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I pray that the Locked Tomb never opens


I wanna make rps with cults involved...why? Well why not?

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Hebi and her snakes watched Mia with a curious look. She had seen that quirk before; she could have sworn she had. Such a pretty quirk. The flowers reminded her of home When the "Denim" agency was mentioned, which Hebi affectionately called it, she looked on with more curiosity and interest, her hand moved gently over the scales of her snakes as she continued to speak.

"I doubt we need to report this, at least not now. The Best Jeanist Agency would certainly not take kindly to this situation. Let's just focus on getting through the day. We're all exhausted after the Sports Festival. I'm not suggesting we ignore this. There has to be some kind of consequence or repercussion." Hebi's gaze narrowed once again as she looked at Rin, then shifted back to Mia. "Prolonging this will only lead to further complications."

Hebi Mamushi

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture
Mentions: N/A

Hebi's serpents hissed together, with one of the larger five emitting smoke through its fangs defensively, persisting in loud hisses. She narrowed her eyes at the supposed "Student Advisor, her face etched with disdain and a scowl. With a gesture of her hand, she soothed her snakes before she spoke.

"Setting such a good example already." Hebi spat outwardly, her reptilian eyes locked onto the advisor. "I don't think someone actively threatening the class is fit to be our teacher. I fear for the safety of my peers, alas, might as well continue with the day."

Anastasia sat in her corner sketching in her journal, some newer construct she'd like to put together. Five empty pints of Talenti Salted Caramel Truffle next to her, and an almost empty sixth one in hand. This desert was the only thing keeping her going these days, savoring every last bite as she finished the one in hand. She was about to open her seventh, when Roy walked in with his entourage of personnel.

When asked to go to the couches, Ana sighed before slowly crept to the couch, trying to sit as far away from everyone else as she could. Now opening the seventh pint and starting to eat. Cautiously eyeing Roy and the others sitting in the couches.

"I'd rather stay far away from water in general." She softly whispered.
"Kaiga. You're so sweet, but respectfully, shut up." Hebi flashed Kaiga with a bright smile, before turning back to Yusuke.

"See...I didn't even need to say anything myself." Her face in a smug look of satisfaction, turning back around, taking out her purse and happily feeding her snake children. Still she eyed the other students, who decided to speak up. Matsuru's response to Yusuke, was...a tad violent, not like that stopped Hebi from supporting it fully. But, the heroic thing to do is try to cool everything down. Sighing, before speaking to Matsuru, not facing him.

"As much as I despise Yusuke, there will be no beating to bloody pulps, Matsuru. Not very hero-like."
As she listened to the thoughtless remarks, Hebi felt her eye twitch with irritation. Her serpents raised their heads, hissing at Yusuke in alarm. She sighed, reached for her mirror to fix her hair and calm down her snakes, and then tucked it away before addressing the situation.

"I'm not insinuating anything. I am just expressing my concern about someone slightly older than us being our Student Advisor," she replied to Kaiga with a smile that didn't reach her glaring yellow eyes.

"And for you..." Turning her attention to Yusuke, she slowly pivoted, causing the eyes of the snakes to fixate on him. "Yusuke, we've had this conversation far too many times. I don't even know what else to say to you."

Finally, she turned to face the front of the class, shifting her attention back to Rin, flashing another faked smile. "I’m sorry if anything I said seemed rude. I always strive to make a positive impression, unlike some individuals in this class." Her serpents rose menacingly, fixing their gaze on Yusuke once more.
Hebi Mamushi

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture
Mentions: N/A

Hebi Mamushi seethed with frustration as she grappled with the unfairness of the situation. The teleporter, or whatever the fuck her quirk was, had pushed her out of the ring. It might have been fair, unlike some of the others, but still. She had been performing exceptionally well, and this sudden turn of events was disheartening. A brief pause in her angry thoughts came when one of her beloved snake babies affectionately booped her nose, lifting her spirits. Following the festival, she swiftly tidied herself up and reapplied her makeup, finishing up right before she heard the voice of the white-haired girl in front of the class.

