Isaiha Akana

"Life is like a wave. You just gotta ride it."
Full Name: Isaiha Akana
Age: 25
Year at the Institute: Second Year
Favorite Color: "Blue like the Alolan Beaches!"
Thesis Subject: How Pokemon learn attacks, how attacks work, and if new ones could be created.
Appearance: Isaiha is a young, tall, and very fit young man with tanned skin and always untidy hair. He typically wears some form of a floral Alolan shirt under his perpetually unbuttoned lab coat and a t-shirt and jeans with sneakers. On warmer days he wears shorts and sandals. Isaiha is never seen without a pair of sunglasses and or without his Z- Power Ring on his wrist.
Personlity: Isaiha is almost exactly what anyone would expect; an easy-going guy that lives his life doing whatever he pleases without taking anything seriously. He is the life of the party in any social setting and often times gives others the impression that he was a lifelong friend of someone even though he met them only moments ago. Friendly and sociable are just his default settings, but in a sunny extrovert way that is blinding to most introverts. He's the kind of guy that would actually be late to class because he was helping an elderly person carry their groceries home.
Isaiha is someone that lives with the motto, "A healthy body is a healthy mind." He frequents the gym for weightlifting and wakes up at the crack of dawn to go for runs. However, his healthy habits are probably connected to the fact that he is an adrenaline junkie. Isahia is someone that needs intense amounts of stimulation or else he will go absolutely insane. Exercise helps, but what really gets him going are his two greatest loves: surfing and Pokemon Battles. He frequently makes time to visit Sandgem Town's beach so he can catch some waves and Pokemon Battles reveal an intensely competitive, strategic nature that one would not expect from his laidback demeanor. Don't ask him to choose between surfing or Pokemon Battles. He would rather die.
New experiences are always valuable, and he is game to try new things. Isaiha is very open minded though that may be an excuse because he has a very hard time saying no. He's afraid of upsetting or offending others, so there are times he agrees to things when he really shouldn't. Combine this with a personality that makes him come across as unintentionally flirty and you get trouble.
Of course, like many others accepted by Laventon Institute he is an intelligent, inquisitive young man, but at heart he is truly a trainer, not an academic. His school of life was filled with battles, catching Pokemon, training them to be the best, and exploring the world so at times he feels a bit disconnected with the other students who didn't really have that experience. It's hard to be both a trainer and professor when it feels like he has to choose between them. It's not like he would say that to anyone or say anything about any problems he has for that matter.
Bio: Isaiha is native from Hau'oli City on Melemele Island of the Alola Regions. His parents were professional surfboarders that met during international competitions. His father was from Galar, and his mother was a native to Melemele Island that fell madly in love though they did not necessarily plan to have Isaiha as early as they did. The young couple settled in Hau'oli City and opened a surfboard shop/ surf lessons and surf tours around the island. When he was little Isaiha frequently joined his parents when they gave surf lessons and their island surf tours. His parents often joked that he learned how to surf before he could even walk.
There was not much else that a kid like him could ask for. He had great parents that loved, friends at school, and waves that he could surf on. It was simple, but for him it was all he needed. That was until he met someone that changed the course of his life. Once again, he surfed on the waves of Hau'oli City's beach he noticed that something kept following him, a Horsea. The Pokemon just wanted to play and of course, he obliged and the two rode the waves until the sun began to set below the horizon. And it happened again, and again, and again. It had gotten to the point that the Horsea would wait every day in the same spot for Isaiha and like clockwork he would arrive to play with the water-type. Eventually, they refused to be separated and his parents had to give him to a begging child with tears and snot running down his face.
This ignited the spark that so many young children had when they received their first pokemon; the desire to become the very best trainer. There was only so much that a little kid could actually do besides battle other kids in what was tantamount to playground skirmishes, but when he turned eleven, he was unleased upon the world. Isaiha was given the choice to take the Island Challenge and again, like most children, went headfirst into the challenge. The Island Challenge only made his love of Pokemon and adventure grow as he met so many different kinds of people and Pokemon along with his love of battling. He would eventually become an Island Challenge Champion before the tradition was retired some years later when its Pokemon League was established.
