There were only a few certainties in life; death, taxes, and Isaiha's morning runs. The sun had barely peaked its head over Jubilife City and once again his footsteps rhythmically beat against its pavement as he jogged along its streets with a steady breath for the first run of the academic year. Muscles stretched and compressed with each strode and the swing of his arms in harmony. For Isaiha it was his 'me time,' a period for him to get ready to face the day. It was therapeutic; the noise of the early morning traffic, the scattered chatter of people going about their daily lives, the rustled branches of trees from a gentle breeze, and the sound of Pokemon all blended in the background like static. There were no thoughts as he ran, just the enjoyment of moving his body.
Eventually his steps would lead him back to the dorm building where he took the elevator up to his floor and soon after walking down the hallway reached his door. He unlocked it and walked into a relatively spacious one-bedroom apartment with a small kitchen area and one large living space with a small balcony outside. In the living area were plenty of Pokemon beds which were occupied by his junior assistants who were very much asleep still.
Isaiha clapped his hands together and said loudly, "Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!" The group of Pokemon all stirred awake and groaned for they had to wonder why their trainer had to be a morning person. He grabbed their food bowls and filled them up before they went to chomp down on it. Isaiha grabbed a Pokeball from his belt and with a click of a button and a beam of white light a Kindra floated in the space. "Breakfast is on the counter, Riptide." He patted it on the head.
"Dra!" It floated over to the counter where a massive bowl of food was laid out because Kingdras are very big Pokemon that needed plenty of food.
He pulled his sweaty tank top that clung to his body and took a whiff. His nose wrinkled up. "Alright, time for a shower." He threw the tank top off and went to go have a shower. Eventually he would be back in his room where he quickly dressed in his typical attire of jeans, an Alolan shirt, sneakers, and of course his sunglasses which hung on his shirt. He grabbed a pot of filled with coffee he made before he went off his morning run and filled a mug with it and whole milk. Some good old Alolan beans that his parents sent him. It had a gentle fruity aroma with a vanilla finish. He sipped it while he made his breakfast. Well, it was mainly heat up leftover quinoa and crispy tofu topped with a fried egg, scallions, and a dollop of chili crisp. A filling, but healthy breakfast while he watched internet videos of baking recipes and his Tyrunt chewed loudly on a squeaky toy that screamed for its life.
"Alright everyone, it's time to go! Back in your balls." He held several Pokeballs between his fingers and just absorbed all of his Pokemon back into their respective balls, all except for one. "Okay Cinder. Ready?"
"Chim!" It chirped up before it crawled up his body to his shoulder like the burning simian that it was. Isaiha patted him on the head and grabbed a bag where he put his laptop, books, and his labcoat.
he left his dorm and once again wandered the campus though it was not to head to class, at least not yet. Before him was quite a large part of the campus sectioned off where many fully evolved Pokemon were wandering around. This was the pen where his senior assistants, his Pokemon during his time as a professional trainer, resided as per to the special agreement between the Institute and himself. The only thing that kept anyone in or out technically was a gate though they could climb over it if they were either brave enough or stupid enough to go into a den of some of the most dangerous Pokemon in the region. Frankly speaking, they were their own best security and these overpowered creatures all looked delighted to see their trainer walking through its gate.
He was hoisted up in the air by his Kommo-o and "Guys, I literally saw you all yesterday when I put you back here!" Said Isaiha in between laughs. Eventually he was placed back down, and he was nuzzled by Ampharos while his Serperior looked at the scene with great envy. "Oh Highness, you're loved too." He pat the arrogant grass snake that now blushed and looked away with a 'humph!' Really, the only ones who did not show excitement were his cool headed Scizor and his Pelliper that was taking a nap in the morning sun. "Great to see you two too." Isaiha rolled his eyes with a smile.
However, his attention was brought to his buzzing phone. He picked it up and saw a message from his favorite Pokeball supplier, Kaori Ginko. Riri.
Kaori I want youuu~~~
Was it possible to choke on air? Well, Isaiha just found out. It was hard to tell what his redder, his hair or his face. His Pokemon peeked over his shoulder to see what could have garnered that kind of reaction from their trainer. Cinder raised his eyebrows up multiple times and nudged him like the cheeky monkey he was though Highness looked like she was ready to kill a bitch though the rest looked more amused except for Cotton the Ampharos who blushed too and Xena who looked she could not really care less.
A million things ran through his mind though his thoughts were instantly quelled by the next message.
Kaori I want youuu~~~ Kaori ~~~to come get your present
He just fell silent and squinted at the phone as if that was what wronged him.
"Sciz Scizzor." His Scizor said as if she was embarrassed for him.
"I do not look disappointed!" Isaiha embarrassedly shouted at the stoic.
Well, he had to respond, but maybe he needed to give her a taste of her own medicine.
Kaori I want youuu~~~ Kaori ~~~to come get your present
Isaiha I need you~~~~~~~~
Isaiha left the message to linger for about thirty seconds before he attached a sticker and sent a new message.
Kaori I want youuu~~~ Kaori ~~~to come get your present
Isaiha I need you~~~ Isaiha ~~~To tell me where we're meeting.
Either she would think this was funny or she was going to punch him in the stomach because she was too short to slap him. Well, either way he needed to go into the main lecture hall so that was his next destination.
"Again, you underestimate-" she was saying before until Jason said something very, very interesting. The woodswoman fell silent and looked at Jason as if he had Claunchers crawling out of his ears. "I'm sorry what?" Was all she could say.
"Right, there was something in your memories about that. The ramblings of a Night Touched, but even the mad are right once in a while. It is... concerning." Celebi scrunched its brow. It definitely knew something though for one reason or another it withheld whatever information it could have shared with Jason. The forest deity gave Helga a knowing look which she returned back to it before they brought their attention back to Jason. "When you touched the flute part, you saw glimpse of the Great Fire of Starbor Forest. I know what you saw near the end, that great hole in the sky."
For as pretty as a graveyard as it was, it was still a graveyard. It was not exactly a place where tourists came to visit. However, the only way to find out was to go and approach the shack. The door was shut so if she did approach it, she would have to knock on it to make her presence known to whoever was inside it. However, her presence was already quite acknowledged by the residents of the graveyard.
Now she was someone that was quite eager to learn about Pokemon as much as she could. However, learning was gained by experience, and she was about to get a lesson in ghost-types. There were very sneaky, sneaky creatures. After all, ghost types needed to be able to sneak up on their prey or else they would starve to actual death. Stella and Niblet could smell something faintly sweet in the air and out of the corner of their eyes they would see a shadow dash around though it was too easy to lose track.
Eventually she would feel something breath against her neck, but before she could turn around, she heard a great and loud "BOO!" Behind her was a very jolly and self-satisfied Gastly.
Maybe I shouldn't stick my nose into this, but I think there are some ways to compromise. It's not like they actually may know it's him. I mean, this is assuming that he's not using like a voice modulator and isn't showing his face on camera or something. If he's using stuff like that to hide his identity, then it would probably be fine. It's not like they're tracking his IP address. Or his thesis could be a lie by omission where he's studying the origin of Pokemon, but what he really is studying the origin of Pokemon of the extraterrestrial kind. I don't know, just a few thoughts.