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Name: Catherine 'Cat' Serve

Age: 20
Occupation: Soldier, Slave.
History: Catherine as she was named was born mere days after the initial cataclysm struck. Honestly history at that point was a complete mess and nobody knew exactly what was happening for the civilians, but point was that her mother was one of those who survived the initial wave by following hte masses underground, so Catherine could proudly proclaimed to be the first official underground born of the entire area as contact with locations outside the former city were lost as the surface became inhospitable. Soon after followed the many other aftershocks of the cataclysm including a few earthquakes, shortage of food, riots in the crampped underground access and metro tunnels and of course the new caverns that formed because of the shocks. Her mother survived with the rest of the group she was at and eventually after the mass panic, confusions and despair passed, people started to arrange a living. However survival underground was hard, resources were scarce and as the surface rapidly cooled down to a frozen hellhole so did the underground start to get colder. First it was food that was scarce then clothing. Scavenging became the norm as the rush to collect as much of the leftover resources from before the end began, however even with all the scavanging done, there was never enough.

The 'settlement' as they began calling it offiically had to prioritize to keep afloat with the resources. They were lucky to a degree since they had decent supplies so as long as it was managed well, it would last while they set up other means of survival, but humanity is at it's worse when survival as a species is on the line after all. Those with guns and who were in charge to maintain order soon assumed complete control. She was barely 3 or so at the time, so she doesn't remember anything, but castes were formed in the settlement. Castes to indicate one's position in society and of course priority to resources. Her mother lacked any special skills so she in the end became one of the 'General Workers', or in other words slaves. Those who had the combat skills were assigned as more soldiers to protect them from external dangers which mostly consisted of other survivors at that point, those with engineering backgrounds became the engineers, others farmers and so on. It was a segmented society based around what you could do and she grew up as a child of a 'worker'. Didn't take long for the facade to fall compeletely as the 'General Workers' became 'Servants' and then assigned to belong to others of higher castes, then came the brandings to indicate their status to avoid attempts of subterfuge. All the servants had their family names to 'Serve', just to make the point.

Cat as a child was surprisingly spared some of the worst of it initially however when she became 5 she was put in the workforce and by that point, 5 years after the apocalypse, the system was already working. Indoctrinations for the servants was in place, slowly and methodically convincing and brainwashing them where they belonged and how they should act. Her own mother was at that point little more than a doll that followed the commands of her master who was a high ranking military comander. Cat was a bright young thing, pretty as her mother and showed a very keen talent at fighting and balance from a very young age as she easily walked tight ropes or beams, climbed walls or wrestled other childern. The ruling caste had realized that they cannot maintain a 'military' only with their own members, after all, it was a dangerous job, what if they got shot? So the plan was put in motion to form slave soldiers, indoctrinated to serve as their purpose with the promise of better life at the end of their service and the chance to leave their castes. It worked, though Cat herself didn't have much choice in participating, she was made to as were other children who showed promise. Eventually she even forgot what her mother looked like after being forced to move into the new barraks for the 'cadets'.

She survived, she learned, trained and excelled. What she lacked in raw strenght, she made up with cunning and dexterity. She had keen senses and proved that even a girl could be an effective soldier. As she aged and her body matured, she continued to get only better, faster and stronger. Eventually she was one of the best from the settlement even at the age of 20. What she didn't expect was however the news that she was being freed from service early. While some might not see the tiny font on this order, she realized it. While she had lost many things in those years, including many of the memories of her mother, she never completely fell into the brainwashing. She wasn't a complete puppet and she realized what that meant. If they freed her early, it meant she wasn't fulfilling her serving quota, meaning she will be reduced back to ordinary servant and given that her direct commander was making eyes at her, giving direct suggestions and invitations... She was being made into a personal servant like her mother was! Some others might prefer the security that provided, the lack of fighting and the knowledge you will always have food and warm bed, just for the simple sacrifice of your body to the mercies of another... she wasn't willing. All the struggling at the army was so she could be free!

