Avatar of RickyG85


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12 hrs ago
Current Back in my day, if we wanted to rp but lacked an idea, we either made a list thread or joined someone else's
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2 days ago
Holy jeez, you guys! I'm a little late to the party, but... SOME MANGAIRO APPARENTLY GOT A JOB WITH "WHAT IF ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BUT CATS" (look up N(ya)ight of the Living Cat if you don't believe me)
6 days ago
Uh... Why?
11 days ago
@Zoie Hart I guess that depends on what you think "rage quitting" is, and why/how you're doing it? Generally, the answer is no, don't do that
24 days ago
Well, it's that day again youtu.be/E0LAs7X5ybE?si=Dwb…
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Definitely not getting the goofy "decapitation is an inconvenience" feel the BW cartoon had :D This so far feels more like Prime or the aligned games.

I appreciate the praise, ty
Ok, with the new week starting, I'm planning to move the plot along no later than Thursday. Anybody who wants to post again/at all needs to get on it.
Was Septishock bluffing?

lol, indeed
@Carnelian There's still room/time for you to jump in, if you want, just waiting on that application you said you were writing (normally I'd stick to the cut off I proposed, but you'd expressed interest before that and I wanted to give you another chance if you're still interested)

art by nickonplanetripple

Protoform: Science bot
Beast Mode: Slickribbon; A predatory, aquatic/amphibious centipede, capable of projecting it's jaws like dragonfly nymphs on Earth.

Personality: Slickback was at a disadvantage from the day he came online. Due to a freak deviation from normal protoformation, his vocal processors were irreparably retrograded, randering him incapable of normal speech. Instead, he makes noises that 1990's humans would recognize as "Dial-Up". Some Transformers can understand him, others cannot, and nobody really knows why.

Background: Megatron fanatics aren't especially forgiving of overt design flaws, so he compensated by being particularly gifted with computer systems. He says, "They speak to me." He's never clarified if this is figurative or literal, as holding back at least some useful information is also to his advantage.

art by nickonplanetripple

Faction: Predacon

Protoform: Combat bot

Beast Mode: Toraton; slow, but heavily armored, and powerful. The natural, non-robot-in-disguise specimens are the largest terrestrial organisms in their planets' history.

Personality: Gigatron is a simple Transformer; he doesn't burden himself with academic pursuits, enjoys putting his size and strength to use, and doesn't think too much if he doesn't have to. This, unfortunately, made him a particularly ideal recruit for such personalities as the so-called "Megatron".

Background: There's little to say for why Gigatron joined the mission; he goes where he's told to go, and does what he's told to do.
Oh man this is getting tense

Also, I can read the text alright, @Forsythe
Heads up- I'm going to write up a post, I'm also working up the Predacon NPC's. Other NPC's might be delayed over time, as I intend to commission the artist for them.

Posted, and the character tab now includes the "leader" of the (bad) Predacons; introducing the Starscream/Terrorsaur of this RP, Wingwraith! XD

I'm going to post more of them, of course, but not all at once, and I'm so excited to show you guys through the rp what else I have in store!

Art by nickonplanetripple

Protoform: Scoutbot

Beast Mode: Death Gleaner

This creature is built to soar, but is just as comfortable crawling, surprisingly fast, along the ground. Resembles a bat, but with a more canine like head.

Personality: Wingwraith tried in the past to assert himself as "Megatron's" right hand; a vicious enforcer, and not at all a conniving opportunist... Yeah, in private, he couldn't be happier that Megatron is currently out of the picture, feeling it's now his time to shine. Where other Predacons could get by relying on brute force, he considered himself superior in cunning, in willpwer, more useful than a mere combat bot, and thus better suited for leadership. Now that he was out of Megatron's shadow, he was going stab as many backs and think circles around as many bots as he had to in order to amass, and keep, power...

Background: In addition to managing spy work (that he grumbled was beneath him- but not too loudly...), he'd helped keep tabs on earlier recruits, reinforcing the idea that Megatron was practically omnipotent- being his eyes and ears taught him how he, himself, could become a powerful and feared leader. He similarly worked information to his advantage in order to position himself and loyal Predacons within the "rescue mission". Of course, he'd assured the more loyal, but stupid, this was to rescue their glorious leader from the clutches of their hated enemies, but in his absence, he'd have to do his best to keep the movement afloat until Megatron could escape and reclaim his "throne". The truth, of course, was that Wingwraith dreamed of murdering Megatron, and usurping him. He was positioning himself to (hopefully) catch Megatron in a compromising position; vulnerable, and ready to be picked off where everyone would see it, allowing Wingwraith to slip right into his place. This mission was a golden opportunity, if he played his cards right...
The mutineers flinched and hesitated at the announcement, pausing mid action.

A very large Predacon looked over his shoulder, "Uuhh.. What should we do, Wingwraith?"

The would-be hacker chimed in with more dial-up.

Wingwraith was obviously trying to think fast; "They're... They're bluffing, of course! Pathetic Maximals, baring their teeth, but that's just because we have them cornered!" He shouted at the severely damaged door, "We're ready to hear the terms of your surrender!" He whispered behind a hand to the big one, "Never show weakness to an enemy, Gigatron; that's a free lesson in leadership!" He turned and pointed to Blitzwing, "You, there! Be ready to shoot the first Maximal you see! One way or another, we're going to be through those doors, any nanosecond!"


The consoles on the bridge all began to... Malfunction? screens became static, lights began to blink, systems began jumping from active to inactive and back again.
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