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will get my cs done today.

Amelia Payne
Location:Distillation (L) - > Jail(AA)
Skills: N/A


β€œAlright, thank you.” Amelia replied when she was told that she shouldn’t be worried about being later today. Hell there was a valid point made that apparently today was just that hectic of a day to begin with anyhow. She had to agree that with the graveyard visit she did miss a lot of work time that could have been used to start delivering those carts earlier, but hell for tomorrow she’d at least remember the destinations better and how to get there, so they’d be able to make better time then! She smiled when the green light was given that they were good to go.” See you later, Cheers. Have a good evening.” Amelia said with a smile, taking the signed document.

Now that the job was out of the way, her mind snapped to Nikki saying the forbidden word. Even just mentioning it, caused Amelia to wince in discomfort.” What’s this being mentioned about the slammer and a dog anyways? Something happened while we were out? Why a... Dog” She asked, really now concerned why Nikki had a dog to talk about with Lisa. Just mentioning the canine kind caused her to feel uncomfortable dammit. In any case she hurried to follow after the girl heading for their final destination. Now that she thought about it, considering the jail a final destination was kinda weird.

β€œSo this is the place.” She mumbled when they arrived outside the building that served as the jail of this place. It was ordinary yet it was the place most further out from the places they had to visit today to deliver these carts, given the amount they had to go round about to reach her, she supposed it made sense in a way. It was a jail after all, didn’t want it to have easy access to the rest of the camp. There was a man smoking outside in a golf cart, a man apparently named Ted. Weirdly normal name actually. Unless it wasn’t and that was a nickname or an alias.” Hello.” She greeted the man with a polite smile and quiet voice.


Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall
Skills: N/a


Lisa let the doctors have their proper doctory dentist talk for a little while and in the meantime she mused on stuff. Namely doggo they got. What she heard on the topic of how they got a doggo, made her raise an eyebrow though.” Just wow…” She sighed, at this point you couldn’t even feel sorry for dog boy. He literally dug himself a a massive fuck off pit, lined it with spikes and then climbed up to the top before tossing himself head first back inside. She’d understand minor transgressions too, but that was just wow.

β€œWell what can we do.” She sighed and shrugged.” Yeah, haven’t heard from her today, but then again I was pretty busy myself as well, so it’s understandable. In any case, we can only hope it doesn’t end up in something that breaks the mood overall, but on the plus side our room got a doggo companion. As long as it’s not a badly behaving dog, I’m fine with it, best part Nikki’s the bundle of energy personified, so she can deal with the needs of a dog, namely walkies.” She chuckled in amused manner. She certainly could look after the thing, she had the work ethic to do so, but since this appeared to be perfectly up Nikki's alley, she'd leave it to the girl to deal with. Though Lisa was going to provide help whenever needed. Even a bundle of energy like Nikki would need rest once in a while after all.

The commotion in the Mess Hall wasn’t too different than usual with people chatting about and tableware clanking sounds, but she caught sight of General in the waiting line. She smiled in their direction, but there wasn’t really a point in calling out from this distance in a rather filled Mess Hall with all the noise. She did gave a smile in their direction. She’d go greet the old General proper once she finishes her food.

β€œAs long as she’s a good girl we won’t have a problem. Dogs MUST be big, why would I want a lil mouse of a canine? Big dogs are better and more cuddlier. Once her fur grows back properly, she'd be so soft to the touch and huggable.” Lisa stated with a shrug, not understanding the value of smaller dogs. A dog was a faithful companion and a loyal guardian, granted it’s owner was locked up tight, so she wondered how that would go in the long run.

Amelia Payne
Location:General supply-> Distillation (L)
Skills: N/A


β€œWell you seem to have left me with easy to find locations near here, so I’ve had an easier time. Thank you.” Amelia replied with gratitude as she started listening to the girl’s explanation of where to go next, Distillation and Jail. She did wonder what’s to be delivered, but more importantly thought of the location. Well she’d follow Nikki’s lead on this one!” Got it.” She nodded firmly as she reached to grab the other cart.

Suddenly her eyes snapped at the direction of Auntie’s voice. Amelia smiled a bit and nodded.” Yes, Auntie.” She replied, noting the woman wasn’t actually saying anything bad despite her play at it. It wasn’t a bad place, it really wasn’t a bad place. People here were kind of loud at times, but kind from what she saw. Of course she knew that if they had to, they’d be firm in punishments. She didn’t think it’d be possible to survive in this world otherwise, but all in all. It was a good place with good folk. Still wouldn’t mind having her exc… bat with her. Yes.

