Avatar of RickyG85


Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current @RBYDark ummm.... I like roller derby?
3 days ago
Room for another ghostbuster :P
1 like
4 days ago
I'll be posting tomorrow in any threads that are waiting on me
5 days ago
Back in my day, if we wanted to rp but lacked an idea, we either made a list thread or joined someone else's
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7 days ago
Holy jeez, you guys! I'm a little late to the party, but... SOME MANGAIRO APPARENTLY GOT A JOB WITH "WHAT IF ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BUT CATS" (look up N(ya)ight of the Living Cat if you don't believe me)


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Most Recent Posts

Could be interesting
Sure. Can i be bug? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Yes, you can be an Insecterran:P

Message me with questions, but wait to submit a character on the main thread until I've worked up a cs (on my agenda for the weekend) if memory serves me, there's a link earlier in this thread for the ooc?

Edit: there is indeed a link, and I'm not using standardized character sheets, just read the op in ooc before submitting a character, please
@ColdAtlas@Autumn Moon@Sp00ki
I'm at a point where I think we can try this again!

Y'all still interested?
@gobboguy lol, wow, chill, man! I'm not mad XD
@gobboguyTone doesn't translate well to text, so I'm being completely sincere when I ask how I'm meant to receive this?

In the interest post, I mentioned a bit of a burnout situation due to my hectic schedule at the time, and put this on indefinite hiatus.

I'm to a point where I can try this again, so I'll open up the interest post again later today
I'm down
Might I recommend a bit of information on the setting? I don't think you can rely on people being willing to just look something up like "SCP"
Bump; I actually have something on my list again, more loose ideas to come
I don't think we know each other, but I'm around. What if D&D, but the American Wild West?
I'm going to have to call the whole thing off;

I am presently keeping up with a schedule that leaves my with time enough to be exhausted, and nothing else. I have no idea when or if that's going to change, so I can't do this.

Sorry for wasting y'alls time.
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