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Amelia Payne
Location:Education Center(M)(L6)
Skills: N/A


The situation at the court was about as stable as Amelia could honestly hope for. It wasn’t chaotic, tempers weren’t flaring and people were being called one by one to answer questions. That didn’t put her mind too much at ease since she kinda dreaded her turn on the improptu stand, but overall it wasn’t a bad proceeding. Indeed not too much different from what she had seen once on the TV. If there was something she had to consider more seriously, it was the general opinion towards hunter. At first seeing it was brought to a proper court martial case, she had expected a lot greater wave of negativity, but in general it seemed like most people weren’t holding too harsh opinions.

She knew her own was biased negative a bit, but still, this was good to hear. Even with her not liking him, it didn’t mean she wanted him dead, though she was still currently on the fence if she preferred him out of the camp. In general his presence didn’t bother her too much beyond his general attitude and the dog. However him leaving didn’t mean the dog was going to leave for certain. All that considered, she reached the quiet understanding that she’d prefer him to live. No matter what he had survived the shithole that was the world and he didn’t seem to have done anything that bad. She recalled some the people who she had met up along the way. Besides if he did stay in the camp, she could just ignore him for the better part of things, aside the obligatory events, they’d likely only ever cross paths maybe at the dinners and lunches.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity, the first break was called. She relaxed down in her seat somewhat, leaning her head on Riley’s shoulder, closing her eyes. Just a little bit more, once her turn was over, she wouldn’t have to stress about it anymore. Amelia couldn’t wait to get to leave the Auditorium and maybe return to her room, spending the rest of the day writing D&D character trivia.


Lisa Mason
Location: Hospital(B)(J4)
Skills: N/a


β€œHey kiddo.” She greeted back at the child’s emotional reaction to her arrival and gave her the hug that was requested by the adorable act. Lisa smiled, looking at the child. As sad and tragic as the situation was, she couldn’t help, but smile for her also. Ever the optimist, she tried to look at it as Lucy getting more out of life despite everything. Granted, the pure grim reality was impossible to ignore and the fact that it was a losing battle, wasn’t lost on the newly assigned pharmacist. She dreaded the day it was going to happen, but for now made herself ignore it. The glass was half full… hopefully.

β€œGlad to hear it, I was getting worried, since I got reassigned to proper duties and I don’t get to spend as much time wandering the halls cleaning the place anymore.” She smiled at Lucy and looked at the picture.” Ohh, you drew this? It’s great!” She stated, giving the child a smile, studying the picture more.” You know, you do draw some great flowers there. I’m tempted to keep this one for myself!” Lisa proclaimed, but then shook her head.” No, I shouldn’t, this is the beginning of the garden, isn’t it? It has to stay.” She added with a confident nod.

β€œWell, I’m looking forward to seeing the garden completed, Lucy. I hope you send me an official invitation card when it’s done.” Lisa smiled and gave the child an expectant looking, pulling herself a chair to sit by her.” So, seeing as the day is kinda slow because of the fiasco at the Auditorium, what do you want to do today in this fine atmosphere of a rainy day. Maybe read you a nice book of stories and tell you stories in general?”
*throws a hammer at the wall to make noise*
Amelia Payne
Location:Education Center(M)(L6)
Skills: N/A

Well the trial was officially a go as Hunter asked rather politely to proceed, curiously enough. Amelia held a breath as she tried to make herself look as calm as possible, but she herself knew that the results were average at best. Her brow raised at the first witness to be called. Of all people to start off with, it was Nikki. She wasn’t actually too surprised when she thought about it further and honestly, she was glad it wasn’t her to start with.

Amelia let out a tiny bit of a smile when the girl tried to bail as fast as possible with an answer as short as possible. It was funny and sadly it wasn’t accepted. Welp, there goes one possible way of dealing with the witness part quickly. She took a deep breath, listening to Nikki’s recounting of the events, she was asked for. Yeah the beach night was rather eventful for many reasons and she supposed Hunter putting his foot in his mouth was one of them. Not that she paid too much attention to him back then aside keeping away.

