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Amelia Payne
Location: Supply (R)
Skills: N/A


Her morning started almost great. The way to wake up made her snap out of her sleep rather strongly as she panicked for a brief moment, before she got calmed down by the fact that nothing was happening and Riley was with her. After all, no matter what it was, as long as her love was with her and alright, it was fine. Following that she went over her own morning routine, preparing for the first day at work...' Thinking about it now, it seems so weird after all this time.' She had thought, heading for breakfast now.

Riley was also at Supply though apparently she reported to the pastor man. Amelia was going to be reporting to Auntie. After having the breakfast without rushing, but keeping a look on the time she headed over to Supply to report. While moving there, she thought about the suggested therapy. Honestly she to a degree refused to admit she had a problem, but... it didn't hurt to have a talk with someone. It was going to be an effort to adapt to this life after living on the road for so long.

Entering Supply, she was rather surprised by the way it was arranged. Made her think of a Good Will. Though admittedly maybe it was better organized. In any case, it was pleasant surprise to her. Order was nice to have, order had a logic and rules to it. She walked over to Auntie to politely greet her.” Good morning.” She said in as much as normal voice she could.” I was told to report here. My name's Amelia.” She introduced herself for both manners and because she wasn't sure if she had actually done so with this woman last night.” I'm not sure what are the procedures here however... do I have to sign something or... ?”

She also spotted Nikki here too. So she was working with that girl. She smiled, they had talked a little bit yesterday and they had seen each other in quarantine if nothing else.” Good morning, Nikki.” Amelia greeted Nikki as well. At least it wasn't all completely unknown faces here with her.


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical (B)
Skills: N/A


All in while, Lisa woke up from her slumber come morning like always before. Not the most pleasant waking up, not the worst however. She had just a bit of after effects from the alcohol, not too much luckily, but she didn't waste herself either last night anyhow. She was alone in the bed as she had went to it. Going through the morning routine didn't take long as she was again dressing up by the end of it. Being alone at night had it's advantages, she slept longer.

Going to breakfast, eating somewhat quietly, spotting people, but not really interacting much. She ate fast and headed over to Medical in a hurry. While breakfast was indeed important, so was working at Medical. There was always something to do and well she usually ended up learning something every time no matter how minor it would be. Getting through procedures as usually she headed for where one could usually find S.B. It was just a tad hectic and Medical was always going to be a bit hectic. Having many people at a certain location meant there would always be medical attention required for some reason or another after all. Humans were fragile things!

β€œMorning, what's going on? Where do you need me.” Lisa asked as she finally located the woman. Today their new additions would be starting their road into becoming part of the place. She wondered if someone would end up here form the new people. Didn't pay that much attention on that so far.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: L10(Street)->M7(Condo 14B)
Skills: N/A

Amelia smiled as Riley mentioned Ash and his goal to bring them to this place. It truly was the best decision that had been made back then. Admittedly no one could have been sure how it would turn out, but Amelia did follow him, she trusted him and the trust was well placed as usual. Unless he had to drive... better not let him drive. In any case, walking side by side, it was quite relaxing. She just realized it actually, they were literally walking down the street after a night party at the beach! There wasn't a danger on the street, no walkers to wander about... This was usually near impossible to imagine after so long on the roads when they had to keep ultra low at nights because well walkers made do better at darkness than them.

Getting to the Condo's they found whom Amelia supposed was the third person that lived at it. It was a blonde woman, Amelia didn't quite recognize her, but she smiled and nodded as the woman introduced herself. For some reason she told them the weather forecast and then went into her room and closed it before they could introduce themselves to her. Amelia was left a bit confused, but it was fine. Maybe she was just tired.” Let's get to our room then. Better get some rest as well. We will probably get a chance to meet and introduce ourselves to her properly tomorrow.” She smiled and followed Riley into their new home.

She looked at the bed and walked to it, placing the souvenir they found at the beach on the bedstand. She then took off the clothing she wore and then neatly folded it before placing it nearby, before finally laying down and waited for her lover to join her. She couldn't feel calm unless Riley was close at night. Both to protect the woman in case something happened and just her presence was calming. The only thing she missed was to have a weapon at hand in case of emergencies.” Time get some sleep, I'm feeling so tired tonight.” Amelia mumbled.

