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@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

Yup, she's pissed. Now that was not surprising. Basil had completely expected her demeanor to do a complete 180 as soon as he made his request, but what he did not expect was her to actually agree to his request. Frankly, he expected to be turned into paste against the concrete, but that was probably not off the table. Basil really wanted to return that same energy that she was giving him though he was already on thin ice enough as it was. Anything he could say could cause the gym leader to change her mind, so he held his tongue.

He glanced over to Amelia and said, "Amelia, go explore a bit. I won't be long." Basil turned to the very reluctant Lake Watcher with a determined gaze. "Lead the way."


Hi there, I just had a question. I want to make a character whose thesis involves Pokemon Moves. Would it be okay if my character had multiple Pokemon that he could use as assistants and for his sample size?


"No, no, standing is, un, fine. Maybe it's better like this anyway." Basil nervously scratched his neck with the full realization of what he was doing. He would have liked to have more time to figure out what he was going to say to this woman to lower his chance of being dragon feed if she didn't personally headbutt him to death with her helmet, but that was no longer in the cards. He was standing there with her full attention, and he doubted that he would get that chance again anytime soon.

"I, um, well, er..." He felt like dying. It was hard to tell what was more terrifying, standing before Landorus or standing in front of this armored woman beloved by dragons. What he really wanted to do was apologize for wasting her time and just do crawl to a corner, but then he would be a hypocrite. Amelia was right there. All that talk about being a little bit selfish and saying what you want would have looked like he was just full of it. If he wanted to her to learn then he needed to learn by example. He took a breath, cleared his throat, and said with a bit more assertiveness, "I'm going to ask something, and I understand the weight of it. More than you would think." Of course he knew, everyone knew. Team Amethyst's best clients were nobles, and their most popular 'product' were dragon types and there he was. That guilt, even though it wasn't his fault, was still branded on him.

All he could do was stand there and poke the dragon. "I want to befriend a dragon, but I know they are under your protection, and I understand why. However, I want to prove that I earnestly mean to befriend them. All that I ask is you take a chance on me and let me show my worth as a trainer and a person." Basil looked directly in her eyes, scared out of his mind, but still made eye contact with her. He couldn't back down now. If he did not show some spine then he would be crushed by her.

@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

"Well, alright. If it's more convenient for you that way. Do as you will," was Basil's response. Clearly there was no point in pushing the issue when she was dead set on just being his sidekick for the time being. It was not exactly what he was hoping for though. Frankly, it felt weird to have anyone be a sidekick let alone someone who looked like they just barely turned eleven.

He turned his attention towards Lesley who thankfully just stood there waiting on him and probably listened in on their conversation. Well, hopefully they would have been able speak to one another without any interruption. "I'm sorry for the wait even though I was the one who asked for your time. Amelia and I just needed to have a talk, but you have my undivided attention now."

The forest deity looked at Jason with not distrust, but apprehension. Knowledge was a funny thing. At times, it may be considered more of a curse than a blessing. Once its heard, it could never be truly forgotten. That was what it was thinking as it painfully mulled it over, not like Jason would have been able to know that. Well, except that it was deep in thought because it made a face as it agonized over it. However, it looked to have come to a decision though not with great confidence.

"I travel through the ages. The concepts of past, present, and future are meaningless to me. I am untethered to the shackles of time and space like you are, or so I thought," explained Celebi. It had a grim look upon its face though in its eyes was an anxiety. This being, a creature that skipped through time, had no idea what was going on. It was scared. "I can no longer travel through Evig at any point of time. The only reason I can appear in front of you is because these shrines are my domain. The moment I try to leave I am thrusted to another point in time outside of the region," admitted Celebi.

Now time was a wibbly wobbly subject though we could only hope that Jason understood the concept of time. It was understood that time travel was essentially impossible. Time only moved forward, but one could not just jump forward through time either. Lame, yes, but the exception to the rule floated right in front of him. This thing had the power to defy the laws of nature and yet, Celebi was not allowed to exist in Evig's past, future, or present.

Helga scowled as she began to put the pieces together. "I know where this is going, and I am against it," said Helga. The Amazonian crossed her arms in disapproval. "It was already a mistake on my behalf to bring him here but involving him even further is unfair to him. Let him be on his journey. He's not ready."

"And yet he has the potential. You cannot leave the forest without protection, and I cannot travel Evig. If he is here, then it is because he was meant to be here."

Helga clicked her tongue and stared angrily at Celebi.

What does Jason do?


So, Stella received the Miracle Seed from that Oddish as a thank you gift and made her way to the Mellow Grove. It was actually quite close by; all she needed to do was take right turn not far from the entrance of the route and walked up a hill overtaken by wildflowers. Eventually she would approach a wrought iron gate with a sign that said 'Mellow Grove Graveyards.' That was the destination.


