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"Thank you very much. An act this fine deserves to not fall under the Prank Victim designation~, so thank you Celestian." Medaira replied with a smile when the woman confirmed she'd make her a coffee after all. In the group considering so far the only non prank victim was their own glorious leader, who admittedly could use some additional modified servo heads like her own to fly about and creep people out. Now the second Celestian also made it into the no prank list via virtue of lucky coffee break." And I've got to compliment you for the fine brewing skills." She mentioned in the end as her servo head flew away to hover around Stukov for some reason.

With the drink in place in a rather theme fitting cup, she took a good sip from it before starting to eat her portion of the food in well mannered small bites. Now the quesiton may rise about why Medaira was using good polite almost noble like manners? Well how can you prank the hell out of people if they only can take you as a brutish no mannered savage!? Sometimes the best pranks were best laid slow upon unsuspecting victims. Besides knowing how to handle proper table manners was always a plus.

She gave a nod of acknowledgement and a hum when they were told the arrangements. With a slow sipping of her coffe, she thought about it. So they'd get their room and a few hours to probably rest and prepare for the upcoming mission." Ohh, that's fine just enough of time to rest a bit and unpack, decorate and clean. I assume we can make... small rearrangements to the interiors of the room within reason?" She let out a happy chuckle as her servo head flew over with a chirpy sound making energetic rounds above her.

Needless to say there were a few possible upgrades that could be put in the room without her even seeing it. Bunkbeds for one... one could always use a bunkbead. Same with extra towels. However she most importantly needed to set up her own workshop corner. Without one how was she supposed to do her duties? Granted she could always make use of the place where the ship landed since there were bound to be ample tools avaible in that area, however that was public space and she couldn't exactly proceed with classified pranking operations there. But she supposed she should use that space for the usual repair and maintenance duties for her own and the group's gear. She had to maintain good security on some things she could make or use.' Bloody conservatives!'.

Medaira wondered if people here wanted to customize their weapons... or attach stuff to them. It was quite the rage in some circles, though usually just with adding more holy seals and sanctified nick nacks. Admittedly sanctified nick nacks made for great sharpnell." Maybe I should find somebody to bless a crate of screws, nuts and bolts... yeah... hmmm" She mumbled and went into thinking expression, ignoring Stukov's possible question as of how this place came to be. She liked it here anyways. It was different and in a good way. They could use more of these places, would be excellent place to hide tech. Probably the reason Necrons liked to chill in tombs. She then proceeded to down the rest of her coffe in a weirdly polite manner before standing up and walking to the side. She had plans to make while the others were finishing their meal! Time was of the essense! Sanctified shrapnel bombs were of utmost priority!
Naisha Alexandros

Naisha nearly got an eye twitch when the woman had the gall to demand a shower." Are you fucking se..." She started to growl out when suddenly she stopped and looked at the other woman with extremely critically evaluating stare. After a solid 10 seconds and a few sniffs in the air, her eyes narrowed." Well... I suppose you do need one... you aren't expecting me to invite a complete stranger, that works for a dubious company that's well known for making people disappear, into my home right? Even if you are low level consultant..." She had a mixture of condescention and sarcasm in her voice. Seeing how she saw the woman get up close with teh junk for cover and the like earlier. Naisha was taking cover too, but she never left the comfort of her chair so she practically never pressed herself agasint anything and nor was she active enough to sweat too much from active combat." You can probably get a shower in one of the public ones... there are a few around the place if you need one so much. After all not every of the squalid homes we have here have their own baths."

Her eyebrow rose as Naomi took to walking backwards so she can talk at her face on while they were leaving the Junkyard." You really should look at your feet when you walk, you know?" Naisha asked, staring at quite a few things that could trip the stupid agent when she was acting like this. How was she on the field was a mystery to Naisha. Unless... her apparnt way of acting was a cover! Nai's nerves steeled once more. She should be careful! Yes, very careful even with supposedly stupid people. Actually especially with those, it took one slip up to go and die or get captured by Shinra. The later was obviously the worst option of the two.

"So you went ahead and questioned that woman?" She asked with a frown." Yeah Scarlet's a... I would call her a bitch, but that would just be an affront to the dogs. Just look at her attitude anytime she shows on tv..." She growled, Nai was very familiar with the executives of Shinra. After Hojo, that woman was second biggest target, followed by Rufus and then the others down the chain of command." Well if you are just an errant girl, better for you in the long run. You won't have to face the moral questions involved with creating thigns like that and what they would do to all the innocent people caught in the area when they get out of control. Like it ALMOST happaned here." She quipped.