β€œThanks.” She added when Nikki held the door for her and she hurried to pass through, then with a fast pace she started following after the other girl who clearly knew the way and by the looks of it those destinations weren’t at this street. Luckily she wasn’t alone on these ones.” I’m fine. I already took a quick rest at Enlisted Housing. I just hurried a bit too much until then.” She reassured and looked at the kids playing in the street. This bothered her, but not in a bad way. It was just the dissonance with the world outside. She never thought she’d see children playing like this again. It was a nice thing.

Following the street up to their first destination, Amelia noted Cheers outside too. Seeing how apologetic Nikki was, she too decided to do so.” I am sorry for the wait too. I’m still getting the feel for the place, so I couldn’t be faster.” She apologized too as she pushed the cart over, holding out the document to be signed.” I will try to do better tomorrow.” She gave a small hopeful shy smile.


Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall
Skills: N/a


β€œTrue, true.” Lisa nodded to Manny’s statement about brushing your teeth.” And to think there would be a time when I need to worry about my teeth! Ohh well, camp world problems.” She chuckled. Considering the life on the road was rather devout of security, before arriving at the camp even baths were a very hard fought for victories and not without danger. After all, you never really could ensure a random walker wouldn’t burst from the least expected place while you are naked and you will have to flee, losing most or if not all you own.

β€œDoggo boy?” Lisa asked with a raised eyebrow as she eyed DoLittle.” What… wow… I’m pretty sure that’s a record? Like they got let out yesterday afternoon and today he’s already in the brig pending judgment. Not that I can’t see why, Doggo Boy was about as social as a brig with legs from my observations, but still.” She sighed and shrugged. Well, not her problem honestly. Maybe he’d not get axed." What did he do anyways?"

β€œDid you now? Guess we got a doggy.” Lisa nodded in a somewhat of a pleased manner.” Really should talk with Nikki about telling me these things sooner. I imagine it would have been quite the surprise if I had managed to get home earlier today and was met with surprise dog out of nowhere.” She chuckled.” Ehh, worry not, DoLittle. The canine is fine by me, have no problems with our bundle of energy keeping him. Hell I might even enjoy taking him on walks myself too. Besides, it’d be nice to have some relaxing company.”

β€œOf course she does.” She nodded with a smile at the mention of the mouse. Lisa wouldn’t mind keeping it, though it’d be caged of course. Professional pride wouldn’t allow her to have a rodent wandering about freely at their place. She’d have to pull the broom if it does and duke it out with the lil rodent the old school way.” Oh, sure. Lead the way.” She agreed and followed after DoLittle to take a seat. More the merrier!
Naisha Alexandros

"Don't come clo... nevermind..." Naisha grit her teeth, holding a very furious comment about them not getting any closer to her. She took a deep breath.' Calm down, breathe in... breathe out... repeat a few times. Happy thoughts. Think happy fat chocobos... and puppies.' She ran through her mind, half closing her eyes, calming down as much as she could given the situation. She just lost a drone and even if she could find it's wrecked form in a middle of a fucking JUNKYARD, she lost it while helping a Shinra bastard that clearly had his Shinra bastard girlfriend with him to aide him with taking down their very clear Shinra bastards Murder Mech Hobo... This was just one of THOSE days, wasn't it. Like when those AVALANCHE buggers cause some nonsense and lil guys have to pay the price, or something else stupid like that. Maybe staying in this city was a bad idea... she should have just moved anywhere else and just kept them bothered with her cyber attacks anyhow, though admittedly it was way easier to hide here.

She shot the angry glare at the AGENT girl." So says the girl who shot a blasted Ice spike at the thing strong enough to cause enough of an effect... Why don't you just use that on any thugs that encounter you? It can't be THAT harder than to hit a mech..." She grumbled, still moving on her way, her lil drone hovering above her head, looking at the duo of Shinra bastards. Well it was a bastard and a well... wait what was the female term? Was there one? Bastardelle? Wait no... it should be a gender neutral term, so yes... SHINRA BASTARDS!!! If Naisha was a cat, her fur would be standing and she'd be hissing at the two. Since she wasn't a cat, she was just being angry, annoyed and secretly sorta keeping her drone in working shooting position. Not that a simple low caliber pistol like the drone had would do much against a SOLDIER even not of the first class, but maybe she'd get luck and shoot the woman in one of the arteries it it came to exchanging blows.

