Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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What's up? This seems cool.
Hey everyone! Welcome to my region. It should go without saying, but I wanted to insert some Fakemon of my own into this story. Ranging from some regional variants to wholly new Pokémon altogether. If anyone out there has some art skills, I'd welcome to opportunity to work with you and bring some of these creatures - and the Kaida region - to life.

If you want some information and background for this RP, please check out my overview post on the first page of the OOC tab.
Ahh the wide world of Pokémon. Full of mystery, adventure, and well... you know the rest. That is, unless you lived in the Kaida Region. To the rest of the world, Kaida may as well have been non-existent and for good reason. The region was smaller than most and didn't even have a formal Pokémon League. In addition, many trainers avoided going to the region due to the powerful and dangerous Pokémon that made up the wilds. As a result, it was typically assumed trainers only ever ventured to this region if they were REALLY looking to test their skills. The one thing that made Kaida stand out from the other regions however, were the Calagon Mountains. Rising high above the landscape, this vast mountain range was a haven for Dragon-Type Pokémon. Depending on the time of year, various dragon-type Pokémon migrated to the Kaida region to mate among the high peaks and caves. It was said, in the ancient legends of the region, that if a trainer were to ascend to the peak of Mt. Calagon - the highest point in the region - they would gain a chance to meet the legendary dragon Pokémon that created the Kaida region.

This unique legend had the chance of bringing odd characters into the region. One such individual was Prof. Cypress. A former trainer himself, Cypress had begun his journey many years ago in the Johto Region. He hailed from Blackthorn City and Dragon-Type Pokémon were his chief area of study. He found himself fascinated by their immense power and latent evolutionary patterns. Shortly after losing his bid for the Indigo Plateau, a chance meeting with Professors Oak and Elm helped him find his calling as a Pokémon professor. One morning, he found himself furiously typing into a monitor as the sun rose outside. Today marked his fifth year working in the Kaida Region and he was still no closer to uncovering any new information about the Pokémon he held dear, but... that was about to change. Looking over his shoulder, he smiled as he saw three baby Dragon-Type Pokémon playing together on the floor: Dratini, Bagon, and Gible. For the last few months, Cypress had been observing three particular youths in Mercer Town, a smaller farm town at the base of the mountains where he'd decided to set up his lab. They were all around 15 or so; well past the age where they could earn their trainer licenses. He was about to offer them an opportunity to finally see the rest of the world, and help him make some research along the way. Taking a sip from his Kingdra-Coffee mug, Cypress smiled to himself. Things were about to get interesting.
Using this Tab as a general intro to the Kaida Region. To anyone who joins the RP, place your character information (i.e. Name, background, Pokémon team, items, etc.) here, and I'll review it for approval. If you get approved, please paste the character information in the Characters tab for ease of viewing and update as needed. Thank you!

The Kaida Region

Based on: The American West/Rocky Mountains

Theme: Exploration/Adventure

Background: The Kaida region isn't as well known as some of the other regions in the Pokémon world. It's on the smaller side and there is no formal Pokémon League. The region's only major claim to fame is the Calagon Mountain Range. Depending on the time of year, various dragon-type Pokémon migrate to the Kaida region to mate in the vast mountains that dominate the landscape. Various towns and small cities have sprouted around the mountains where space is available. An ancient legend in the region says that should one ascend to the peak of Mt. Calagon - the highest point in the regions - they would meet the legendary Pokémon that created the Kaida region as a haven for dragons.

Towns/Cities: In keeping with the exploration theme of the region, all the towns/cities that make up the Kaida region are named after planets in the solar system. They are (in order of appearance):
-Mercer Town -> A small town in the southeastern corner of the region. Partly isolated from the rest of Kaida; mostly farms and a small downtown area with shops and other essentials. The Cypress Pokémon Lab is located here.

-Hesperus City -> The smallest 'City' in the Kaida region. Famed for being the birthplace of 'Venus Threads', the foremost fashion chain in the Kaida Region. It's said that an ancient king of the region made his home in the ruins of a castle on the city outskirts.

-Terran Town -> Sitting at the base of Mt. Ender - The smallest of the Calagon Mountains - Terren Town is famous for its great mines from which coal, minerals, and even Pokémon fossils are retrieved from the earth. Once every year, the town celebrates "Fossil Fest" in which a tournament is held and the winners receive rare fossils that were recovered from the mine. Fossil Restoration occurs here.

-Phobos Town -> On the northern edge of the map, Phobos Town stands against the harsh wilderness. It's said that in the early days of the region, attacks by dragon Pokémon during their migrations were a frequent occurrence. As a result the people of Phobos Town spend their lives preparing for battle against the dragons, describing themselves as 'Dragon Busters'.

-Zhivegas City -> Often called 'The Gem of the Desert', Zhivegas City is the largest City in Kaida. Filled to the brim with lavish hotels, game corners, and plenty of stores, Zhivegas has become glitzy and glamourous tourist destination for the people who come to Kaida. The regional Power Plant is located here.

