Avatar of RisingRobin


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5 days ago
Current ADHD? Never been tested, but fifteen people tell me I have it...
7 mos ago
Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
8 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
11 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
1 yr ago


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@Ambra ahh darn. Well thanks for the opportunity!
@LuckyBlackCatYeah, I’m doing better. I had to travel this weekend so I’m away from my laptop and can’t post anything in long form. Hopefully should have some stuff ready by Sunday.
Lol so many naming themes! Jet aircraft, space, gems, metals, coffee, tanks...

Lol Asher’s all became soccer terms (except for the Cinderace 😂)
Why are so many of us so tall and like spicy food

I mean… when the canonical most popular dish in Galar is curry, it kinda comes with the territory. Good curry is spicy.
@Birdboy Not too late. I’ve just been out of town and haven’t been able to write for the last two days. Should have something I p finally this Sunday, everyone.
<Snipped quote by Ambra>
Ohh! If that's the case, thinking of having Magnezone be the G-Max capable one instead of Toxtricity, I found some art that's really thematically fitting.

Honestly, I’d you want the cyberpunk aesthetic, I think Toxtricity works way better.
@Ambra Edits are finished! I re-worked his backstory and fixed up the team members. Overall, I think it turned out a lot better!
@AmbraI did some thinking and decided I’m gonna do an overhaul on my character backstory. You were right, the martial arts stuff is cutting it a bit too close. The crucial stuff will remain mostly the same, but I’m making him more of a de-facto Fire-type trainer.
Ok. I’ll back off on that one. Sorry if it sounds like I’m overstepping.

@Ambra Here’s the look. I just wanted him to have a more martial arts appearance rather than soccer given Asher’s preferred sport. I’m not changing typing or anything else. It’s just for the visuals.
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