So Cat decided to leave. Over the years she had been smart. She studied everything around the settlement whenever she had the chance. Memorizing tunnels, vents, accesspoints. She saved aside pieces of her food rations and stowed them away at a secure location. She managed to even snatch out and hide a knife as well. So when her decision to leave came, overpowering the part of her that was indoctrinated to comply, she took a deep breath and fled during her last shift before she was being released. Cat jumped into one of the unsecured vents that led down in the underbelly of the settlement in the old access tunnels. Cat had her weapon with her and she set the few traps she had prepared there, pulled her emergency bag from the old metal locker, she feld into the wild tunnels outside the settlement, closing the metal door of the access tunel and rollng a big rock to block it just in case. She wasn't sure where to go honestly. Nowhere was safe, every settlement around was either allied with her own and would sell her out, allied with the raiders or were canibals... Finally she recalled one detail that her superiors were angry about, there was a congregation of exiles forming a settlement of their own on the edge of the known space, living at the very begining of the unexplored... Yeah that would do. She could head there, see if she could trade some of her supplies for useful things if there was any and then continue onwards into the darkness. Better die out there in search for better life of some kind than stay here and waste away.

Close Quarters Combat(CQC) - Cat was extensively trained in cqc since it's main type of fighting that would be encountered in the underground even if you had a gun. The tunnels were rarely long enough to rely only on long distance shooting to take a number of enemies, oftentimes at most you would have just enough time to fire once or twice before having to resort to melee or firing in melee. As such she's been trained in hand to hand fighting and in knife fighting. She's also decent at using her rifles and pistols in melee if the situations requires it. Her extreme agility allows her to make sure she's always moving when up close to avoid strikes and reposition at blind spots. She's also very good at holding and techniques and strangling her enemy once she latches onto them.

Dexterity - Catherine is simply an incredibly nimble, flexible and agile person. Since young age she had displayed traits that would have made her a natural in gymnastics with her extreme flexibility and speed. A borderline contortionist, she's able to twist and turn her bodies in ways that would make most dislocate or even snap bones. Allowing her access at places where others will never get to. Coupled with her trained speed and she's usually as slippery as a snake and usually just as deadly.

Marksman - Trained from early age to fire a gun, as part of the 'military' they were taught to make every bullet count since making ammo was a tedious and resource requiring process. While she's able to make her own bullets if the need is great enough, it's more of an emergency thing. For that reason she's been taught to aim true no matter the situation. She doesn't rely on spray and pray tactics as she just aims and shoots and usually one shot is all she needs to hit and kill a target unless they are armored or simply bulky enough to withstand a few shots.

Acute Senses. = An inborn gift, Cat's senses are beyond what most people could every hope to have. Suspected as a mutation, but never proven since she lacks the distinct traits of a mutant, her sense of smell, taste, hearing and sight are well beyond what most humans around her have ever displayed. While not anywhere near as strong as those of a mutant or animals, they certainly give her an edge over most other humans.

Mild Mutation - Cat's a mutant, likely a result of being born mere days after the first wave of the cataclysm and relatively close to the surface at the time. She hasn't mutated in any extreme ways however likely as a result of it happening at such an young age, her body has mostly adapted. Growing up she did mature faster than her peers and her senses were always excellent. The long term effects that has on her body are unknown as she's young and also one of the few actually born during the cataclysm.

Shotgun Axe - A makeshift mixture of a dual barrel shotgun with an attached axe head at the end of the barrel and an elongated handle. It's sturdy and simple, not one for accuracy for the obvious fact that it's a shotgun and using it as an xe might warm the barrel some. In any case, it's for scatter shot and close range and for that it serves a perfect job. Uses 20 gauge shells.

