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At first, Fran moved to put herself between Scarlett and Mordred once more......but then the redheaded Master continued to speak....and Fran listened. By the end of the woman's speech, Fran tilted her head to the side, an eye of sapphire peeking through peach-colored bangs as the Berserker gave Scarlett an inquisitive look. Was this her way of apologizing? Or perhaps making peace for the situation at hand? Fran then turned to Mordred, wondering how she would respond to this.

Meanwhile, Conner stood silent yet also taking in his fellow Master's words, looking at her as if she was the world's most complex puzzle. The way he sees it, everyone's got their own method to their madness, as well as finding their own way through life. Finding a reason to save humanity and the world, although grander in scale and stakes, was no different, it would seem. Scarlett's reason seems downright petty.....but who was he to judge when his own reason can be just as selfish?

Huh....maybe my comment about Scarlett forgetting more than I'll ever know may be a bit too on the nose...

God, at this rate, we might end up killing each other before anything in this singularity does.

Conner pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in exasperation as, to the surprise of no one, Scarlett's words set off Saber. Thankfully for all involved, Fran's earlier actions made sure to prevent Mordred from committing friendly fire.

"Orders received moving to the south to investigate the fading servant on behalf of the tactical advisor."

"Acknowledged. By all means, Captain....lead.", spoke Conner, putting a bit on emphasis on the final word. "Berserker, we're on the move. Come on."

Fran nodded and released her hold on Mordred but made sure to put herself between the blonde knight and Scarlett, just in case. However, this action didn't mean Fran was protecting the redheaded Master. She was actually protecting Mordred from making a big mistake that would get her killed.

"It's.....o......kay.", Fran spoke to Mordred as they walked, hoping to calm the rebel knight and offer some friendly reassurance. "D....on't.....li....ke.....her......ei....ther."
Fear not! I'm still in this, too!
@PaulHaynek @AzureKnight (SHI)

With a deep sigh, Takamori turned back to Kerry. "The reason's simpler than you think, yokai."

"When I told Setsuna the news about the incoming Varjan invasion, she proposed... that we join them, to survive. She said that we had skills the Varjans won't waste and if we joined them, we'll not only live through the invasion but maybe also thrive." Takamori sighed again. "...The ensuing argument got heated, and I convinced her... I thought I convinced her not to dwell on this unspeakable act ever again."

"I really should've known. That girl's a survivor, she'd do anything to keep her life." Takamori finished.

Even turn her back on family and country., Kerry sadly thought to herself, feeling genuinely sorry for Takamori. Somehow, the actual reason for Setsuna's betrayal was worse than the Hornet's initial assumptions. For a young girl to do that to her father, the man who took her off the street and gave her a home....

....It was like a cruel joke.

"We're finished for today, yokai. I... need some time to rest, and think." Takamori told Kerry. "Tell Takeshi-sama that he needs only to call for me if he wants me wherever. In the meantime, I'm going to try and find any clues as to where my 'daughter' could be. I need to stop her before she hurts any more of my people."

Again, Kerry motioned to lay a comforting hand on the glowing-eyed archer, but once more thought better of it. The man clearly had a lot on his mind and needed time to process and digest. Best leave him be.

"Alright, Takamori. If that is what you feel is best, then I'll get out of your hair and be on my way. I'll be sure to pass the word to Takeshi.", she replied as she walked past the man. However, before she took flight, she turned her head slightly and offered one last advice. "Listen.....I know it seems bleak right now, but don't lose heart, okay? If you give into despair, then that's when the Varjans have truly won. So keep your head up and eyes ever forward, human. Take care."

And with those parting words, Kerry took to the skies, heading towards Terauchi Temple.

Man, this is turning into clusterfuck., she somberly thought to herself as she flew. I managed to get Takamori on board, but Shizuyama's hidden routes have been exposed. Gotta relay this to Takeshi and the others as soon as possible. The chips are already stacked too high against us as it is.

With her speed and a bit of wind magic, Kerry made it to the temple in record time, although when she got there....

What the hell?

....she was just in time to see Kasseros, the Varjan warrior her teammates defeated and captured, escaping through the front gate and was making a run for it.

The detained man saw nothing but the dirt path before him and thought himself home free....until he heard the approaching sound of buzzing wings rapidly getting closer and closer to his position. Kasseros would only have enough time to look up and see the bottom of Kerry's combat greaves as her diving foot got acquainted with his face, sending him rolling back until stopping on his back, knocked out cold.

"And where do you think you're going, dirtbag?", spat Kerry, walking over and grabbing the down Varjan by the scruff of his shirt before dragging him back toward the temple. All the while, the Hornet was confused. How did Kasseros get loose? Wasn't Shizuka, or anyone in the temple for that matter, suppose to keep an eye on him? What happened?

As she walked through the front gate with her prize, the answer soon made itself clear.

"Hey, Shizuka! Mind explaining why this jackass over here tried to make a...run....for.....it?", Kerry began, only to trail off as she took in the sight of her taskforce leader in the middle of fighting one of locals, a....shrine maiden? Wait, what were they called here again? Mikos?

Regardless, Kerry only had one thing to say about the state of affairs before her....


Her loud outburst would be loud enough for both combatants to pause their duel and take note of her sudden appearance.

However, due to Kerry not knowing how this fight came to be, the mamono unwittingly may have made the situation even worse...
Also checking in. It has been a few days.

"My lord, I cannot be too sure if it was her since I don't know her face but..." One of the villagers began. "There was a girl, imprisoned like us. But then she told the Varjans that she was a great warrior, told them that she was your daughter and student. She offered her skills and knowledge to them in exchange for freedom." Takamori's eyes widened in disbelief. "As a test of her loyalty, she was asked to kill a couple. Tobio and Hachi. She slaughtered them without hesitation. The Varjans gave her a room in the barracks."

