Avatar of Rhona W


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6 hrs ago
Current My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and I'm like, I drink them! I drink all your milkshakes!
1 like
4 days ago
Goodness. No inspiration or activity for me on here for months (even years!) and now all at once, I have ideas for multiple RPs!
4 days ago
Started a new RP, and I'm excited for it, for the first time in a while. I hope it's a success!
11 mos ago
Man, I can't wait to roleplay as Teak Root Furniture. Sounds wild.
11 mos ago
As Eddie Izzard once said, "Americans say 'Urbs' English people say 'Herbs', because there's a f*cking 'H' in it"


I've been roleplaying in one form or another since the late '90's. I've played as many tabletop games as I have online ones, and the quality of both has varied wildly.
I have an active imagination, and I love immersive, descriptive roleplaying. My genres of choice are sci-fi, and modern-day (with a sci-fi twist). I like RP's that mix reality with fiction, and throw an unusual and exciting twist into an otherwise normal setting - something like Stargate SG-1 would be an example, or Battle: Los Angeles. An almost recognizable world, but with some sci-fi twists.
I'm a fan of military and action-based RP's that do this especially, and they are easily my favourite - though I rarely see any that appeal to me enough - all the military RP's are too 'plain', and anything else modern day is usually fantasy or fandom.
I have a lot of fandoms, but I don't really like fandom RP's - or at least, the ones that come up. I often find them a bit lacking in ideas, or too far away from what actually makes the thing I'm a fan of enjoyable.

I don't play in free, as I find the short posts and bad spelling and grammar infuriating.

I'm 43 years old, and live in the UK, so I may not be on all the time.
I also like playing non-human characters, especially anthro ones. I dig giant robots, and I love military aircraft. I'm also a very dedicated and proud Brony and furry.

Most Recent Posts

@Silverwind Blade Definitely interested if you'll have me. Always down for mecha stuff if its pulling from that kind of area. Early UC Gundam, early Macross, etc.

Well, it's my favourite era of mecha anime and the aesthetic/style that I very much enjoy as well.
It won't be literally that setting, but certainly that will be the strongest influence.
And I'd be very glad to have you!

@Silverwind Blade, Two of the things that had been sapping my time and effort are two Battletech RPs on this site, just so you know.

But now I crave a less grim-ish/grimdark mech game. Not normally a fan of the Multiverse aspect, but I can be won over.

Let's just say I'm tempted to make time for this.

Mmm, I haven't ever played a BattleTech RP on here, but I'm quite familiar with the setting. War of the Roses in space but with giant mechs, basically. I used to be quite into it, and it was sort of the gateway into me finding mecha anime back in the early 90's. It can be quite a grim and gritty setting that's quite unforgiving.
This definitely wouldn't be quite so relentless. I'm not pitching a carefree romp; it's definitely going to have moments of darkness and overall quite serious in tone. But at the same time, there's room for moment of levity as well, and the tone will be an overall hopeful one with the PC's as heroes/heroines.

As for the multiverse aspect; it was a way to make the setting stand out and have multiple races/species on the planet without things being too convoluted.
I didn't want to run a Space Opera setting, but I wanted to have multiple races available, and throw a twist on 'Earth' as a setting, so it seemed like a good way to do so.
scribbles "no fun allowed" onto piece of paper
Got it


Good to know you haven't forgotten my GMing style! xD
<Snipped quote by Silverwind Blade>

So...no pulling cobras in an A-10 then?

I'm... having flashbacks to someone doing almost that (but worse) in a play-by-email game I ran many, many years ago xD
And is exactly the reason why I put that in there...!
Lots of waiting
What kind of RP's would I like to see? Hmmm...

Macross, UC Gundam, Ace Combat, Fallout: Equestria, MLP-based adventure or action ones, Transformers, but more based on the IDW comics. Furry/Anthro sci-fi RPGs with action and adventure.
Original RP's that follow the same kind of aesthetic, themes, and settings as those as well.
I don't need or want fancy mechanics, or things to be ultra-grim or gritty or hyper realistic either. Just... fun, and with a good lore and background, run well, and with internal consistency to them.
I'd like to play the kind of games I like to run, mostly.
<Snipped quote by Silverwind Blade>

Thanks, and to be honest, I was; I want to support this and this is interesting, but alas, time and available energy/effort are issues.