'Lover's touch' - A handmade from avaible parts rifle that fires .223 or 5.56 ammo. Reliable and sturdy semi automatic rifle. The loose standard in her original settlement where most rifles for the grunts are handmade from avaible parts, but following a general design type. Calls it 'Lover's touch' as a running joke because her colleagues joked about her loving her weapons over other humans.

Handmade Revolver. - A simple handmade revolver that she uses as a sidearm, nothing too fancy about it. It fires a .45. Usually pulled as last resort or to bash somebody's head in with the butt as a makeshift club.

Combat knife - A handmade combat knife from an pipe. Cheat and easy to make, a standard equipment for soldiers like Cat. SHe's very profficient with it and any other knife of similar size really.

Gas Mask - a standard issue gas mask that she nicked off one of the armories.

Makeshift spark lighter and tinder -Scrambled together from parts and an old big caliber casing, it's a simple lighter that creates a spark to use with dry tinder rather than create fire with fuel. She carries it along a small box that holds cotton that has gunpowder mixed into it for better ignition.

Canteen - canteen with water and alcoihol mix.

Nutrient Bricks - She carries a number of the tastless bars of survival food. Cat has long since stopped caring about the lack of taste.
*drops Mjölnir*
With a happy chirpy sound at the sight of destruction caused by an extremely well placed grenade, Medaira aimed her bolt gun at the Chaos Spawn that finally decided to participate in their merry party they were all having here. He aimed at the eyes and fired, which wasn’t hard for once! It had eyes, EYES FOR DAYS! It’s entire front was more or less covered with eyes! Though despite the combined fire thrown at it, it didn’t seem to be affected much.” Cheat~” She chirped, readying her power axe, only for the thing to decide that range combat was the name of the game and start shooting spikes at them. She made a mental note to work on possible armor upgrades for similar situation in the future. Next time when they encountered quills shooting beastie, she'd be ready!

Medaira’s immediate reaction was to power up the power axe and use it to block the attacks coming at her head, using mechadendrites to take the shots at her core body as she dove for cover behind another pillar in manner similar to the psyker. Originally she planned to use the psyker as cover due her reality bending schenanigans, but Adrianne dove away for cover before Medaira could implement her plan. Status report after the initial barrage was positive, she had taken minor nicks to her main body, one of the mechadendrites was pierced through though, she felt bad, but that one was mean, so no tears spilled over it. There was also a minor damage to her leg, however it wasn’t anything impossible to repair or work with as she pulled a spike from between the armored plates of her leg that had pierced through her robe.” Joly~ thank be to you, psyker friend~” She chirped happily as a pair of KRAK grenades fell into her waiting loving arms as she caressed the things like newborns. Medaira handed her bolt gun to her mechadendrite that had an grab arm at the end that could hold a gun and fire and she used that to immediately begin her vague annoyance fire at the Chaos Spawn.

She tilted her head to the side, avoiding some chunks of stone blasted by a spike from the pillar she was hiding behind as she stole a glance at Stukov. An impressive act of bravery, one that made her burst in song of all thigns.

“I need an armsman to save me now
I need an armsman (save me now)
I need an armsman to save my life
an armsman’ll save me (just in time)~”

Medaira happy sung in her slightly computerized voice that came from her breather device as she played with the krak grenades.” Too bad the armsman’s in the line of fire~!” She added in a high singing voice as as she primed the grenades at the same time as her servo head that was hovering high and above the mayhem, did a straight dive right before the thing’s head through an angle bevoid of quills. The servo head’s mouth snapped open and extremely loud noise blasted out of the hidden sonic weapon from point blank. It was time to see if the thing’s senses were as resistant to sonic attacks as his hide and carapace was to bolter fire! The noise happened to be an extremely amplified version of the song that she had just sang, coupled with actual musical score. The moment the sound blasted off, she turned around and threw the grenades with a calculated precise angle at the Chaos Spawn.” I need an armsman to be brought out of the fight~” She sang as she did.