"Himura Rin of 2A, I'll be your Professor for an indefinite period ara. As we know we're all reshuffled for every second term of the school year based on grades and Sportsfest, pretty much overall activeness, that's all for now, internships will be starting tomorrow but today, I'll let all of your battered mind and body, slack."

...A second year, as a professor. Like the day couldn't get any more annoying for her. This was straight-up embarrassing. She finished applying her black lipstick. Pressing her lips together, she smiled at the soft "pop" sound they made, ensuring the color was evenly distributed, looking in her small mirror. She snapped it shut, looking up at the girl, with her usual disdainful look.

As she reluctantly listened to the girl. Retrieving her Hawkpad from her bag, she unlocked the screen and saw a brief, abruptly cut-off message - an outcome that didn't come as a surprise. Hebi carefully returned her Hawkpad to her bag before proceeding with her task.

"Hebi Mamushi, class 1B's student representative. I'd like to ask, is this a mistake or a joke? I'm concerned if someone only a year ahead of us is qualified to teach and guide this class for the time being."

Hebi Mamushi

Snake Hair Hero - Gorgon

31-8-2109 · 18

Hebi is a snide and sarcastic girl who is always ready with a witty remark. Although she can be quite arrogant, she is also highly intelligent and resourceful. She has a kind side that she only shows towards animals, caring for them with the utmost tenderness. Hebi was raised in a rural community in Hakone, which sparked her love for animals. She is also very fond of her snakes and becomes furious when they are hurt.

Caring for animals, sewing, programming and coding

Venomous Threads: This supportem takes the form of a set of specialized needles infused with potent venom extracted from Hebi's snakes. When thrown or used in close combat, these needles can inject venom into opponents, causing varying effects depending on the type of venom used. For example, paralysis, hallucinations, or even temporary incapacitation.

Hive Mind: A device that allows Hebi to communicate with her snakes with ease, allowing her make more coordinated and specfic attacks against enemies.

Hydra – Metamorphosis
Explanation of Quirk:
Hebi's hair consists of many snakes, but 5 main ones, each one being able to breathe a certain element (fire, ice, poison, electricity, air), these "strands" of snake hair, can extend and retract, and can interact with each other in different ways. If the main heads are critically damaged or cut, two more head will grow in their place, both having the same element as the slain. The minor heads are used for more close combat fighting, able to nip and bite at enemies.
I just got hyper focused on pokemon,

No worriessss!

Hebi Mamushi

Snake Hair Hero - Gorgon

31-8-2109 · 18

Hebi is a snide and sarcastic girl who is always ready with a witty remark. Although she can be quite arrogant, she is also highly intelligent and resourceful. She has a kind side that she only shows towards animals, caring for them with the utmost tenderness. Hebi was raised in a rural community in Hakone, which sparked her love for animals. She is also very fond of her snakes and becomes furious when they are hurt.

Caring for animals, sewing, programming and coding

Venomous Threads: This supportem takes the form of a set of specialized needles infused with potent venom extracted from Hebi's snakes. When thrown or used in close combat, these needles can inject venom into opponents, causing varying effects depending on the type of venom used. For example, paralysis, hallucinations, or even temporary incapacitation.

Hive Mind: A device that allows Hebi to communicate with her snakes with ease, allowing her make more coordinated and specfic attacks against enemies.

Hydra – Metamorphosis
Explanation of Quirk:
Hebi's hair consists of many snakes, but 5 main ones, each one being able to breathe a certain element (fire, ice, poison, electricity, air), these "strands" of snake hair, can extend and retract, and can interact with each other in different ways. If the main heads are critically damaged or cut, two more head will grow in their place, both having the same element as the slain. The minor heads are used for more close combat fighting, able to nip and bite at enemies.
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