-Kronos Town -> The second desert city in the region. Compared to Zhivegas, Kronos Town is the opposite. The people are old-fashioned, preferring to work the land and honor the old customs. This town houses the trainyard for the "Torkoal Express", the steam train that traverses the region.

-Solaris City -> The second largest city. Solaris sits on the western end of the region, facing the open ocean. Famed for it's sunsets, the comings and goings of various dragons over the horizon is considered by many to be a sight to behold.

-Umbriel Base -> Before the Overseer system was put in place, there was a town at the foot of Mt. Calagon. Unfortunately, various natural disasters caused by the feuding dragons on the mountains caused the town to become abandoned. All the remains is a research facility created by Prof. Cypress' team.

-Plutus Village -> The final hurdle before a trainer may ascend to the peak of Mt. Calagon. Built into the cliffside, this small village is populated by the descendants of the Shenjin Tribe, the first inhabitants of the Kaida Region. It is said when the wind whips through the village, you can hear the cries of those who tried to reach the summit... and failed.

Gyms (or lack thereof): Because they don't have a Pokémon League, the Kaida Region doesn't have much use for gyms. In place of that, the towns all have an Overseer. The Overseers are essentially the caretakers of a particular section of the region. In order to access a restricted section of a route, a trainer must defeat the Overseer in a Pokémon battle and earn a Mark in recognition they are skilled enough to explore the restricted area. Once a trainer has acquired all eight Marks from the Overseers only then are they deemed ready to ascend Mt. Calagon. (I have chosen types for each of the Overseers, but I'm willing to discuss with you if there's something you think may fit better)

The Professor: The local Pokémon Professor in Kaida is Professor Cypress. Cypress is a former trainer for the Johto Region who is obsessed with studying Dragon-Type Pokémon. He believes there is something truly unique about them and that Kaida holds the secret to truly understanding this bizarre group of Pokémon.

The Assistant: Prof. Cypress also has an assistant named Rory Bennett. Rory is a trainer who was recruited by the Professor to help around the lab. He's a former farmhand from Mercer Town, with an interest in seeing the world and discovering new things. His partner Pokémon are his Buizel and a Shiny Kaidan Dragonair he discovered as an egg and raised.

Starters: In keeping with the Professor's Dragon-Type obsession, all his starters are dragon-type. It should go without saying, but all three starters will evolve into a regional "Kaidan" variant.
- Dratini -> Kaidan Dragonite (Dragon/Steel)
- Bagon -> Kaidan Salamence (Dragon/Ground)
- Gible -> Kaidan Garchomp (Dragon/Ice)

Team Star: In the Kaida Region there are whispers of a shadowy organization known as Team Star. Very little is known about their motives other than their strange fixation on studying the mythology of the Kaida Region. It seems they - like many others - have a vested interest in the legendary Pokémon atop Mt. Calagon. (If you are interested in playing a member of Team Star, I'll explain more about them in a DM, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not spoil it for the other RPers in the forum. I won't/can't ban you, but it will ruin the fun of this team.)
@Siber @Genkishi Great to see you two are interested as well. If you want to DM me, I can start getting you guys set up with characters.
I posted this on Casual Interest Checks, but I'm re-posting here if anyone would want to go more in-depth with it.

Hello! I'm recruiting for my new Pokémon roleplay in a region of my own creation: The Kaida Region! Ideally, I'd like to tackle this roleplay with 2-3 other people, but if others want to join in and play gym leaders, the evil team, etc. then I'm more than happy to try and find a place for you. I've included some basic information on the world down below. If you'd like to take part, I can do the rp here or over a discord server. LMK what you guys think!

The Kaida Region

Based on: The American West/Rocky Mountains

Theme: Exploration/Adventure

Background: The Kaida regions isn't as well known as some of the other regions in the Pokémon world. It's on the smaller side and there is no formal Pokémon League. The region's only major claim to fame is the Calagon Mountain Range. Depending on the time of year, various dragon-type Pokémon migrate to the Kaida region to mate in the vast mountains that dominate the landscape. Various towns and small cities have sprouted around the mountains where space is available. An ancient legend in the region says that should one ascend to the peak of Mt. Calagon - the highest point in the regions - they would meet the legendary Pokémon that created the Kaida region as a haven for dragons.

Towns/Cities: In keeping with the exploration theme of the region, all the towns/cities that make up the Kaida region are named after planets in the solar system. They are (in order of appearance):
-Mercer Town
-Hesperus City
-Terran Town
-Phobos Town
-Zhivegas City
-Kronos Town
-Umbriel Base
-Plutus Village
-Solaris City

Gyms (or lack thereof): Because they don't have a Pokémon League, the Kaida Region doesn't have much use for gyms. In place of that, the towns all have a Overseer. The Overseers are essentially the caretakers of a particular section of the region. In order to access a restricted section of a route, a trainer must defeat the Overseer in a Pokémon battle and earn a Mark in recognition they are skilled enough to explore the restricted area. Once a trainer has acquired all eight Marks from the Overseers only then are they deemed ready to ascend Mt. Calagon. (I have chosen types for each of the Overseers, but I'm willing to discuss with you if there's something you think may fit better)

The Professor: The local Pokémon Professor in Kaida is Professor Cypress. Cypress is a former trainer for the Johto Region who is obsessed with studying Dragon-Type Pokémon. He believes there is something truly unique about them and that Kaida holds the secret to truly understanding this bizarre group of Pokémon.