"As for what I'm doing here, nothing too much. I'm junkyard diving for parts obviously." She replied raising the bag where she had the different electronics and circuits in." Getting parts here in the slums is a hard thing and especially so for good prices. I'm a repairman...err... repairwoman. I repair mostly electronics like TVs, computers and occasionally a phone or a pad of one variety or another. And the occasionally stuff like cars and the like when times are thought and I'm in better health at the time. A girl gotta earn her own bread when she has to and I can't exactly find other reasonable work with a body like mine." She replied simply. There was no point in hiding that as a simple digging around would likely point her out as someone who repairs stuff." Things here are without owners so we are more or less free to get whatever part you need as long as you can actually keep yourself alive until you leave with it. It's the main way we can actually maintain stuff like TVs, monitors, computers and other electronics running without the danger of going into heavy debt because the new parts or machines cost too much."

As they were leaving the junkyard, she noted a cargo heli coming to the place, likely to pack up the sweeper. She narrowed her eyes at the sight, tossing a look at Naomi. For the briefest of moments, she considered her possibilities, before continuing her way towards her neighborhood. She'd lose this woman somewhere in the crowds there. had no plans on leading her to her home honestly. Though it wouldn't be a science to find her, she'd just have to ask some of the people around to point her at the wheelchair girl with the drones and she'd likely be pointed out right away. In any case, she was letting the sweeper go. She did not have enough control over it to try to grab it. She barely had access to it's most outer functions that were negletcted. Chances on breaking through to it with her phone only were minimal. Maybe if she could get home fast enough to use her computer to do so, but she doubted she'd have the time. Shinra would likely bring the thing to a well defended location for dismantle or whatever and she wasn't sure she'd be able to access it then. What's more she had another reason not to attempt to do so. The weakness she exploited to access the system. using it once to stop the thing was more than enough. She could only hope they don't figure out the reason the system caved so fast to the outer layer and patch it. If this potential weakpoint remained, she'd be able to make use of it at a later date.

"Hmm not the best haul, but not hte worst." She mumbled to herself, checking her spoils. She actually got great parts this time around. She could make use of all the circuits adn other electronics, but not many were for the jobs, most would go for personal projects instead, so while hse had a good few finds, it wasn't anything to talk about on the maintaining herself alive and well taken care of. " So... how long are you going to hang around with me. I'm not giving you acces to my showers... I can bring you to one of the public baths if you desire it so much and don't know where to find one? I'm personally thinking of grabbing lunch and heading home eventually to rest down in peace and quiet. Had enough excitement for a few weeks today alreayd."

Amelia Payne
Location:Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Amelia kind of understood what Nigel meant with his words about the guy with the dog. However she wasn’t going to get even close to that affair. It wasn’t her problem even if she didn’t have that innate unreasonable dislike for him. In the end it was sort of his own problem that led him to jail and impending trial. She didn’t think they would outright kill him, But she suspected now he might end up leaving this place.

β€œYeah.” She then nodded to Rosie who confirmed her suggestion for them to join. It was actually a good plan and she was already planning on getting involved, though she was probably going to leave it off mostly for the next week. Amelia wanted a couple of days to get into the swing of things around the camp and well to reread up on the game. It’s been long years since she last even saw a player’s manual or a handbook of any kind.” I will brush up on my D&D knowledge first… read a bit in the library and the like. I want to get used to the place before I commit.” Amelia said calmly to Rosie. She really wanted to join though, so she was going to if they allow her.

She turned back to Manny and nodded to him.” There’s a schedule, one that shows when dogs are being taken for walks and where. So I should be able to avoid those...like the plague.” She mumbled the end of the statement as she ate some more of her orange. Without that schedule, she wouldn't really feel comfortable stepping outside unarmed, knowing the hell beasts that could wander out there. Granted she still didn't feel completely comfortable unarmed, but small mercies and baby steps.

