consider Anise in the equation."I'm going to take a detour to Lakewatch Town and then make my way from there to Stillwood Village. I think it will be a good... way..."

He looked at Anise with a blank expression and then sighed as if he was kicking himself. "We really didn't plan this out, did we? We just agreed that we needed to go to Stillwood and then left it at that." With everything that happened it had never occurred to them to actually talk about how they were going to do this.

"If you want, I can wait for you to come back and we can travel together, but I understand that if you need to take time to prepare. This was sprung onto you without warning so there's no hard feelings if you can't. We could just meet at the village's Pokemon Center," Basil said with an understanding tone, well, because he understood her circumstances. If she could not join him for the first leg of the trip then he would not pressure her to do so, especially if she wanted to spend some time with her loved ones. It would be some time before she would return home from her journey.

Whether or not if she wanted to join him for this part to the village (or if the GM found either option more interesting), Basil would eventually walk over to the docks. There were any number of fishermen there though he was not itching for a fight at the moment. He would just head over to wherever they sold fishing rods and tickets.

"Hi, how much would a fishing rod and a ferry ticket cost?" He asked whoever ran the establishment, stand, or whatever it was.


Basil did a quick fist pump for joy, but was trying his best to not jump for joy. It would've been embarrassing to display such a sight in front of Anise. Meanwhile, Cecil was just rollin, rollin, rollin across the ground before he returned her to her ball. He looked down at his partner's Pokeball with a smile before picking up the one containing his new Pinsir before the ball disappeared to the PC. For now, he thought it would have been best to give the newly acquired bug some time before he released her though he could only wonder how Kalmia would react to his latest catch.

Basil focused his attention to Anise who seemed to be quite uneasy with the prospect of catching herself a Pinsir of her own. "I can't really blame you. That was straight out of a horror movie," he said with a nervous laugh.

His Pokedex soon vibrated and lo and behold it was Professor Kalmia with an audio message packed with very important information. It looked like Zachary was no longer going to be bargaining chip for Basil to get information from those stingy Bug and Pokemaniacs. Oh well, it was probably for the best anyway and hey, fast travel was now a thing.

"How did I get that message in the middle of a forest? The wireless coverage must be insane," said Basil aloud. He flicked through his Pokedex to its map app and opened it. It was already agreed that the two of them would eventually meet up in Stillwood Village to find someone who could tell them what the berry Landorus gave them even was, which would eventually lead them, or at least Basil, to Raremine Town where Professor Dustan was located. That man would definitely be of great help to teach them about any legends pertaining to Landorus and the berry it gave them.

However, they were both tasked with wrangling a legendary Pokemon. Well, Anise more than him since she's the guardian of the Reveal Glass, but should he run into Landorus again he would have to be able to hold his own against it. That meant that he would need to get some serious firepower and that is not even taking into account the other two that Lorette mentioned. Well, he needed it anyway if he wanted to get ahead in the league anyway and there was one place that definitely could provide him just that power, assuming they don't tear him a new one.

But first, it was time to leave this forest. He would head back to Route 3 and then make his way back to Highhill Town.


Hallelujah it's raining Burmy.

Cecil, bless her tiny soul, smashed her head repeatedly against the tree until there was nothing left. There was probably a Darumaka sized indent in the bark with the number of times she headbutted the tree.

Basil turned to look at Anise and nodded in agreement and said, "Looks like we're gonna be here awhile."

The duo went from tree to tree and Cecil continued to headbutt them, which made the residents in the canopies upset that they were knocked out of their home. Thankfully they did not form an angry mob and chased them out of the woods. Not like they could even with those numbers. Actually, could Slackoths even form an angry mob?

Eventually, after headbutting enough trees Basil felt the earth stir for a second. "What was that?" he asked though quickly found out the answer was one raging huge bug that erupted from the ground beneath Cecil, aka, the Pinsir that he was looking for. In a flash the Stag Beetle Pokemon caught Cecil within its pincers and held her tightly with great strength. The Darumaka cried out in pain and Basil gritted his teeth.

He held his hand out Anise as if to keep her from interfering and said without looking at her, "This is my fight. Cecil, use Fire Fang!"

From her position, the Darumaka's complied with a flaming mouth (beak?) that would try to chomp down onto the oversized bug's head. Can't really miss from Hustle when the target was holding her in place.

