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Current pineapples reign supreme
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Sleep debt go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
5 mos ago
I pray that the Locked Tomb never opens


I wanna make rps with cults involved...why? Well why not?

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@Autumn Moon Is your character coming out anytime soon?
Ana sat with a blank expression, her eyes fixed on the chaotic scene playing out before her. She could feel the noise of scratching and bleating inside her head slowly receding, leaving her with a brief sense of peace. She had no interest in joining the disorderly "conversation" that was taking place, as she found most of the people involved to be insufferable. Instead, she arranged her hood and adjusted her robes, blending into the background as she continued to watch.

The same degenerates, all talking at once and competing for "who can make the most noise", and then there was the alien still trying to figure out the ass of a riddle, Sabriel gave it. The noise was irritating, but Ana managed to tune it out as she focused on her thoughts. She wondered how long it would be until she could escape the chaos and retreat to the solitude of her room.

I was looking at the posted character as I am trying to finish my character. Is there a updated character sheet or the one posting is just a custom thing? ^^ I ask wanting to turn in my character for approval.

It's just custom! You can continue the CS, you're working on, right now.
Idunn the Brightblooded

Idunn Matrona

"I promise I'm not lying. I'd never lie to you..."


25 ─ October 13

Female ─ Cis Woman ─ She/Her

5’8” ─ 128 lbs ─ Blood type: AB


Idunn has long inky black hair, that drapes down to her waist, before the slumber her hair was usually very well-kept, now it is unkept and frizzy, and she plays with it often, running her fingers through the knots and tangles. Her hair is in stark contrast to her papery-greyish skin, which looks smooth and delicate like glass. Her eyes, the only color on her face, are pastel purple orbs that appear to be constantly spinning. She has a delicate and dainty face with prominent cheekbones and a small nose. Her arms have magic scars, possibly from fire and lightning magic, and are toned and athletic due to years of training. She also has scars along her back from cutting herself, to be able to use her magic.


Easygoing ─ Observant ─ WittyControlling ─ Deceitful ─ Inconsiderate

Idunn, long ago, was a kindred spirit. Always shining a light of positivity and hopefulness everywhere she went. Even in the toughest battles, when she was bleeding inside out, she called for her allies to keep pushing in the hope of finally defeating the darkness, once and for all. With bravery in her heart and her weapons in hand, she'd take on any threat with a voice calling out for everyone, to just try their hardest and stay hopeful and proud.

That Idunn has been long dead, has been dead for a long while. The Idunn of the now dismisses people's happiness and how they feel in certain situations. Ignoring how they feel and telling them, "It'll work out." Constantly pressuring and reprimanding them for being sensitive or pessimistic, even if the opinion is validated. She'll often twist stories and keep information from others if it makes the situation seem more hopeful or safe. She'll minimize almost every emotion someone feels if it causes the problem to seem sad or unhopeful. She's very trickish and deceitful, twisting the truth in any way, shape, or form.

Pansexual ─ Demiromantic

The crisp sound of tinkling bells ─ Cooking for friends ─ Pranks and witty remarks

Silence for long periods of time ─ People who have 'no sense' of humor ─ Cheap liquor


Blood, minoring in Shape

Idunn fights with the magical gifts with Blood and Shape, using them with mastery and efficiency. With a prosthetic right arm, received when in service, makes using her talent of manipulating Blood, far easier and quicker, without having her cut herself, evidently shown through scars that are all over her body.

Using her mastery of Earth and Water, she creates blood weapons out of iron and her own blood, usually channeled through her prosthetic. These weapons are more of an exploration of the idea of blood weapons that solidify in terms of hitbox but are still sort of fluid for the most part. She also uses her blood for other uses, creating tendrils of blood that lash out against her foes, controlling enemies using their own blood, and etc.

Crimson Torrent ─ Idunn manipulates the blood within her body, forming a swirling vortex of crimson energy around her. From this vortex, she can project streams of razor-sharp blood tendrils at her enemies, slicing through anything in their path with deadly precision.
Surgery ─ Idunn maniuplates her own or the blood of her target, being able to place effects on the target. The effects consist of:
Vital Extraction: Idunn extracts vital fluids or energy from the target, weakening them and transferring the stolen essence to herself or her allies.
Organic Reconstruction: Idunn manipulates the target's body, repairing injuries, curing ailments, or enhancing their physical attributes temporarily.
Blood Puppetry: Idunn takes control of the target's movements, forcing them to act against their will or turning them into a temporary ally on the battlefield.
Life Transference: Idunn can sacrifice a portion of her own vitality to restore the health or prolong the life of the target.
Sacred Retribution ─ Idunn invokes the ancient blood rites of vengeance, marking her enemies with a bloody sigil that binds their fate to hers. Any harm inflicted upon her is mirrored back upon her foes with amplified force, as the very blood coursing through their veins becomes a conduit for their own demise.