Her expression froze for a moment as Manny got into telling his story. Yeah that wasn’t a nice story, getting stabbed for helping somebody, but she understood the woman. She had her own scars to show for similar reasons like that woman. Granted she was never captured, but she was close, maybe she would have died instead, she couldn’t know. The scars are the proof of her escape. It was nice to hear that woman survived the surgery and eventually got better though. With that story being told in relation to … Hunter. β€˜Ohh yeah, he’s name was Hunter’. She recalled. Anyways, apparently he was hoping that Hunter gets through this without issues. Well it wasn’t a bad wish, she didn’t want the guy dead either. It would go down to how rules were upheld here and the apparent results of a court martial… a trial. Amelia felt the very idea of a trial weird in the apocalypse. Another sign of normalcy in the middle of the madness that was the world.

Thinking on other things, she realized that she should meet up with Riley, who might even be already home. Maybe she should too head off.


Lisa Mason
Location: Outside of Mess Hall(C)β†’ General Housing(X)(M6)
Skills: N/a


With her goodbye told to all that she had to and once outside, she took in a deep breath, stuffing the last bits of the Orange inside her mouth as she started walking down the street. Housing wasn’t far at all from the Mess Hall so she’d be back home really really soon. The temperatures had pulled down enough in comparison to earlier. Crossing the street and heading down to the apartments, she thought on the day, running her fingers through her hair, feeling the scratching sensation from the dirt that was grinding with her movement.

β€œNo fuck hunts with dusty head.” She mused with a brisk pace and light step. Since she had a rather good day and was in a rather good mood, she didn’t let the planter event weight on her too much. Her thought on the possible puns she could have said back then made her smile. Maybe she should use bad puns more often. Surely she’d annoying half the people around camp while the other half would pretend likely to have not have heard her. It would be amusing, not quite as much as watching people do stupid shit, but amusing non the less.

There was also the issue raised by DoLittle on the traps. That actually wasn’t a bad idea, something more Mousetrap-y. It WOULD be a good starting point to garner attention and interest and it wouldn’t be a bad way for the younger kids around camp to get interested in simple mechanics and logic problems. She shook her head, remind herself that she shouldn’t rush this. Just pull a mousetrap first as DoLittle said, make people have fun, possibly interested and then think of proceeding further. Yes that was the plan, she decided as she looked at the entrance to the building where she lived at.’ But… everything else can wait for later… I need that bath.’
Medaira made a happy approving sound and a nod as she received the information about the Mechanicus' state as of late. This spoke well, as much as chaos infiltrators liked to be sneaky and infiltrating especially when dealing with the forces of the 'smart' one, in the productions there would always be traces to show up, no matter how tiny. Of course it was possible that such traces were just never made present to this governor, but it was nice to hear. It would require personal touch of an investigation by herself to confirm if the Mechanicus is operating fine, but for hte time being Medaira reasoned they could be left to the lower priority with a reminder to keep an eye out.

Her servo skull... head made a chirpy sound as they left, following their glorious leader. One of htese days she needed to get a second one done, 3's the charm and all that. On that note though, before leaving, Medaira made sure to confirm the changes to the palace's systems. In the Governor's rooms, she made it so the Air Conditionings would always be wrong. Whenever turned on, randomly it woudl select more or less than the chosen temperatures within a reasonable margin and then keep that. So he will NEVER be just right! It would always be just a tad too could or a touch too warm! 'GLORIOUS~!' Medaira thought as they were leaving. It was one of those small things in life she could enjoy. It hurt nobody and it was hell of a prank, especially given how unlikely it was to be discovered anytime soon. As Andromedai Superior had stated, they had to behave Inquisitionary.' Maintaining street cred is so hard~!' She thought and sighed inwardly as they were getting back onto the ship.

The arrival at the not so perfectly hidden hideout was rather uneventful. She almost wanted to enter into the comm systems to start playing music, but didn't. She was saving that one for later, maybe when they were in a combat scenario! That would be nice, though she looked at her servo head and made a thinking face. Did she need to use the comms when she could just use the head to play the music? It would certainly make battles more entertaining! Why weren't there specialized battle musicians to boost morale? They needed to train those guys as a specialized army!

