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@PaulHaynek @AzureKnight (SHI)

What Gringor said bothered Takeshi more. "Is the half-naked man correct? Am I really the only survivor from the beach?" He asked them. "What about my father, Lord Hideo Oja? Did any of you see him? What about Lord Shigesato Rekka? Or his wife, Sakura? What exactly happened at the beach?"

Kerry would give Gringor a look that spoke "Not cool, dude". Seriously, his response had all the subtlety of a Minotaur in clay pottery shop.

"While yes, your forces did get trounced, I'm certain that you're not the only one who lived.", Kerry attempted to reassure the beleaguered man. "I'm sure that your friends saw how the battle was going and promptly evacuated the rest of the town to safety....right?"

To be honest, Kerry had only arrived at the tail end of the battle, so she had no way of knowing whether or not Takeshi's people had retreated, which is why she gave confirming look toward Shizuka to see if Takeshi really was the only sole survivor or not.

Getting another good look at the entire taskforce, Takeshi slowly realized something. "...You're no ragtag group of monsters looking for victims. You're an organized force." He deduced correctly. "Who exactly are you? Who sent you here?"

"An Inari by the name of Kyouko sent us here to investigate what's been going in Shizuyama and to help you if need be. And given to what we've just been through, you're gonna need ALL the help you can get, my guy."
@vancexentan @Enkryption @The Irish Tree

Conner's eyes nearly rolled out of their sockets at his captain's last statement. Oh, the cons and struggles of being youngest, which he found oddly funny seeing as he's the eldest child in his family.

"First off, I welcome the company, but respectfully decline the drink, Elise. I don't have the wish to acquire a taste for drinking what is, essentially, swamp water.", Conner commented with a good-natured smirk while nodding in greeting to Scarlett. "Secondly, don't speak too soon on that, o' captain. I may just surprise you."

Odd as this team was, it certainly wasn't boring.
@PaulHaynek @Restalaan

"So, I didn't catch you two charming girls name. Lady Kyouko sent ya?" Skarsneek said as he pointed to himself. "Name's Skarsneek, and thanks for the bail out."

"Yeah, Vale and I arrived late and Kyouko told us to regroup with you guys. Just in the nick of time, too.", Kerry responded from her spot on a nearby tree branch, her spears leaning against the base of the tree. "Kerry Meros. And don't mention it, little.....dude."

Okay, it still boggled her mind like nothing else that there were not one......not two......BUT THREE males that weren't human. How was this even possible!? What kind of taskforce is this!?

Before she could ponder further on that thought, the human that Atsuha rescued came stumbling out of the tent, took one look at the group.....and promptly pulled out his sword, obviously scared witless.

Wow, Lady Kyouko wasn't kidding., the hornet thought to herself. The locals really are blades first, ask questions later when it comes to beings like us.

"Relax, dude. We're not here to fight or harm you. Put that thing away before you do something stupid.", Kerry called out to the human, choosing to remain on her current perch.


"You seemed all banged up when we saw you earlier. You really should rest." she added with a honeyed voice. "I can help you fall asleep if necessary."

"Read the room, dragon. If anything, you're gonna scare him more.", spoke Kerry, rolling her eyes at Tomi's attempted seduction.

Nah, you're good. I just have something in mind that I want Kerry to say and do.
@PaulHaynek @Restalaan (SKA) @Noblebandit

"Wind Art:..."

Kerry flipped forward and landed on her feet, howling winds swirling along her weapon.

".....Eye of the Storm!"

The hornet immediately spun in a complete 360, Dusk outstretched as she twirled. A circular wall of air encompassed the trio before expanding, growing in both height and width. Projectiles easily bounced off the wall and any Varjan that was caught were battered and tossed away by the turbulent currents.

This wall won't last long., Kerry thought to herself as she stashed away Dusk. But it should give us time to escape.

She then turned around to give a quick introduction to......whoa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on! This goblin and.....this angel!? They're male! They're both male!

What the actual hell!?

"I....have.....questions, but now is not the time.", Kerry spoke, shelving that world-shattering revelation for later as she quickly strode up and grabbed the goblin by the scruff of his shirt. "Hope you're not afraid of heights. Better clench up, squirt. Try to keep up, choir boy."

Whether the goblin was ready or not, Kerry's wings buzzed as she took to the skies once more. As she ascended, she noticed a rather regal-armored looking Varjan standing some ways away from the horde. Must've been the leader. In that case....

"Hey! Varjan commander!", she shouted, calling for the Varjan's attention.....before promptly flipping him off. "Go fuck yourself!"

And with that, she took off for the larger group, goblin in tow.
In case y'all are wondering, I'm waiting for Noblebandit's post so I can put out the other half of Kerry's action.
@PaulHaynek @Slypheed @Restalaan (SKA) @Noblebandit

By the Demon Lord, what have I gotten myself into?, ran the thought of Kerry Maros, a Hornet mamono, as she came upon the sight of Sanjo Town.....or what was left it.

She, along with an owl mage named Valeriya, had arrived late in Otomo yet, as soon as they introduced themselves to Lady Kyouko, they were hastily put on boat to Shizuyama, tasked with linking up with the taskforce and to help them as fast as possible. As soon as their boat made port, the duo took to the skies toward Sanjo Town, where they would come upon and witness the aftermath of the Varjan invasion: a bombarded beach littered with the dead, barricades completely destroyed and the town proper on fire. The only silver lining to seen in this hellish landscape was that it was mostly deserted, meaning all of the locals must've evacuated. The only ones left were the invading Varjans and the stragglers..... and said stragglers, separated into two groups, just so happen to be the very taskforce they were meant to regroup with.

And they are getting surrounded.....Great.

"Go help the larger group, I got these two!", she called out to Valeriya before breaking off toward the smaller group, which consisted of a small boy and.... wait, is that an angel? What the hell are they doing out here? Shaking that thought off for now, Kerry saw that the duo was already surrounded and the Varjans were engaging them. Thinking quickly, she pulled out Dusk and began channeling her mana, air currents swirling along the length of the black spear as she dived down.

"YOU TWO! GET DOWN!", Kerry called out to the duo. It was the only warning they'll get.
It's time for my return!

"All those books and not a single graphic novel. And you call yourself a library? Me thinks not.", commented Conner as he stepped out of the elevator, grumbling to himself about his fruitless venture in Chaldea's library.

So far, life at Chaldea was quite the unique experience. Definitely leagues better than his stays at the Clock Tower, where every polite gesture hides a shameless scheme, and every passed corner has a chance getting stabbed in the back.... or worse. Here, though, mostly everyone here isn't out to gain glory, fame or prestige. The united goal in the preservation of humanity and the safeguarding of its future keeps everyone on the straight and narrow, as well as preventing the inflation of a mage's infamous ego and ambition..... or so it would seem, at least. One can never truly know how circumstances like this pan out long term, so one can never truly be sure. All Conner knew was the Chaldea was looking superior to the Clock Tower with every passing second.....

..... Now if only they had some better reading material...

As he stepped into the hallway, Conner turned to see Leon, the leader of Team B, walking toward him.... with his uniform unbuttoned.

"The Alpine air not cool enough for you, sir?", Conner jested with a small smirk as he walked alongside the older man. "Director Archibald wants to meet us at CHALDEAS. Sounds serious. Could it be about Team A?"

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