Over the years he would take part in Pokemon and surfing tournaments, even in other regions. However, whenever he travelled through another region it would always have to be during the off months of school. Eventually he wanted to try and go pro, but his parents told him to go to college first because it would have been a waste of his smarts not to. Turned out all of his endeavors counted as extracurricular activities that could be used for his applications, go figure. Anyway, he did go to university majoring in some Pokemon Sciences in Unova and had an internship with Professor Juniper.
Eventually he graduated and true to his word he tried to make a career out of surfing and battling and for a while it worked. Isaiha was getting sponsors and he sent money to his parents to help support them and fix up their shop. Over time though, he started to feel... weird. He was doing what he wanted to do so he should have been happy. So why did he feel so empty inside? Every victory and every loss started to mean less and less to him. It didn't matter anyway because it always had to same result; the ever-growing pressure to be better. No matter what he did it was never enough to satisfy the sponsors. It was suffocating. One day it came to a head where he was scheduled to appear in a match, and he just didn't show. Isaiha hopped a plane back to Melemele Island and ran away from the issue. He burned out.
Something like that does not leave your mind unscathed. Isaiha was depressed and barely left his parents' home at weeks at a time. His passions were non-existant. There was guilt from his friends and family. They should have seen it, but they did not. They should have asked if he was okay, but he hid it too damn well. Eventually, however, they finally got him to see a therapist to talk through what happened. It was slow to help, but eventually did open up and became receptive to what she was trying to do. One thing that stuck out though was this. "You didn't fail, you got out of a bad situation. You can always try again, but why not see what else the world has to offer?" All he knew was battling and surfing. Sure, he had his degree, but he was not cutout to be a scientist or professor. He had focused on this one goal for so long that he really did not know what else to do. However, that all changed with a single random thought that snowballed; Pokemon attacks are weird.
The layman would think that attacks were simply the product of evolution and adaptation for survival, and to a degree it's correct except it falls apart when anyone puts more thought into it. Of course, there are Pokemon the evolved to use moves that are unique to them, but that could not overshadow the oddities. Why can a Slobro know Fire Blast? Why can a Zoroark learn Flamethrower or why can an Infernape use Thunder Punch? Last he checked they did not have any biological functions that allowed them to breathe fire or discharge electricity. Why was the strongest dragon-type move, Draco Meteor, a move that had to be taught by a person? Why can they learn so many moves from TMs and tutors, but not in nature? Were attacks they learned overtime just the process of learning techniques that had been passed down genetically through generations? Were attacks not just biological function, but of natural energies that Pokemon could manipulate? Z-Moves were essentially just techniques amplified by Z-Power to pull off moves that would be impossible otherwise. Why did normal types learn every type of move under the sun? If Pokemon could manipulate these energies and they were just techniques instead of purely adaptation, then was it possible to teach Pokemon moves that they couldn't learn? Could you make new moves?
Isaiha got back in contact with Professor Juniper or, well, she actually did. She had heard what happened from his mother. It turned out when his parents visited Unova to see him, his mother and her actually became friends after he introduced them. They caught up and when he presented his ideas about Pokemon Moves, he received a surprise. Professor Juniper suggested to write that as his thesis and send it to the Laventon Institute. She would review whatever he wrote and offered to write a letter of recommendation. It was a good deal and currently he is a second-year student hoping to make progress on his thesis though that is far easier said than done. He quickly realized that he could not perform his research with a team of already strong Pokemon so he would have to start from scratch and is looking to increase the sample size of his research.
Name: Riptide
Species: Kingdra
Ability: Swift Swim
Bio: Isaiha's first Pokemon, his ace in battle, his surfing companion, and his best friend. After spending so many years with him, it pretty much as the same personality as him. Even though Isaiha is raising new Pokemon for his thesis, he could not bear to be separated from his partner for any amount of time.