No problem, dude. Thanks for the support, it is appreciated. I'm hoping I do get some more people interested, as I'd love to get the idea off the ground - pun intended - as it's been ages since I've run anything, and even seen anything aviation-related on RPGuild.
As a possible alternative to my other int-check which seems to be lacking in interest, I also have the idea for Shattered Steel which would be a military-oriented sci-fi game about a small unit of mecha pilots who have banded together in a world that has, at some point in recent history, suffered a climactic event that has 'shattered' reality, resulting in several overlapping dimensions or realities merging into one. The main threat comes from a cross-dimensional empire or power that are seeking to take control of the resulting shattered Earth, and expand into multiple realities. Kind of like the Combine from Half-life 2.

The mecha would squarely be in the 'Real Robot' camp, looking more for the lines of Gundam, Macross, and so on rather than super-robots that call your attacks and have fiery-drill-punch-hands. And definitely more anime than battletech and the like. Although, the specifics of the mecha can be got into should the OOC end up being needed. The idea would be to keep things mainly at an equivalent level of 'power' while also allowing for players to create their own machines, and have a varied aesthetic, to reflect the merged settings/realities.

Players could also choose to be difference races or species, allowing for human and non-human characters to exist side-by-side, though there would be a strict limit on things like super-powers, or unusual abilities, to avoid overpowered Mary-Sue OC's, and especially as the point is making this a mecha-based game, not a superhero/shonen/whatever one.
Likewise, the point is this is a sci-fi game, so 'fantasy' or high-fantasy and magic wouldn't really be a feature either. And characters who are not pilots or mecha pilots wouldn't really feature. Equally, 'enemy' player characters wouldn't really work, as the point is to have characters come together to fight the enemy. And have sufficiently good motivation to do so, other than 'I want to kill things'.

That said, there will be a lot of things other than just mecha punching the bolts out of each other; character drama, looking into mysteries of what the enemy are up to, exploring the weirdly merged world, and various other 'side quests' are all also expected to be part of it, to add a rich variety of things for your characters to expect.

Looking for a fairly small group, and will probably be high-end casual or possibly advanced. Mainly I'm looking for a decent level of writing, spelling, and grammar, more than anything.

If/when I get to posting an OOC, then there'll be a much bigger info dump and setting writeup, but this is an interest check to float the concept first and see if it's interesting enough to put more work into.
<Snipped quote by Silverwind Blade>

I see. Hmm... Are Anime Faceclaims permitted?

I'm someone who finds RPs that demand realistic face claims a bit stuffy, if you don't mind me saying.

Do lasers exist?

What is there to do besides dogfighting and fighter-bombing? I am not good at aerial tactics either IRL or in videogames.

Can I be a political officer/commissar and a pilot?

Edit: Fair warning, btw, I might still lack the time, due to my own games ramping up.

Anime faceclaims/art/etc are probably preferred, rather than permitted. I'd certainly intend on using one myself.

Laser exist; but they are considered to be exotic technology and not widespread as of yet. They can be taken as pod-mounted systems for your aircraft, in the same way that missiles, etc. would be.

Other than combat missions of various types, there's also going to be in-character interaction, drama, unravelling the mysteries of what's going on, who's behind things, and the like. They may be the occasional foray into gunfights on foot, but obviously; the main goal is to keep things oriented around your characters being pilots.
As far as 'aerial tactics' go, I'm not imagining everyone or even anyone naming every move or technique, or slavishly adhering to reality, but as long as there's some acknowledgement or knowledge of reality and the laws of physics and planes aren't doing completely unrealistic things, then it's fine.
When/if we get to the point of an OOC, I will post a hefty amount of resources and information that should help.

I hadn't really considered the idea of a 'political commissar' or something equivalent, featuring in the setting whatsoever, regardless of a dual-role with a pilot. I'm not sure how that would fit into the setting as I currently envision it? Again, when/if there's an OOC (mainly depending on interest) then I'll post more about the world. But really, the idea is your characters are fighter/combat pilots first and foremost

If you're too busy then that's fine. Honestly, it seems like you're talking yourself out of it more than anything else, and if you think you're too busy, then that's fine.
<Snipped quote by Silverwind Blade>

Well, I am interested, but I lack the time.

Sad face D:
I mean, I'm not expecting a mad rush of posts as it is. Once a week is about right for my pace.
Bump, hoping for some more interest
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