Amelia Payne
Location:Mess Hall(C)(M2)
Skills: N/A


Amelia was soon joined by Riley on the table and both of them began eating their chosen meals. The entirety of the court room had moved into the Mess Hall. There were a lot of people present and it wasn’t quite easy to spot people if you were looking for them. Amelia herself was just passively keeping note of movement around them, habits die hard after all. Even after weeks of not being in the wild, she was still prone to being on alert all the time, even when having a meal. She didn’t think it was a bad thing, it would likely save her life one day, hers and that of Riley hopefully.

“So… what do you think of the trial so far?” Amelia asked quietly, after noting that nobody was really listening in or paying attention to the two of them. She and Riley hadn’t really talked about the trial earlier on their way over to the Mess Hall. The reply from her lover was a bit dismissing, mostly because she thought it was just and corrupt or too biased. These people had their rules and those were explained right away.

“I suppose so...” Amelia mumbled an agreement to that opinion.” I’m personally glad for it too. It means that things are working here and they make sure to maintain that working. That said I’m hoping that later after the meal, the court doesn’t need us for too long. I don’t want to stay there for too long just to listen to what’s happening. Guess we will have to witness for the time in quarantine proper. We probably won’t be called much for that, we weren’t exactly interacting with Hunter much during the time.” She mumbled, earning a snicker from Riley.” Hey, I don’t like him much, can’t do anything about that!” Amelia defended herself, but smiled and then laughed lightly with Riley. Yeah she just wanted the official duties to end so they can go back home and enjoy the rest of the day.


Lisa Mason
Location: Hospital(B)(J4)
Skills: N/a


“Indeed. So far away she was that he’d have all the time he needs to eat through 3 iron breads and wear out 3 sets of iron shoes.” Lisa nodded sagely.” Now let me continue the story. Ivan was devastated and furious. He had lost the most perfect woman he had ever seen, the love of his life and he had lost her because he lacked trust and he was foolish. She had always supported him through the nearly impossible tasks, even as a frog always was there to welcome him home and reassure him no matter what. He became sullen, fell ill. After a few days of self pity and regret, he stood up in steeled resolve and marched to his father, explaining the tragedy he had caused.’ If you are certain, I will not stop you.’ His father simply replied and Ivan readied for travel. He took 3 iron breads and 3 sets of iron shoes. Picked up his heavy hunting bow and sharp steel arrows and went into the wide wide world to search for his wife.”

“Ivan walked long, walked far, through mountains, through plains, through forests and swamps. Through rain, sun, snow and winds, he never stopped. Words are fast to speak, but work is slow to do, took him months on the road before he found his first clues. 2 sets of iron shoes he had worn out and 2 iron breads he had eaten when he stumbled upon an old man herding sheep on a nice forest glade.’ Good day, young man. Where are you headed on this fair day?’ The kindly old man asked from the prince. Who became sad for a moment before he walked over and took a seat on the grass by the old man.’ Good day to you too, kind grampa. I’m searching for my wife...’ and he told his story to the old man, including his own mistake and what it led to.”

Lisa sighed heavily imitating the old man in the story.”’ Ai, ai, why did you have to burn the frog skin, young prince? Why couldn’t you have trusted her. Vasilisa the Wise was always smarter and better than her father Koschey the immortal. For that reason she was cursed to live as a frog by him. Now she’s likely back with him, punished once more.’ The old man’s words horrified Ivan as he prepared to get on the road once more to search for her, the old man stopped him.’ I see, young prince, that you love her indeed. So here, take this ball of yarn. Roll it and walk after it. By the time it unravels, you will find your princess. Now go on your way and may you have good luck.’ Once more Ivan started walking, but this time after the ball of yarn. It followed not the roads or the slopes as it should. It rolled across the densest of forest, up the steepest of hills, through swamps, through ravines and cliffs. The last set of iron shoes the prince wore out and the last bread he ate until the ball brought him to a beach. He was starving, having nothing to eat for days since the iron bread was finished. On the edge of the shore he saw a fish.’ Great, I will eat this fish!’ He thought and went to get it, only for it to speak out to him in human voice!’ Don’t eat me, Ivan, Let me go back into the blue ocean. One day you will have a need for me and I will repay you, you will see!’ What could he do, Ivan was a kind man, so he let the fish go and continued following the ball.”