"Ohh... so a Shinra Consultant? How does that work?" Naisha grumbled under her breath, eyerolling while her back was to them so they wouldn't really be able to see it. Then she threw a glance at them and her mood soured even more. She felt like she had just tried to swallow a cactaur... These two people. She facepalmed. She facepalmed hard. In fact hard enough to leave light fingerprint marks on her own face.

"Are you two done flirting in broad dayligh!?" She asked, with very annoyed expression." I swear to the lifestream you two just go and get a room... in fact by the way you are going at it, why not just hide behind a trashpile somewhere here and get to it. At least you will stop bothering me." She started ranting, not wanting to look at the infuriating pair! This proved it! All male Shinra operatives were bastards and perverts(baring her dad) and the women( baring her mom) were just as evil and immoral! Okay maybe she was getting her own opinions cloud her judgment in an incredibly biased way, but she wasn't going to admit to it. Shirna was evil, ergo everybody that worked to help them maintain said position as evil were bad, her parents excluded. Maybe one day she'd meet a kind SOLDIER who'd be her hero in the time of need. She'll be holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night, but it seemed today was not that day. No heroes here... just some Shinra people... Whom she just couldn't get away from by the looks of it how they were walking behind her to the exit.

"If I cannot make the problem go away... I will just ignore them till they leave..." She mumbled and pulled her headphones, attaching them to the phone to listen to some music or something. Better than continue to listen to them FLIRTING!!! Bastard couple! And the gall to try to sweep the fact the woman was an Agent with such a silly acting under the rug!

Amelia Payne
Location:Enlisted Housing β†’ General supply
Skills: N/A


Amelia took a bit of a breather before starting to head back to General Supply. Rushing around in the heat got to her, but with the temperatures slowly dropping off with the approaching of the night, it was more bearable. After about a minute she finally took the first step and started walking back to her workplace. Once more the very idea of workplace in this world was odd, but brought a smile on her face. She had changed from the past, at least somewhat, but still enjoyed stability and maybe routines to a degree.

Nearing her destination, she couldn’t help but notice the people that were heading towards the mess hall. Dinner appeared to have started and others were already there. Well soon she’d go there also. Then she’d get the chance to reunite and have dinner with Riley. First real day of their new lives. It wasn’t over yet, but so far it was good. Just a bit more to go.

She was about to enter the building when a head popped out of the door that had opened form the inside. It was Nikki.” Hey, sorry… I had to rest for a minute or two. Rushed too much in the heat.” Amelia apologized as she saw her colleague.” So, what’s left? Let’s do it quickly so we can go grab dinner. Everybody seems to be gathering there already, good things might be all taken if we take too long.”


Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall
Skills: N/a


β€œGood choice, salads are always nice, so are fruits! In fact fruits even more so!” She stated with a smile and headed to grab a tray and line up on the food line. She heard the commotion and rose an eyebrow before finally turning to Morales.” Hey not too bad. Got onto the path of promotion and then got to play around in the dirt. Fun stuff!” Lisa chuckled in reply as she was getting some of the tuna, a bit of sushi and an orange. Food was important to keep the spirit and the body in good condition!” See ya later, Morales.” Lisa waved a good bye.

β€œOhh hey, DoLittle. How have you been in this heat? Everything been alright at work?” She greeted the woman as she lined after them on the line. Lisa rose an eyebrow before her eyes narrowed in suspecting some mischief manner. She gave the woman a testing glance for a bit.” Nikki? I can’t say we’ve had the chance to day. WHY?” She asked in voice filled with suspicion.” Have you given her a pet of some kind or has she finally caught that rat at Supply? What’s the mischief that’s happening behind my back? And why haven’t I been invited on it from the get go?” She tossed a line of important questions at the woman who's smile made her suspect something was going on and she wasn't aware of it yet.

She would have loved to stay and give the interrogation glare for a bit while longer but food was food and food was with priority.” Well… I will get it out of her when she arrives for dinner in a little while. Can't be too bad I suppose. Otherwise half the camp would have heard about it by now.β€œ Lisa sighed and took her tray, looking around for a good empty enough spot and heading there.