The two men stood there and listened to what Tristan had to say sans panic attack. Well, Louis interjected while Tristan spoke. "Louis, my name is Louis," he corrected Tristan followed by a click of his tongue. Sometimes it paid to check spelling. Anyway, both men were aware of the Elusive Woods and the strange connection that Aria Eberg had with it. They were also aware that people who went in typically were never seen again, and this kid strolled in with the wild claim that he could solve that mystery all for the reward of a flower.

Ramos rubbed his chin and had a glint of recognition in his very much closed eyes. "Oho, Glory huh? And a rookie trainer? Well, that clarifies some things. A pleasure to meet you Tristan, Princess." The elderly man knelt down and patted the Riolu gently on the head with a gloved hand.

"I see you're someone of some importance," said an arm crossed Louise. He stared Tristan down trying to figure out what the kid's angle was because frankly speaking he did not buy a word the boy said. It all sounded like some charade for some bigger aim though he would never say it aloud. "Well, you're not wrong about the VIP. The mystery of that forest is eerie, but frankly, as long as no one enters that forest then I don't see why we should accept your offer. If we make an exception for you then we-"

"We'll do it," interjected Ramos.

"Wait, what?" He looked down towards the old man as if his head was one a swivel. "You can't make that decision on your own you know! We can't give them away to anyone that just asks!" Shouted the estate manager with indignance.

Ramos chuckled at the man's little temper tantrum. One could almost imagine that behind his close lids he rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on Louis. It's not like we don't have a reason not to help him. Besides, I think we could find a solution that will satisfy both sides." He turned his attention back to the rookie trainer. "Tristan, let's have a battle. I have something to ask, but I need to see if you are wheat or chaff."

What does Tristan do?

@Joshua Tamashii@Lunarlord34

"I think you can tell her. Out of all the things to worry about with her, being creeped isn't one." Freya said with an amused smile. This was the same girl that chased after a thief that attacked her and threw hands. Hell, Steph went to explore in a sewer. She glanced over to the Bogan whose eyes lit up like Wyndon when it was not covered in classic Galarian fog. "I fear the thing we have to worry about is her shortening her lifespan." Something told her she that if she took her eye off Steph then she would be even more unhinged.

Meanwhile, that unhinged girl just asked question after question and each one was less unintelligible than the last. He started to step away from her, his one good eye on the door as he looked for a chance to escape from this strange creature. Steph would feel a hand cover her mouth and of course it was Freya who had to stop her from the unrelenting bombardment of questions. "How about we let him answer your questions?"

She then turned her gaze to the old man "Can you answer?"

The old man's posture relaxed as his fight or flight instincts died. He said, "Uh, I'll do my best" and cleared his throat. "Ya see, I was up before the sun to do some early mornin' fishin' at Lake Charity. I was mindin' my business when I heard a 'BOOM,' He motioned his hands wide to mimic the sound of an explosion, "Crack in the sky high above. I saw the damn sky crack open! There was a hole of white light! I could not believe my eyes, but I saw someone fall out of it!"

It was in fact incredibly unbelievable. Freya stood there listening with an understandably skeptical look and Bo had looked like he heard the story one too many times already.

"I thought the kid died from that height, but he managed to swim to shore. From where I was, I could at least see that he was your age, sandy blonde hair. He just paced along the shore for a solid twenty, no, twenty-five minutes before anything happened. The portal had closed as soon as he fell out, so he was probably in a pickle." He rubbed his chin in thought as he did his best to recall the details. "My memory is a bit shaky, but Adrianne didn't arrive immediately. When she did she flew over with her Volcarona. I was too far to hear their conversation, but I saw her whisk him away towards Grand Glory City."

Bo said as if imploring the man to see reason, "Bary, if what you said was real then there would've been others that had seen it. Heck, it would've made the news."

"I'm tellin' you I saw what I saw! They're coverin' it up! Something blew a damn hole in the sky and that kid fell out!" He slammed his hands against the counter with a loud and very angry bang.

@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

That warm smile unfurled as he listened to this little girl speak. He heaved a sigh and looked at her with narrowed eyes before shaking his head. His words went in one ear and out the other. Weren't kids her age meant to be a bit more selfish instead of self-sacrificing or was he just used to the spoiled noble brats he was surrounded by? Amelia certainly wasn't like them; she tried so hard to be a good girl, someone that made absolutely no trouble, that she was her own worst enemy.