“Followed he for a time before he saw a trapped rabbit. He decided to eat it instead because he was starving, but the rabbit too pleaded to the prince for merci and he let it go with the promise of future aid. Then he saw a duck, readied his bow to shoot it, but it too begged for it’s life and it too he let go. Finally he saw a bear, a huge majestic bear. He readied the bow, but before he fired, the bear spoke too.’ Let me live, Prince Ivan, I will help you in return when you need it soon. You will see.’ What could he do? He let it go and continued following the ball of yarn until it unraveled in front of a strange house in the middle of the dark forest. Tall it was, on two bird legs it spun around! He knew whose house it was! That was the home of Baba Yaga!” Lisa took on a mock horrified expression.” Yet the prince was brave, standing before the house he called out.’ Pretty house, turn around and face me with your back to the forest!’ And the house spun on the chicken legs and faced him. He knocked on the door and it opened, revealing an ugly old woman.’ Who disturbs me and what do you want?’ She croaked at him, but Ivan was unperturbed.” My greetings, Baba Yaga, however before questioning me, at least could you have fed and let me bathe? My story is long and the roads I traveled longer.’ He replied with a smile and the old woman cackled as she invited him in.”

Lisa was wondering if the girl would be able to stay awake for the entire story. There wasn’t too much left, but she looked really tired.” Hey, it’s fine if you don’t hear the entire thing now. I will come by later again to finish it if you wish.” She said with kind friendly voice.
*whacks the thread with a hammer*

Amelia Payne
Location:Education Center(M)(L6)→ Mess Hall(C)(M2)
Skills: N/A


Once more Amelia made her way over to where she had to be to testify. They brought up the point at the medical examinations. Alright, she was honestly aware now that she might not have been at the best of moods and states of mind at the time between all the stress, fatigue and hunger. That and the news that they were either going to keep her very separate from the others for the slow clean up of the lice or shaved completely didn’t really help it at the time.” Not… it was about the same as what Panama recounted.” She confirmed, but decided to be a bit more detailed.

“He tried making small talk, asking what I had and what my name was. I think he was making a joke that it was fine if I had a number instead of a name, but I wasn’t up for speaking much at the time, so I just told him my name and kept quiet otherwise.” She recounted her tale of their brief exchange in the medical examination. Afterwards she went back to her seat to listen to the rest of the events from the different people’s point of views. All in all he sounded awkward around others, though she wasn’t one to talk really. She herself was extremely awkward around most people that she didn’t know.

Finally after what had seemed like an eternity they were allowed to leave for dinner. She took Riley’s hand and figured that finding Chase would be the first thing to do. She had arrived to the center with Chase, the woman had accompanied her after all. Because of that Amelia wouldn’t just leave without. Finding the woman at the exit shoudn’t be too hard since everybody had to leave from there.” Hey, Chase, want to walk together to Mess Hall?” She asked as soon as the woman appeared in view. Waiting for a reply, she and Riley headed off afterwards.

Luckily the rain had stopped during the eternity at the trial so the trek to the Mess Hall was pretty comfortable… if one didn’t count the humidity in the air anyways. At the foodplace, Amelia took the spicy veggie soup. She wanted something different from the usual.