Name: Cinder
Species: Chimchar
Ability: Iron Fist
Bio: When Isaiha realized that he would have to start a new team from scratch for the sake of research, he was put in contact with Professor Rowan who gave him a starter to help, and he happened to take a liking to the Chimchar. Cinder is a very stubborn fire chimp with a love for pranks and is frequently the source of many troubles. It hates being in a Pokeball so it typically by his side or clinging to him.
Name: Jaws
Species: Tyrunt
Ability: Strong Jaw
Bio: This was hard to get his hands on. He wanted to see if Pokemon moves differed from ancient times versus modern times, so he had to physically go out and mine for a fossil during one of his. Jaws the Tyrunt was the result. Many chew toys were destroyed by this weirdly cuddly dinosaur. It absolutely hates playing nice with other Pokemon that vies for his trainer's attention.
Name: Junji
Species: Sinistcha
Ability: Hospitality
Bio: Isaiha wanted to study a Pokemon that had a signature move that no other Pokemon could learn due to a unique biological function, so he went to Kitakami to catch a Poltchageist, which he then evolved into a Sinistcha. A creepy little bastard that enjoys scaring anything that moves.
Name: Jackie
Species: Alolan Vulpix
Ability: Snow Warning
Bio: During the last academic break, Isaiha returned home to Alola and went on a brief hike around Mt. Lanakila where he caught this little cutie. Jackie is a bit of a showoff that's eager to please, but she is also very clumsy.
Name: Vibes
Species: Whismur
Ability: Soundproof
Bio: The latest edition to Isaiha's study, Vibes the Whismur was caught because he wanted to study why normal-type Pokemon were so versatile. A timid little guy that is frequently the target of Cinder and Junji's mischief.
Species: Kingdra
Ability: Swift Swim
Bio: Isaiha's first Pokemon, his ace in battle, his surfing companion, and his best friend. After spending so many years with him, it pretty much as the same personality as him. Even though Isaiha is raising new Pokemon for his thesis, he could not bear to be separated from his partner for any amount of time.
Name: Cinder
Species: Chimchar
Ability: Iron Fist
Bio: When Isaiha realized that he would have to start a new team from scratch for the sake of research, he was put in contact with Professor Rowan who gave him a starter to help, and he happened to take a liking to the Chimchar. Cinder is a very stubborn fire chimp with a love for pranks and is frequently the source of many troubles. It hates being in a Pokeball so it typically by his side or clinging to him.
Name: Jaws
Species: Tyrunt
Ability: Strong Jaw
Bio: This was hard to get his hands on. He wanted to see if Pokemon moves differed from ancient times versus modern times, so he had to physically go out and mine for a fossil during one of his. Jaws the Tyrunt was the result. Many chew toys were destroyed by this weirdly cuddly dinosaur. It absolutely hates playing nice with other Pokemon that vies for his trainer's attention.
Name: Junji
Species: Sinistcha
Ability: Hospitality
Bio: Isaiha wanted to study a Pokemon that had a signature move that no other Pokemon could learn due to a unique biological function, so he went to Kitakami to catch a Poltchageist, which he then evolved into a Sinistcha. A creepy little bastard that enjoys scaring anything that moves.
Name: Jackie
Species: Alolan Vulpix
Ability: Snow Warning
Bio: During the last academic break, Isaiha returned home to Alola and went on a brief hike around Mt. Lanakila where he caught this little cutie. Jackie is a bit of a showoff that's eager to please, but she is also very clumsy.
Name: Vibes
Species: Whismur
Ability: Soundproof
Bio: The latest edition to Isaiha's study, Vibes the Whismur was caught because he wanted to study why normal-type Pokemon were so versatile. A timid little guy that is frequently the target of Cinder and Junji's mischief.