Starters: In keeping with the Professor's Dragon-Type obsession, all his starters are dragon-type. It should go without saying, but all three starters will evolve into a regional "Kaidan" variant.
- Dratini -> Kaidan Dragonite (Dragon/Steel)
- Bagon -> Kaidan Salamence (Dragon/Ground)
- Gible -> Kaidan Garchomp (Dragon/Ice)

There's the basic rundown. If you are interested, I'd love to get this RP off the ground! Also, I'm not much of an artist so if people want to help me make designs for some of these characters as well, I'd love to make them a reality! If you've read this far, then I appreciate your interest! Let's make this region happen!
Hello! I'm recruiting for my new Pokémon roleplay in a region of my own creation: The Kaida Region! Ideally, I'd like to tackle this roleplay with 2-3 other people, but if others want to join in and play gym leaders, the evil team, etc. then I'm more than happy to try and find a place for you. I've included some basic information on the world down below. If you'd like to take part, I can do the rp here or over a discord server. LMK what you guys think!

The Kaida Region

Based on: The American West/Rocky Mountains

Theme: Exploration/Adventure

Background: The Kaida regions isn't as well known as some of the other regions in the Pokémon world. It's on the smaller side and there is no formal Pokémon League. The region's only major claim to fame is the Calagon Mountain Range. Depending on the time of year, various dragon-type Pokémon migrate to the Kaida region to mate in the vast mountains that dominate the landscape. Various towns and small cities have sprouted around the mountains where space is available. An ancient legend in the region says that should one ascend to the peak of Mt. Calagon - the highest point in the regions - they would meet the legendary Pokémon that created the Kaida region as a haven for dragons.

Towns/Cities: In keeping with the exploration theme of the region, all the towns/cities that make up the Kaida region are named after planets in the solar system. They are (in order of appearance):
-Mercer Town
-Hesperus City
-Terran Town
-Phobos Town
-Zhivegas City
-Kronos Town
-Umbriel Base
-Plutus Village
-Solaris City

Gyms (or lack thereof): Because they don't have a Pokémon League, the Kaida Region doesn't have much use for gyms. In place of that, the towns all have a Overseer. The Overseers are essentially the caretakers of a particular section of the region. In order to access a restricted section of a route, a trainer must defeat the Overseer in a Pokémon battle and earn a Mark in recognition they are skilled enough to explore the restricted area. Once a trainer has acquired all eight Marks from the Overseers only then are they deemed ready to ascend Mt. Calagon. (I have chosen types for each of the Overseers, but I'm willing to discuss with you if there's something you think may fit better)

The Professor: The local Pokémon Professor in Kaida is Professor Cypress. Cypress is a former trainer for the Johto Region who is obsessed with studying Dragon-Type Pokémon. He believes there is something truly unique about them and that Kaida holds the secret to truly understanding this bizarre group of Pokémon.

Starters: In keeping with the Professor's Dragon-Type obsession, all his starters are dragon-type. It should go without saying, but all three starters will evolve into a regional "Kaidan" variant.
- Dratini -> Kaidan Dragonite (Dragon/Steel)
- Bagon -> Kaidan Salamence (Dragon/Ground)
- Gible -> Kaidan Garchomp (Dragon/Ice)

There's the basic rundown. If you are interested, I'd love to get this RP off the ground! Also, I'm not much of an artist so if people want to help me make designs for some of these characters as well, I'd love to make them a reality! If you've read this far, then I appreciate your interest! Let's make this region happen!
What's up? I'm TheNoCoKid, but you can just call me NoCo or Kid when talking to me directly. You can even call me "Cousin NoCo", but just don't ask me for money ok? I've got more than a few years of roleplaying experience. I started it as a hobby by messing with people during the early days of Omegle, but I eventually moved onto Shamchat, and Rolechat as the sites got overtaken by bots or shut down.

I typically prefer doing one-on-one roleplays because that's what I'm used to, but I'm becoming open to the idea of doing more group stuff now that I'm on here. For one-on-one, I'm not big into writing srp or bdsm stuff because it's just not something I'm altogether comfortable doing.

In terms of my favorite types of RPs, I'm a pretty big fan of doing fantasy (medieval and modern) as well as doing some science fiction to balance it out. I'm not crazy about doing Fandom RPs, but there are a few that I like messing around with. Those being Pokémon, Marvel, Power Rangers, and anime.

For anyone who may be inclined, I actually have my own Pokemon Region and Power Ranger Team stories that I've been sitting on for awhile and would love to do a big RP for. Hit me up if you're interested!
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