Avatar of RickyG85


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9 hrs ago
Current Back in my day, if we wanted to rp but lacked an idea, we either made a list thread or joined someone else's
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2 days ago
Holy jeez, you guys! I'm a little late to the party, but... SOME MANGAIRO APPARENTLY GOT A JOB WITH "WHAT IF ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BUT CATS" (look up N(ya)ight of the Living Cat if you don't believe me)
6 days ago
Uh... Why?
11 days ago
@Zoie Hart I guess that depends on what you think "rage quitting" is, and why/how you're doing it? Generally, the answer is no, don't do that
24 days ago
Well, it's that day again youtu.be/E0LAs7X5ybE?si=Dwb…
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Good luck in your travels, and look forward to your next reply!
alright, that's the last of the Predacon NPC's for now. There's going to be some interesting developments coming soon, I'm so excited!

Art by nickonplanetripple

Faction: Predacon

Protoform: Combat bot

Beast Mode: Tyranornis Rex; an ambush predator that thrashes and throttles its prey to death in its powerful jaws.

Personality: Strife is a bully, always looking for a fight. He can't rely on his size, like some bots, but he compensates by being more nimble- they can't hit him if they can't catch him.

Background: This bot likes to hang out with bigger bots- he was recruited around the same time as Gigatron. "Alright, buddy, I'll knock 'em off balance, and you slag 'em!... Ugh, stop aiming where they are, and aim where they're going to be!"

Art by nickonplanetripple

Protoform: Scout bot

Beast Mode: Quad-Horn; a pair of the horns become hand held blades, per Bushwhack's preference for melee combat.

Personality: Bushwhack is an "Old Guard" sort of bot; he believes in Predacon ideals, and adheres to a code of honor, most of all loyalty.

Background: This Transformer never had a problem with his lot in life; the ancestors lost, so they answer to the greater power. Lately, though, he's beginning to question that status quo. The Maximals have grown complacent, they've begun to show weakness. Cybertron needs strong leadership, or they'll surely weaken as a civilization and come to harm. He does his part to keep up morale, encouraging the others loyal to Wingwraith and, by extension, Megatron.
You are correct; Thanks to the events of the original Beast Wars, the Vok know of Cybertronians, but not the other way around.
lol for now
Ok, well, I'm writing up the next part and moving the plot along as we speak.


I only have 2 more starting NPC Predacons to post. Other NPC's? I'll try to post as they're introduced.
With the power fluctuating, Gigatron and 2 other Predacons (Strife and Bushwhack) actually started getting the doors open!

Just as soon as any of them could see through the crack, Nautica pressed the button and blew the door!

It was chaos- with the three combat bots against the door like they were, they took a heavy hit from the force from the explosion, but with the doors partially opened, much of it was also taken by the compartment frame the doors opened into, meaning the force did little more than knock them on their backs.

In the hall, Wingwraith (safe from the impact, but shaken by the incident) screamed, "Get up, you fools! Attack, attack!"

A wild charge was initiated, followed by a mad struggle, bots fighting bots, consoles got damaged, when suddenly something happened-

A light burst forth in the middle of the bridge, but with no visible source; this wasn't coming from anything on the ship. It came down, through the ceiling, bringing with it some kind of floating head. It was silvery white, and superficially resembled a human skull, but one large cavity where eye sockets should be, with two motes of light for eyes, and some kind of tendrils or strands waving, flowing from the back of it. It was easily the size of any bot in the room.

It spoke up, echoing in the air, but also possibly in their minds? "Ah, I see... Cybertronians... What serendipity; of course, it would be your kind that would do something to draw attention to yourselves... So be it. Let the experiment begin."

In a bright flash, it was gone. At the same time, some kind of anomaly, or "wormhole", opened up, quickly pulling the ship in! In an instant, it was like they'd been thrown from a slingshot, the ship tumbling end-over-end, until it suddenly stopped, then proceeding to crawl along as though it had merely been adrift the whole time...
Ok, well, I'm writing up the next part and moving the plot along as we speak.
patiently waiting to see an OOC pop up
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