This is a space delegated to Pokemon he would use for his research or as he calls them, "Junior Assistants". Currently hasn't caught enough Pokemon to warrant this yet.
These are some of his notable Pokemon from his time as a trainer, but not all of them. They are there to help with teaching and raising the little ones that Isaiha picked up for his research though depending on the situation he may bring a few of them for field work. Isaiha had to get special permission to get them an enclosure on campus and has an allowance to cover expenses such as food, but should he go over then it has to come out of his own pocket.
Name: Highness
Species: Serperior
Ability: Contrary
Bio: When Isaiha became an intern for Professor Juniper, he was given a choice of one of the three Unova starters as a welcoming gift and to help him become adjusted to the lab. He picked the smugleaf with a haughty disposition that he aptly named Highness. She acts arrogant but is very quick to embarrass with praise.
Name: Love
Species: Pelipper
Ability: Drizzle
Bio: The first Pokemon that he ever caught was Love the Pelipper when it was still a little Wingull. It is a laidback bird that loves to take plenty of siestas. The world could be ending, and he still would be deeply sleeping.
Name: Cotton
Species: Ampharos
Ability: Static
Bio: A gentle Ampharos that Isaiha caught during his adventure in the Alola region. It's a sweet, rather docile Pokemon at times though he is always reliable in battle. He is typically the favorite of the junior assistants.
Name: Xena
Species: Scizor
Ability: Technician
Bio: The cool, silent stoic of the team. Isaiha caught Xena when she was a Scyther in the Poni Planes when he took the Island Challenge. In a way, Titania has become the mom of Isaiha's team. When there are conflicts between team members, she is quick to resolve them though sometimes it requires a smack to the back of the head with her big metal claws.
Name: Bella
Species: Kommo-o
Ability: Bulletproof
Bio: The absolute juggernaut of his team, Bella the Kommo-o. A prideful dragon that he met during his first journey around Alola as a Jangmo-o. She is a jolly, hardy Pokemon that can't help but to make a lot of noise, which kind of scares the little ones.
Name: Highness
Species: Serperior
Ability: Contrary
Bio: When Isaiha became an intern for Professor Juniper, he was given a choice of one of the three Unova starters as a welcoming gift and to help him become adjusted to the lab. He picked the smugleaf with a haughty disposition that he aptly named Highness. She acts arrogant but is very quick to embarrass with praise.
Name: Love
Species: Pelipper
Ability: Drizzle
Bio: The first Pokemon that he ever caught was Love the Pelipper when it was still a little Wingull. It is a laidback bird that loves to take plenty of siestas. The world could be ending, and he still would be deeply sleeping.
Name: Cotton
Species: Ampharos
Ability: Static
Bio: A gentle Ampharos that Isaiha caught during his adventure in the Alola region. It's a sweet, rather docile Pokemon at times though he is always reliable in battle. He is typically the favorite of the junior assistants.
Name: Xena
Species: Scizor
Ability: Technician
Bio: The cool, silent stoic of the team. Isaiha caught Xena when she was a Scyther in the Poni Planes when he took the Island Challenge. In a way, Titania has become the mom of Isaiha's team. When there are conflicts between team members, she is quick to resolve them though sometimes it requires a smack to the back of the head with her big metal claws.
Name: Bella
Species: Kommo-o
Ability: Bulletproof
Bio: The absolute juggernaut of his team, Bella the Kommo-o. A prideful dragon that he met during his first journey around Alola as a Jangmo-o. She is a jolly, hardy Pokemon that can't help but to make a lot of noise, which kind of scares the little ones.
-He has a surfboard that he named Lola. Besides his Pokemon it is his baby and treats it as such. Do not ask him to choose between you or the surfboard. You will lose.
-Has taken up baking and drawing as a hobby as a new way to destress as recommended by his therapist. He still sees her via online sessions.
-Isahia gets incredibly defensive when someone brings up the remarkable similarities between Professor Kukui and him.
-His creator has to look up surfer lingo for whenever Isahia speaks.