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:L11(Beach, bar) ->M7(Apartment 6B )
Skills: N/A

Hmm D&D, now that was not something she had done much of prior to the whole apocalypse madness, a few goes at it back when she was a teen. Nowdays here in the camp, it was more of available pastime, after all there wasn't cable or anything of the like and if nothing else D&D allowed you to do almost anything in a fantasy world so that was a near endless source of entertainment. D&D, THE go to entertainment in the zombie apocalypse! Who would have thought, it was a bit amusing.

β€œWell, if that's the case, I will be heading off then.” She smiled as she sat up and pulled away from the bar. Since Ada didn't need her help, she wasn't going to push herself into it, no need to be a bother. With a smile she started walking in the direction of the apartments when the final song for the night started happening and she nearly tripped on the flat sand, swinging her arms a bit to regain her footing and balance. She managed, but started laughing at the sight of it all. She gave a big thumbs up and after being amused by it for a bit, she resumed heading back home. It was a long day and she was alone tonight, so she was going to get a good night's rest!

She felt positively tired by the time she returned home. Long day, long night, pleasant night it was though. All in all it was a great time. She got undressed, crashed into the bed and huddled into the soft bedsheets. It was a good life here.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: I11(Beach)->L10(Street)
Skills: N/A

β€žIndeed!” Amelia nodded with very enthusiastic manner as Riley confirmed the seashell was the one they were looking for. It was truly a pretty thing and made her wonder how it came to be in that exact shape. However it was a short lived wonder as her attention was pulled back to Riley. She hurriedly took Riley's hand and smiled with a blush.” Alright, let's get going. I'm feeling a bit tired too.” She smiled as they started walking.

Overall there was a lot that happened tonight. She held her loved one and they had a marvelous night, filled with a fairy tale like wonder. Who would have believed. There was still hope and good things in this world. While their continuous survival would be a running question and would take a while to confirm, at least there was hope and better life here and that was all that mattered. It was so much more than what they had on the road where there was not any of it. As long as both of them were together it would be good.

The beach was getting emptier by the moment with more and more people leaving. She felt a bit more comfortable with less people around, but honestly she really enjoyed the beach party. While she didn't like having attention, she did enjoy having people around. Holding onto Riley's hand still, she stopped before they got onto the street and only then put her shoes on. She had taken them all the way back when they were by the waterline after all. Asphalt wasn't nice sand, so no way she was walking on it bare feet. She leaned into Riley while they headed towards the housing they were at. Honestly she was really looking forward to this night and it proved to be everything, no proved to be way beyond anything she thought it would be. All she wanted now was to lay down in bed and cuddle with her lover. She felt just so tired after everything today, but in a good way.

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:L11(Beach, bar)
Skills: N/A

β€žWell, not like I can disagree with that point of yours.” Lisa smiled at Ada as they discussed the trainwreck that was Hunter's first social appearance in the new place! It was a grand event, a grand event of the NEGATIVE SCALES! She chuckled lightly at it, looking at Doggo Boy from distance. Ohh well, at least he was amusing enough to observe from afar. Maybe he'd settle down and start to fitting in after a good while. Who knows how long he was alone out there and everything he had experienced.

Gunny made his thoughts on the booze for the night known, but honestly Ada was ahead of him. Lisa noted she stopped serving a while ago now. She really started laughing again when Thalia started advancing the wild fucks lore even further! With their very own guild that is! The barkeep naturally joined right in, causing Lisa to continue laugh even more. Though eventually she managed to calm herself down enough.” Yeah I want a tshirt with that on. Talking to Tesla about it tomorrow as soon as possible so he fucking get working on it.” She grinned. Granted it wasn't something to wear out and about with children around, but ohh well.

Still it was about time to call it a night. She pondered it a bit, looking around at the different people already heading off to their homes and looked at Ada.” Need help cleaning up the place? I'm not all that tired and I could help.” Lisa asked, she wasn't lazy and Ada was good fun and while not best friends or anything, she liked the woman well enough to help out. What's more she could have another enlightement about Wild Fucks or something similar and no way she wanted to miss that.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: I11(Beach)
Skills: N/A

β€žAlright then, let's find a souvenir before we call it a night!” Amelia nodded with a bright smile as she looked down at the sand at their feet. It wasn't the best light to search the beach, but it would and closer they got to the campfires the brighter it would be, but for now even here it was fine. Seashells stood out because they were big in comparison to the sand itself. In any case, finding a few small seashells shouldn't be a problem for them. Most beaches were littered with the things after all. Question was if they'd find a big pretty one.