Lisa Mason
Location: Hospital(B)(J4)
Skills: N/a


“The prince naturally arrived safely to the king’s palace where the guests were already arriving! Guests from far and wide, from the kingdom and beyond were all arriving on elegant carriages and dressed in fine bright and colorful silken clothes. The prince made his way to the grand table where the rest of his family sat, his brothers began throwing veiled insults and mockeries at him right away, asking where his frog was and why he didn’t bring her with him. The king spoke nothing, but looked with thoughtful eyes. He was not a full, he had long since understood that the frog was not ordinary. After all even if talking frogs were not something unheard of, what talking frog could make those fine bread and carpet?” Lisa spoke eagerly with happy voice.

“The prince was not deterred, he knew what the frog had told him and had decided to trust her on this. Finally as all the guests had assembled and the festivities began, thunderous sound echoed across the skies, the ground trembled and rumbled. As the guests panicked that it could be an earthquake and the palace could come crashing down, the prince stood up and spoke.’ Worry not, honored guests, this is just my frog, arriving in her matchbox.’ With that everything froze and moments later everybody rushed to the windows and the gates to see the spoken about frog. And once they saw it, they were left marveled! In the distance, grand escort could be seen! Thousands of thousands of knights in bright elegant uniforms, riding massive steeds. Their hooves sending the tremors for miles. And in the midst of it all, a grand golden and white chariot. As it stopped by the palace and the doors opened up, from it left Vasilisa the Wise. Fairest and most beautiful of all, so much so that you can neither describe her in spoken words or in text. Dressed in equally as unearthly dress, Prince Ivan hurried to go and accept her and lead her inside where she too her place by his side.” She tried to make her voice sound as marveled as possible to add to the tale.

“As such the feast began in real, everybody was completely taken by the unearthly beauty of Prince Ivan’s wife. The wives of his older brothers and the older brothers were filled with envy for her beauty and the beauty of her dress. Yet Vasilisa took no heed to them. She ate and drank with a happy smile on her face. What she didn’t drink completely in her left sleeve she poured and what she didn’t eat completely in her right sleeve she put. Confused her sisters in law decided to copy her, after all she was the most beautiful of them all and she had to know her manners right?” The pharmacist asked with a smirk.” When it finally came time for the dance to start, first to dance were Ivan and Vasilisa. To the center of the hall they went and she waved her left hand and a beautiful lake formed. She waved her right and marvelous swans began swimming in it. With that they began to dance. So beautiful the sight of them was that the writer recounting the tale couldn’t put it into words and when it was over, the lake and the swans vanished as they had appeared! Then went the older brothers and their wives. They did the same, swinging their left arms and poured their unfinished wines onto the guests! Swinging their right arms and covering them in their nibbled bones from the feast. Needless to say the king was furious and threw his older sons and their wives out the palace!”

“Now that the feast could continue in peace, Ivan made an excuse and rushed back to his own palace. Ran like the wind he did, arrived home and began searching. Finally finding his wife’s frog skin and tossing it into the fireplace. It burst in flames that nearly singed him and he sat down and waited for Vasilisa to return home. When she did, she began furiously searching for her frog skin yet found it nowhere!” Lisa spoke with ‘horrified voice’.” In mixture of fury and pain by the seeming betrayal from her husband, she looked at him.’ WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, IVAN!? Why couldn’t you trust me! Had you waited for just 3 more nights, I would have been forever yours! NOW ALL IS RUINED!’ She shouted at him at the betrayal of trust and in pain.’ Know that I loved you and if you ever want to find me, 3 sets of iron shoes you will have to wear out and 3 iron breads you will have to eat through before you find me. Farewell...’ And with that she turned into a majestic swan and flew into the night’s sky, vanishing from the palace and leaving Ivan with the full gravity of the mistake he made.”
Dunno why though. It's not like she's secretly plotting the next horus heresy mkII electric boogaloo (avaiblenowinstoresforonly9.99preodernowandgetonefreethesupplierisnotresponsibleforanypossessionsdestructionsandlossoflimbs.) or something like that. SHe's just an INNOCENT slightly unhindged techpriestess. Not like a certain psycker that's seeing demons all the time -3-
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