"Why do you insist on playing second fiddle? You can't put your journey on the backburner like that. If you want to do something, then say it." Basil unbent his knees and stood straight again. He absolutely refused to let this kid sideline herself out of some morbid sense of guilt though he also needed to follow his own advice. For all of his good intentions, his own adventure was something that he could not push to the side either. After all, it would have been in bad form to cancel his own prior commitments.

"That being said, we'll head to Stillwood Village when we conclude our own business here. That's where I am supposed to meet my companion, Anise, to follow a lead that the gym leader of Highhill gave us though we should have a bit of time before she arrives. She went home to Redcoast to prepare for her journey. We probably shouldn't get there late though. I'll explain on the way over." Basil glanced over to Lesley who was thankfully waiting ever so patiently for him to have the conversation that he insisted on having with her before it returned to Amelia. "However, I have my own business before we set off. Are you going to be okay waiting for me?"

@Joshua Tamashii@PlatinumSkink

Basil stood there and let Amelia say her piece. It was not like he did not expect some rebuttal about having him tag along on her journey, but what he had not expected was the self-degradation. He saw a lot of himself in this little girl; someone afraid to want and afraid to be trouble for others. She solved her problems by herself and lived only to be useful to others, but if someone offered their hand she would look away. To live isolated like this was not to live at all.

"You know, it's okay to be a little selfish." He knelt down to Amelia to be around her eye level. "It doesn't make you a bad person and it certainly doesn't make you a burden. It's easy for me to say, but even I have to remind myself of the same thing. Sure, my plans have now altered slightly, but again that is also okay because I want to help. That's more than reason enough." said the older trainer with a gentle smile.

"Besides, I don't want to leave you alone with David Strickland. It's not like he's a bad person, but he's a bit... much." He could only remember the rare times when he met the man himself during the rare times when David was away from work, or in actuality they were still work, for charity events, galas, and the like that he was dragged to and found him to be a lot. Actually, his son was also a lot too. Maybe it ran in the family.

Celebi looked at Jason, past his shoulder to look at Helga, and then back to Jason. It tilted its head and arched a puzzle brow at his question. "What do I mean? Those who pass my trials are able to become my champion. Surely my acolyte explained it to you. Her ancestors have guarded this shrine for centuries and would only bring someone if they thought they were truly worthy."

Helga stood there, arms crossed with her eyes averting Jason's and Celebi's like a child that was caught with their hand in a cookie jar. It was very plain the see that she had not actually thought he was worthy and certainly had not expected this to be the outcome of helping him. "Look, I expected you to lose. If you did, I was going to knock you out and tell you that it was all just a dream. Who the heck would've thought that you would actually beat that thing?" said Helga as if that was a valid explanation to a kid that she potentially could've killed and the literal time traveling forest deity that floated there.

"I see... If you do not mind, I am going to take a peek into you." Celebi floated towards Jason and touched his head gently with its hand. All at once, Jason's entire life flashed before his eyes. The first time he ever opened his eyes, his first words, his first steps, and more and more memories until they all led up to his current situation. All of this happened in less than a split second and all of it was seen by this being.

The deity removed its hands from Jason and floated back to where it was before. "Ah, your name is Jason. A Seeker of Strength, yet a noble soul. You hale from Hoenn and yet you stand here before me on Evig soil. And there are more chosen children like you. How interesting," it said, pondering on what it had seen. Jason though needed a moment to recover from having his own brain flooded by memories long ago forgotten or repressed. The normal human typically would need it after experiencing their brain being ddossed.

"My apologies, I needed to assess if you are to be trusted. Something is very wrong, very, very wrong." It explained apologetically.

@Sanguine Rose

With many questions for later, Faye finally had her head in the fight. Luckily, Sage was a speedy little genetically unstable pup, cat thing and leapt out of the way of a gust of sparkly, pink wind. With its hind legs, Sage kicked up a mound of dirt that hit the metal fairy square in the face. However, Sand Attack was a move that when used in a double battle it could hit two targets at once. The Tinkatink that charged towards Tilia with its mouth wide open literally ate clump of dirt. It understandably gagged, which gave the Rowlet to fly up in the air and dive bomb in retaliation.

The Tinkatink that had charged Tilia was smacked by though the damage it looked like it was barely scuffed from the blow. It glared at its annoying feathery opponent that kept to the air. A pink wind gathered around its club and the Tinkatink swung it, sending a gust of Fairy Wind up towards the Rowlet.

Meanwhile, the other Tinkatink leapt forward and swung its club down at Sage, except it missed. And it missed again, and again. This typically would've been ideal, but in reality, it wasn't. The fairy-type was attacking wildly with complete disregard for its surroundings. If not stopped, it may accidentally smash up the engine.

What does Faye do?
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