Then again it was a beach as certainly as the sun rising in the morning, it didn't take much searching for her to crouch by this tangled mess of seaweed. In it there was this basically round thing. She tilted her head for a moment, fiddling a bit to pull it out of the seaweed. This was a seashell probably.” Is this the sand dollars you mentioned earlier?” Amelia asked, tossing a look at Riley. Honestly Amelia had mostly seen regular the more clichΓ© sea shells. Then again she hadn't went to beaches much even before the apocalypse so her knowledge of marine life was rather limited to what science and nature tv channels would play.

β€œI think this will make a fine memento for this night.” Amelia smiled and looked at Riley. All in all it was starting to get late and she was starting to consider if they should be heading back to their home now. To rest so they are fresh tomorrow when they wake up.” Riley, should we consider heading back to our... place?” She asked, realizing how different it felt to have a place to call their own even if only temporary.” It's late and they will have us start our jobs tomorrow right? We should get some sleep.”

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:L11(Beach, bar)
Skills: N/A

β€žI know, don't worry.” She grinned a reply to Ash with a gentle wave of her left hand and didn't press the issue any longer. Soldiers, they all acted alike. Not surprising though apparently how stuff was done in the army and habits were a hard thing to break and it might be beyond habit and more of a culture thing. In any case she had mostly stopped caring what she was being called. There were bigger issues at hand like zombies outside. She also didn't have to do taxes because well.. there were zombies outside. Truly a curious thing how much the world had changed by the simple fact that... there were zombies outside.

β€œMm good to hear.” She smiled at Ada, well she looked well enough to not require medical assistance so that was good at the very least. It was going to be a bad night if someone had properly gotten hurt.” Tell me if you need help though.” Lisa informed the bartender with a smile and started to munch on her own food. At least for a brief moment, before she nearly choked when she burst into chuckle at Thalia's joining the Great Wild Fuck hunt apparently.” This is so turning into a thing for good.” She couldn't stop herself from laughing.

β€œWell decent variety to choose from indeed.” Lisa agreed with Ada and put another mouthful of food into her mouth.” Initially I was planning on 'hunting', but... honestly I was just checking out the new prey.” She grinned and looked at Ada.” Well anything as long as she's happy. Doggo boy fucked his chances up hard, though admittedly it was hilarious to watch.” On that note, she spotted Nikki dancing it off with Bass.
Lisa Jane Mason
"Things will get better... after all eventually they simply wont be able to get worse. "
- That even in the darkest moments we shouldn't lose hope.

⚘ Looking Inside
Lisa's a very direct person who doesn't really like beating around the bush. She likes to tell people what's really on her mind, which admittedly often causes her more problems than benefits overall. Despite that small fact, she's always an optimist, preferring to look upon life in the glass half full kind of way. There's always something good about everything, even if it is the simple fact that things can go downhill no further. Her interaction with people usually goes between smooth because she doesn't really lie to them to stormy for the exact same reason and also because she can be one sarcastic bitch at times and she's not even subtle about it.

Still there are parts of her that she doesn't show to people as much, such as the fact that she does enjoy pain a little bit too much. While not gone far enough to willingly cause herself great injuries and pain, she's not really averse to suffering some within reason. She sometimes causes herself mild pain as a habbit and hobby though.

After the end of the fucking world came, it brought some changes to her as she survived in the new harsh reality. She became ever more careful in her planning and actions, tending to be on the side of precaution than anything else. She likes her plans and likes her safety to be ensured, usually by something that can blow someone's head off. On that note she also is not averse to killing people anymore. She's ready to kill anyone who proved to want her dead and no amount of begging or pleas can convince her otherwise.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Female ↕ 31 ↕ Caucasian
1.75m ↕ 67kg ↕ Lean
light blue ↕ Dark Brunette↕ Fair






Character Trivia

Amelia Vincenti Payne
"Everything is math..."
- From a defennse on why Math is Special Skill

⚘ Looking Inside
Amelia is a very gentle and friendly person. At least after one manages to break through the barriers she often builds around herself out of her shyness. She also wants to have friends, but whenever she meets someone, she would get too shy and embarassed to say anything most of the time, thus making it really hard to find friends. This doesn't dishearten her though, she had long since realized that those whom she does befriend despite this, are people whom she can really put her trust and friendship in.

