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Cordelia reining in Samson's display of chest-beating had Medusa's lips twitch upward briefly in a ghost of smirk as she, unseen by all due to her blindfold, rolled her eyes. Tact really didn't exist in that Berserker's vocabulary. Reggie, on the other hand, had a raised eyebrow as he watched the wolf girl, Tamamo apparently, returned to consume her baked good.

Tamamo? As in Tamamo-no-Mae, one of the tails of Amaterasu? I thought she was a fox, though the goddess can sometimes be depicted as a great mother wolf. Maybe this Servant reflects that?, the young man thought to himself as he took another bite of his steak, just as Director Fujimaru replied to Saber's statement.

“You speak only for yourself. There’s proper etiquette to these matters. Dinner comes before dinner talk.”

Both Master and Servant would turn their gaze toward the Director, with Reggie looking at the woman as if she just told a lame joke. Medusa, eyes still unseen, would also raise an eyebrow.

"Nah, Saber's in the right to say that, Director. We all....er, well, some of us have already figured out why we're here. Don't you think all this posturing is a bit pointless? You did raise some flags when you said this is our 'last supper'. How are we not gonna want some clarification after hearing those words?", spoke Reggie. Da Vinci chimed in and was about to elaborate when the door slid open, revealing a sharply fashionable woman carrying another woman on her shoulders.....who just so happens to be sleeping.

“Assassin, reporting and ready to clean up your mess! So, pray tell, what Singularity are we starting with first?”

".....Heh. Well, that answered one of my questions.", Reggie chuckled at the newcomers as he offered a biscuit to Medusa. The Rider Servant would have another moment of hesitation before shyly accepting the offering, whispering thanks as she took a bite.
Another check in, y'all!

@Enkryption You missed your shot on Wednesday. Did you turn off your targeting computer? Jokes aside, you good, boss?

@SSW Are you still with us, my guy? Sunday's fast approaching and you're the only one left.
@PaulHaynek @Restalaan (SKA) @Nakushita

"Your... *cough* your family... in there, in the flames."

Horrifying realization dawned in Kerry's mind as she slowly turned toward the bonfire, suddenly understanding Skar's actions. No wonder Yuki and Sam couldn't find anyone. The mother and son were dead.

They were already dead before help could arrive.

"Burned them as an honor. They stood and fought to the death, both your teenage son and your wife. Sure, they were cornered, but you... you ran away... YOU LEFT THEM TO DIE! AHAHAHAHA!"

"Shut up...", she whispered, fury and rage swelling within as her hand twitched toward Mort, the temptation to silence the Varjan becoming more and more convincing as the devastated father/husband struck uselessly against the Warlock's armor.

"Hahahaha! You're... pathetic! A weakling! "You have monsters fighting for you! How can you call yourself a man? Ahahaha!"

"And how can you call yourself A FUCKING HUMAN!?", screamed Kerry as she sped toward Kalaj, interrupting the poor victim's next swing to deliver a brutal kick to the Varjan's head. Hopefully that knocked him out....or shattered his jaw. Either way, Kerry was too livid to care at the moment. Plus, if the Warlock didn't stop talking.....she would've killed him.

"What kind of warrior or man can he even consider himself, murdering women and children and finding it amusing, there is nothing amusing about it, I want to rip him limb from limb myself....what he has done...it just isn't right, no person right in their mind would ever commit such a deed, he is pure evil straight to his core...."

"I'll tell what kind, Yuki.", the hornet somberly replied, kicking dirt of the downed enemy. "The kind that is heartless. Soulless.....barren of empathy and love. The kind that would kill any innocent just for the sick pleasure of it, the thrill of taking everything that a man, woman or child has.....and crushing it."

It was times like these that reminded Kerry just how awful and scary some humans can be.

That's the thing: Gringor invites that kind of challenge.
@PaulHaynek @Restalaan (SKA)

"Phew! And that's that.", spoke Kerry, dusting her hands as she made her way over to Skar. Glancing the battlefield, she would find no other Varjans to engage them, either lying defeated or full-on retreating. "How you holdin' up, Skar? Feeling drained? I know my spear nicked your arm, so I'm just checkin'."