She was pulled out of her battle musician scenario planning as the ship landed and they made their way out. Such a shame, she actually saw a lot of potential in the idea. Maybe she should try pitching it somewhere. Those thoughts aside, she let out a very happy chirp now that they were inside the base." Well secured, great structural integrity, natural defenses. I designate this great work of architecture a great thing! We need to hollow out more mountains~!" Medaira whistled as they walked, getting familiar with the place. Until they met another Celestian of lower rank than their own gloorious leader. This one made a reference to members of the retinue from times past. The mention of the Mercenary, brought Medaira's attention to the Sister of Battle. She wanted to meet the Mercenary. Maybe she was alive still, maybe eventually! She had some records and reports of the non mechanicus woman who had displayed great profficiency with doing mechanicus things and creating technological marvels! Medaira would LOVE the idea to join hands~ Ohh the miracles they could create! She felt giddy just at the thought of it.

Finally being brought to the kitchen with the enticing armoa of food in the air, Medaira smiled at the sight." This is a marvelous display of skill." She stated as she finally reached to her face with her metal arm and lightly grasped her breather like device. After a moment and a metal click, she took it off and she stored it on her robes, taking a breath of non filtered air." My gratitude and I'm not picky about food." She replied, her voice lacking the usual synthetic notes to it from whever she was speaking through the breather.

With that she finally slowly took a seat. Her sitting posture was actually rather prim and propper all things considered. She took off her hood, letting her short white hair free." I would love some coffee if possible." The techpriestess said with a smile as her servo head flew over and hovered by her shoulder, making it appear almost like she had two identical heads.

Amelia Payne
Location:Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Amelia looked at Nigel, a bit confused for a moment before realizing what was what with his comment about sticking to real swords. She let out a small chuckle.” No worries. It’s confusing to listen to us probably, I’d imagine and we weren’t making the best attempts at describing the game properly to people who haven’t played..” She added, feeling just a tad bit ashamed of it.

β€œI will have to get more details, but I’d love to join up with a game. It’s been… I think almost too long since my last game of D&D.” Amelia quietly said, stuffing a mouthful of food into her mouth. This was bringing good memories, chatting nerdy things with people, but also those good memories were causing her to feel a certain unpleasant sensation. The one of the loss of that life. She had accepted their new lot in this world, but it still felt bittersweet to remember those moments of the past. She snapped back to attention when she was told to go to the library at lunch.” Alright, will do in the upcoming few days… maybe a week. I still getting used to everything here.”

β€œMore or less… at least from what I gathered… Ohh and the dog ended up with Nikki. So… I got an unexpected encounter with the hellhound at work today when she brought it to Supply. I kinda freaked out for a moment at that point… Me and hellbeasts don’t mix well...” She mumbled at the end and started to peel her orange.” I have an easier time with lil ones… bit ones just…” Amelia didn’t finish her sentence, refusing to further on think about those creatures of evil.

Ohh what a curious turn of events.” So you are working with Lisa? I see. Glad you a good day at work.” She nodded and tilted her head a bit in a confused manner when the topic moved on to Nikki’s absence.” Ahh… well we were at the prison and she stayed behind for a little while.” She simply explained.” Will arrive before long actually. As for me, I’ve had a good day. Work’s nice and people are nice too. Auntie, Nikki, the other ladies at supply and so on. They’ve all been very kind and helped me out a lot.” She replied with happy voice and a shy smile. Now she was only looking forward to meeting up with Riley in a little while and spending the rest of the evening with her.


Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall(C)β†’Outside of Mess Hall(C)
Skills: N/a


β€œI’ve mentioned it in the past as well, you know I love building walker traps.” Lisa replied with a shrug.” And yes, kill of the week would be glorious, but honestly I don’t ever see General or honestly anybody down the chain of command approving of the idea. Probably would be deemed too dangerous for anybody not on a team outside the walls.” She sighed and she did understand where such arguments would come from.

β€œNow for a Most Creative Ways to Trap a Walker, I’d say that might gain more traction.” Lisa mused, rubbing her chin in thoughtful manner.” I mean, it wouldn’t require anybody to be put in danger really if it’s in the form of a contest with descriptions and schematics of the trap or plan they have in place. If we go with simple killing them in creative ways, I fear we’d stumble upon the dreaded safety regulations once more. So what do you think, a contest about creative walker traps? Would you participate? Maybe we’d be able to convince the higher ups to actually setup and try the winner along with some prize of some kind. And I do agree that would allow for people some more varied entertainment. That and we can also indeed compile a guide book with the better ideas.”