After the fall of Newnan, Amelia started to change again. She who had just started to open up more towards others, closed off once again. Amelia started to become increasingly protective of her friends and those whom she trusts to the point she might have become slightly overprotective. In addition she started to display sure signs PTSD. She has difficulty sleeping, is constantly jumpy and often paranoid about their surroundings though she's adamant she's fine. She's not willing to trust strangers as easily anymore, she's always suspecting everything and anything of potential danger, never stopping to be careful of their surroundings.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Female↕ 23↕ Caucasian
5’8’’ ↕ 145 lb.↕ Athletic
Amber ↕ Strawberry blonde ↕ Fair






Character Trivia


Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: I11(Beach)
Skills: N/A

Away from the crowd Amelia certainly felt a lot more confident. What's more with the relative darkness, it was was just a bit better for someone as shy as her. It's not like she could simply stop feeling that emotion out of nowhere. She was better nowdays, but it wasn't gone. She observed the sand, listened to the waves, admired the fireworks and enjoyed the presence of her love. Maybe she too would have been laughing at the chaos of the bar, but she didn't hear it, so she missed it. Maybe she'd get the rerun or in other words someone recounting it tomorrow?

With Riley's arm around her shoulder they got good distance away and then Riley spoke out.” Hmmm?” She wanted to ask what was nearly perfect, because Amelia's own opinion was about the same. Were they thinking of the same thing? Well Riley got her into a dance out here, in the edge of the light, clear of the others.” Well yeah... β€œ Amelia said quietly with a blush as they danced.” Very few things can make this 'perf...” She was about to get around to saying a kiss, when a kiss basically landed on her lips, stopping her midway. She blinked and closed her eyes. Yeah now it was perfect, like in a nice fairy tale. That was it the night was PERFECT.

β€œYou... read my mind.” Amelia finally said in a whisper when the kiss ended and she was really glad they weren't close to the others in the beach. She locked fingers with Riley, smiling.” This was way better than finding a seashell...” The night was now perfect, everything that she wanted to happen happened! What was left was to return home, together! What's more Amelia had another thought, was it possible to get photos in the camp? She was going to have to ask about that too. Still with hands interlocked with Riley, she smiled and looked down with a blush, looking at the sand. There were bound to be a few seashells around. She wanted one as a memory of tonight. She'd put it on a string and all.

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:L11 (Beach, Food place) ->(Beach, bar)
Skills: N/A

Lisa was rather curious as she observed the partner of Thana who arrived at the bar. She vaguely thought his name might be Ash if she recalled correctly. What was even more curious the way he greeted them. She started laughing at them all being called sirs or ma'ams. It was honestly hilarious, especially after the bit of alcohol she had to get a more merry mood without getting dead drunk.” Well not called Ma'am often, sounds weird.” She laughed, leaning on the bar.

Then Thalia joined up with them again and just in time to be present for Ada's little episode about wild fucks. Admittedly Lisa probably found it just as amusing as Ada was right at this moment as she was laughing aloud, leaning on the bar.” Don't look at me, I'm not the one who spiked it if that's the case.” She replied to Nikki with a grin.” Maybe it was the wild fucks who did it, to make things more interesting.!” Lisa laughed even more as the woman vanished under the bar. This was the stuff she wanted to see out of life. She leaned forward a bit as Ada was sitting up.” Ya okey there? Need any help?”

Weirdly enough though Lisa herself had initially been on the look out for a partner for the night, having this kind of fun happen, kinda made her mostly not care about it as much.” You haven't been sampling the good stuff in secret without inviting me, have you?” She asked, chuckling and looking Ada in detail.” Did you get injured?” Lisa was a bit concerned. She was well ready to help the barkeep at a moment's notice.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: I11(Beach)
Skills: N/A

There were few things that were as reassuring as Riley's words to Amelia. She smiled at it, thought the thought of having to continue to venture out in the wildness was a lil bit scary, considering the dangers that they could face and Riley's well-being. In any case she nodded to her love, ignoring ALL of the nonsense happening at and around Hunter. She was right now a woman with her priorities in order! Said priorities were: Riley first and everything else depending on the situation.

She smiled at the additional fireworks on display. It was a magical scene to her eyes right now. Carefully she dropped the burnt out sparkler in the bucket and looked at the fancy lights for a bit. She wondered if those were homemade or they had scavenged them. Didn't matter really, Amelia quickly looked at Riley again with a smile. This was a magical night for her, but there was still more of it to enjoy. A few more things that could make it even better memory.