What followed was yet another reaction from Hunter that basically startled her, hands clenching for a moment at the sudden action, but biting her lip a bit, she allowed herself to calm down. He wasn’t going to cause trouble on purpose, she reminded herself. Even hunter wouldn’t be that suicidal and he seemed well enough behaved so far. Amelia supposed he wanted to say something to her new friend. In the end the next witness was called though. She suddenly had the feeling this would have felt like a really weirdly long and tiring day at the end.

Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall (M5) -> Medical(J4)
Skills: N/a

β€œThat’s the most likely explanation, yes.” Lisa agreed with him and gave a nod.” I’m just thinking that sets a rather unpleasant precedent or rather fact since it’s no longer precedent by the sounds of it. If the deep waters aren’t really safe either, then we’ve got a real nasty problem. We should be looking out to check if they actually somehow start moving in the waters and not just freely float.” She sighed, walker biology and evolution wasn’t her forte, at most it would be a curious hobby since it pertained to trap making. Had to know your prey to trap them after all.” At least if they are floating via gasses, then harpoons should do the trick to dispose of them into sinking back down.” And like this, Lisa put her next project for after the competition one, she’d figure out something to do with such floaters.

β€œI will be talking to them, once I finish the basic sales pitch which will probably be tomorrow. It’s not overly complicated, but to properly do everything and do such competition, would require the help from the people at mechanics. Because I was thinking to have a jury from mechanics and education evaluate the possible application and chose the best ones and then if possible assemble working versions even be it scaled down ones. After all, both kids and adults would get a kick out of such contraptions.” She grinned. It was just the start of the plan and in the long run once she submits the idea to administration after running it through mechanics and education, it would be more or less out of her hands, after all it didn’t fall under her area of expertise. There were people better suited to organize it, she just had to make sure they see the value in it. Not like she did it for attention, she just wanted to do it because it would be fun for everybody.

β€œYeah, until tomorrow, Guy!” She called after him as he amusingly more or less ran away. It was in a way adorable and made her chuckle. Still she her her own things to do now. She downed the last bits of her lunch and dropped off the tray before heading back out into the rain, running all the way back to Medical, shielding herself for the most part with her scrubs over the head. With a smile on her face, she headed to the place she had decided to go spend some time at earlier. Knocking softly on the door to Lucy’s room, she creaked it open.” Hey, how’s my most favorite patient in this entire place doing?” She asked with a smile.
β€žIndeed, pondering is a dangerous activity!” Medaira confirmed with an exclamation and all too serious look given at the Celestian.” I knew a… colleague who was pondering the origin of the chicken and the egg conundrum! He suffered serious overheating damage, dehydratation and logic errors after 10 days of pondering!” The tech priestess proclaimed, but whether or not she was serious or she was suffering her own logic error was completely in the eye of the beholder.

β€œOn it, Leader Lady Andromedai~” Mediara chirped as she followed closely after the Celestian, her mechadendrites moving jolly around her as she held her boltgun in her right arm and her Melee weapon in the left. The servo head was merrily and sneakily following somewhat behind them, Medaira now using it to keep an eye on their flanks.

Medaira made a curious sound, studying the traps too.” With chaos and traps like this, it’s usually for corruption later or ritual sacrifices.” She said with weirdly amused voice.” Since it’s the big brain cult at play, I’d say it’s part of a the later rather than the former.” Medaira added with a shoulder shrug and continued to follow deeper into the complex of the base.” This looks… like an arena!” The tech priestess mused and looked at the big rune covered door.” Who want’s to bet there’s something really big and scary on the other side? I’m betting a month’s supplies of sanctified screws.”

And then suddenly a deamonette! A daemonette that speaks!!! What is this madness!? Medaira suddenly recovered from her mock shock and horror as she laid her eyes on the female warpspawn, evaluating her while she spoke. Her gaze momentary turned to Adrianne as if to confirm she has heard the request, but rested her gaze on her chest for a moment instead, then turned to the celestian and her power armored torso, followed by Stukov’s for some reason before looking down at herself and back to the Daemonette’s chest with the most intense stare she had ever displayed. It wasn’t lewd or leering. No it was a 100% deathly serious, studying one. Finally she let out a sigh so great and turned her head to the side, great disappointment filling her eyes.

