Avatar of RickyG85


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5 days ago
Current @Zoie Hart I guess that depends on what you think "rage quitting" is, and why/how you're doing it? Generally, the answer is no, don't do that
17 days ago
Well, it's that day again youtu.be/E0LAs7X5ybE?si=Dwb…
1 like
21 days ago
Why do robots make terrible casting agents? Because they're always missing parts!
27 days ago
time to browse all the interest checks... I don't think I'm going to find anything that grabs my interest, but it's something to do.
29 days ago
Yay, snow! XD


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bump, because obviously this never got off the ground last time. Let's try this again, maybe?
Pirates of Dark Tides

The Pirates of Dark Water, but zombies.
I am curious if this is original or if it's based on something?
Could be fun, I'll give it a shot
Bump, with my latest idea-

Ghostbusters National- Not only has the ghost problem come back, yet again, but it's ceased to respect state lines! Active, and even aggressive hauntings have begun popping up all over the U.S.! It's gotten so bad, the Ghostbusters have been given federal jurisdiction and tasked with training new Ghostbusters(and convinced to share their proprietary hardware)!

Not everyone is on board with elevating these "cooky conmen" to the status of civil servants, but when trouble comes floating right through their wall, nobody's wondering just who to call!
Uh, I might be interested? I'm going to read the rp thus far to get an idea of what's going on so far, and how I might work a new character in.

Update: thank you for your patience, but I've decided not to go forward with joining this one.
Uh, I might be interested? I'm going to read the rp thus far to get an idea of what's going on so far, and how I might work a new character in.
Ok, maybe we can try this again... Anybody?
bump, with a mind for either "Endless Autumn" or "Scars of Frankenstein".

I'm about to start writing an adventure for an in-person game, but in the meantime I want to get some online rp, it's been awhile.
Any updates, boss? Is this still happening?
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