Making a really pondering face, looking down the both ways of the beach she finally pointed in roughly west direction.” That way!” Proclaiming with a smile, still holding hands with Riley.” We can get all the way down this direction and then sweep back towards here... and it's quieter there with less people...” She added with a shy voice and really bright cheeks. Maybe having something in mind... something like a kiss? She couldn't quite bring herself to say it aloud here with others around, but further away she was going to go for it dammit! The night was magical and she was just a bit of a romantic... like in the books. They had fireworks, now there was a need for a kiss.

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:L11 (Beach, Food place) ->(Beach, bar)
Skills: N/A

β€žNothing that can be done about it.” Lisa grinned as Cook was preparing her the food.” She's just my cup of personality to get along with. Besides, if she's hungry enough to snatch food from people at the bar, it's obvious she's in the need of some munchies. As a good buddy Imma happy to accommodate.” The chuckled as she took the two plates.” No one's going to let Nikki forget this one now, isn't it? You know Ada reminded her of it just earlier, the reaction was fun as expected.”

β€œKids will be kids, nothing about it. Let her have this small thing, not like she's caused any major problems. She's going to probably settle down somewhat in a year or two. Might end up resembling a mini Thana by that point though.” She shrugged and followed Cook's line of sight to Hunter who started rambling again. Boy sure liked to talk it seemed, probably because he looked dead drunk. She sneaked a glance at Ada at the bar, wondering if they should just give him one or two more drinks and make him fall asleep before he could embarrass himself any further. He ended up angering Nikki who seemed to get along with him so far. Well that was a lesson learned about drinking wisely~ She very briefly considered the possibilities in making a funny public service announcement poster about it.” Well maybe the aftereffects will keep him from fucking up with drinking quite as much in the future. Anyways, thanks for the food, better bring it back to Ada now.”

With that sorted out she started skipping over to the bar again. She burst out in laughter as she neared and heard the last part of what Nikki said.” What's this about fucks I hear? You joining the hunt? What did I miss anyways? Who's Scarecrow? Dog Boy?” She asked, tossing a look at the still very drunk hunter, who was likely to stay drunk for a while and then the FUN part would start in the morning.” Annnnnnnd here's the food.” Lisa stated as she handed over the plate of food to the bartender.” As promised a plate of munchables."

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: I11(Beach)
Skills: N/A

Somehow Amelia found herself not caring anymore where they were tonight. As she was close to Riley, enjoying the tiny freedom and safety she felt tonight, the sense of normality they were experiencing, the surroundings were melting away, leaving just the two of them, a set of sparklers in their hands, a nice softy beach and the sound of the water. The rest was just background setting for a brief moment.” Yeah.” Amelia briefly replied as she was pulled closer by the musician by her side.

The thoughts of Newnan briefly entered her thoughts, in a melancholy way as she just stood there, close to Riley, playing with the sparkler.” Who would have thought, we'd end up in a place like this.” She added, half musing, half in disbelief, but never the less still emotional. Doing circles with the sparklers again she had a small smile.” It will be fine... probably.” She corrected herself halfway, darkening her expression for a moment.” Nah it will be fine. If they've been around so long, then it must mean things are stable enough.” She reassured both herself and Riley.' Might need to learn how we can get a emergency life raft or something just in case though.'. She also thought, but didn't quite voice it, not wanting to allow negative thoughts to linger too much.

She watched as the sparkler was eventually starting to run out.” Hmm... I suppose we should of to drop those and start shell hunting.” She smiled, a bit shyly. They were some distance away from the fire pits so she couldn't quite get what was happening there and more importantly, she was enjoying the sparkler show looking in the direction of the waterline with her love! Like this she sadly missed the Drunken Confessions of Dog Boy. The much anticipated sequel to Awkward Socializing of a Dog Boy. Well he was the last thing in her mind right now anyways.

She stood up, taking hold of Riley's hand that was holding her close while they were sitting earlier, to help her up and well... walk hand in hand! It was important to her!

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:L11 (Beach, Food place)
Skills: N/A

Lisa was already grinning and chuckling at the Drunken Confessions of a Dog Boy! This was priceless, it's been ages since she had such good material to enjoy!” Not that I blame ya, it's quite amusing.” She nodded, looking mischieviously at Ada.” Quality show right there, I call good skill on giving him the right amount. Any more and he might have been out cold instead by the looks of it.” Lisa grinned, she was always up f or amusement of people making the fool out of themselves. It was the human nature after all.” Well I'm sure they will be fine after sobering it up some by tomorrow.” She smiled.

