Avatar of Remram


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9 yrs ago
Current -Insert bs here-
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10 yrs ago
When the hell was this here?


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Quick question. Are our characters taking turns like they're called by their numbers? And how exactly do spells work? Do spells just have a fixed amount of power or can you adjust it as long it meets or exceeds the baseline?
Yup, time to catch up lol

I think Hikari has a type lol

Ludo: So, he thinks I'm handsome.

Also I should definitely give that exercise a try.
Ludo: Man, poor Hikari. I'm glad that I dodged that bullet. *Lightning cracks in the sky behind him*

Isvelt's eyes widened like dinner plates when a pressure that could bend metal plates grasped his arms in a friendly embrace the same way a Saint Bernard would consider itself a lapdog and crush the poor owner's lap. The royal's entire weight was lifted off of the ground and was shaken around like he was laundry to be aired out. "You're welcome, you're welcome! Just please let go of my arms!" He cried out in desperation as he felt the air around him crack like a whip. As soon as he was placed back down, his arms felt like they were as crinkled as accordion folds.

Ludo looked quite amused with that cheeky grin of his. This, now this puts a smile on my face He thought to himself with glee. Nothing felt better than doing good while actively screwing someone else over at the same time. Then again, it also felt good to just make someone's day just a bit better anyway, a thought that softened his smile.

However, this was what left him distracted while he was walking, and he bumped into someone by accident. "Oh sorry, my bad. You okay?" He asked apologetically and what he got in return was this crazy blonde that reached for her book and in that moment his hand instinctively went down to his, but he halted. There were too many people, citizens, that could get hurt just from two mages fighting. Not only that, but there were also guards that would stop them from fighting and could possibly revoke his chance from participating the Magic Knights' Entrance Exam. The only thing he could do was wait to see how it played out.

That's when he made the very obvious connection; either this girl was completely delusional, or she was an actual noble. Then again, from his experience those two things went hand in hand. It was bad enough that he had to deal with the ball and chain cowering behind him, but now he had to deal with little miss sparkles. Ludo offered her no words, just a cold, defying glare.

His eyes followed her as she flew high into the air and landed on the building across from him, looking down on him on both literal and metaphorical level before she continued on her way, his gaze unwavering.

And then the tension was broken by Maverick's comment. Ludo looked at him with a smirk and said, "What would it matter to you? You wouldn't be able to see them without glasses."

Isvelt stepped forward confidently as if he was not hiding behind his manservant's back when conflict arose. "I'm surprised you let it slide. I thought you'd try something," he said with great suspicion.

Ludo's lips curled into a smirk at the young royal and lifted his hand up, holding a piece of cloth. The same piece of cloth from that girl's beaten up, filthy cloak. "I wonder how long it will take for her to notice," he said with a snicker. It would have never occurred to her that a commoner could ever react to her, let alone counterattack, but if she wanted to try and talk mad shit then she should be ready to be receive it.

Ludo tossed the piece of cloth lazily onto the cobbled streets. "What a moron. Hopefully that'll be the last I'll ever need to interact with her. I don't want to keep up with this pissing contest." He glanced towards his master. "How about you go ahead and fraternize with your noble peers. I won't be far behind." At this point he just wanted an excuse for his boss to extend his ball and chain for a few minutes.

I'll throw up something quickly.


Well, that was quite informative. So, Basil stared down at a plot of earth with a weird look on his face because this was something a bit different from him. Nobles were not typically found playing in the dirt, heck, they wouldn't be found dead with their kids playing it. For him, it was definitely act that would have earned plenty of disapproving looks from his peers and his family. He exhaled and removed his bracer and for the first time in the rp he took off his jacket to keep the dirt off. It showed his upper arms were painted with black geometric tribal shapes and his bandaged him from when his Deino chomped down on his arm like a hunk of meat.

Basil watered the soil and with a deep breath knelt down and dug the earth with a spade in hand deep enough to cover the strange orange pear in the dirt before covering it with mulch. He stood up and brushed the soil off his legs before he stepped back to look at his work, a mound of dirt. This somehow felt way less monumental than he expected.

Of course nothing was going to happen. He listened to Heather talk about how she would watch over the berry's progress and compare samples to it to see what kind of berry it actually was. She was certainly excited and was eager to learn how they got their hands on a berry that someone like her had no idea existed. Basil had no idea how he was supposed to answer it, since he was not sure if he should be spreading information that Landorus was going around handing out fruit with unknown magical abilities. Well, he had no need to say anything because his eyes were beginning to bulge out of his eyes.

"Uh, Ms. Heather?" He pointed behind her to the growing wooden effigy of Landorus where he planted that berry exactly moments ago and before he knew it, the entire garden was flushed with life with a single pulse of energy into the earth. Basil stepped with staggered steps as he looked at how the berry garden changed so drastically and yet the tree he planted bore no fruit of its own. When asked what in the world he planted, his request to the Guardian of the Fields replayed in his mind.

"A blessing, I planted a blessing." He said with a chuckle of disbelief. Basil stepped forward to what he'd dub in his mind as the Abundance Tree since the berry just poured so much life into these lands. He glanced back to Anise and gave her a nod. "That looks like Landorus because we got that berry from Landorus." He explained to Heather as simple as that. The finer details could wait because Basil looked like he was going to explode with energy.

The young man turned to Anise with a big grin. This was the face of a boy who had connected several dots in his head. "Anise, I think I know how to find Landorus again. We don't find him. We make him come to us," he said completely out of left field and probably to her confusion.
By the way, when are the tests going to happen? Just let a few more people first?
I'm just imaging Xalt's character making up pickup lines based on everyone's magic
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