Blades of the Play: The Comedy Blade can if enough Vitanima is siphoned, on slash, create illusions that will stun enemies, without being charged the blade has the chance of making an enemy burst out in laughter, stunning them. The Tragedy Blade, if enough Vitanima is siphoned will drastically decrease the morale of whoever is attacked, putting them in a deep state of despair, without being charged the blade has a chance of cutting deeper than a normal blade.

The Blades of the Play, were forged by an unknown blacksmith long ago, as a gift to the Matrona family of playwright and poets. It was usually used as a decoration or artpiece before Idunn started wielding it, when she was crowned a knight.

Writing plays and poetry ─ Going on walks in thick forests ─ Sleeping


One ─ Prolonged use of Crimson Torrent drains Idunn's energy quickly, leaving her fatigued and vulnerable to counterattacks. Additionally, the spell's effectiveness diminishes in dry environments.
Two ─ Surgery requires intense concentration and precise control over blood magic, leaving Idunn vulnerable to interruption or counterattacks while casting.
Three ─ Idunn has 5 minutes to mark the sigil onto an enemy, if she fails, she risks the chance of bleeding out, or massive migraines.

Idunn's key's weakness is when in use, evertime a debuff is used against an enemy, it takes a toll on Idunn's mind, causing migrains, hallucinations, and microsleeps throughout the day. For this reason, she doesn't use her key, as often as some of the other knights, resorting to using her blood weapons more often.

Atychiphobia ─ Somniphobia ─ Being called out or exposed

She's an implusive liar, even when she doesn't actually need to. She always feels like she needs to be in control of situations, no matter what. Getting paranoid, when things start looking south. When there's no hope.


Crushing hard on Brann

Daemonium ─ Savior/Master ─ Committed
Aleksei Kovalyov ─ Fellow Knight ─ Close
Brann Lohgtroen ─ Fellow Knight ─ CRUSHING SO FUCKING HARD
Temp ─ Fellow Knight ─ Fair
Xian Haoran ─ Fellow Knight ─ Fair
Merete ─ Fellow Knight ─ Fair
Miriam ─ Fellow Knight ─ Extremely Close

Council of the Empire─ Former Parental Figures ─ Broken

The Seven ─ A group of knights, formerly tasked with defending the empire from a dark magical threat. ─ The Fourth Virtue, Hope
The Fallen ─ All that's left of the Seven
The Knights ─ The group that every knight operates under, controlled by the empire ─ The Seven (highest legion of knights)


Idunn came from the noble Matrona line, famous for bringing multiple famous poets and playwrights to light. Idunn's father, Alexender Matrona, was a particularly well-known and popular playwright, writing comedies, tragedies, epics, and lots of others,

Sadly, when Idunn was born, her mother didn't make it with her, causing Alexender to become grief-stricken. This grief influenced all his plays after her death. The young Idunn was thrust into these plays, as a child actor. She was a prodigy on stage, portraying characters from her father's depressing tragedies like no other. Behind curtains, she was a lonely little girl yearning for her father's love. Haunted by his wife's death and consumed by his art, Alexander grew distant from his daughter, burying himself in his work while neglecting the girl who craved his affection. Idunn found solace in the characters he portrayed, losing himself in their tragic tales, and being exposed to horrors at a young age.

In her times of solitude, she learned magic on her own, learning from books, her father kept from Matronas long ago, and learning from knights, who often patrolled around her city. It was soon discovered, that she had an aptitude for magic and was soon sold to the Empire, so her father could afford renovations to the theater. He didn't even say goodbye. Though it seemed, her days becoming a knight were far better than her days at the theater, she soon rose the ranks, with hard dedication and her innate ability for magic, becoming one of the strongest.

With his magic, I'm wanting it to technically all be fire magic, but fire magic that he has honed to be so formidable that it has gained equivalent strength and drawbacks to Contingent Magic in the form of Inferno and Celestial Magic in the form of The Flames of Jophiel. If that's not okay, I'll make changes of course.

Oooo...Brannn sounds so fucking coollllllll.
I'm interested in joining, although I don't really have much experience with group RPs. It looks like Chasity is the only virtue left, so I'll go with that if that's okay.

I'll save the spot for you!


Coolio, Faith being the opposite of Pride via being the antithesis of blasphemy is an idea I can work with! I'll see about making a CS this weekend.

Sounds great!
just for yk clarfication, ty to @Baphomini

Chastity <-> Lust
Kindness <-> Envy
Patience <-> Wrath
Hope <-> Deceit
Faith <-> Pride
Fortitude <-> Sloth
Temperance <-> Gluttony
I am also open to switching out Chastity for another virtue if anyone has a specific one in mind!
I don't know if you were looking to do a second one, but I'd be interested in The Vultures.

I don't mind doing two, it seems like people are drawn to both, so I'll be open to run two rps.
I'm interested in joining this, however I'm not used to Faith, Hope, and Fortitude being listed as virtues so I'd like to know which sin they're the opposite of. Especially since I'm not interested in Chastity so that only leaves Faith to pick.

I picked and chose between the seven cardinal virtues (the ones opposite the seven deadly sins) and the seven heavenly virtues. We can talk if you'd like to swap Faith out for another virtue. That'd be fine with me!
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