Sure, the strategy would not be described as 'optimal,' but when a Pokemon has a 40 base defense stat then its trainer needed to be a bit creative with their tactics. Glory, not of the human dick head variety, dashed around with a surge of water to maneuver around though it could not use Struggle Bug and Aqua Jet at the same time. The Wimpod would have to alternate between the two moves quickly in order to maintain the strategy.

However, the Wimpod's special attack was one would say absolute hot garbage as its strengths lay more in attacking. The green volley of buggy projectiles did hit the Arrokuda for a small chunk and lowered the special attack stat that it never uses though it was raring to fight still.

"Two can play at this game! Keep up with Aqua Jet and use Peck!" The fisherman ordered.

So, this is some weird DBZ scenario where two water-types are dashing around the area at ridiculous high speeds trying to find an opening to attack.

How does Steph react?


"Uh, well, sort of? I'm actually pretty new to the whole 'Pokemon Trainer' thing. Then again, I'm pretty new to all of this in general," he responded almost a bit uncomfortably. The young man seemed tense with that line of question as if this new position of being trainer was not exactly what he wanted.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He continued his explanation and said, "My situation is a bit complicated, but Adrianne said that taking on the gym challenge would be a good way to get used to Evig. I'm just working the odd job to get a sense of normalcy after everything that happened."

Again, he refused to elaborate on what his situation even was, and he did not give Tristan any time to ask. He said, "I hope that you are able to find what you need. My name is Franz. If you need anything just call me over."

Franz walked away and went back to whatever work that made him look busy. With that, Tristan was left with a book titled A Botanists Guide to Sinnohian Flowers. It was a reddish-brown leather bound hard back book with golden filigree around the edges. It looked old and it smelled like old leather too. After he flipped through a few pages, Tristan found the section about Gracidea Flowers.

What did he want to know?

@Joshua Tamashii

"Kapoc," She corrected and then said, "And yes, he's the same one who gave you your Phantump. I'm his little sister."

It was a bit of a stark contrast. From her recent memory the older sibling looked like his blood was fueled by black coffee and that sleep was a foreign concept. A grumpy, unenthused man and then here is his little sister that radiated a warm, almost motherly vibe. The only thing that showed that they were anyway related was the fact that they both had black hair and red eyes, but enough about how in the world they were siblings. There were more important things, such as Amelia's refusal to take the gym challenge.

"I see," she said with a hint of disappointment.

Freya looked at her with an inquisitive expression and asked, "Do you perhaps not enjoy Pokemon Battling?"

@Sanguine Rose

So, Faye made herself look as least threatening as possible and made an appeal to give back the engine in exchange for metal cans and the promise to get them even more metal of higher quality. They looked at the engine, back to her, and then to each other. Only one of the Tinkatinks walked to her side though the rest of three stood where they were, unconvinced and held their clubs out with malicious intent.

A fight was unavoidable. What does Faye do?

The pain that struck his heart was what we people called being poor.

The receptionist fought the urge to roll her eyes when she heard Tristan clear his throat to get her attention when he was the one to turn his back to her.

"My apologies, but for their safety we are under strict orders to keep our VIP anonymous until they arrive. As for the location of the Gracidea Flowers, coincidentally they are behind the manor where the festivities are being arranged. If that is all, please have a nice day," said the receptionist before the teen left her to her own devices once again.

Thankfully, Tristan did not get lost in the manor's halls. He eventually did return to the library and found himself in a room with intricate blue wallpaper from a century ago, filled with older antique furniture with walls covered in book shelfs. Bay windows let in trickles of sun light through the cream-colored curtains. It wasn't hard to not a librarian per se since this was technically not a public library, but someone who did maintain the books and Aria's letters and journals.

A tall, lanky young man around Tristan's age with sandy blonde hair loosely tied back in a loose ponytail, dressed rather plainly stood there dusting the shelves. He perked up when noticed a pair of footsteps and turned to see the visitor. He was good looking with an oval face, soft green eyes behind round silver frame glasses though his manner of dressed detracted from it. He wore a simple white long sleeve button up, brown slacks, a brown belt with a silver buckle, and black shoes. They looked more like work clothes than he actually wore every day.

"Ah, hello there sir. What can I help you with?" He asked while he made his way over to him. He flashed him a friendly, yet nervous smile.

After Tristan told him what he wanted the young man said, "Gracidea Flowers? Well, we certainly have any information on them. Sit down where you feel comfortable, and I will find you a book."