Lisa shrugged and peeled her orange quickly before standing up, preparing to get going.” Well I guess I will see it with my own eyes. She’s cleaning the common room though if she left the doggo there and it’s caused a mess.” She grinned at DoLittle.” See ya later, when I’m not a walking planter. May call you for hte next 'hunt'.” With a joking grin she walked over to drop off her tray and utensils, before walking out of the building, giving nods of greetings here and there, while eating her orange that she had peeled in advance.
Medaira surprisingly kept her outward silence as they were 'escorted' around under 'protection'. Yeah let's call it that if it makes the people involve sleep better at night, she whistled amused. Ahh a governator palace, a rather technicolor amusement of a location, so filled with umbribled corruption and backroom dealings! And ohh don't even talk about the favors! She was happy, this place was fun, if only you could spend the odd afternoon just tapping into all of the surveilance that was scattered throughout the whole place and even the individual rooms! The lovely pieces of info and gossip you'd get. She could just imagine the countless pranks she could pull off with the right data. An odd scandal here, an angry wife finding you with the mistress there, fun for everybody everywhere!

Medaira was grinning underneaht the breather like device as her servo... head was flying around her happily and grinning as well. It was a full copy of her own head after all, she made sure to keep technological additions to the outward appearance to a minimum for maximum effect.

As soon as they had settled in the room, Medaira began to do techie things and get her metaphorical hands all over everything, in other words she was accesing any data feeds and databanks she could reach without making it obvious. For example the surveilance around, it wasn't tapped. Sure somebody was likely watching from somewhere but there wasn't an external break in for the looks of it. SO at least htey weren't under... DOUBLE SURVEILANCE! She tilted her head and looked at Adriana who asked her a question. She made a quiet beep sound followed by a tiny barely perceptable whistle." 1010..." She let out a series of synth noises." 10~ " She repeated in common gothic.

Finally she turned her attention proper to the Governor Nickolai and looked at him with the mild gaze." I'd like to ask how has the local assigned planetary members of the Cult Mechanicus been performing their duties~" She chirped a question." Any major delays, malfunctions, sudden defficiency in supplies and of course lack of servitors~?" She asked with her almost childish voice. While in the meantime she was making SURE to hack the air conditioning units of the man's office. He was going to find it fluctuating up and down, keeping it uncomfortable withotu actually being too obvious. It would be glorious whenever somebody realizes it after a good while.

Amelia Payne
Location:Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Amelia looked at Nigel when he expressed his preference that a minotaur should be honestly more of a Greek aestetic. Well she was thinking along those lines too for the most part, but there was a small fact.” Well… most characters in D&D are best when they are unique in some way.” She mumbled out, recalling her own experiences with the game and the fun she hand her friends had back in the day.” Viking pirate minotaur with a bell is pretty unique.” She nodded.

With this she turned to Rosie.” I will have to ask to confirm if she’s got spots in any of the campaigns… though I’ve been out of the game for a long, long while.” She said quietly, before looking at Rosie once more.” And will he also get an eyepatch or a parrot? Though when you mention it… it would be a pretty harrowing pirate tale… with the mist comes the dread and then you hear the bell ring out within the white veils, signaling the crews that the time for pillaging is here.” She mused, imagining the setting. She was a nerd at heart after all.

β€œWell I can’t say I’ve played many unique standing out by sheer idea characters. I tend to prefer mine more muted and grounded.” She stated quietly, taking a few bites from her food.” Though I did like my human rogue assassin from the deserts. Story made her a blade dancer, you know, go in to entertain guests and then slit their throats in the middle of the performance. Though it was for the last campaign before the… well world ended with my friends back then. Never got to use her in a game. Prior to that used just a simple humble cleric…”

Her attention was suddenly pulled to the side where Manny was standing, listening and seemingly waiting. She smiled at him when he asked how she was.” Hey, Manny.” She greeted him.” I’m good, thank you. Better when there’s no dog around… Sorry can't help it... I know it's probably illogical, but... they are just too scary.” Though saying that, she tossed careful looks around as if to confirm the dreaded hellbeast hadn’t materialized just by calling it’s name!” And how was your first day?” She asked and gestured an invitation for him to sit down and not stand up there.”Everything fine?”


Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall
Skills: N/a


β€œWell, not sure I’d listen to random chatter, if you are that interested better refrain from opinions until the other side of the story is known. Not that it matters any. I personally like her. I’m still thinking of ways to convince her to join up in a venture to write a walker killing manual.” Lisa stated flatly, but holding a chuckle.” I will cover overly elaborate traps and have her write the stabbing section. We’d make a killing. We can give it a funny title and everything.” It was actually one of her ideas, not the most original one, but it was an entertaining thought to have and think about. A guide how to make overly complicated walker traps that end with a piano or a safe dropping on a walker. It would be a blast!

β€œMm if I had a case of erratic hostile Nikkilear lifeform, I’ll pull of my ultimate secret move… I will run in the other direction. But we get along just mighty fine.” She couldn’t contain her laugh this time around. Her laughter did halt when DoLittle pointed out she wasn’t getting close to Amelia cause of Rosie.” Why though…? She ain’t bad or anything.” She inquired with a raised eyebrow. She had nothing against her personally and found this curious.

Then her eyes wandered over to the side where Manny, ever the brave old man stood up and proclaimed he will undertake the mighty quest.” Go get β€˜em, Manny!” Lisa stated, giving him a cheeky grin and a thumbs up. Of course she would have done it herself, but since he wanted, why not. Besides the joke aside, she was certain Nikki’s fine, she was a big girl and could look after herself and if she got into relationship troubles, well it wouldn’t be anything a bunch of alcohol and another Fuck hunt wouldn’t solve. Then again… they had a doggo now, so that worked too. Doggos were pretty good relationship remedies. By habit she moved to put a lock of hair behind her ear when some dirt fell from it.” Ohh right… ehh better eat fast and go back home to grab a quick shower or something… Probably got enough dirt in my hair to use it to plan stuff in.β€œ She chuckled.
Medaira let out a happy sound of some kind, weirdly distorted at the greeting from the Celestian, her eyes narrowing in a happy smiling expression as her lower face was hidden beneath a breather looking device that she rarely took off. Ohh she could take it off at will, she didn’t really need it, but it was useful for all manner of things!

She made a happy amused chirping almost sound as her head tilted at Stukov with innocent expression underneath the crimson mechanicus cowl.”I WILL hold you to these words, Prank Victim 2~ I will reserve the best replacements as to complete your glorious potential to the Omnisiah~!” She added in a singing almost voice and then just to make it disturbing she added a childlike giggle.

Her head slowly turned around as a new voice entered the scene. Her eyes locked on the man… no a kid. Well in this world of theirs you either grew up sooner or died, but still compared to them he was so young~ A kiddo~ She made happy chirpy sounds at him with narrowed predatory eyes for a moment as endless possibilities raced through her brain for a moment before she switched to innocent expression once more.” Nice to meet your mortal flesh, Prank Victim 3! May the Statistical probabilities ever be in your favor~” She added with a whistle in a really round about way of giving the kid her wishes of good luck upon him.

With that said she followed their glorious leader into the vessel and sat down in her seat, strapping herself in with happy chirpy sounds, noting the marvelous ship! Yes this was a ship! And yes she liked it~! And the mechanicus conservatives knew nothing about how it should be for all she cared. She was a magos of her own right, there were people above her on the ladder, but for all intensive purposes she was part of the progressive faction~ Also… she was withing the INQUISITION. Ahh, all the loopholes and roundabout ways she got to accomplish her duties now. It was great~ Near zero accountability ruled.

Listening to the briefing she was nodding, making happy approval sounds and doing calculations in her head for a various honestly not important for the moment things such as how much feathers would be needed to cover a human who was soaked in tar or any kind of viscous liquid. She looked at Stukov again.” Discreet~ is not the word to use for a Celestian,Psyker, Magos and an… accountant? I withdraw my point, his ordinarity would offset our quirky nature in the eyes of outsiders~” She whistled jokingly, making up a new word because why not if it got the meaning across!

β€œAs for the planet, with two seeming cults present, chances are the others will pop up before long if they haven't in secret already.” Medaira stated her additional mechanical limbs moving around her in some weird attempt to prove her point by gesturing.” And the Governor should be the first person we run a check on. I bet his wife is the leader of the Cult of Pleasure on this world~ I’ve always wanted to say β€˜the wife did it!’, I’m sure this will by my chance.” She added, seemingly really convinced of her opinion on the matter and as joking as she was, she was in agreement with Stukov that their β€˜contact’ should be the first person they ensure is not on the chaos shenanigans, otherwise the whole op would go to the Eye of Terror before they even start to do anything serious!
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