Key Items: Pokedex, Umbrella, Mandolin, Sketch pad and Graphite Pencils, Pokemon Egg, sketch of mirror (probably useless) Abundance Berry (An orange, pear-shaped berry from Landorus), Old Rod
General: 6x Potion, 5 Super Potions, 4 Great Balls, 15 pokeballs, 3 antidotes, 3 paralyze heals, Red Scarf, Blue Scarf, Fighting Gem, Rock Incense (Equipped), Black Belt (Equipped)
TMs: TM57 Charge Beam, TM89 U-Turn
Badges: Shrine Badge
Pokédollars: 11,838
Key Items: Pokedex, Umbrella, Mandolin, Sketch pad and Graphite Pencils, Pokemon Egg, sketch of mirror (probably useless) Abundance Berry (An orange, pear-shaped berry from Landorus), Old Rod
General: 6x Potion, 5 Super Potions, 4 Great Balls, 15 pokeballs, 3 antidotes, 3 paralyze heals, Red Scarf, Blue Scarf, Fighting Gem, Rock Incense (Equipped), Black Belt (Equipped)
TMs: TM57 Charge Beam, TM89 U-Turn
Badges: Shrine Badge
Pokédollars: 11,838

Pokémon Name: Cecil
Species: Darumaka
Gender: ♀
Type: Fire
Personality: A jolly, over confident creature that will sass the hell out of people and demands cuddles.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: It tries to mimic Basil drawing, but all that it makes are just scribbles and blobs. Also likes marmalade sandwiches. Her goal is absolute domination on the battlefield and help Basil out of his shell.
Level: 15
Moves: Rollout, Tackle, Incinerate, Rage, Fire Fang, Headbutt
Ability: Hustle
Held Item: None
Health & Status: 20%

Pokémon Name: Crocus
Species: Bulbasaur
Gender: ♂
Type: Grass/Poison
Personality: Crocus is a curious, friendly creature. A bit too friendly and trusting for its own good.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: His goal is to be an adventurer and go where no Bulbasaur has gone before! Smells like freshly cut grass.
Level: 13
Moves:Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleeping Powder, Poison Powder
Ability: Overgrow. Boosts power of Grass-type moves when heavily damaged.
Held Item: None
Health & Status: 100%

Pokémon Name: Lupin
Species: Sneasel
Gender: ♂
Type: Ice/Dark
Personality: An intelligent, sneaky, trouble making Pokemon that has way too much trouble keeping its mitts of other people's belongings. It is also a little cocky and likes to pick fights.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Likes listening to rock music. Wants to be a world class thief. Ironically, Lupin's favorite foods are spicy.
Level: 11
Moves: Scratch, Leer, Taunt, Quick Attack, Faint Attack
Ability: Pickpocket
Held Item: None
Health & Status: 100%

Pokémon Name: Lancer
Species: Escavalier
Gender: ♂
Type: Bug
Personality: The most arrogant bug Pokemon you will ever meet. Lancer hates to lose and thinks of itself as a knight. Does not ever back down from a duel.
Level: 12
Moves: Peck, Leer, Endure, Quick Guard
Ability: Swarm
Held Item: None
Health & Status: 100%
Yes, yes it did add to his embarrassment.
Anyway, Basil was allowed to join in this group of kids/low leveled trainer's test of mettle. "May the best trainer win."
For Boey's Venipede, Basil sent out Roxanne the Nosepass since Nosepass' defense was just so astronomically high. He would order her to use Thunder Wave in order to slow it down and prevent Rollout from building up steam and then followed up with Rock Throw to squash the bug.
After that was taken care off, to counter the kid's Geodude Basil would send in Crocus the Bulbasaur. Basil ordered Crocus to use Vine Whip on the Pokemon that was quad weak to it.
Basil kept Crocus in to battle the Marill. He ordered Crocus to use Sleep Powder and then Vine Whip on the blue water rabbit thing.
After that was taken care off, to counter the kid's Geodude Basil would send in Crocus the Bulbasaur. Basil ordered Crocus to use Vine Whip on the Pokemon that was quad weak to it.
Basil kept Crocus in to battle the Marill. He ordered Crocus to use Sleep Powder and then Vine Whip on the blue water rabbit thing.
Against Victor's Pikachu was Crocus. Basil would order the Bulbasaur to use Sleep Powder and then followed up with Vine Whip on the electric rat.
When the Paras came out, Basil switched the Lancer the Escavalier and ordered it to use Peck, which was probably overkill considering that it was just a Paras.
And then there was the Kadabra the poor thing. Basil sent in Lupin the Sneasel and proceeded to just invalidate its existence with Feint Attack as it could not damage the dark-type Pokemon.
When the Paras came out, Basil switched the Lancer the Escavalier and ordered it to use Peck, which was probably overkill considering that it was just a Paras.
And then there was the Kadabra the poor thing. Basil sent in Lupin the Sneasel and proceeded to just invalidate its existence with Feint Attack as it could not damage the dark-type Pokemon.
Basil sent in Roxanne to fight the Ponyta because it just invalidated its only attacks. He ordered her to use Rock Throw and proceeded to just pelt the fire horse with rocks.
Crocus was the Rhyhorn's opponent and Basil told Crocus to strafe while using Vine Whip since Rhyhorn's were just terrible at making turns.
For Ella's final Pokemon Basil sent in Lancer. He just ordered Lancer to use Leer and then Peck on the Cancea because it was more likely that Escavalier could deal more damage than what the bipedal cactus could recover.
Crocus was the Rhyhorn's opponent and Basil told Crocus to strafe while using Vine Whip since Rhyhorn's were just terrible at making turns.
For Ella's final Pokemon Basil sent in Lancer. He just ordered Lancer to use Leer and then Peck on the Cancea because it was more likely that Escavalier could deal more damage than what the bipedal cactus could recover.