β€œSo fake… must be dirt poor or low on the power rankings to not even be able to afford proper β€˜improvements’… Psyker Friend’s tactical padding/secondary sexual characteristics is both greater and natural. Sigh… seen better on pleasure worlds, standards in Daemonette recruitment must have fallen.” She finished her sentence with another great sigh, all the while her servo head was tactically making it’s way across the roof of the dome, waiting for the right time to zip over and drop some proper frag presents!
Bump~ and with a new idea too!

Amelia Payne
Location:Education Center(M)(L6)
Skills: N/A


It didn’t take long for Hunter to be brought. Amelia found herself a bit nervous as she squeezed her love’s hand, but otherwise kept a straight face and looked at the proceedings. The charges were laid bare and Amelia found herself swallowing in confusion, nerves and something else that she couldn’t put a hold on. Well now she was even more confused as of how all of THOSE happened in what… like one day? Half a day? Some of those were rather obvious, but still. Her opinion on him was negative to begin with, but that was mostly because of the dog… and the fact that she just didn’t mesh well with his way of acting so far. Still now she was mostly confused and slowly growing curious how it would turn out.

She listened as they proceeded to talk and explain things to hunter and suddenly bit the inside of her lip. This was a very crucial point made. A chance to just leave if he so wanted. Hell to be provided with gear too! If it was true, well this would indeed mean they were truthful about how they ran this place. Of course Amelia so far had seen many a proof that this indeed was a very good camp. A nice community to live and survive in, but for somebody with her mild paranoia, the more times proofs presented themselves, the better. All in all, she’d be fine with most punishments or results of this trial as long as Hunter wasn’t killed. She probably wasn’t one who had the right to express opinions because she had tried to kill people who endanger her survival in the past. A certain cabbage came to mind and she was still miffed she had missed that hit, now that she thought about it. Hunter hadn’t proven himself to be as much a danger to herself and Riley yet. So she was willing to be lenient in her mind.


Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall (M5)
Skills: N/a


Lisa’s eyebrow practically did a perfect β€˜are you serious’ raised curve at Guy, when he explained about the floating zombies in the water. She kept the incredulous expression for a good 10 seconds.” Welp… now I’ve heard almost everything.” She stated with a sigh.” I mean… it’s sort of to be expected, but what would walkers be doing that far deep in open waters? This is just ridiculous at this point. Hopefully water will erode them eventually and they’d sink down… then again...” She grumbled, resuming her meal. Though the possibility that walkers were adapting and that they won’t just get completely decayed by the water with time, didn’t escape her mind. After all… under normal situations all the walkers should be barely held together by now from the decay. If land walkers weren’t β€˜dying’ how they should be, what stopped them from surviving the same in the ocean.

β€œYep that’s the one.” She nodded when the name β€˜Mouse Trap’ was called.” Can’t say for certain, one day she just told me that I’m being moved. I still help with the cleaning when I have to, but at the lab it’s actually rather fun. Back on the traps topic though, currently working on this little idea to propose the bigwigs. Thinking of a competition for such contraptions, maybe for the kiddos. It will be a nice distraction for everybody and will get the kids interested in mechanics, physics and engineering. When I finish the sales pitch papers, I’m going to propose it.” She told him her own little idea she had and was working on.” I get my fun from seeing what the innocent children could cook up with their unhindered thinking and some departments might get potential new recruits in the future.”

She smiled at his enthusiasm about the suggestion for a walk out in town eventually. Yeah, it was amusing, seeing him like this. She appreciated this honest way of acting.” Well, we will have to wait and see then. Guess I wouldn’t mind talking about myself if you are willing to listen.” Lisa confirmed with a smile and looked at him in the eyes.” It’s set then! I suppose today the weather’s too appropriate for a walk around town, so what do you say maybe tomorrow if it let’s up? If not, well we can always grab an umbrella or two first.”
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