There were any number of chairs and sofas that he could sit on while Tristan waited. He would watch the young man assist him; except he looked a bit lost as he tried to figure out where things were. In fact, this helper had to keep opening different books to find what he was looking for. Eventually, he would walk over to Tristan and hand him a book.

"My apologies for the delay. I'm just a temp until the festivities conclude so I don't know my way around the library," the young man said apologetically. There was something he wore on his belt and Tristan recognized it because he had one too, a Pokedex.

What does Tristan do?


Did Murus think 'Et tu Jason?' when he sent it out to be immolated? Because if it didn't, it should have been. The poor thing was sent out and consumed in a spire of flame that twisted around the Golett, taking damage over time as the flames chipped away at its clay body. However, it was not going down without a fight.

Now, here's the really funny thing about Shadow Punch. It's ghost-type Aerial Ace, meaning that it cannot miss. So, how is it possible for a punch to be classified as literally unavoidable? Well, as soon as the Golett threw a punch, its fist disappeared in a shadowy space that opened in the air. It then appeared right next to its head and collided with that 'fiery friend,' the impact caused it to skid back only to see that mud was being slung at it.

The Echo dashed to the side to avoid the Mud Slap, but it then would face another shadowy fist appearing out of thin air. It would counter by throwing its flaming fist to collide with it. This was a continuous brutal assault though what gave Jason's opponent time to even maneuver was that Golett was not a fast Pokemon. It hit hard, but speed was not exactly its strength though it was enough.

It held its hands together and then pulled them apart, creating small whisps of flame that hovered around it before being sent flying towards Murus. They were different from the other attacks. There was something disorienting, confusing so to speak, when looking upon them.

How does Jason react?

@Sanguine Rose




The four Tinkatinks stopped what they were doing and looked up at the intruder holding cans of food. They weren't overtly hostile yet, just guarded. They held their metal clubs out ready to strike if necessary though they were not making the first move.

The floor belonged to Faye. Don't choke.


"Carvannah, dodge!" Its trainer commanded though instead of making a death-defying dodge, the poor fish just stopped in midair from the static coursing through its body and flopped onto the dock like, well, a fish out of water. Ever rolled a natural one? This Carvannah was experienced just that, and it could only watch in horror as it witnessed the Toxel hurl up globs of bubbling green acid straight at it. The Acid doused the opponent and the Carvannah yelled out in pain, understandably so as it felt its flesh sear.

It was obvious that this thing was not going to last much longer, but it was not done yet. The Carvannah again used an Aqua Jet to try and bring an end to the Toxel, but Steph had already ordered Vi to use Flail. Now, Flail was not exactly the most optimal move, but the amount of damage that the opponent sustained made it a moot point. All that was needed was just one more clean hit.

Vi flailed its arms about and the Carvannah homed in like a watery missile. Both the Pokemon collided, and they are both sent skipping against the dock. They both looked like they were knocked out, but Vi barely clung on to consciousness and got up like a champ.

Vi leveled up! Vi is now level 12!

"I ain't done yet! Go, Arrokuda!" The fisher grabbed another Pokeball and threw it. From a flash of white light came the goofiest looking fish that Steph was probably familiar with due to it being native to her region.

#846 Arrokuda, the Rush Pokemon. Arrokuda can swim quickly only in a straight line. The ones that become sluggish from overeating are the first to be targeted by flocks of Wattrel.

What does Steph do?

@Joshua Tamashii

Unexpectedly, a whole bunch of ghosties popped out of Amelia's Pokeballs. Freya stepped back to avoid the Pokemon that were moving all around their trainer. For a moment, she was worried that the little girl was not able to control her Pokemon, but was soon visibly relieved that they were well behaved. In fact, the little girl was actually much more confident with her Pokemon by her side.

"Not at all. I think it's quite sweet," she said with that gentle smile of hers. Her red eyes glistened in the early morning light. Yes, she did radiate warmth and gentleness, but there was strength and confidence behind it as well. There was a sense of freedom that could be felt just from looking at her.

Freya held her hand out for the little girl and said, "Amelia, what a lovely name. It's very nice to meet you. I'm Freya Kapoc."

Kapoc was definitely a name that she heard before. In fact, she heard it very recently. Well, whether or not Amelia remembered or even shook Freya's hand didn't matter. The older girl would still ask, "I see you're drawn to a specific kind of Pokemon. Are you taking the gym challenge too?"
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