Avatar of RickyG85


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7 hrs ago
Current Uh... Why?
6 days ago
@Zoie Hart I guess that depends on what you think "rage quitting" is, and why/how you're doing it? Generally, the answer is no, don't do that
18 days ago
Well, it's that day again youtu.be/E0LAs7X5ybE?si=Dwb…
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22 days ago
Why do robots make terrible casting agents? Because they're always missing parts!
28 days ago
time to browse all the interest checks... I don't think I'm going to find anything that grabs my interest, but it's something to do.


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I have an idea that's been in my head for a year, and I want to run it for a group before I get around to just writing a story myself.

The premise is 2 or more young people from earth somehow getting spirited away to the world of Insecterra; a swords and sorcery type world populated by anthropomorphic insects (but mostly look human anyway)! Some even have magical artifacts that let them temporarily turn into giant, full insects!

Any takers/questions?
Read. A. Book.
monsters, powers, and liminal spaces? color me interested
What if digimon, but with a paranormal motif?

Okay... This was a fun idea, but I'm going to go ahead and bow out.

I'd love it if you @ me in your next interest post, have a good evening.
@Crimson Flamemind if I pm?
Ummm... Anybody?

I get we have lives outside of cyberspace, but I've learned to be anxious about 3 days going by without a word in/out of character.

Y'all ok?
posted! @mattmanganon should I edit to include the digivolution? Was my "teenage boy" moment ok, or would you rather I remove that?
Rick jumped to the side when the giant Kamen Rider dropped beside him, and didn't register that the bug-man also spoke.

Just as the dragon creature lunged (Rick holding up his arms to try and shield himself somehow), it got shoved to the side by some other monster entering the building and charging!

Goblimon looked to Rick, "Alright, now's our chance! Stingmon struck out, now watch me show 'em how it's done!" With that, the squat digimon hopped up on some of the ruined brick, hopped and kicked off the nearby wall, launching himself at the dragon! "Come at me, mon!" Landing on the dragon's snout, his clubbing arm suddenly moved at super speed as he cried, "Goburi Rush!"

The struggle between the dragon and the dino continued, seemingly ignoring Goblimon, but still forcing him to jump back. Mid air, he called out another attack, "Goblin Strike!" A fireball formed in front of Goblimon, who readied his club, and swung for the proverbial fence, knocking the fireball into the dragon's eye!

Landing on his feet at Rick's side, he hopped up and down, "Yeah! Woo! Say 'uncle', sky-noodle! XD"

Rick was beside himself, and didn't know what to do. "Uh, Should you really be taunting them, like that? I don't think they even noticed, and if you ask me, that's a good thing! Let's get out of here before one of them wins, and remembers we're still here!"

"What!? Are you kidding me? We've got 'em on the ropes!"

Just then, Rick noticed the young woman, cradling a giant caterpillar! For just a moment, everything slowed down, woah... She's so cool! He hoped he wasn't blushing, and suddenly wanted to be less of a chicken. "-H-hey, Goblimon, maybe if we do something really cool, it'll impress that girl- I-I mean, put a stop to that fight? Any ideas?"

Goblimon got starry eyed, and said, "That's the spirit! If you help me digivolve, they won't stand a chance!" with a sudden swing, he pointed the club at the digivice in Rick's hand, "That's your digivice; push the button and call out 'Digivolve'!" He hesitated, but Goblimon encouraged him, "Come on, it's just like before; we gotta take the leap!"

A glance at the girl, and he stood up straight, with a determined look on his face. He held out the device, and confidently shouted as he pressed the button, "DIGIVOLVE!"
@mattmanganonkudos on the new post, I'll be posting a reply (tonight) if nobody beats me to it!
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