Amelia Payne
Location:Armory(S)(K5) - > Supply β†’ Enlisted Housing
Skills: N/A


β€œMmm...” Amelia made a sound as she heard a confirmation her precious bat was indeed secured at this place. Hey at least it wasn’t lost somewhere or tossed randomly to just rot away. Being among the other weapons, at least meant this place was secure enough to not lose it and they cared for the inventory enough to maintain said inventory in working order. Maybe one day she’d be able to recover it for good after she earns her keep for long enough.

β€œYeah… I did.” She confirmed Bass’s question. It was HER bat. The thing carried her all the way from Newnan and she had just picked it from a backyard of an abandoned house… If it wasn’t her pulling her own mythical weapon out of a stone, she didn’t know what else this could be akin to. She nodded.” Maybe I will later. Thank you.” She said to Panama as she took the signed document.” Until later.” She replied as she was showed the way out and the door was even held! She skipped outside with a quick wave and then without even waiting for the door to close she bolted back to Supply.

Afterwards she made a fast trek to her workplace where she picked up her last cart. This one was for the Enlisted Housing, so ideally it should be even quicker and easier. She didn’t spot Nikki around, but had not the time to wait. She needed to finish fast, so she hurriedly headed over to the Enlisted Housing. It was easy, this one was one of the simple drop offs. She just had to leave it inside the building to the side. As she did so, she took a deep breath, wiping sweat from her forehead.’ Rushing around in the heat with carts is tiring. Maybe I should learn to pace myself better.’ Amelia thought, taking a bit of time to catch her breath and steady her breathing. She reassured herself that she was almost done and that tomorrow she’d do better job.


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical(B)β†’Mess Hall
Skills: N/a


β€œMmmm, I agree, responsibility for people’s health is a grave thing. Very important and scary. Luckily for me I’m mostly outside of that direct can of worms, not for too long though. New duties are tied with the medicine production, so I will have to pull my A game from now on and make sure everything goes well and learn even faster. So I guess we kinda shifted position? You got cleaning while I got important duties.” She looked at him with a smile as she started heading off to the cleaning supplies storage.

β€œSadly nah, don’t have room of those. Believe me I’d love one, but it’s kind of pain to deal with. Can’t risk damaging the room any and if by chance such a thing goes off, it might be a mess to clean after. As such I save those for special occasions when I might arrange one.” She replied to Manny with a smile while he dropped of his part of the cleaning supplies. So once his was dropped and hers were dropped off also, she closed up the storage and started leading the way back out of Medical.

β€œMmm I like reading too.” She replied to him.” One of the more favorite ways to pass the time. Allows you to just transport yourself to another world. Also like reading comics and try out new clothing. For the most part I don’t think I’m too different from most people.” She grinned.” Well pretty sure it is, at least for a bit?” She supposed, thinking about it, she wasn’t quite certain for sure about the exact time schedules since she’d usually grab herself something during the day in the lunch break or just during free days.

With that said she made a turn for the Mess Hall, which was luckily not far. She was positively ravenous actually. The day was long and with lots of things happening, she was working and as such opened herself quite the appetite tonight. She checked the menu as they arrived.” So pretty much the same as noon. That’s good. I’m thinking Salad and Sushi, what about you? ” She asked Manny.” And an orange would be lovely afterwards."
Naisha Alexandros

The fight with the modified prototype sweeper was brief, noisy and tense. While keeping an eye on her drones, she had spotted her defensive one being tossed away. Yeah she was realizing some glaring design flaws with that thing, but truth be fair it was actually more useful as a range physical damage than shield against heavy things a lot of the time. Still it did it's job, though now it was kinda not able to get a lift off again. Welp so much for that one. At least the other one was still flying around out of reach so she wouldn't have to replace the actually important drone. The defense one was relateively easy to replace or repair, but this one had a lot more electronics than the other one. Besides the defensive one really needed an upgrade, maybe it was time to actually get some proper military grade armor materials.