"Are....Are you shitting me, right now? There's no way in hell a girl could do that, would do that! If all that's true, then that would make her a...."

Kerry couldn't finish the sentence. It seemed too cruel and fucked up to be real. But when she turned to Takamori and saw him standing there with clear disbelief in his eyes, she became gravely concerned.


"No... no..." Takamori bolted towards the living quarters with Kerry following him. Checking each of the rooms, he found one that differed from all the others. Within that room were articles that was Shizuyaman rather than Varjan. Takamori surveyed the room before his eyes focused on a clothing rack containing a kimono, yellow in color.

"This is Setsuna's kimono..." Takamori muttered. Sauntering over at the table with scrolls, he picked one up. "Setsuna's writing... telling the Varjans about the secret routes Shizuyama has." Finding a quiver full of arrows, Takamori grabbed one and observed it. "When I make arrows, I make them like this. Something I taught to Setsuna."

As the evidence began to pile on, Kerry gave a sad sigh as she slowly followed and watched the hawkeyed archer scour the room, hoping beyond hope to find anything... anything that would deny the truth set before him.

He would find nothing. Nothing but further proof of Setsuna's....


Finally convinced with the evidence, Takamori walked outside with his mind elsewhere. "Damn it... Gods damn it... I should've known... I should've known..."

Kerry stood a few feet behind Takamori as he came to the dreaded conclusion. She wanted to lay a comforting hand on the man, but refrained from doing so out of fear raising a bad reaction out of him from her physically touching him.

"Takamori, I...Maybe she....", Kerry began, trying to reassuring, but ultimately deciding to be honest. "Part of me wants to believe that she did all of this against her will, but your reaction.....it tells me something different. Have you always suspected that Setsuna had a....darkness within her? That one day, she would.....betray you like this?"
@vancexentan @Enkryption @The Irish Tree

“I’m curious, though, since you haven’t shut up about it since we arrived, what’s gotten you so scared, Saber,” Scarlett says. “Why are you in such a rush? Afraid a skeleton might turn you into a frightened bitch or something,” she asks, “or did you get summoned in a weakened state, and you don’t know if you can actually hold you ground in prolonged combat?”

“Doesn’t bother me, either or, but your incessant whining about how “uncomfortable” you are is getting old, Goldilocks. So, cry about it later in your diary, and stop distracting every conversation with it. Have some pride as a Knight of the Round, at least.”



Less than 3 words were exchanged between the Master and Servant but the level of understanding and meaning was enough to get the message across, which is why Fran quickly walked over and held Mordred by the scruff of her armor to prevent the blonde knight from plowing through Lancer and separating Scarlett's head from her body.

"Scarlett, you clearly know more about a lot of things than I do. From my standpoint, I'd say you probably even forgotten more about said things than I'll ever know. So when, in your infinite wisdom, is it a good idea to poke the proverbial angry bull? In the middle of hostile territory? During a mission where Humanity, as we know it, is at stake?", asked Conner in a deadpanned tone.

Then he saw Scarlett pull her gun on Elise, startled. That got the most incredulous eyebrow raise from the young Griggs heir.

And now she's pulling her weapon on teammates. This woman vexes me at every turn...

"...Leon, I’m seconding her staying behind to resupply. We can’t run around all night and day, so having a place be potentially safe enough to rest up will help."

“More so, if you do find a Team A Master or Servant,” Scarlett says, as if nothing had happened, “You can't rely solely on Elise to heal on the road. Having a place to lay low is better for the long term,” she says, “Even a temporary one, since I can just scout out a new safehouse and defense it, as many times as needed. Such is the boon of Alchemy.”

"I concur with the ladies, Leon. We're very well in the thick of it and the only info we have to work with is that Fuyuki is a dark, barren ghost town and a murder scene of an Einzbern back at the landing point. It's best to play it safe and have a shelter that we can fall back to at any given time. As they say, 'Rome wasn't built in a day'....pardon the rhyme."

Bunbuku bonked Elise in the head. “Baaaka~” she drawled, very Kansai region, as she chides, “That trusting nature of your is more dangerous than your Magecraft. You should sneak up on people, if you aren't going to kill them. Honestly, you could serve to be a bit more lady-like.”

Elise recoiled as she was hit on the head, saying: "You just let me worry about that…also, fucking, OW."

“Pain is our greatest teacher,” both Bunbuku and Scarlett quoted, “Confucius said that.”

A moment of silence passed, before Master and Caster started attempting to "jinx" each other and racking up a vending machine's worth of sodas.

Elise would stare in abject confusion, before looking to Leon. "...Uh, Leon, I think we should go before Scarlett manages to steal my Servant from me."

"Yes, let's get a move on. Since we'll be down to three, Saber can be vanguard while Berserker brings up the rear if that's good with you, Cap."

"Hmmm. Ah.", added Fran, still holding onto Mordred in case the Saber is still livid from Scarlett's comment.
@vancexentan @The Irish Tree @Enkryption

"I don't think it's a good idea to go for the station. Like Scarlett said, it could be a Caster that's following the Assassin....or worse. And I don't think that's one of ours that's following them.", Conner commented with Fran standing off to the side, surveying the area for any more potential threats. "If you are willing, Captain, I would like to accompany Elise to check the Servant reading down south. If there's the slightest chance of any member of Team A still being around, we have to take it and save them. However, what are the chances of that fading signal being fake? Hell, what if all the readings we're getting are all fake? If that's the case.....well, better for Elise and Caster to have backup for the worst case scenario."


Well, since you hit an unheard-of number of consecutive posts, I felt this was appropriate:


Dude, your girl is like a mix of Revy from Black Lagoon and Death the Kid from Soul Eater.
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