β€œAlright, food's incoming, ohh beware a storm's arriving.” She nodded with a grin and walked away, passing by the Hurricane Nikki that was on collision course with the bar. The girl seemed quite furious right now, so Lisa only smiled at her in her usual friendly way in passing as she headed for the foodstuffs! Well maybe she didn't end up finding herself a prey for tonight, but ohh well. She had fun, she had booze and she was not hungry. It was perfectly decent night so far with the possibilities of even more improvement in what time remained till they would start heading back to their homes.

Walking onwards, she noted that the Rome guy was trying to settle Hunter down before he did even more of a fool of himself. She casually made a slightly detour as to not collide into them and arrived at the place where Cook was giving out the munchies.” Hey, Cook.” Lisa greeted with a smile.” Get me two portions, please. Promised Ada I will drop some munchies to her at the bar since she's busy there tonight and stuff.” She grinned and tossed a look at Nigel and Hunter, wondering how doggo boy would react to people trying to get him to stop drinking after already being drunk. This usually ended up in comedic gold.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: I11(Beach)
Skills: N/A

Amelia gave a nod of greeting as Roy passed by as well, following Riley's and looked a him as he walked away from them. With a very slight thinking expression, she tossed a glance at the woman by her and nodded.” Yeah, good thing.” She confirmed, feeling somewhat reassured. After all they better be! She for sure didn't want to wake up someday to a barnicle or seaweed covered zombie dragging itself from the water to shore. That would be a very bad thing to happen, admittedly, she wasn't even sure if walkers could properly operate underwater. Maybe she should ask the people here if they've confirmed that. Though she did try to push those thoughts aside for the moment. Quite the mood killer those were.

β€œMmm, okey.” Amelia replied as she skipped to where Riley was sitting and carefully sat down, after confirming there wouldn't be anything hard that would be uncomfortable to sit on like a rock or the like. Still as trend of not quite believing this is happening continued as once more she never expected she'd chill on the beach at night with someone. After the apocalypse, she had the feeling that beaches wouldn't be a safe location. You were easy to spot and all that. Though admittedly, with recalling that running on sand was hard, she wondered if zombies had hard time moving about on it as well.' No, no, no, no, no! No walker thoughts for tonight anymore! I'm going to forget everything and enjoy it with Riley!' Amelia repeated to herself, steeling her mind and will for this and just in time as she looked with surprise at Tesla who delivered some sparkles for them to have fun with.

β€œThank... you!” Amelia said with a bit of excitement in her voice as she looked at the things and took one from Riley. Her eyes were probably big and round at the sight of the sparklers like that of a child. She held on the thing for a moment, watching the sparks and then started moving it in a circle, smiling at the sight. With a chuckle, she looked at Riley who mentioned sand dollars. Amelia spun the sparkler in circles in the air for a bit.” Let's see if we can find something after this thingies burn out. We might be lucky even though it's dark.” She proposed with a slight blush and just leaned softly on Riley's shoulder, still playing with the sparkler.

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:L11 (Beach, Bar)
Skills: N/A

She listened to Ada grumble displeased and nodded.” Well, can't fault you there.” She grinned, rocking her empty beer bottle for a moment. Apparently her moonshine request wasn't registered, ohh well maybe later. She noted as the music switched to Paint it Black. Well decent cover there, nice song. They made it sound good, though admittedly with the state of the world they weren't free to choose their performers. Still the current group were doing good job.

People were now moving about, her eyes trailed across the adorable couple that was playing like children with sparklers that Tesla handed over to them, then at Shears and the kids, the crew at the waterline with the flashlights, checking for unexpected visitors, to the people at the food and the ones at the stage. This was living! This wasn't survival, survival and living weren't always the same thing. Survival was what could be taken on the road, live day by day with the bare minimum if you had to. No luxuries, no safety, always vigilent to scrape by. No this here was a proper living, they had food, they had enough freedom, they had entertainment and the right to relax. With this her eyes spotted a certain kiddo that was with her new kiddo friend. Hunter seemed like he was talking with Nikki, this was nice.

β€œHmmm...” She made a sound as she rocked her empty beer bottle a bit more with the tip of her finger.” Well I will come back for more drinks after getting something to eat. Hey Ada, want me to bring some for you as well? Or you planning to take a break from the bar at some point?” Lisa asked as she stopped leaning on the bar and tossed a look over to the bartender.
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