Still now she waited with withheld breath, to see the results of the attempted forced reset on the machine. A brief moment that had turned into eternity in her head, but then suddenly she saw the lines of text on the phone. The software reset actually took hold! This was absolutely bloody amazing. She couldn't believe Shinra's software update cloud servers were actually working properly for once. She pulled her head out of her own cover to check the sweeper that had gone intert for a bit before rebooting into obedient state. Well this was nice. She switched her attention back to her drones, there was no need to attempt to recover the defensive one, it was gone... somewhere... burried in the junkyard from a powerful toss by a sweeper mech. What a sad fate. Still she at least pulled her utility drone back to herself. It had gotten some good records on it's camera, like the mech from up close, the soldier and the... civilian dressed agent. Naisha somehow kept her face in check with sheer bloody force of will and by bitting down on the inside of her lip, almost until she drew blood.

It was really time to bail out of here. Force fo all a soldier would be near impossible to kill up close without using the mech to do it first and now that he had an 'agent' to support him things were pretty much impossible for her right now. Unless she managed to call her summon... which she didn't know if it would happen. Still, she put her fingers on the control of her motorized wheelchair, deciding it was better to leave as fast as possible, least some pointed questions started to pop up like... how she accessed a Shinra Sweeper system... Or the knowledge to trigger the software reset. She had probable answers, but believed it would be best to not get to that point." No problem. I had to help, it would have been a nightmare if it had gotten out of here. Besides I live here too, making it a bit safer is what I should be doing if I could. Now I should be going, got to get home." She gave a court reply as she started moving away to leave. She HAD to get away now before soemthing else happens... or she snaps or they decide to be inquisitive.

'Leave the junkyard, redeploy the drone to observe from safe distance, hide away and lay low for a few days...' This was what Naisha was thinking about, she was seriously wondering if arranging for a chat to buy the blueprints was a good idea now. It... didn't seem reliable. Still she tossed a quick glance back to confirm what the Shinra bastards were doing.

Amelia Payne
Skills: N/A


Amelia mostly patiently waited a bit before the door finally opened. The face she saw, she quickly put a name to it. Or at least a nickname or a codename. It was Bass. β€œ Hello.” She greeted as she carefully pushed the cart in the building through the opened doorway. Place was… weird. At least to her own standards, but then again she wasn’t of military upbringing of any kind. It was what she had decided to just categorize all the weird things she saw her as. Difference in culture… In any case, they certainly had a lot of thought and time invested by the looks of it into the armory.” Hello, Panama.” She greeted back and shut up as the topic moved in awkward for her direction. THAT was NOT something she wanted to listen to.

They didn’t seem to mind her presence as their antics continued, shots being fired about girls… they did realize she was in the fucking room right? In any case, she just looked down at the cart to avoid looking at the men as she heard the door close behind her. So now she was locked in here, great. Wasn’t this supposed to be a quick drop and run task? She was just to take a signature, leave the cart and run, was there a need to do all this? With a quick pondering, she reached the conclusion excessive carefulness and paranoia were the far better alternative to lacking such things!

β€œYeah, it’s here. Here you go.” She replied as she pulled the form where they had to sign for getting the cart in return. Amelia carefully handed it over as she took a look around the place once more.” So… just out of curiosity, my Excali… ahm… my bat is also here somewhere right?” She asked with blushign cheeks.


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical(B)
Skills: N/a


β€œMmm… I’m pretty sure I got a promotion today.” She stated flatly, having finished getting the water bucket filled and turned to face him.” So while I’m still going to be mostly around to show you how stuff works here and help out, sometimes I won’t be quite as avaible when I’m dealing with the new duties.” She explained. Now that she was going to be working with the samples on the upper lab, things were going to be interesting. Of course she knew she was far from ready to work properly under supervision on that let alone without, but it was fact that she was going to have to be working there under Mary’s orders and guidance. All things considered, Lisa was all for it. It was going to be great!

β€œStill, I’d dare say that indeed, the evil planter, plotting my downfall would be the highlight of the day. Sadly it ruined my perfect mood! AND HAIR!” She added with false anger, pointing at her hair filled with dirt. Luckily the worst of which was now gone, but not all of it. She’d have to take a real good shower and wash her hair more than a few times before it was back to proper state here. The downfall of letting your hair get any degree of length in this world, she supposed. But a sacrifice worth making if you could afford to. One had to have little things to keep their life fulfilling and having the freedom to style your hair if you wanted was at least something, a nice luxury to have.