As the goblin was giving his answer, Yuki and Sam emerged from the house, saying they, too, had to fight off some Varjans.....and only Varjans.

There was no one else inside the house.

"Wha.....They're not there? But the guy said that his wife and son were held hostage here! Are you sure you checked everywhere!?"
@PaulHaynek @Restalaan (SKA)

Kerry breathed a quick sigh of relief as Dusk returned to her hand. Skar's instincts managed to make the black spear only nick his arm. He may have lost a bit of energy from that, but seeing as how the goblin was fully pressing into his assault, he didn't seem to even notice. Landing and stashing away her weapon, Kerry's hands came together in a clap as she closed her eyes and concentrated her mana. With the Varjan busy fending off Skar's renewed offense, it gave the hornet time to unleash a spell of her own.

"Wind Art...."

Air currents manifested and swirled around the winged insect mamono before forming into numerous small star-shaped projectiles, spinning as they hovered near her.

".....Aero Bullets!"

Thrusting her hands forward as she shouted, Kerry launched her spell, the windy stars racing toward their target: the Warlock!

Honestly, the only time I'm even aware of typos is when someone points them out. I just gloss over them and my brain corrects the mistakes because I usually know what the writer means at that point.

Still, you had an unexpectedly long work week, your brainstorming overloaded you and you did this on a phone..... yeah, don't beat yourself up over this. You got a post out, right?

Besides, that just means you'll have more for your next post.

By the time 1700 rolled around, the brunt of the soreness Reggie's body felt earlier in the day had left him as he and Medusa entered Assembly Hall 11, much to his relief. The ache was still there, just not as debilitating. Some had arrived early, such as the spirit seer Cordelia and the quiet miracle Michel, their Servants by their side as well. Soon, the rest came as well. Cassandra with Archer, Chabi with Saber and Katerina with Caster had answered the call as well. The six members of Team Theta were present....

....when there should be seven in total.

Where's Assassin and their Master?, Reggie thought to himself.....and his Rider.

I'm....not sure., answered Medusa, exiting her spirit form. I would think that Assassin is using Presence Concealment, but that still leaves the whereabouts of their Master in question. Besides the six of us, I didn't see anyone else coming towards this Hall on the way here.


Shelving that question for later, Reggie and others went to take their seat at the dining table, with him sitting in the Rider seat near Da Vinci. Medusa stood dutifully next to him......to which her Master gave a sigh.

"Come on, Rider. You know I don't like it when you do that. Sit on the arm of the chair if you have to, I'm not gonna sit here while you remain standing.", Reggie spoke with a good-natured smirk. The Gorgon seductress flinched before a slight blush appeared on her blindfolded face. After a second of hesitation, Medusa made her comfortable on the arm of his chair, to which her Master gave a satisfied nod.

The young man did, indeed, notice the wolf girl snacking on cake at the podium, but refrained from making a comment. No doubt her presence will be brought up in this assembly.

He also noted how the Director's eyes had a certain.... gloominess to them. It was....somewhat telling, to say the least.

“Ahem...” Ritsuka cleared her throat, as she stood, “Welcome, Team Theta, to your last supper. Before we begin, please, eat. Da Vinci-chan went through quit the lengths to have your favourite dishes discovered and prepares,”


.....Well, that's certainly one way to break the ice.

Medusa made that statement internally, within her mind. Reggie, on the other hand....

"Director, with all due respect, who the hell starts a meeting like that? We just sat down.", he queried, slightly bewildered.
@PaulHaynek @Restalaan (SKA)

"WHOA!", shouted Kerry, forced to let go of Dusk to jump away from the wave of fire spewed from the Warlock's weapon. The hornet hovered in the air and was about to use her own wind spells when the Warlock, still holding on to Dusk, threw the spear....toward Skar! With how fast Dusk was going, the Varjan must've used a haste spell to increase the velocity! By the time she can call Dusk back, it would be too late but maybe.... Maybe she could slow it down!

Kerry reached out with her hand, the black bracelet of her wrist humming audibly, calling the spear to return. But even with this slowing Dusk enough to be reacted to, it was still too fast for Skar to evade!


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