That being said, I won't have this rp put on indefinite hold by a player simply ceasing to participate, either. If a player hasn't formally left the rp, but has gone 7 days without posting, that player won't be removed, but the rp will move on without them, and they can just try to jump in on a later scene.
In the last year or two (no one really knows, for sure), strange encounters and sightings have radically increased! It started small, like these things always do, with the usual suspects- people who, for one reason or another, experts and society at large could easily shrug off or dismiss. But, ignoring it like a hoax didn't work, anymore... Not only was it slowly, noticeably, escalating, but a pattern was emerging. Not with the people reporting incidents, themselves- it quickly grew to where there was no pattern, with them- but, it was always at night, and always in an area thick with fog, or myst; regardless of the season, or if the area normally experienced such weather. Still, nobody began to take it seriously until property was damaged, and animals and people started going missing. People have stopped going outside, especially after a message began appearing in seemingly random places:
When the fog is thick, too thick to see, lock your doors and don't go out.
If you find yourself caught in an alien stair, Run faster than fast, hope your legs don't give out!
Nobody knows who is responsible for this message, or it's precise meaning- some think it's just a warning, from people working to try and understand what's going on. Others think something is spreading this message to taunt and frighten people.
Whatever is going on, it's not showing any signs of stopping...
I'm interested in running a horror game in a setting where supernatural elements are overlapping with the "normal" world, but, unlike an Urban Fantasy setting, or other horror themed settings, this overlap is recent, and not constant. Thus, it's not necessarily a common knowledge fact that this is happening, but people are aware of it, to some extent or another. Society being the way it is, people are still very reluctant to acknowledge what's going on, but are unconsciously adapting, i.e., people have stopped going out at night, etc. (expect a mix of more traditional monsters like things that could be compared to current mythologies like vampires and werewolves, but also "cryptids"; more "modern" monsters like The Dover Demon, Sasquatch, Chupacabra, and all manner of things that simply haven't been given a name.
Psychics and true magic are rare to this setting, but they are present. No high powered psychic abilities, but, maybe some low level stuff, like sensing emotions or reading surface thoughts, with a lot of concentration, maybe even the ability to consciously sense other minds, subtle things. No magic, just, people working with what skills and resources they have either to investigate what's going on, or just survive, depending on the role a player wants to take on and how the scenario plays out.
Players are encouraged to make use of tropes as a jumping point for building distinct characters, with some obvious caveates; Tropes are not stereo types, per se, I do want to see some actual character. On that note, embrace being someone who's good in particular situations, and maybe average at best in others; avoid the extremes of "Can only do one thing" and "capable of many things but good at precisely none of them". Other than that, give other players a chance, ok? No speed posting.
Character Name: Physical Description: Age: Role: Several roles can be filled in this setting, but I'll describe a few as examples elsewhere Psychic: Y/N (if yes, include information in the Background) Skills/Abilities of Note: A short list of traits or attributes that would be particularly useful to the character/make them an asset to a group, somehow help chances of survival. These must be within reason, and similar to psychic abilities, should be incorporated into the Background. Background: Previous Encounter/s: Y/N Encounter Summary: Only fill this out if the character has had previous encounters Resources: contacts, items/equipment a character would reasonably have/access to. Odds of Survival: This is basically hero points; Each player starts with one, and can be issued more at GM/Co-GM discretion, provided they are in agreement on the decision, throughout play. Ways to earn better "Odds" include, but are not limited to- good role play (consistent characterization/behavior in character), clever ideas or actions, exemplary behavior out of character, well made character, etc. In addition to being able to earn Odds by impressing the GM/Co-GM, players can PM either the GM or Co-GM to nominate other players to receive bonus Odds (within reason). Odds can be traded in to avoid death in an otherwise deadly situation, or change circumstances to their advantage (example: Players are isolated, and unarmed in a cabin by the lake. A man, his mind warped by the effects of the Nightmare Zone, is trying to get in and kill them all with a chainsaw! The phones aren't working, so you can't call for help, and he's sabotaged the cars. A player who has a cell phone[Resource!] could potentially sneak out, and, maybe, find a spot where they can pick up a signal, allowing them to call the police![Odds reduced by 1). Their is always a risk, however, in spending these points, because, well, you're literally "reducing your odds"! (Same example: Becky snuck out the bathroom window, figuring that homicidal maniac was mostly watching the doors. However, she had no way of knowing where he was when she made her move, and having to be out in the open, it was only a matter of time before he happened upon her- she'd just have to hope that luck was on her side!) Odds can also be traded to reduce a character's Fear score.
Survivor The one that made it out alive, for better, or for worse. This is one role that has had some kind of encounter with the Nightmare Zone or a Nightmare, before, and survived. This role is also the most common, and thus, the most diverse. "Than he's still there!"- Friday the 13th
Nightstalker This is not just someone who survived at least one night against Nightmares, but is looking to find them again, and kill it! Why varies from one to the next, but it's always the same- something is out there, and it needs killing. "Memo: 4 pounds of C-4 may be a little... excessive."- Tremors 2: Aftershocks
Nerd The smart guy, often the one to come up with ideas in tough situations. Unfortunately, also tends to be more vulnerable to Fear, in some cases. Typically skilled or knowledgeable, even if in areas normally not practical/useful. "It's my media induced, paranoid, delusional nightmare."- Eight Legged Freaks
Hero Often Jock-ish, but just as often a punk type, or even just a cheerleader in an extreme situation, this role is the one to step up and take charge. Either possessed of high Willpower or possessed of a skill or two that set's them apart. "I know I'm human- and if all of you were one of these things, than you'd just attack me, right now. So some of you are still human."- John Carpenter's The Thing
Space Case This role often comes through in the strangest ways. They typically think very differently from other people, which, while being something of an outcast or "reject" for it, also means they come up with ideas or solutions that never would have occurred to anyone else. If nothing else, they just as often have a resource that everyone needs at just the right time. "Puppeteers..."- Cabin in the Woods
Believer Like the Nightstalker, Believers can often overlap with Survivors. The difference, of course, is that the Believer is just as likely to have been open to strange things before ever encountering the Nightmare Zone/a Nightmare. They're knowledge is helpful to the group, more often than not, and they have an easier time keeping calm. "Scully, you're not gonna believe this!"- The X-Files
The Man Don't let the title fool you- this is not a gendered role. The Man is always a figure of some authority, like a police officer, a ranger, or even a security guard. By virtue, they're likely to have the best resources. "Urban legend, my ass!"- Urban Legend 2
These are just some examples, but, should be enough to give a player a wide variety of ideas!
Submit Character files here, or in a PM, please. Either way, a PM conversation will be had, so, keep that in mind when deciding where to submit it.
@RickyG85 I would guess, as far as characters go, they can only be human with no powers?
Mmm... solid yes to the human part, I'm iffy about any powers. In a lot of horror media, things like psychic powers or true magic are rare, and don't translate into a clear advantage
It was over 5 years ago the last time I attempted this one, and I feel like trying it again.
Night Terrors is a modern horror setting, in a world very much like our own, but somehow horror movie scenarios or becoming inexplicably real. A fog or mist overtakes the area, and unnatural creatures emerge, to terrorize the locals, often in an escalating manner (missing animals, and such), or even jumping straight to the seige (forcing a group of survivors to hide in a cabin or house or something).
I would ask players to only make 1 character, and I'm thinking this could be what table top calls a "one-shot"; we'd go through a single scenario rather than trying to keep it going indefinitely (like Supernatural; a series that ran for 15 seasons on about 5 seasons worth of content :P)
I suppose I could allow several players, if only for the body count :P