As they got to work, it was going to be a chore, she realized. Yeah pain in the ass to clean, not hard, just annoying. β€˜Sigh, darn you dirt, my new nemesis, even in defeat you still haunt me!’ She cursed silently in joking tone and it made her feel a bit better. Certainly made her smile. She should have said it aloud, ohh well. β€œ Dunno, doctor offices always felt too sterile for my tastes, probably why they need plants to liven up the mood. Nothing to break the white monotony than a bundle of green, I suppose?” She asked him with a shrug. She actually had no opinion on plants in doctor offices or any kind of office or location really. Unless it was her own home, she wanted none of the plant fiber bastards in her home. Looking after flowers in gardens or other homes was enough.

β€œHey, it’s fine. If it will make you feel better, neither did I expect I will end up cleaning dirt from a potted plant that somehow because of bad luck ended up on my head.” She chuckled.” Pretty sure weirder stuff have happened before too, so I’m not going to mind it too much though and it’s a good way to get a feel for the job properly. Sometimes last minute duties to spring up.”

Still cleaning took maybe 20 more minutes. Acceptable time, given the task at hand, could be worse. They could be also washing carpets…” I think, we are done here.” She finally proclaimed, deciding to give a passing grade on the state of the place. With a deep breath she felt calm and relaxed.” Let’s go leave the tools and head out. I'm starting to get ravenous...”

Amelia Payne
Location:Medical(B)β†’Supply β†’ Sea Processing(J)(K4) β†’Supply β†’ Armory(S)(K5)
Skills: N/A


β€žI see...” Amelia answered, crafting a metal image of the events transcribed by Doc. It certainly must have been quite the chaos. Lisa herself was a lot less mataphorical about the whole thing it seemed. Still Amelia nodded at them. She was glad nobody got hurt from a fight with a potted plant. Once upon a time she would have considered it funny, but now she had seen somebody die from a garden tool back at the fall of Newnan, so she no longer made light of anything.” Good to see everybody is alright.” Amelia stated, watching Doc leave. She turned to Lisa too.” I will go now, got a lot of things to deliver yet.”

After leaving Medical to it’s curious events, Amelia had hurried back across the street to supply to pick up the next cart. All in all the duties at the end of the day didn’t seem too bothersome as a whole, but she suspected that maybe leaving a bit earlier to deliver the goods would be better as to not rush as she was. Still it was fine for the moment, most destinations were relatively close at hand. As such she soon had the next cart and wheeling it over to Sea Processing. Wheeling it over the street and down to the indicated location, didn’t take a horribly long time and all in all passed without an issue. Finally with another hurried walk back to Supply she had picked up the cart for the Armory.

Amelia pushed it out of Supply and started heading for the Armory supply. After rushing around with carts as she was, granted she wasn’t running, but she wasn’t walking slowly either, she was sweating, especially because of the heat. Still wiping some sweat from her face, she looked at the building she had arrived at. All good so far and then it wasn’t. She tried it, but it was locked. Then noticed the buzzer. She had read the note and knew that this one was a bit more important. She started pressing the buzzer and held it for a good maybe 5-10 seconds, before waiting for someone to show up hopefully!


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical(B)
Skills: N/a


β€œOhh, by all means, DO so. I’m going to enjoy seeing it happen.” Lisa had replied with a wide grin to Doc. She’d love to see him attempt it, he had said it in a jest, but she could imagine the result if he had attempted to get Mary to do so. She watched him leave though and grinned. As awkward as the event was, it was funny.” Thank you, Amelia. And good luck with the rest of the carts!” She tossed a reply to the girl as well as she excused herself to return to her duties. Well show was over.

Lisa threw a bit of a puzzled look at Manny before she stood up and walked over to him, patting him on the shoulder.” It’s fine. If you want to help, great, but it’s part of my own responsibility so I cannot ditch it on you after all.” She let out a laugh, clearly not minding it as much as she was when she had the planter on her head. Granted her hair and ears still were filled with dirt, but overall she appeared to be in good spirits and the moods for joking.

β€œCome, since you want to help, besides it will show you were the tools are. You need to learn it anyways.” She told him leading the way towards the storage room that held the different cleaning chemicals and tools, picking up a spade and a broom and handing them over to Manny.” Here you carry these, I will bring the bucket, the water bucket and the mop” She told him as she went over to get one of the buckets filled with water and while that was happening she chose which cleaner agent to use.

She of course wasn’t planning to clean the entire ground floor, but the area around the potted plant had to be dealt with, This was a hospital for crying out loud. It might not seem much, just a turned over planter, but her inner pride in her professions didn’t allow her to leave it without doing this properly!
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